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Era 7 Episode 3


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13 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:



That seems to be the general state of things at the moment. So far everyone seems to be a bit busy, but so long as we all are still interested in the Alleyverse once our time frees up, things should be just fine!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Perses, The Mistwarrens, Edgedancer Shelter.

Perses had returned to the Mistwarrens, with his new coat carefully tucked away. Someday, he would don it. However today, blending in would prove useful. He wore a standard overcoat instead. If he remembered correctly, it was brown. Along with it, a matching cap, which he hoped was complimentary with his blinder’s glasses.

Upon his return, he had made sure the Tin Street Mafia was well and truly gone. Luckily for him, his efforts seemed to have broken them sufficiently. However, during his investigation, he discovered that radiants were encroaching on his territory. He didn’t know much of them, but he knew that they had to go.

Perses approached the nearest figure that seemed to be relatively in charge.

”Hello there. I see you have quite the shelter here. What brings radiants out into the Mistwarrens? Folks around here aren’t typically fond of non-Scadrians.”


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9 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Perses, The Mistwarrens, Edgedancer Shelter.

Perses had returned to the Mistwarrens, with his new coat carefully tucked away. Someday, he would don it. However today, blending in would prove useful. He wore a standard overcoat instead. If he remembered correctly, it was brown. Along with it, a matching cap, which he hoped was complimentary with his blinder’s glasses.

Upon his return, he had made sure the Tin Street Mafia was well and truly gone. Luckily for him, his efforts seemed to have broken them sufficiently. However, during his investigation, he discovered that radiants were encroaching on his territory. He didn’t know much of them, but he knew that they had to go.

Perses approached the nearest figure that seemed to be relatively in charge.

”Hello there. I see you have quite the shelter here. What brings radiants out into the Mistwarrens? Folks around here aren’t typically fond of non-Scadrians.”


Eleos, The Mistwarrens, Edgedancer Shelter.
Greetings," Eleos said, his voice calm and steady. "We come with the intention of aiding those in need. The Mistwarrens have long been overlooked, and we believe that with the right guidance, it can thrive. We mean no harm to the people here, nor do we seek to claim what is not ours."

He looked directly into Perses' eyes, trying to gauge his reaction. "I understand the mistrust of outsiders, especially in a place with such a history. But our purpose is to bring stability and hope. If you have concerns, I am more than willing to address them."

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Posted (edited)
On 6/11/2024 at 6:22 PM, RoyalBeeMage said:

Eleos, The Mistwarrens, Edgedancer Shelter.
Greetings," Eleos said, his voice calm and steady. "We come with the intention of aiding those in need. The Mistwarrens have long been overlooked, and we believe that with the right guidance, it can thrive. We mean no harm to the people here, nor do we seek to claim what is not ours."

He looked directly into Perses' eyes, trying to gauge his reaction. "I understand the mistrust of outsiders, especially in a place with such a history. But our purpose is to bring stability and hope. If you have concerns, I am more than willing to address them."

Perses frowned. He had no quarrel with the refugees, just with the radiants who ran them. Helping people below him was not an issue; it was when some of them decide to confront those that were causing what they perceived as problems for the people that becomes a problem. And knowing radiants, that was bound to happen at one point or another.

”Are you the one in charge of this operation?” Perses asked calmly. He wouldn’t cause a scene here. It was…unnecessary. Though it would certainly make things easier…

”I have concerns regarding the placement of this operation and the potential effect it will have on the economic reliance of the area on the Sphere.” Perses put on a smile. “Given the rocky history many of us Scadrisns have with Rosharans, that could cause some troubling developments between the districts if not carefully regulated”

Perse hoped that sounded somewhat convincing. In truth, he could care less about involvement with the Sphere. However, he was being truthful about one thing. He wanted these radiants off his turf.


It is worth noting that Perses’ reference to the Mistwarrens as a district is distinctly odd. The Mistwarrens “belong” to a variety of districts, mostly the outer edges of smokestack. They are a broad area of impoverished Scadrians that span the outskirts of a few of the Scadrian districts. To call them a district is both unorthodox and generally counter to the reality of the situation.

However, it is genuinely what Perses wants to believe and make into a reality.


Plutus, The Cauldron, Constellation.

Constellation was a peculiar shop. With a dome-like interior and only a few sources of light, the shop seemed abandoned at first glance. Upon closer inspection, one could see that the store was far from empty. Across all of the walls, the spotty lighting revealed countless different items of seemingly endless shapes and sizes. Malwish masks, Idrian fabrics, gemhearts of varying colors. Food, weapons, clothing, tools, all along the curved edges of the room, in what appeared to be completely random arrangements. 

The source of the most light, though it was not much, was a gigantic contraption in the center of the room. A gyroscopic device, with varying concentric circles slowly rotating in all directions. It seemed to defy gravity, which was likely to be the case. An intricate fabricator, one that turned the store from an odd pawn shop into one of the most popular stores in the district. 

However today, business was strangely slow. Plutus stood at their desk, rapping their knuckles impatiently. Only fifteen customers thus far, 40% of what they usually get. Was there a holiday today? A special event? He had heard of troubles in other districts, but nothing was amiss in this part of the city.

Plutus dug through their robes with two of her hands, keeping her rightmost hand still rapping the countertop. No, there was nothing unusual about today, not that they could recall. Briefly probing their metalminds, Plutus found nothing either.

He reached over with his upper right hand, grabbing the store's ledger from the shelf above them. Sales were down by 60% yesterday as well. Something to keep an eye on.

Well, they needed to look presentable if anyone did show up. Today's hair dye was coming off already. The fact that there was no good hair products for Plutus' hair was endlessly irritating. Sho-Del require hair products that are distinct from other species, but even the highest quality dyes hardly lasted a few days in Plutus' hair. Curse her parents' genetics!

With a brief bit of lightweaving, Plutus fixed up the patches of hair where his pearly white hair was showing. It wasn't that they were ashamed by it. Every Sho Del's hair was white. Though with his albinism, it just looked wrong. Instead, she decided to spice it up a bit. Her hair returned to an obsidian black, complimenting their robes. At least now she could control what color hair they had.

A harmonic chime mysteriously sounded as the door to the shop opened. The augmented Aon DeoDao was surprisingly useful, and in Plutus' opinion, helped the atmosphere significantly. Finally, She thought. A customer.


Edited by Koloss17
Plutus makes their appearance
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8 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Perses frowned. He had no quarrel with the refugees, just with the radiants who ran them. Helping people below him was not an issue; it was when some of them decide to confront those that were causing what they perceived as problems for the people that becomes a problem. And knowing radiants, that was bound to happen at one point or another.

”Are you the one in charge of this operation?” Perses asked calmly. He wouldn’t cause a scene here. It was…unnecessary. Though it would certainly make things easier…

”I have concerns regarding the placement of this operation and the potential effect it will have on the economic reliance of the area on the Sphere.” Perses put on a smile. “Given the rocky history many of us Scadrisns have with Rosharans, that could cause some troubling developments between the districts if not carefully regulated”

Perse hoped that sounded somewhat convincing. In truth, he could care less about involvement with the Sphere. However, he was being truthful about one thing. He wanted these radiants off his turf.


Plutus, The Cauldron, Constellation.

Constellation was a peculiar shop. With a dome-like interior and only a few sources of light, the shop seemed abandoned at first glance. Upon closer inspection, one could see that the store was far from empty. Across all of the walls, the spotty lighting revealed countless different items of seemingly endless shapes and sizes. Malwish masks, Idrian fabrics, gemhearts of varying colors. Food, weapons, clothing, tools, all along the curved edges of the room, in what appeared to be completely random arrangements. 

