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Era 7 Episode 3


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1 hour ago, Koloss17 said:

Phemus, Smokestack, the constabulary

Phemus sat in his office, drinking his morning cup o joe. It was a calm morning, with people being nice and sensible for once. He had managed to go a whole ninety minutes without someone needing his help with something, letting him relax. It was nice to do nothing, every once in a while. He wished he could do it more. 

However, today wasn't a do nothing day. He had an appointment to make.

"Hey Jenny, can you get in touch with that radiant fella that pestered me yesterday? I need to have a chat with him." His assistant stopped in front of him with a confused expression. "Did he leave any way to contact him? A card...or an address?" Phemus waved dismissively at the woman. "Bah, he's a radiant. You'll know him when you see him. Just send out one of our delivery boys to hunt for him. They're smart folk. I'm sure they can handle it." 

With a sigh, Jenny did as she was told. Until then, I guess I'll read the news. The news was the same as it had been for the past few weeks. Some guy causes some scene, and somebody complains, blaming the police. Heck, it's almost as if people thought the department had actually committed the crime! However, one of the stories caught his eye. A building in the Mistwarrens, burned. Usually, this sort of thing would have been nothing special. Crime's always happening there, in one way or another. No, the crime itself wasn't the interesting part. "Asylum Smedry," Phemus said aloud. That rascal has been a headache for the Smokestack Constabulary to deal with since forever, and the complaints about him had felt unending. Suddenly, an unusual stroke of genius struck him. Maybe he could kill two birds with one stone....

Frisian, Smokestack, Public Commons

Frisian hated annoying people. And the worst part was, they were everywhere. The worst type of annoying person was thepeople who were in charge of stuff. Like that fat police bloke from earlier. Guy only cared about money and a full belly. 

He was in the process of nailing an ad to join his mercenary force to a billboard when another annoying person walked up to him. Storms! 

"Uh - um, sir? Phemus, the cheif of the constabulary would like to see you." 


"Uh, sir? right this way--"

Frisian had no time for walking. He lashed himself upwards, then towards the constabulary building. He was pretty new to this stuff, so flying was kind of akward for him. He was able, however, to make it to the office without any turbulence.

Frisian slams the door to the constabulary open with a bang. He strides up to Phemus's desk, confident, and places a pile of papers on the table. They're ads to join his mercenary force, called the ADL (Alley Defense Leauge). 

"You've got ten secons to convince me why I shouldn't post these on every billboard in the city."

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12 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

Frisian slams the door to the constabulary open with a bang. He strides up to Phemus's desk, confident, and places a pile of papers on the table. They're ads to join his mercenary force, called the ADL (Alley Defense Leauge). 

"You've got ten secons to convince me why I shouldn't post these on every billboard in the city."

Phemus sighed. Radiants. They were always so self-important and egotistical. "Well, I can't stop ya. public billboards are public, after all. However," Phemus said, "I didn't call you in here fer nothin." He hoisted himself up and carefully closed the door. "Do you have any police experience in this here city? Or heck, even before coming here."

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1 hour ago, Koloss17 said:

Phemus sighed. Radiants. They were always so self-important and egotistical. "Well, I can't stop ya. public billboards are public, after all. However," Phemus said, "I didn't call you in here fer nothin." He hoisted himself up and carefully closed the door. "Do you have any police experience in this here city? Or heck, even before coming here."

"I can learn. Besides, I'd prefer to be in charge of this constabulary."

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41 minutes ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

"I can learn. Besides, I'd prefer to be in charge of this constabulary."

“Well, I figured. On both accounts. I’ll just say you have credentials and we’ll leave it at that.” This guy’s either a sucker or gonna put me out of my job, and so long as I keep the pay, I’ll take either one.

