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The Brunette/brown/black hair cult

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5 minutes ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

Also yea I’ve been waiting for a good time to ask about pineapples as well lol

31 minutes ago, Block said:

I shall PM you as well!

*copy paste from stick's message*

Okie done.

4 minutes ago, Block said:

Pineapples kinda hurt when you eat them





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6 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:


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I don't think i do that




lies. You make people happy, trust us. (I say us because I’m sure many people agree)

5 minutes ago, Block said:


You’re welcome!

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6 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

I don't think i do that


What? Of course you do.

Example: You made me happy just five minutes ago by asking about pineapples! 😁

1 minute ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

lies. You make people happy, trust us. (I say us because I’m sure many people agree)

7 minutes ago, Block said:

I AGREE!! (see above example)

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15 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

(add me)

Will do


dude I lefr for like 5 minutes


I need someone to reply so I’m not double posting ._.


Edited by WhyEverNot_8
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28 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

Uh huh...

*bursts through the wall*

false. Lies

people are made happy by your bubbly, excited, fun, not to mention funny, presence. Do I need to gather my forces to track you down to slap the sense into you then hug you to death? I’ll get panda and narrative. 

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@Just-A-Stick Here’s yer list:



Veil/Part Of The Narrative


RBM/Royal Bee Mage

Ms. Eddie (yes that’s how I remember her)





The Cheeseman

Weaver of Lights


The people you RP with

The People who read your masterful poems and admire your magnificent art.

Many others who talk to you all the time and (like me and I suspect the other people here,) are excited when they see you online.


Sectioning and Formatting WOOOO!

Thaidakar, you're great, man, thanks!

Also get me, I’ll gladly help Stick feel better

Edited by WhyEverNot_8
Crap I forgot I mentioned her… she already went to bed :P
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Just now, Immortal Platypus said:

If that is correct, then you cannot side with the gingers. They are the enemy of the STICK.

But- i am a ginger- plus, there's always ceder sticks, or redwood-

7 minutes ago, Immortal Platypus said:

If that is correct, then you cannot side with the gingers. They are the enemy of the STICK.

Sir- they preach that we don't gotta follow the stick- so why start a war?

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36 minutes ago, Wierdo said:

But- i am a ginger- plus, there's always ceder sticks, or redwood-

Sir- they preach that we don't gotta follow the stick- so why start a war?

The gingers have declared war on one of the STICK's prophets. The followers of Stick cannot stand for this. They must be stopped. They started this, the blood is on their hands. Just being a ginger doesn't mean you have to side with them. Stand aside in this war and you will not be harmed. Take a side, and you likely will. If you take theirs, you side against the One True STICK. You cannot be a part of this particular cult group as you are ginger, but that doesn't stop you from following Stick.

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