The source of the most light, though it was not much, was a gigantic contraption in the center of the room. A gyroscopic device, with varying concentric circles slowly rotating in all directions. It seemed to defy gravity, which was likely to be the case. An intricate fabricator, one that turned the store from an odd pawn shop into one of the most popular stores in the district. 

However today, business was strangely slow. Plutus stood at their desk, rapping their knuckles impatiently. Only fifteen customers thus far, 40% of what they usually get. Was there a holiday today? A special event? He had heard of troubles in other districts, but nothing was amiss in this part of the city.

Plutus dug through their robes with two of her hands, keeping her rightmost hand still rapping the countertop. No, there was nothing unusual about today, not that they could recall. Briefly probing their metalminds, Plutus found nothing either.

He reached over with his upper right hand, grabbing the store's ledger from the shelf above them. Sales were down by 60% yesterday as well. Something to keep an eye on.

Well, they needed to look presentable if anyone did show up. Today's hair dye was coming off already. The fact that there was no good hair products for Plutus' hair was endlessly irritating. Sho-Del require hair products that are distinct from other species, but even the highest quality dyes hardly lasted a few days in Plutus' hair. Curse her parents' genetics!

With a brief bit of lightweaving, Plutus fixed up the patches of hair where his pearly white hair was showing. It wasn't that they were ashamed by it. Every Sho Del's hair was white. Though with his albinism, it just looked wrong. Instead, she decided to spice it up a bit. Her hair returned to an obsidian black, complimenting their robes. At least now she could control what color hair they had.

A harmonic chime mysteriously sounded as the door to the shop opened. The augmented Aon DeoDao was surprisingly useful, and in Plutus' opinion, helped the atmosphere significantly. Finally, She thought. A customer.


Eleos, edgedancer camp, mistwarrens

Eleos listened attentively to Perses' concerns, his expression calm but thoughtful. He understood the underlying tensions and the history that Perses alluded to, and he knew that handling this delicately was paramount.

"Citizen," Eleos began, his tone measured and respectful, "I appreciate you bringing these concerns to my attention. The well-being of this community is of utmost importance to all of us, and I understand the delicate balance we need to maintain."

He paused, choosing his words carefully. "The placement of this operation was selected with several factors in mind, including economic impact. We have plans in place to ensure that the Sphere's influence remains balanced and that the local economy is supported, not undermined. However, I recognize that our presence here must be handled with sensitivity."

Eleos met Perses' gaze directly. "I assure you, our goal is not to create friction but to assist in a manner that benefits everyone. If there are specific measures you believe would help in achieving this balance, I am more than willing to discuss them. Your insights are valuable, and I want to ensure that we address any potential issues before they arise."

He offered a genuine smile. "Let's work together to ensure that this operation serves the people without causing unnecessary conflict. I'm confident we can find a solution that respects the needs and concerns of all involved."


Eleos did not notice the part about the mistwarrens being a large district instead of part of multiple districts 


Edited by RoyalBeeMage
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On 6/13/2024 at 6:22 PM, RoyalBeeMage said:

Eleos, edgedancer camp, mistwarrens

Eleos listened attentively to Perses' concerns, his expression calm but thoughtful. He understood the underlying tensions and the history that Perses alluded to, and he knew that handling this delicately was paramount.

"Citizen," Eleos began, his tone measured and respectful, "I appreciate you bringing these concerns to my attention. The well-being of this community is of utmost importance to all of us, and I understand the delicate balance we need to maintain."

He paused, choosing his words carefully. "The placement of this operation was selected with several factors in mind, including economic impact. We have plans in place to ensure that the Sphere's influence remains balanced and that the local economy is supported, not undermined. However, I recognize that our presence here must be handled with sensitivity."

Eleos met Perses' gaze directly. "I assure you, our goal is not to create friction but to assist in a manner that benefits everyone. If there are specific measures you believe would help in achieving this balance, I am more than willing to discuss them. Your insights are valuable, and I want to ensure that we address any potential issues before they arise."

He offered a genuine smile. "Let's work together to ensure that this operation serves the people without causing unnecessary conflict. I'm confident we can find a solution that respects the needs and concerns of all involved."


Perses returned a smile. “Might we be able to discuss this in depth later? My house is at 0334 Tin Street. If the leader of this operation could stop by at some point tomorrow, that would be excellent. Let’s say 18:00.” Of course, that address was not actually his. In reality, it was the now abandoned office of the second in command of the Tin Street Mafia. Perses had ensured he wouldn’t be needing it last week.

Perses turned to go, smile still holding. “I am a busy man, and have places to be. I hope we can reach an agreement.”

Soon, the Mistwarrens will be ours.

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Burning iron, Eza familiarized herself with where the darts used for the competition were located and their metallic composition. She then disappeared into the crowd, no longer blocking her face with the plushie, and moved so that she was positioned closer to the side of the dart throwing area. She didn’t stop burning her iron, waiting until she could see one of the lines attached to the darts start to move while close to the metallic buttons on the glowing guy’s shirt. She was able to sacrifice her vision to stay concealed within the crowd so long as she was using iron.



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On 6/13/2024 at 7:23 AM, Koloss17 said:

Plutus, The Cauldron, Constellation.

Constellation was a peculiar shop. With a dome-like interior and only a few sources of light, the shop seemed abandoned at first glance. Upon closer inspection, one could see that the store was far from empty. Across all of the walls, the spotty lighting revealed countless different items of seemingly endless shapes and sizes. Malwish masks, Idrian fabrics, gemhearts of varying colors. Food, weapons, clothing, tools, all along the curved edges of the room, in what appeared to be completely random arrangements. 

The source of the most light, though it was not much, was a gigantic contraption in the center of the room. A gyroscopic device, with varying concentric circles slowly rotating in all directions. It seemed to defy gravity, which was likely to be the case. An intricate fabricator, one that turned the store from an odd pawn shop into one of the most popular stores in the district. 

However today, business was strangely slow. Plutus stood at their desk, rapping their knuckles impatiently. Only fifteen customers thus far, 40% of what they usually get. Was there a holiday today? A special event? He had heard of troubles in other districts, but nothing was amiss in this part of the city.

Plutus dug through their robes with two of her hands, keeping her rightmost hand still rapping the countertop. No, there was nothing unusual about today, not that they could recall. Briefly probing their metalminds, Plutus found nothing either.

He reached over with his upper right hand, grabbing the store's ledger from the shelf above them. Sales were down by 60% yesterday as well. Something to keep an eye on.

Well, they needed to look presentable if anyone did show up. Today's hair dye was coming off already. The fact that there was no good hair products for Plutus' hair was endlessly irritating. Sho-Del require hair products that are distinct from other species, but even the highest quality dyes hardly lasted a few days in Plutus' hair. Curse her parents' genetics!

With a brief bit of lightweaving, Plutus fixed up the patches of hair where his pearly white hair was showing. It wasn't that they were ashamed by it. Every Sho Del's hair was white. Though with his albinism, it just looked wrong. Instead, she decided to spice it up a bit. Her hair returned to an obsidian black, complimenting their robes. At least now she could control what color hair they had.

A harmonic chime mysteriously sounded as the door to the shop opened. The augmented Aon DeoDao was surprisingly useful, and in Plutus' opinion, helped the atmosphere significantly. Finally, She thought. A customer.

Eighth of the Eve, The Cauldron, roughly near Constellation

Eighth of the Eve became the hunter today.

Too long had he moved as prey did. The worlds he saw were wild, wondrous things, but the denizens were something else. It seemed no matter the place, always would someone take offense to an outsider. Not everyone was happy with one such as him appearing from nowhere, dropping into their lives.

Not to mention the Pantheon. Why, the beasts of his homeworld...

Eighth immediately turned from that trail of thought. Only pain lay that way. One did not sprint in pursuit of an Aviar already in the air. All one could do was see what remained, and search thoroughly for opportunity.