”First order of business as an unpaid contractor. There’s this nuisance of a person that nobody in our department can seem to catch.” Phemus fumbled for a cigar to light. “Their name’s Asylum Smedry. They’re a real piece of work, with the ability to turn superstitions into reality. Breaking mirrors, four leaf clovers, you know the gist.” At least, Phemus hoped he did. “If you can track this guy down and bring them to justice, you’ll be well on your way to proving you’re a capable member of the constabulary. For them,” he waves to the office windows, which still had the blinds up, “and to me. I can get you a small team of contables, if you’d like. Though I know you radiant types don’t take too kindly to those without your type of mobility.”

If he failed, that’s one less fool to deal with. If he somehow succeeded, then that’s still one less fool to deal with. A win either way. Phemus grinned. “So whaddaya say?”

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58 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

“Well, I figured. On both accounts. I’ll just say you have credentials and we’ll leave it at that.” This guy’s either a sucker or gonna put me out of my job, and so long as I keep the pay, I’ll take either one.

”First order of business as an unpaid contractor. There’s this nuisance of a person that nobody in our department can seem to catch.” Phemus fumbled for a cigar to light. “Their name’s Asylum Smedry. They’re a real piece of work, with the ability to turn superstitions into reality. Breaking mirrors, four leaf clovers, you know the gist.” At least, Phemus hoped he did. “If you can track this guy down and bring them to justice, you’ll be well on your way to proving you’re a capable member of the constabulary. For them,” he waves to the office windows, which still had the blinds up, “and to me. I can get you a small team of contables, if you’d like. Though I know you radiant types don’t take too kindly to those without your type of mobility.”

If he failed, that’s one less fool to deal with. If he somehow succeeded, then that’s still one less fool to deal with. A win either way. Phemus grinned. “So whaddaya say?”

Frisian didn't like it when people forced him into boxes. But what choice did he have? He could leave, attempt to start up the ADL... or he could "prove" that he was as good a constable as any.

"I don't take kindly to being forced into boxes, little man. But I'll level with you. Where's the last place you saw this person?" Frisian would prove to him that he could do a job faster and more efficent than any old bounty hunter.

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7 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

Frisian didn't like it when people forced him into boxes. But what choice did he have? He could leave, attempt to start up the ADL... or he could "prove" that he was as good a constable as any.

"I don't take kindly to being forced into boxes, little man. But I'll level with you. Where's the last place you saw this person?" Frisian would prove to him that he could do a job faster and more efficent than any old bounty hunter.

Phemus scoffed. “Why would I know that? They travel everywhere.” He took another sip, now unwisely trying to smoke and drink his coffee at the same time. “What I can tell you is that they were responsible for burning down Bendalloy Bar in the eastern Mistwarrens yesterday. Now, they seem to be able to move around the place quite quickly, so that doesn’t mean that they’re even remotely close to the place. But, it’s a start.”

”But when it comes down to it, I’m sure you’ll be able to find them. Wherever they go, some sort of scene follows. They attract chaos like a magnet. It’s kind of their thing. The hard part is catching them, not finding ‘em.”

Phemus got up and showed the radiant to the door. “Well, I’m sure you’ll do fine,” he said, grinning once again. “How hard can catching one guy be, for someone as capable as you?”


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Asylum, Smokestack, Koloss Head Munching Day Carnival. 

After more than a three month delay, the Koloss Head Munching Day Carnival had come to Smokestack. Children ate head shaped candy apples as they watched people try to win Koloss themed prizes. Most failed, except for one notorious winner.

”And the newest ring toss record goes to Asylum Smedry!” Lucky said through a microphone as the crowd roared. “Thank you, thank you.” Asylum said with a grin. “You are all so kind.” The KHMD Carnival was the only yearly festivals Asylum thought was worth keeping. Competitions of skill, practice, but most importantly luck were played by all, and as long as Asylum kept up their annual display, the owners gave them a cut of the money.

 “What are you planning next boss.” Lucky said with a playful smile. the forger was wearing an extravagant suit with a two foot tall top hat. She looked at Asylum with thrill dancing in her eyes. “Let’s let the crowd decide.” Asylum said before stepping up onto a podium. “Bring me to the next challenge!” They said before jumping into the crowd. As the were carried onwards, they closed their eyes and smiled. It had been a while since they had been so relaxed. Hopefully, with luck, this day would get even better.

