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would you rather

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ok I didn't see a thread of this so I decided to start one. would your rather!!! so it will work the same way a lot of other threads do one person puts down the would you rather then next person puts their answer and then writes their would you rather question.ill start.

would you rather eat a shoe or eat a worm?

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2 hours ago, Quantus said:

Would you Rather Burn to Death or Freeze to Death. 

Oh...this is hard. Maybe freeze?

In the instance you are going to be pushed out of an airplane without a parachute, would you rather go with or without a blindfold?

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4 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Oh...this is hard. Maybe freeze?

In the instance you are going to be pushed out of an airplane without a parachute, would you rather go with or without a blindfold?

With, I think.  The illusion of control is helpful to me.  Also without a visual reference the spinning is likely to make me puke, and I dont want to die covered in vomit.  


Offence or Defense?  

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We have had general WYR threads before but they're dead, so new one works! 

No legs, I feel like there are better mobility devices to help with that. (Though if anyone with experience in the area thinks I'm wrong, feel free to teach me more 👀

Would you rather ride an elephant or a panda? 

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Warts, they’ll eventually go away, right?

WYR have a flying car or a street-legal airplane? (As in a plane you can just drive around)

Edited by WhyEverNot_8
Got rid of an extra blank line
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I don't like either of them! (Of course, I don't generally enjoy watching movies at all, but...) Still, I'll go for Star Wars because my family already owns it.

Would you rather live in the Sahara desert or at the bottom of the ocean (assuming that all necessary equipment for life exists in either location)?

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Bottom of the Ocean, time to recreate Subnautica!

WYR be able to teleport anywhere in a 5 mile radius with no cooldown, or anywhere on earth with a 24 hour cooldown?

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Anywhere on Earth.

WYR have a solid gold ring with a blood diamond (inscribed with words and a sigil of your choice) or a fully-functional replica of Andúril, the Flame of the West?

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Solid gold ring with a blood diamond (Andúril would probably just end up hanging on my wall, which is a sad fate for such craft).

WYR there be a sharp rock in every pair of shoes (and footwear in general) you wear, or a poky spring in every bed you lie in?

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