He wandered down the crowded streets of the Cauldron. A fitting name. The path practically boiled with people of all kinds. The noise here far exceeded the small area he had staked out as his own. He would have never ventured into such an area by choice. The people here seemed not to mind, but to him, the clamor and commotion was practically deafening. It was all he could do not to walk with hands crammed over his ears.

Still, an Eelakin trapper would hardly engage in such behavior. And he was more than a mere survivalist. The Pantheon Isles may hunt him and his kind like prey, but if there was one place Eighth was the hunter, it was here. In this stone-and-sawmill jungle, with people rather than wildlife, his prey could not elude him.

He stalked, unnaturally light in his feet, down a wide road. The individual stones felt odd through his leather sandals. Supposedly, now was a good day for the market. Supposedly, one could expect mild crowds and open paths. Yet Eighth could hardly take a step without pressing up against someone. The passage of the crowd was slow. Frustratingly so.

Thankfully, Seiju was not far.

With the Aviar at his side, Eighth plunged into the throng of people, moving through them like a fish through rapids. Every step was sure, and he slipped between people easily. In but a few deliberate motions, he outpaced a milling group of short, pale men with wide eyes. He had met their ilk on one of his Travels. These ones, however, dressed in sharp cuts and unnatural colors, and he eyed them as he passed.

He continued through the crowded path, barely watching where went. There was no need. He kept his eyes on the shops instead, comparing them to the sketch the armorer had provided him. It, along with some directions, were written on paper of the purest white Eighth had ever seen. The charcoal strokes stood sharply, clearly visible to him.

Even so, he failed to see it. Surely, he had thought, such a strange shop would stand out. And yet, it seemed every store in this area competed in their strangeness. He didn’t know how he would-

Seiju trilled sharply, and he spun to face her. He found her perched at the edge of a strange, domed roof. Eighth eyed her, idly sidestepping passing craftsmen. A second, sharper trill prompted him to consult the sketch in his hand. He smiled slightly, then approached, holding out his arm. Seiju winged down to rest on his forearm.

He shook his head, approaching the shop. This side matched the sketch, and the sign confirmed things. This was the place.

Eighth glanced at Seiju, perched on his forearm. She immediately took flight…and landed on his shoulder this time, talons digging into pads sewn there. He shrugged slightly, scratching her idly beneath the neck. If she wanted to come in, so be it.

He pushed into the shop, hardly needing to stoop to let Seiju clear the doorway. That was fair. He had rarely seen such enormous people as there were here. And to think he had been considered tall…

All thought fled his mind. Eighth of the Eve stood, staring. At his side, Seiju let out a low whistle.

The shop was dark, dark as night. Pinpricks of light, like stars in the gloom, palely illuminated all kinds of objects. Hollow-eyed masks, impossibly large gems. Vials of sand, in all colors and shades. Weapons of every kind and craft.

Eighth heard a faint chime, and caught movement in the corner of his eye. He turned, facing a tall, ivory being - undoubtedly the shopkeeper. He had found his prey. All he needed do now was strike.

Eighth of the Eve strolled up to the counter.


Sorry for the late response. I over thought this by a mile. Should not happen again.

Side note: what are Plutus's pronouns? In the quoted section, I saw he/him, she/her, and they/them. Was this deliberate?


Edited by Longshot97
Forgot the location tag (facepalm)
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Arranis, KHMD Fair, Mistwarrens

Arranis watches the two from down in the crowd, people swirling around him. A sea of life, much like the glass beads from his homeworld, he was just one of them. What an interesting confrontation Astra's voice chimes in his head, as she floats down from above, holding a parachute between her arms, like she needed it. It is isn't it. He watches the crowd, noticing the girl from the Bar. Well I suppose she would be here. He ignores her, she has done nothing wrong. 

@Lunamor @Stormlightsong @TheFrugalWizard

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Frisian awaited Asylum's throw. Yet, as he did so, he almost felt a slight tugging on the buttons of his jacket. "Talamar," he whispered. 

"Yes, Frisian?" his honorspren replied. 

"Someone over there is using magic on me. I can feel my coat buttons being tugged that way." The sensation suddenly stopped. "It stopped now."

"Hmm," Talamar said. "I've heard of a Scadrian art called ironpulling. It's a branch of allomancy, I believe."

"Oh yes, I've heard of that before. Can you go over there and look for the perpetrator?"

"Certainly, m'lord."

As Asylum examined the darts, Frisian waited impatiently for Talamar. If he could turn in not one, but two criminals today...

"M'lord, she's right here!" cried Talamar. With the speed of a falling stone, Frisian shoved his way through the crowd. 

"You there!" he said to a little girl holding a stuffed toy, the person Talamar had been pointing at. She was quickly escaping. "You're under arrest!" 

@Stormlightsong @Lunamor


I had just had Eza mistakenly pulling on Frisian's coat. I can change it if it doesn't make sense.


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12 hours ago, Longshot97 said:

He pushed into the shop, hardly needing to stoop to let Seiju clear the doorway. That was fair. He had rarely seen such enormous people as there were here. And to think he had been considered tall…

All thought fled his mind. Eighth of the Eve stood, staring. At his side, Seiju let out a low whistle.

The shop was dark, dark as night. Pinpricks of light, like stars in the gloom, palely illuminated all kinds of objects. Hollow-eyed masks, impossibly large gems. Vials of sand, in all colors and shades. Weapons of every kind and craft.

Eighth heard a faint chime, and caught movement in the corner of his eye. He turned, facing a tall, ivory being - undoubtedly the shopkeeper. He had found his prey. All he needed do now was strike.

Eighth of the Eve strolled up to the counter.


Plutus gave the human a brief once over. Aviar, trackers gear. One didn't often encounter a trapper in these parts. 

"Welcome to Constellation, the answer to all of your desires. What can I do for you?" She extended her arms outward, motioning to the plethora of items surrounding the shop. Their robe's sleeves fell back a bit at this motion, revealing the many intricate rings on his fingers. Most were decorative, all with their own meaning. Some, however, were precious copperminds. Though she was not born an archivist, the medallion underneath her robes provided immense utility. Beside their family's vast fortune, the medallion was one of the largest reasons for this shop's success. One of the few items in this store not for sale.


yes, Plutus goes by She/he/they pronouns. Feel free to refer to them however your character sees them!


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3 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

Frisian awaited Asylum's throw. Yet, as he did so, he almost felt a slight tugging on the buttons of his jacket. "Talamar," he whispered. 

"Yes, Frisian?" his honorspren replied. 

"Someone over there is using magic on me. I can feel my coat buttons being tugged that way." The sensation suddenly stopped. "It stopped now."

"Hmm," Talamar said. "I've heard of a Scadrian art called ironpulling. It's a branch of allomancy, I believe."

"Oh yes, I've heard of that before. Can you go over there and look for the perpetrator?"

"Certainly, m'lord."

As Asylum examined the darts, Frisian waited impatiently for Talamar. If he could turn in not one, but two criminals today...

"M'lord, she's right here!" cried Talamar. With the speed of a falling stone, Frisian shoved his way through the crowd. 

"You there!" he said to a little girl holding a stuffed toy, the person Talamar had been pointing at. She was quickly escaping. "You're under arrest!" 

@Stormlightsong @Lunamor



Eza burned iron earlier and noted the buttons on his coat intentionally. Since she’s a skilled allomancer, with a combo of line size and metallic composition she would be able to tell them apart from a dart. She also won’t pull on anything until she sees something begin to move very rapidly. I’m additionally not sure how Talamar would be able to figure out that Eza is the one ironpulling, as there isn’t any external indication that she’s doing it (although I might’ve forgotten about a spren ability for that, it’s been a while since I read the first three stormlight books). Frisian might notice a slight sideways movement of his dart when he throws it and suspect allomantic cheating (which could be either iron or steel in nature), but it would be as subtle a movement as Eza can make while still being large enough to make the dart miss the balloon.