@TheFrugalWizard @Lunamor

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On 4/6/2024 at 5:38 PM, Stormlightsong said:

Asylum, Smokestack, Koloss Head Munching Day Carnival. 

After more than a three month delay, the Koloss Head Munching Day Carnival had come to Smokestack. Children ate head shaped candy apples as they watched people try to win Koloss themed prizes. Most failed, except for one notorious winner.

”And the newest ring toss record goes to Asylum Smedry!” Lucky said through a microphone as the crowd roared. “Thank you, thank you.” Asylum said with a grin. “You are all so kind.” The KHMD Carnival was the only yearly festivals Asylum thought was worth keeping. Competitions of skill, practice, but most importantly luck were played by all, and as long as Asylum kept up their annual display, the owners gave them a cut of the money.

 “What are you planning next boss.” Lucky said with a playful smile. the forger was wearing an extravagant suit with a two foot tall top hat. She looked at Asylum with thrill dancing in her eyes. “Let’s let the crowd decide.” Asylum said before stepping up onto a podium. “Bring me to the next challenge!” They said before jumping into the crowd. As the were carried onwards, they closed their eyes and smiled. It had been a while since they had been so relaxed. Hopefully, with luck, this day would get even better.

@TheFrugalWizard @Lunamor

Eza, Smokestack, Koloss Head Munching Day Carnival

Eza was thankful for the crowds. An unremarkable, short girl weaving her way through a throng of people was incredibly difficult to spot. While she couldn’t become invisible, this was almost better, in a way. The sound of footsteps from a supposedly empty alley was far more suspicious than a faceless carnival-goer who was expected to be there. 

She’d managed to swipe a small koloss plushie; the fair prizes weren’t guarded very carefully. Its button eyes and felt eyebrows gave the toy an angry expression. It wasn’t particularly unlikely for a girl like her to have won the plushie, so she didn’t bother to hide it under her cloak. It rounded out her attempt to fit in with the crowd. Plus, it was really cute.

Normally, Eza would have to contend with the difficulties of keeping track of someone in a tightly packed area like this carnival. Fortunately, Lum was not a particularly hard person to follow. She watched as they were loudly announced to the crowd, then dived into it. Lum had literally just publicly burned down a building. Their face was still plastered on wanted posters from their run in with that weird obligator guy, too. Weren’t they worried about the authorities?

Apparently they thought that they were invincible. They also seemed to desperately want to test that theory. Eza knew that she couldn’t stop them. She also knew that she probably couldn’t save them. They’d inevitably end up getting her killed if she got too close. So why was she here?

Lum was leaving her sight, no longer conveniently standing on a podium, so she had no time to stop and think. She ducked her head and wove through the fairgoers, following the person who really should’ve given more of a care.

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Frisian, Smokestack, Koloss Head Munching Day festival (300 ft. in the air)

Frisian flew over the Koloss Head Munching Day festival, scanning the ground for his quarry. From what he'd gathered, lots of people (including Asylum, perhaps) would be here, but at the same time, he didn't want to draw attention to himself. 

"Talamar, can you go down and look for anyone who fits Asylum's description?"

"Of course," says his spren.

"I'm going to land farther away and go into the carnival. Maybe I can spot her that way."


Are we planning on me actually catching her? I'm not sure on all the ettiquite and jazz here


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17 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

Are we planning on me actually catching her? I'm not sure on all the ettiquite and jazz here


Usually we just go with the flow and see who role plays more convincingly. Also Asylum uses they/them pronouns.


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Perses, New Hallandren, Pygma’s Workshop

“Welcome to my humble abode! I hope you don’t mind the mess,” Pygma said, winking at Perses. She was an interesting person, that was for sure. The room was filled with lifelike figures of people, made from a variety of different organic materials. Tapping his bronzesense, Perses felt a faint aura emanating from each of them. 

