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The Brunette/brown/black hair cult

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17 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Sir, i would like to speak about peace. if your idiotic brain cannot understand that, its another way of saying not fighting but you don't have to be friends.

*ahem* Stand down, for the moment. I have an interest in what Raven has to say.

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1 minute ago, Through The Living Glass said:


What happened while I was gone?!

I was going to say the same thing. Things have really escalated since I got off.

29 minutes ago, The cheeseman said:

*ahem* Stand down, for the moment. I have an interest in what Raven has to say.

I would also like to hear what Raven has to say.

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Just now, Block said:

I was going to say the same thing. Things have really escalated since I got off.

I would also like to hear what Raven has to say.

30 minutes ago, The cheeseman said:

*ahem* Stand down, for the moment. I have an interest in what Raven has to say.

First of all, yay! second of all, we don't want a mini holy war over this. just because you kidnap someone doesn't mean you should be forced into war. simply said, war isn't good. Besides, war is mostly an ego-trip for the leaders anyways, so why do it? We need to be humble and kind. that's all. I'm just asking you don't do this lol. please.

Just now, Through The Living Glass said:

Oh my.

Raven, speak wise things.

The Raven has spoken.

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Just now, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

*offended noises*

Look, if you want to be offended, go ahead, but c'mon, be honest with yourself. war is about one person, the person starting it.

This would be in your personal interests, instead of for the greater good.

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17 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

First of all, yay! second of all, we don't want a mini holy war over this. just because you kidnap someone doesn't mean you should be forced into war. simply said, war isn't good. Besides, war is mostly an ego-trip for the leaders anyways, so why do it? We need to be humble and kind. that's all. I'm just asking you don't do this lol. please.

The Raven has spoken.

preach my dude

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9 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Look, if you want to be offended, go ahead, but c'mon, be honest with yourself. war is about one person, the person starting it.

This would be in your personal interests, instead of for the greater good.

Who, then, first called for war?

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2 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

I think thaid did, but im not excusing Block for this. Seriously, hair isn't worth fighting over.

Not much is, but some here, (myself) are eager to prove the worth of their legions.

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23 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

look, when has war reaped anything good? 

The defeat of Nazi Germany, the American Civil War brought an end to slavery in the US, the stemming of Ottoman power encroaching into Europe in the Ottoman-Habsburg Wars let Western Europe survive.

War is, by nature, destructive. However, there is, at times, good that comes from the waging of it. Evil things (I am not saying that hair colors other than ginger are evil. I am reffering to true evils) ought to be destroyed, and if war is the only way to do that, war must then be waged.

Edited by The cheeseman
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1 minute ago, The cheeseman said:

The defeat of Nazi Germany, the American Civil War brought an end to slavery in the US, the stemming of Ottoman power encroaching into Europe in the Ottoman-Habsburg Wars let Western Europe survive.

War is, by nature, destructive. However, there is, at times, good that comes from the waging of it. Evil things (I am not saying that hair colors other than ginger are evil. I am reffering to true evils) ought to be destroyed, and if war is the only way to do that, then war must then be waged.

I agree with that. but war isnt always necessary.

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5 hours ago, Wierdo said:

But that's just one. I'm pretty sure they declared war on the other hair colors, Not the stick, so therefore, you are fighting for no reason.

they attacked the stick, not just the hair color

I have read a little more, I will be editing shortly. Please hold

Edited by Immortal Platypus
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4 minutes ago, Wierdo said:

i- they did what now? Did they post in the stick cult-

sorry, they threatened those that follow Stick. My phrasing was poor.


3 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

 simply said, war isn't good.

That is not true. Often, war can have bad results, but it is not inherently bad. Many good things have happened through war, like @The cheeseman said earlier.


Besides, war is mostly an ego-trip for the leaders anyways, so why do it?

That is not true at all. Was the defeat of Nazi Germany just so the US could say, look at us, we're big and strong? No, there was much more to it.

2 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

war is about one person, the person starting it.

Again, not true. War is not about just one person or there wouldn't, and couldn't, be a war. war cannot exist without two parties fighting.


This would be in your personal interests, instead of for the greater good.

the greater good is an undefined thing. Hitler thought that what he did was for the greater good. that doesn't mean it was right. While some of the greatest goods have been done under the mantra of "for the greater good" some of the greatest evils have as well.

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15 minutes ago, Immortal Platypus said:

sorry, they threatened those that follow Stick. My phrasing was poor.


That is not true. Often, war can have bad results, but it is not inherently bad. Many good things have happened through war, like @The cheeseman said earlier.

That is not true at all. Was the defeat of Nazi Germany just so the US could say, look at us, we're big and strong? No, there was much more to it.

Again, not true. War is not about just one person or there wouldn't, and couldn't, be a war. war cannot exist without two parties fighting.

the greater good is an undefined thing. Hitler thought that what he did was for the greater good. that doesn't mean it was right. While some of the greatest goods have been done under the mantra of "for the greater good" some of the greatest evils have as well.

Maybe we should stop before we go too deep into the philosophy of war.

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