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On 6/15/2024 at 7:33 AM, Koloss17 said:

Plutus gave the human a brief once over. Aviar, trackers gear. One didn't often encounter a trapper in these parts. 

"Welcome to Constellation, the answer to all of your desires. What can I do for you?" She extended her arms outward, motioning to the plethora of items surrounding the shop. Their robe's sleeves fell back a bit at this motion, revealing the many intricate rings on his fingers. Most were decorative, all with their own meaning. Some, however, were precious copperminds. Though she was not born an archivist, the medallion underneath her robes provided immense utility. Beside their family's vast fortune, the medallion was one of the largest reasons for this shop's success. One of the few items in this store not for sale.

Eighth of the Eve, The Cauldron, Constellation

Eighth of the Eve eyed this woman. Four arms, midnight hair, ivory skin, flowing robes, ostentatious jewelry. He...did not believe he had ever seen a species like this. How novel.

He stepped forward, discreetly tucking his sketch away. Never show a merchant how badly you needed their wares, until you had gauged their honesty. Or greed.

He opened his mouth to state his demands. Then hastily changed course.

"I...Good day, shopkeeper." 

There. That should meet the demands of courtesy. He continued on, tossing his lightline to the countertop and unstrapping his blowpipes from his arm.

"I have need of supplies, and advice. The device there has ceased to function, and I know not why.”

He set the blowpipes on the counter next.

“I also require darts. To fit this weapon. Preferably of this material.”

Eighth drew his machete. From the same world as his pipes, it was the same black shell-like material. As strong as steel but lighter and...well, less sacrilegious. As natural a tool as any man could use. He laid that on the counter as well. Seiju, now curious, hopped off his shoulder to land on the blade.

Eighth almost brought out his quicksilver, but thought better of it. Most people on his Travels had been enthralled by it, but many more had tried to seize it. Even nonfunctional, discretion was likely wisest.

He ignored his Aviar, who had begun pecking at the tool, focusing instead on the shopkeeper over his array of items.



Eighth would not know the true names of these items, though he would assign names. I've noticed that those from First of the Sun assign names like Alethi glyphpairs - namely, they create labels with two words (e.g: nightmaw, deepwalker, dropdead vine, safecamp). So:

Taldaini zinkall = Blowpipes

Detritian light-line = Lightline

Rtich motivator = Quicksilver

Unsealed ironmind = ???

I also have no idea how he would refer to his unsealed ironmind. So far, I've got masspare, weightloss. If anyone has ideas, I always appreciate feedback.


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On 6/15/2024 at 2:46 PM, Longshot97 said:


He opened his mouth to state his demands. Then hastily changed course.

"I...Good day, shopkeeper." 

There. That should meet the demands of courtesy. He continued on, tossing his lightline to the countertop and unstrapping his blowpipes from his arm.

"I have need of supplies, and advice. The device there has ceased to function, and I know not why.”

He set the blowpipes on the counter next.

“I also require darts. To fit this weapon. Preferably of this material.”

Eighth drew his machete. From the same world as his pipes, it was the same black shell-like material. As strong as steel but lighter and...well, less sacrilegious. As natural a tool as any man could use. He laid that on the counter as well. Seiju, now curious, hopped off his shoulder to land on the blade.

Eighth almost brought out his quicksilver, but thought better of it. Most people on his Travels had been enthralled by it, but many more had tried to seize it. Even nonfunctional, discretion was likely wisest.

He ignored his Aviar, who had begun pecking at the tool, focusing instead on the shopkeeper over his array of items.



This trapper was just full of surprises. A Taldain zinkall and sword, with a light-line. Though it was not Plutus’ place to ask. “Ah. What you have there is a light-line,” she said, motioning to the device. “They require power cells to function. Luckily for you, I happen to have just the stuff.” Tapping their Coppermind, they made their way over to a shelf and plucked a few small batteries. He also grabbed a small cloth case from a different shelf. 

Plutus returned, placing the two items on the counter top. “Will that be all for you today?” Plutus said, wearing a kindly smile, eyeing the parrot warily. It seemed well trained.

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On 6/15/2024 at 10:11 AM, TheFrugalWizard said:

Frisian awaited Asylum's throw. Yet, as he did so, he almost felt a slight tugging on the buttons of his jacket. "Talamar," he whispered. 

"Yes, Frisian?" his honorspren replied. 

"Someone over there is using magic on me. I can feel my coat buttons being tugged that way." The sensation suddenly stopped. "It stopped now."

"Hmm," Talamar said. "I've heard of a Scadrian art called ironpulling. It's a branch of allomancy, I believe."

"Oh yes, I've heard of that before. Can you go over there and look for the perpetrator?"

"Certainly, m'lord."

As Asylum examined the darts, Frisian waited impatiently for Talamar. If he could turn in not one, but two criminals today...

"M'lord, she's right here!" cried Talamar. With the speed of a falling stone, Frisian shoved his way through the crowd. 

"You there!" he said to a little girl holding a stuffed toy, the person Talamar had been pointing at. She was quickly escaping. "You're under arrest!" 

@Stormlightsong @Lunamor


Asylum didn’t need to turn around to know who the copper had just noticed. This is fine, they thought, Eza can run fast enough… and he can fly. Asylum started to panic. I am not panicking, why would I panic, this is what she signed up for, she is not my responsibility, she’s just a travel companion who helps me get funds, and keeps me company, and trusts me. Asylum cursed under their breath. With one hand they picked up a dart. As they threw they looked towards Eza as she ran away. There was a thunk as dart hit wood. There was no pop.

Keshi, The Corridor, The Silver Dagger 

After a few days of hard work Keshi finished his upgrades. First there was a new suit of armor for Goto. It was made from aluminum alloy with some spots to attach tools (which he had also coated in aluminum). It had six rotatable turrets, three on each side, the four in the corners were fitted with miniature light lances for maneuverability, and the two in the middle were destructors. The two destructors didn’t nearly have enough power to do any real damage, but they could stun someone for a bit.

For himself, Keshi crafted a suit of ceremonial armor. It was made from the red and gold silk of Goto’s previous armor and filled with thin sheets of aluminum for structure. At his side, he had a four inch aluminum katana with a laser enhanced edge. Satisfied with his new gear, Keshi when off to find the inquisitor.


I know it’s been a while since Keshi has been here so here’s a recap of who Keshi and Goto are.

Keshi is a kitsen cytonic Spy with the ability to make people hallucinate, who forced himself into exile after causing the death of his team. In an attempt to redeem himself, he and his hyperslug steed Goto have been hired by Corbeau to find and arrest Perses. Having tracked Perses down and placed cameras at his current residence, Keshi paid Vencer (the same person who made Perses new weapon and helped Keshi locate Perses.) to allow him to use his workshop to make new upgrades to stop Perses.


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1 hour ago, Stormlightsong said:

Asylum didn’t need to turn around to know who the copper had just noticed. This is fine, they thought, Eza can run fast enough… and he can fly. Asylum started to panic. I am not panicking, why would I panic, this is what she signed up for, she is not my responsibility, she’s just a travel companion who helps me get funds, and keeps me company, and trusts me. Asylum cursed under their breath. With one hand they picked up a dart. As they threw they looked towards Eza as she ran away. There was a thunk as dart hit wood. There was no pop.

Keshi, The Corridor, The Silver Dagger 

After a few days of hard work Keshi finished his upgrades. First there was a new suit of armor for Goto. It was made from aluminum alloy with some spots to attach tools (which he had also coated in aluminum). It had six rotatable turrets, three on each side, the four in the corners were fitted with miniature light lances for maneuverability, and the two in the middle were destructors. The two destructors didn’t nearly have enough power to do any real damage, but they could stun someone for a bit.