On these strange mannequins, various garments and objects were draped over them. A variety of clothing of all shapes and sizes, as well as more discrete items, such as bracelets, rings, and necklaces. As one of the most renowned awakeners in the city, Pygma didn’t disappoint. People came from all over the city to acquire awakened garments from her, though even the smallest ring came with a hefty price. Luckily enough, Perses had plenty to spare.

”have you made what I requested?” Perses asked, having little time for anything other than business.

“That depends, darling,” Pygma replied playfully, “do you have the money that you said you would have?”

Letting out a deep sigh, Perses pulled out a small pouch. Pygma creeped him out. Not because of her work, or even her odd scarred appearance. No, he knew that if he tried anything funny, Pygma had the ability to swiftly cut out his spine and use his bones as her next piece. She had much more than just a reputation for fashion.

From within the pouch, Perses pulled out three of the quickly dwindling atium beads. It was truly surprising to him how fast he could spend his riches. He held out the beads to the woman.

”Ah, I see you’re a man of your word! These will do nicely,” she said, snatching the beads from Perses’ hand. “Well then. Right this way.”


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On 4/7/2024 at 9:53 PM, TheFrugalWizard said:

Frisian, Smokestack, Koloss Head Munching Day festival (300 ft. in the air)

Frisian flew over the Koloss Head Munching Day festival, scanning the ground for his quarry. From what he'd gathered, lots of people (including Asylum, perhaps) would be here, but at the same time, he didn't want to draw attention to himself. 

"Talamar, can you go down and look for anyone who fits Asylum's description?"

"Of course," says his spren.

"I'm going to land farther away and go into the carnival. Maybe I can spot her that way."


Asylum cracked an eye open as they were carried. They thought they saw a bird but it was very far away… and very still… it’s probably fine, they thought, closing their eyes again.


Keshi, The Corridor, The Silver Dagger.

Keshi was sitting on a stack of blueprints when Venser entered his workshop. “Hello again, I am sorry to bother you, but I am in need of new gear. I don’t want to inconvenience you so I will handle the construction of it on my own.” The kitsen pulled out a small piece of paper and a comparatively large magnifying lens from Goto’s saddle bag. “In exchange for resources and a space to work, I offer this schematic for a tabletop fabricator. It can make parts from scratch in a matter of minutes.” He offered a small paw. “So, what do you say.”


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Following Pygma, Perses was led to a singular cloaked figure. With a swift movement, the mannequin tore off its sheet, exposing the garment underneath. Taking a glance at Pygma, it was clear that she was quite happy with her work.

The garment itself was a sight to behold. It was a mistcoat, but like nothing Perses had ever seen. At the ends of the tassels, there were carefully placed, jagged blades. The coat itself felt…rough. “Leather?” Perses asked.

“Dyed black. Even if you wouldn’t care, I think it helps the look.”

Aside from the mostly standard cloak, stitched onto it was a careful arrangement of bone. Stretching from the chest to the arms, the bones formed a grotesque chestplate. It was a truly disturbing piece, like it came straight from damnation. Upon further inspection, it also came with a hood, with a seemingly decorative arrangement of bone attached to it.

”You said you wanted something distinctive, sooooo….” Pygma grinned. “But of course, I forget. You want functionality.”

She motioned to two boxes, both with identical lumps of yarn in them. However, one was emanating a noticeable aura to Perses’ bronzesense.

”Dump your breaths in the right one, and take the breaths from the left one, and then put on the cloak.” Noticing his skepticism, Pygma sighed. “Don’t worry. You’ll get your breaths back when you’re done.”

Reluctantly, Perses did as she asked. Without his Heightenings, he felt oddly blind. Funny, he thought. I held even less than this most of my life. However, his contemplation was interrupted by Pygma’s disturbingly cheery voice. “Great. Now repeat after me:”

”Act as my bodyguard and fight alongside me”

As soon as the words were spoken, the cloak came alive. It felt oddly…human. Well, aside from the bone and leather, it felt like it had a mind of its own. Like it was intelligent. The tassles moved with a fluid efficiency, like there was wind swirling around him. 