For himself, Keshi crafted a suit of ceremonial armor. It was made from the red and gold silk of Goto’s previous armor and filled with thin sheets of aluminum for structure. At his side, he had a four inch aluminum katana with a laser enhanced edge. Satisfied with his new gear, Keshi when off to find the inquisitor.



Thinking about it some more, we can probably just say that Frisian suspected cheating when the dart moved a bit sideways midair and his spren recognized Eza from the wanted posters Corbeau made earlier to explain how he figured out she was interfering, if you’re good with that Wizard.


The glowing guy yelled at Eza, and she immediately started dashing away as quickly as she could. There weren’t any large metal fixtures nearby, and she’d just crash into people if she tried to ironpull herself anyways. This was very, very bad. This guy could fly around incredibly fast. There was little hope of her being able to outrun him. She’d also seen another glowing guy launch people through the air before. Would he do that to her?

She didn’t have time to wonder how he had realized she was the one cheating. All she could focus on was hiding. Unfortunately, the crowd wasn’t helping. People pulled away from her as she got close, not wanting to be caught up in the commotion.

Eza looked over her shoulder at Asylum, eyes wide and frantic. They were the only person that could save her. She wasn’t confident they would bother to help her, but she didn’t have any other options. After a brief moment, she turned her gaze forwards again and continued to run.

@Scars of Hathsin

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21 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

This trapper was just full of surprises. A Taldain zinkall and sword, with a light-line. Though it was not Plutus’ place to ask. “Ah. What you have there is a light-line,” she said, motioning to the device. “They require power cells to function. Luckily for you, I happen to have just the stuff.” Tapping their Coppermind, they made their way over to a shelf and plucked a few small batteries. He also grabbed a small cloth case from a different shelf. 

Plutus returned, placing the two items on the counter top. “Will that be all for you today?” Plutus said, wearing a kindly smile, eyeing the parrot warily. It seemed well trained.

So it was called a lightline. How quaint. Eighth clicked his tongue, and Seiju reluctantly returned to his shoulder. He fiddled with the powercell and bracelet, eventually connecting the two. The metal band began to glow, steadily increasing in radiance. Eighth assumed it would function once more.

He set down the item, then regarded the shopkeeper. The woman seemed...honest. Or at least candid. She had provided him with powercells of his own, rather than demanding regular payment. Eighth hesitated.

A rush of air buffeted him as Seiju fluttered into the air. She came down once more, preening - right on the shopkeeper's shoulder.

Eighth made his decision. Ignoring the two of them, he reached into his coat. At his waist, opposite the machete, rested a waterskin. He paused only momentarily before setting it on the counter.

Secured carefully to the skin was a black glove. Silvery lines ran down the fingers from the palm, like liquid metal. Fitting. Eighth had seen those veins hum an otherworldly violet, so long ago.

He had tried to wield it, in the days since. He hadn't progressed far. He had barely managed to store the quicksilver away before the artifact had ceased to work.

He removed it from the waterskin before reverently setting it on the counter.

"This no longer functions, either," Eighth of the Eve said. "What can you do for this?"


I'm going with the idea that the Rtich DNA is still present, and the motivator is just out of power. Calamity doesn't describe an obvious power source, just two gloves. I'm assuming an Epic motivator would require a fairly robust power cell. In my head, Eighth would somehow need to carry that around.

Reading this now, I'm realizing Plutus probably wouldn't intuitively understand why Eighth is so hesitant about the device. Eh.


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2 hours ago, Lunamor said:


The glowing guy yelled at Eza, and she immediately started dashing away as quickly as she could. There weren’t any large metal fixtures nearby, and she’d just crash into people if she tried to ironpull herself anyways. This was very, very bad. This guy could fly around incredibly fast. There was little hope of her being able to outrun him. She’d also seen another glowing guy launch people through the air before. Would he do that to her?

She didn’t have time to wonder how he had realized she was the one cheating. All she could focus on was hiding. Unfortunately, the crowd wasn’t helping. People pulled away from her as she got close, not wanting to be caught up in the commotion.

Eza looked over her shoulder at Asylum, eyes wide and frantic. They were the only person that could save her. She wasn’t confident they would bother to help her, but she didn’t have any other options. After a brief moment, she turned her gaze forwards again and continued to run.

@Scars of Hathsin

Arranis, KHMD, Mistwarrens

Arranis grunts in surprise, at the sudden turn of events. I thought that he was supposed to be doing the carnival. Astra pouts, something resembling a pout appearing on her face. Yes well, he obviously wants something else. Arranis uses a few lashings in the direction that the girl had went. Can you tell her we are here to help her get away he asks his spren. She salutes to him and streaks through the crowd.

@Lunamor @TheFrugalWizard @Stormlightsong

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3 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis, KHMD, Mistwarrens

Arranis grunts in surprise, at the sudden turn of events. I thought that he was supposed to be doing the carnival. Astra pouts, something resembling a pout appearing on her face. Yes well, he obviously wants something else. Arranis uses a few lashings in the direction that the girl had went. Can you tell her we are here to help her get away he asks his spren. She salutes to him and streaks through the crowd.

@Lunamor @TheFrugalWizard @Stormlightsong

Eza saw something blue out of the corner of her eye. Risking a glance towards it, she saw that it was a tiny, floating person. She hadn’t seen anything like it before. Was it chasing her too? It glowed blue like the other glowing guys did.

There wasn’t much she could do about it, so she just kept dashing. She didn’t look behind her at Lum again, knowing that it wouldn’t do anything but increase her chances of running into something.

Suddenly, it struck her how familiar this all was. She faltered slightly, but then her speed increased as her panic was magnified by old memories.



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8 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Eza saw something blue out of the corner of her eye. Risking a glance towards it, she saw that it was a tiny, floating person. She hadn’t seen anything like it before. Was it chasing her too? It glowed blue like the other glowing guys did.

There wasn’t much she could do about it, so she just kept dashing. She didn’t look behind her at Lum again, knowing that it wouldn’t do anything but increase her chances of running into something.

Suddenly, it struck her how familiar this all was. She faltered slightly, but then her speed increased as her panic was magnified by old memories.



Astra, KHMD, Mistwarrens

Astra flew after the girl, her hair trailing in the wind, that of course was fake, she made it look that way. She glances back at Arranis, noting him lacking behind. Why are you so slow she jests, sending the thought to him. She receives feelings of annoyance from him, and laughs, before focusing on the task at hand. She struggles a bit, but makes herself visible to the girl, who sees her, before running away faster. Astra grumbles, "Wait" she calls after her. "I am here to help you get away from the other guy" she calls out


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2 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Astra, KHMD, Mistwarrens

Astra flew after the girl, her hair trailing in the wind, that of course was fake, she made it look that way. She glances back at Arranis, noting him lacking behind. Why are you so slow she jests, sending the thought to him. She receives feelings of annoyance from him, and laughs, before focusing on the task at hand. She struggles a bit, but makes herself visible to the girl, who sees her, before running away faster. Astra grumbles, "Wait" she calls after her. "I am here to help you get away from the other guy" she calls out


The blue person was offering help. Was it trying to trick her? She didn’t have many other options. Was Lum going to help? If they didn’t, this could be her only chance. Maybe she-

She was running through a crowd, a man close behind her, chasing her because she’d tried to help…

All thoughts related to the blue person were crushed by the primal fear that now completely overwhelmed her. She couldn’t let the man reach her. She had to get away.

Her speed, however, slowed slightly. She was pushing herself above her limit in a way she couldn’t sustain. Eza wasn’t made for being in the open like this. Narrow streets flanked by buildings adorned with metal were what usually granted her speed, ironpulls sending her rocketing forwards. Her poor nutrition didn’t allow her to build up the muscles needed for extended, fast running.



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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, Longshot97 said:


He set down the item, then regarded the shopkeeper. The woman seemed...honest. Or at least candid. She had provided him with powercells of his own, rather than demanding regular payment. Eighth hesitated.

A rush of air buffeted him as Seiju fluttered into the air. She came down once more, preening - right on the shopkeeper's shoulder.

Eighth made his decision. Ignoring the two of them, he reached into his coat. At his waist, opposite the machete, rested a waterskin. He paused only momentarily before setting it on the counter.

Secured carefully to the waterskin was a black glove. Silvery lines ran down the fingers from the palm, like liquid metal. Fitting. Eighth had seen those veins hum an otherworldly violet, so long ago.

He had tried to wield it, in the days since. He hadn't progressed far. He had barely managed to store the quicksilver away before the artifact had ceased to work.

He removed it from the waterskin before reverently setting it on the counter.

"This no longer functions, either," Eighth of the Eve said. "What can you do for this?"


Plutus brushed the parrot off of his shoulders. So much for well trained. His brief moment of indignance was quickly replaced with curiosity as the trapper brought out a peculiar device. Curious indeed.

”What exactly is that? It is not an object I’m familiar with,” they asked. “More importantly, what is it meant to do when it is working?”

This trapper was a fascinating fellow indeed. The Cauldron was full of peculiar characters, but Plutus had hardly seen someone with such mystery. A trapper with Taldaini weaponry, a light-line, and an immensely intriguing  mystery item. This customer had nearly brightened up this dreary day all by themselves.


Perses, The Mistwarrens, 0334 Tin Street.

The air today was somehow more dusty than normal. Sure, he was sitting in an abandoned office that clearly hadn’t been touched in at least a week, but the place felt like it had been left alone for much longer. Yet Perses could swear that this place was occupied a mere week ago. Strange.

Well, that was unimportant. He paced the office, awakened cloak billowing behind him. He didn’t wear his blinder’s glasses. He didn’t need to. This was about giving a display, not seeming ordinary. The cloak felt ominous, and as much as he was initially put off by the design, it had grown on him. He was death. He was destruction

Perses reached out with his lifesense, checking the surrounding area. There were a few people on the streets, but most were within their homes. Force of habit, he supposed. At this hour, the Tin Street mafia liked to skulk the streets, looking for trouble. But now, the street was quiet. Just the rustle of a passerby and the beating of heartbeats. 

As he was probing, he felt a figure approach. Finally, our guest is here.


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56 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Plutus brushed the parrot off of his shoulders. So much for well trained. His brief moment of indignance was quickly replaced with curiosity as the trapper brought out a peculiar device. Curious indeed.

”What exactly is that? It is not an object I’m familiar with,” they asked. “More importantly, what is it meant to do when it is working?”

This trapper was a fascinating fellow indeed. The Cauldron was full of peculiar characters, but Plutus had hardly seen someone with such mystery. A trapper with Taldaini weaponry, a light-line, and an immensely intriguing  mystery item. This customer had nearly brightened up this dreary day all by themselves.

Eighth of the Eve, The Cauldron, Constellation

"It..." Eighth hesitated. How did one explain? He reached for the waterskin and opened it.

The quicksilver within seemed to capture what little light there was and magnify it. Smoother than water, it rippled and swirled, like a mirror, melted down.

"I know not what it is. But the glove...controls the metal. With it, the quicksilver almost takes life of its own. The metal flows where one wants, into whatever shape one desires. Stronger than steel, faster than fire, more lithe than liquid. It dances through the air, like smoke gone solid, to the violet vibrance of the wielder."

Eighth of the Eve clamped his mouth shut. Father, he thought. It's getting worse.

I'm getting worse.

"It has been three lunar cycles since it last did so. The glove's glow dimmed, and eventually was gone. And with it, the power."

He fell silent. Seiju, it appeared, was sidling towards the shopkeeper again.

I know, my friend, he thought, reaching to scratch her neck. You trust them. As do I.


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Alright. I guess this may be a wall of reading. My replies will be less tedious. This is Tomvi's entrance and first day in Alleycity. He has little knowledge of the happenings of the city except what he picked up along his route. Looking foward to meeting some new folks. @Koloss17 @RoyalBeeMage.

Tomvi, Travel from New Hallandren to the Mistwarrens, Edgedancer Camp

Tomvi stood at the side of the street and was frozen trying to internalize what he was seeing. It was hard for him to ignore that just moments ago he was walking down the damp dark alley across from the bar he worked at. But now, well, now it was practically midday and hot out. He was assaulted by new scents in the air and he was surrounded by some of the ugliest and most outlandish color schemes he could think of. He could even feel his spore was uneasy with the change. He could feel the roseite on high alert within him. Like tiny waves of stinging pain washing over his body. He didn't have a name for the infection other than just that. The old man had called it a spore and referenced it as an infection in his stupid pamphlet. So Tom figured that is all it deserved in terms of a name. Spore. 

Anyways, Spore seemed to always be anxious. In fact Tomvi figured that Spore was more anxiously engaged in keeping Tom safe than Tom was. At the end of the day he couldn’t speak to the Spore nor did it ever speak to him. In reality he figured he was going crazy thinking about the prospect of speaking to some magical infection, but there was something more than just an infection wasn’t there? Tomvi could in fact sense it when Spore was anticipating danger. And not just in the stinging pain that would wash over his body as the infection readied itself to be a shield for him. He could sense when Spore felt threatened through getting thirsty and that awful sense of cottonmouth, and it was undeniable now. So Tomvi took a deep breath and tapped a bit of hydration from his ring.

He felt so dumb for leaving his other metalminds at home. His parents had always told him he had to control his impulses but he never seemed to be able to reel them in. He had a good years worth of hydration compounded back at home and he really figured he had done well with controlling those impulses to have saved so much. He even committed to drinking extra water at work and trying to store it as he could. Sadly this ring was all he took with him, and it was a new one he was trying to fill. As fun as it was to get a new piece of bendalloy and load it up with hydration so he could feed Spore for as long as possible, bendalloy was just so useful for other things too! If he ever wanted to get better with his bendalloy bubbles he couldn't just compound all of the precious metal for hydration right. All that wasnt to mention that he was a big man and a big mans gotta eat right? It wasn't his fault that food tasted so good and sometimes he overdid it with the eating. It wasn’t his fault that it was too easy to enjoy a pie eating contest and offload the new layer of fat into a metalmind. It wasn’t his fault that those metalminds would be useless for anything other than staying in his good old heavyweight fighting shape. 

Dang it, all this thought of food made him so hungry. The ripple of pain coursed through his body again snapping him out of his daydream. He checked the stores of his ring again. Tomvi figured he didn't have more than a single days worth of bonus water stored. He better find a fountain or something. And he needed a sandwich. 

Tomvi looked up, trying to pay attention to the new world around him. Noone had walked by him. In fact the people all seemed to cross the road as they approached him giving him wide space. While his nose wasn’t sure about some of the scents it was being assaulted by, he knew the smell of food anywhere and so he followed that nose to the first promise of chow.

As Tomvi pushed past the bright red and yellow curtains posing as terrible doors he noticed the dining room was sort of split. On one side the diners all appeared so lively and vibrant. On the other they appeared duller and had an aura of despair around them. He started to walk towards the gloomier side of the room to find a place to sit when a rather eccentric man waved him to an empty seat on the other side of the restaurant. Tomvi approached the brightly dressed fellow and took a seat. 

“You look mighty lost friend,” the man said, “ and if I dare say, a bit unwell. What will you have?” 

Tom was shocked by the kindness he was being shown. This man obviously had little fear of the big kolossblooded man. The idea of a meal put his mind at ease but Spore was still on edge, and of course demanding more water. “Whatever is best sir. Thank you. Oh… and water if I may.” Tomvi sat down and tried to ignore all of the eyes that were watching him. No matter how weird these people were, he knew he was the one out of place here. 