Suddenly, the mannequin that used to hold the coat lunged at Perses. Reflexively, he jumped back. Yet as he went backward, the tassels jumped forward. In a quick flurry of slices, the mannequin was a pile on the floor.


Note that technically, awakening requires visualization for a command to properly work. However, having Pygma give Perses a lecture on the exact visualization and intention of the command would mess with the mood, so I hope you can look past the magical plot hole in order to appreciate the mood of the scene.

Venser, The Corridor, The Silver Dagger.

Venser stared at the creature, stupefied. What had his life come to? However, above all else, he was a businessman. He looked at the blueprints, ignoring the outstretched paw. The designs were…magnificent. It was like nothing he had ever seen. 

despite his wonder, he was a merchant. A Thaylen. He hid his astonishment carefully with a puzzled expression. “What do you need? While I appreciate the offer, anything I can sell you will have to cost some amount of money. But these schematics could certainly cheapen the price.”


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2 hours ago, Stormlightsong said:

Asylum cracked an eye open as they were carried. They thought they saw a bird but it was very far away… and very still… it’s probably fine, they thought, closing their eyes again.


Keshi, The Corridor, The Silver Dagger.

Keshi was sitting on a stack of blueprints when Venser entered his workshop. “Hello again, I am sorry to bother you, but I am in need of new gear. I don’t want to inconvenience you so I will handle the construction of it on my own.” The kitsen pulled out a small piece of paper and a comparatively large magnifying lens from Goto’s saddle bag. “In exchange for resources and a space to work, I offer this schematic for a tabletop fabricator. It can make parts from scratch in a matter of minutes.” He offered a small paw. “So, what do you say.”


Eza glanced around, scanning the crowd for any threats. While crowds helped her hide, they also helped others hide, too. The tradeoff wasn’t always worth it, but there was no avoiding it in this situation regardless of what she wanted. Lum had decided to choose a course of action that led to them having all of the drawbacks of being in a crowd of people without any semblance of the benefits of anonymity it could provide. She’d simply have to deal with being even more paranoid than usual for a few hours.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a blur against the blue sky. She nonchalantly turned her head, letting her look at whatever that thing was in passing without seeming to stare. It was really high up, so she didn’t get a good look. It was probably just a bird. Eza scowled. She hated those stupid animals and was pretty sure the feeling was reciprocated.


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On 4/18/2024 at 7:59 PM, Lunamor said:

Eza glanced around, scanning the crowd for any threats. While crowds helped her hide, they also helped others hide, too. The tradeoff wasn’t always worth it, but there was no avoiding it in this situation regardless of what she wanted. Lum had decided to choose a course of action that led to them having all of the drawbacks of being in a crowd of people without any semblance of the benefits of anonymity it could provide. She’d simply have to deal with being even more paranoid than usual for a few hours.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a blur against the blue sky. She nonchalantly turned her head, letting her look at whatever that thing was in passing without seeming to stare. It was really high up, so she didn’t get a good look. It was probably just a bird. Eza scowled. She hated those stupid animals and was pretty sure the feeling was reciprocated.


Frisian scans the crowd, trying to move erratically and randomly, as if he were a bird.. 

"Frisian!" a voice calls.

"Talamar! What did you find?"

"I think I found them."


"See that crowd down there? All moving in the same direction?"

"What, Asylum's with them?"

"No, they're carrying them!"

Not wanting to waste a moment, Frisian dives towards the crowd using a double lashing. This would be easier than he thought.


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2 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

Frisian scans the crowd, trying to move erratically and randomly, as if he were a bird.. 

"Frisian!" a voice calls.

"Talamar! What did you find?"

"I think I found them."


"See that crowd down there? All moving in the same direction?"

"What, Asylum's with them?"

"No, they're carrying them!"

Not wanting to waste a moment, Frisian dives towards the crowd using a double lashing. This would be easier than he thought.


Asylum heard the rush of air before thy saw the radiant. Here we go again, Asylum thought as they had the carnival goers put them down and clear a landing zone. “Seems one of our esteemed knights wishes my blessing,” they said, and then softer, “They sure as hell are going to need it.” 