The man waved over a waiter and got the meal ordered right away. Once Tomvi had glugged down his first glass of water the man broke the silence again. “The water may be free but when the food gets here its going to cost you your name. You can call me Progg.” 

“Hey Progg. Thanks for this. I’m Tom. Where in Elendell am I right now?” 

Tom waved to the waiter again and requested that the whole pitcher of water be left. He was going to get as much as he could here. He had to drink a lot. It wasn't quite so simple to fill a bendalloy metalmind. It was a marathon. The water wasn’t immediately available for storage but took some time before it was turned to the hydration he so badly needed. He found that the more thirsty he was the more his body would try to turn new water usable so he stored a bit and pushed past the nagging that swept over his entire being as Spore demanded more. 

Finally the food arrived and Tom started to devour it. Progg and Tomvi spent what was easily an hour or more discussing where he was. A place called Alleycity. Tomvi was grateful Progg seemed patient with him at this moment. The colorfully dressed man seemed to be able to sense when Tom would get lost in his thoughts trying to process everything and didn't seem in a rush to finish the conversation at all. 

Eventually the conversation turned as Progg gave in to his true motives. “There is something different about you Tom. Something more. What is it about you that makes you seem all at once so filled with life but also look like you are a half dried reed? Are you in need of help boy?” 

Tom finished his 3rd pitcher of water for the meeting and he could tell this was his payment. His secrets. Nothing was ever truly free. “I guess I am a bit sick is all. Have been for a while.” Tom could hear and see a noticeable shift in the gloomier side of the room as the eavesdroppers tried to distance themselves more from him. “I mean it isn’t contagious or anything. It just won’t go away.” 

Progg seemed unphased by the mention of illness. “Wont go away? So you’ve tried treatment before?” 

“There is no treatment for what I have I can assure you.” 

“Maybe there is maybe there isn’t. There is a camp of healers through the Scadrial districts. With how unfamiliar you are with other forms of investiture I imagine your assessment is rather unreliable. Now I must be going. I am glad I was able to meet you Tom and would encourage you to enjoy your time here in Alleycity.” Progg shook Tomvi’s hand and made his way out of the restaurant with haste. 

Tomvi, feeling the eyes of the other patrons slowly stood up and made his exit too. What Progg had said about healers camps. Was it possible he could be healed? His bendalloy mind now held enough hydration that he should be safe for at least another day or two, and if it were possible to heal Spore right out of himself, then he could finally be free of that need again anyways. 

As he left the restaurant his waiter gave him detailed directions to this “Edgedancer Camp” Progg had mentioned. Maybe his trip here wasn’t the curse he had initially thought it would be. 


Tomvi made it out of what he now new to be New Hallandren and crossed over into what he figured must have been the Mistwarrens. It was nice to be away from that place and into an area that felt a bit more like home. He saw people who looked more like those from Elendell, he even saw a couple of other kolossblooded walking around which was a gift for his eyes. He made some small talk with a group of kids who had been playing and got a tip as to where the best supply shops were in town. He noted them as he moved through and even stepped into one of them to scope out the prices. He was extremely pleased to see that bendalloy was seemingly cheaper in this place but had to pass it up anyways. Even slightly cheaper was still expensive for a man with no money. 

Eventually Tomvi had to bunker down for the night and chose to camp out in front of a beat up old house part way through the Mistwarrens. As bad as he wanted to keep going for this day he really couldn’t justify it given that he had stepped into an alley at quitting time and arrived into another where he had to spend a new day trying to get his bearings straightened out. 

The next morning Tomvi trudged his way through the remainder of the Mistwarrens, making sure to stop in and take what free water he could at a few places along the way, until he saw what he could only assume was the Edgedancer camp. Progg had mentioned that he may be able to find help here, and that they may be willing to help him get on his feet. 

He was shocked by the kindness of the people here and was surprised that the edgedancer who was going to help him was so interested in his story. He tried to explain to them that he had an infection and even described the stupid experiment he had taken part in. He wasnt sure why he shared so much but he did. He never mentioned the fact that the spore had a mind of its own. Why give these kind people any reason to think he was a freak if he could be healed of it in a moment anyways. 

Unfortunately, despite the young mans best efforts Tomvi could feel the healing working all the way until it would stop. The man kept breathing in what he called stormlight and Tom could feel the thirst truly be satiated. He could feel Spore relax but then the young edgedancer would run out of light and the pain would return, the thirst right along with it. Tom expressed his gratitude for the defeated looking youth and got himself up. 

Tomvi left the tent where the edgedancer had made his valiant effort and took a deep breath trying to not give away the devastation he felt again. It was as if he had been infected again. And in his efforts to get healed he worried he had wasted too much time. He spun the cap off of the bottle of water that he had been given and drank the entire thing down. He checked his metalmind again. Less than a days worth of hydration remained and he still had no money to get some new bendalloy to compound with. It was time to get hustling. 



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3 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Plutus brushed the parrot off of his shoulders. So much for well trained. His brief moment of indignance was quickly replaced with curiosity as the trapper brought out a peculiar device. Curious indeed.

”What exactly is that? It is not an object I’m familiar with,” they asked. “More importantly, what is it meant to do when it is working?”

This trapper was a fascinating fellow indeed. The Cauldron was full of peculiar characters, but Plutus had hardly seen someone with such mystery. A trapper with Taldaini weaponry, a light-line, and an immensely intriguing  mystery item. This customer had nearly brightened up this dreary day all by themselves.


Perses, The Mistwarrens, 0334 Tin Street.

The air today was somehow more dusty than normal. Sure, he was sitting in an abandoned office that clearly hadn’t been touched in at least a week, but the place felt like it had been left alone for much longer. Yet Perses could swear that this place was occupied a mere week ago. Strange.

Well, that was unimportant. He paced the office, awakened cloak billowing behind him. He didn’t wear his blinder’s glasses. He didn’t need to. This was about giving a display, not seeming ordinary. The cloak felt ominous, and as much as he was initially put off by the design, it had grown on him. He was death. He was destruction

Perses reached out with his lifesense, checking the surrounding area. There were a few people on the streets, but most were within their homes. Force of habit, he supposed. At this hour, the Tin Street mafia liked to skulk the streets, looking for trouble. But now, the street was quiet. Just the rustle of a passerby and the beating of heartbeats. 

As he was probing, he felt a figure approach. Finally, our guest is here.


Eleos, The Mistwarrens, 0334 Tin Street.

Eleos tried to calm down as he checked and checked again that all of his gemstones were full. 
His earring? Full

his cufflinks? Full

his buttons? Full

his large purses filled with several dozen broams, marks and chips of all types? All but his emerald broam were full. 

Eleos spent several minutes quickly searching for his plate spren before remembering that he didn’t have any.

taking a deep breath Eleos knocked on the door 

1 hour ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

Tomvi, Travel from New Hallandren to the Mistwarrens, Edgedancer Camp

Tomvi stood at the side of the street and was frozen trying to internalize what he was seeing. It was hard for him to ignore that just moments ago he was walking down the damp dark alley across from the bar he worked at. But now, well, now it was practically midday and hot out. He was assaulted by new scents in the air and he was surrounded by some of the ugliest and most outlandish color schemes he could think of. He could even feel his spore was uneasy with the change. He could feel the roseite on high alert within him. Like tiny waves of stinging pain washing over his body. He didn't have a name for the infection other than just that. The old man had called it a spore and referenced it as an infection in his stupid pamphlet. So Tom figured that is all it deserved in terms of a name. Spore. 

Anyways, Spore seemed to always be anxious. In fact Tomvi figured that Spore was more anxiously engaged in keeping Tom safe than Tom was. At the end of the day he couldn’t speak to the Spore nor did it ever speak to him. In reality he figured he was going crazy thinking about the prospect of speaking to some magical infection, but there was something more than just an infection wasn’t there? Tomvi could in fact sense it when Spore was anticipating danger. And not just in the stinging pain that would wash over his body as the infection readied itself to be a shield for him. He could sense when Spore felt threatened through getting thirsty and that awful sense of cottonmouth, and it was undeniable now. So Tomvi took a deep breath and tapped a bit of hydration from his ring.

He felt so dumb for leaving his other metalminds at home. His parents had always told him he had to control his impulses but he never seemed to be able to reel them in. He had a good years worth of hydration compounded back at home and he really figured he had done well with controlling those impulses to have saved so much. He even committed to drinking extra water at work and trying to store it as he could. Sadly this ring was all he took with him, and it was a new one he was trying to fill. As fun as it was to get a new piece of bendalloy and load it up with hydration so he could feed Spore for as long as possible, bendalloy was just so useful for other things too! If he ever wanted to get better with his bendalloy bubbles he couldn't just compound all of the precious metal for hydration right. All that wasnt to mention that he was a big man and a big mans gotta eat right? It wasn't his fault that food tasted so good and sometimes he overdid it with the eating. It wasn’t his fault that it was too easy to enjoy a pie eating contest and offload the new layer of fat into a metalmind. It wasn’t his fault that those metalminds would be useless for anything other than staying in his good old heavyweight fighting shape. 

Dang it, all this thought of food made him so hungry. The ripple of pain coursed through his body again snapping him out of his daydream. He checked the stores of his ring again. Tomvi figured he didn't have more than a single days worth of bonus water stored. He better find a fountain or something. And he needed a sandwich. 

Tomvi looked up, trying to pay attention to the new world around him. Noone had walked by him. In fact the people all seemed to cross the road as they approached him giving him wide space. While his nose wasn’t sure about some of the scents it was being assaulted by, he knew the smell of food anywhere and so he followed that nose to the first promise of chow.

As Tomvi pushed past the bright red and yellow curtains posing as terrible doors he noticed the dining room was sort of split. On one side the diners all appeared so lively and vibrant. On the other they appeared duller and had an aura of despair around them. He started to walk towards the gloomier side of the room to find a place to sit when a rather eccentric man waved him to an empty seat on the other side of the restaurant. Tomvi approached the brightly dressed fellow and took a seat. 

“You look mighty lost friend,” the man said, “ and if I dare say, a bit unwell. What will you have?” 

Tom was shocked by the kindness he was being shown. This man obviously had little fear of the big kolossblooded man. The idea of a meal put his mind at ease but Spore was still on edge, and of course demanding more water. “Whatever is best sir. Thank you. Oh… and water if I may.” Tomvi sat down and tried to ignore all of the eyes that were watching him. No matter how weird these people were, he knew he was the one out of place here. 

The man waved over a waiter and got the meal ordered right away. Once Tomvi had glugged down his first glass of water the man broke the silence again. “The water may be free but when the food gets here its going to cost you your name. You can call me Progg.” 

“Hey Progg. Thanks for this. I’m Tom. Where in Elendell am I right now?” 

Tom waved to the waiter again and requested that the whole pitcher of water be left. He was going to get as much as he could here. He had to drink a lot. It wasn't quite so simple to fill a bendalloy metalmind. It was a marathon. The water wasn’t immediately available for storage but took some time before it was turned to the hydration he so badly needed. He found that the more thirsty he was the more his body would try to turn new water usable so he stored a bit and pushed past the nagging that swept over his entire being as Spore demanded more. 

Finally the food arrived and Tom started to devour it. Progg and Tomvi spent what was easily an hour or more discussing where he was. A place called Alleycity. Tomvi was grateful Progg seemed patient with him at this moment. The colorfully dressed man seemed to be able to sense when Tom would get lost in his thoughts trying to process everything and didn't seem in a rush to finish the conversation at all. 

Eventually the conversation turned as Progg gave in to his true motives. “There is something different about you Tom. Something more. What is it about you that makes you seem all at once so filled with life but also look like you are a half dried reed? Are you in need of help boy?” 

Tom finished his 3rd pitcher of water for the meeting and he could tell this was his payment. His secrets. Nothing was ever truly free. “I guess I am a bit sick is all. Have been for a while.” Tom could hear and see a noticeable shift in the gloomier side of the room as the eavesdroppers tried to distance themselves more from him. “I mean it isn’t contagious or anything. It just won’t go away.” 

Progg seemed unphased by the mention of illness. “Wont go away? So you’ve tried treatment before?” 

“There is no treatment for what I have I can assure you.” 

“Maybe there is maybe there isn’t. There is a camp of healers through the Scadrial districts. With how unfamiliar you are with other forms of investiture I imagine your assessment is rather unreliable. Now I must be going. I am glad I was able to meet you Tom and would encourage you to enjoy your time here in Alleycity.” Progg shook Tomvi’s hand and made his way out of the restaurant with haste. 

Tomvi, feeling the eyes of the other patrons slowly stood up and made his exit too. What Progg had said about healers camps. Was it possible he could be healed? His bendalloy mind now held enough hydration that he should be safe for at least another day or two, and if it were possible to heal Spore right out of himself, then he could finally be free of that need again anyways. 

As he left the restaurant his waiter gave him detailed directions to this “Edgedancer Camp” Progg had mentioned. Maybe his trip here wasn’t the curse he had initially thought it would be. 


Tomvi made it out of what he now new to be New Hallandren and crossed over into what he figured must have been the Mistwarrens. It was nice to be away from that place and into an area that felt a bit more like home. He saw people who looked more like those from Elendell, he even saw a couple of other kolossblooded walking around which was a gift for his eyes. He made some small talk with a group of kids who had been playing and got a tip as to where the best supply shops were in town. He noted them as he moved through and even stepped into one of them to scope out the prices. He was extremely pleased to see that bendalloy was seemingly cheaper in this place but had to pass it up anyways. Even slightly cheaper was still expensive for a man with no money. 

Eventually Tomvi had to bunker down for the night and chose to camp out in front of a beat up old house part way through the Mistwarrens. As bad as he wanted to keep going for this day he really couldn’t justify it given that he had stepped into an alley at quitting time and arrived into another where he had to spend a new day trying to get his bearings straightened out. 

The next morning Tomvi trudged his way through the remainder of the Mistwarrens, making sure to stop in and take what free water he could at a few places along the way, until he saw what he could only assume was the Edgedancer camp. Progg had mentioned that he may be able to find help here, and that they may be willing to help him get on his feet. 

He was shocked by the kindness of the people here and was surprised that the edgedancer who was going to help him was so interested in his story. He tried to explain to them that he had an infection and even described the stupid experiment he had taken part in. He wasnt sure why he shared so much but he did. He never mentioned the fact that the spore had a mind of its own. Why give these kind people any reason to think he was a freak if he could be healed of it in a moment anyways. 

Unfortunately, despite the young mans best efforts Tomvi could feel the healing working all the way until it would stop. The man kept breathing in what he called stormlight and Tom could feel the thirst truly be satiated. He could feel Spore relax but then the young edgedancer would run out of light and the pain would return, the thirst right along with it. Tom expressed his gratitude for the defeated looking youth and got himself up. 

Tomvi left the tent where the edgedancer had made his valiant effort and took a deep breath trying to not give away the devastation he felt again. It was as if he had been infected again. And in his efforts to get healed he worried he had wasted too much time. He spun the cap off of the bottle of water that he had been given and drank the entire thing down. He checked his metalmind again. Less than a days worth of hydration remained and he still had no money to get some new bendalloy to compound with. It was time to get hustling. 




So when stuck between rp ing with you or koloss I will choose koloss because I don’t really feel like there is any room for a second character to step in wxpesialy over in the tents


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