Asylum smiled as the radiant sped faster and faster toward them, and at just the right moment, they dodged.


On 4/18/2024 at 7:33 PM, Koloss17 said:

Venser, The Corridor, The Silver Dagger.

Venser stared at the creature, stupefied. What had his life come to? However, above all else, he was a businessman. He looked at the blueprints, ignoring the outstretched paw. The designs were…magnificent. It was like nothing he had ever seen. 

despite his wonder, he was a merchant. A Thaylen. He hid his astonishment carefully with a puzzled expression. “What do you need? While I appreciate the offer, anything I can sell you will have to cost some amount of money. But these schematics could certainly cheapen the price.”

Keshi, The Corridor, The Silver Dagger.

Keshi checked his own schematics. “I will need a decent amount of aluminum alloy and some small scraps.” He quickly checked over his charts on the economy of the area and did some calculations. With much effort he pulled the coins necessary from the large coin purse on Goto’s back. “I thing this will be enough.” He said, panting. “Can I now get to work?”

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15 minutes ago, Stormlightsong said:

Asylum heard the rush of air before thy saw the radiant. Here we go again, Asylum thought as they had the carnival goers put them down and clear a landing zone. “Seems one of our esteemed knights wishes my blessing,” they said, and then softer, “They sure as hell are going to need it.” 

Asylum smiled as the radiant sped faster and faster toward them, and at just the right moment, they dodged.

Frisian dives toward his prey. When she dodges, he's so stunned that he crashed right into a crowd of people.

"Storm it!" he shouts. He summons Talamar as a blade, frightening the people into clearing out for him. He looks around for Asylum. There!  He dismisses the blade and charges forward.

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13 minutes ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

Frisian dives toward his prey. When she dodges, he's so stunned that he crashed right into a crowd of people.

"Storm it!" he shouts. He summons Talamar as a blade, frightening the people into clearing out for him. He looks around for Asylum. There!  He dismisses the blade and charges forward.

Asylum smiled as the radiant charged towards them. “Y’know I was thinking, wouldn’t it be a bad idea to fight in such a crowded place. People could get hurt, and isn’t your job to protect people? Reckless endangerment would definitely go against those oaths of yours. How about this. what about we come to some sort of agreement. I assume you were sent be someone who wants something from me, but there’s no reason to be violent.” Asylum raised their arms as if embracing the world. “We’re at a carnival after all! why not have fun and play games, And whoever wins gets the jackpot.” They held one had towards the radiant. “What do you say? Want to make a deal?”


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1 hour ago, Stormlightsong said:

Asylum smiled as the radiant charged towards them. “Y’know I was thinking, wouldn’t it be a bad idea to fight in such a crowded place. People could get hurt, and isn’t your job to protect people? Reckless endangerment would definitely go against those oaths of yours. How about this. what about we come to some sort of agreement. I assume you were sent be someone who wants something from me, but there’s no reason to be violent.” Asylum raised their arms as if embracing the world. “We’re at a carnival after all! why not have fun and play games, And whoever wins gets the jackpot.” They held one had towards the radiant. “What do you say? Want to make a deal?”


Frisian looks at the hand. He doesn't have time for this. Where would his grand visions go if he was playing the lottery with some petty criminal. He shakes his head.

"Okay," he tells Asylum. He grabs her hand, then instead of shaking it, lashes them into the sky with himself. As they shoot upward, he gets a firmer grip on they're arms so Asylum can't wiggle out. "You are a lot less trouble that I'd assumed," he says.

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Arranis, Smokestack

Arranis cracks an eye from where he had been snoozing against one of the walls. "So much for looking for a criminal" he thinks to himself. He picks up his pace again, walking through the thronging crowds for the festival. He had arrived earlier that day, as it seemed to be the place for Asylum to be. He feels something in his gut. Spiking up. 

Pretending to glance around nonchalantly, he glances up at the blue sky. A small figure was waiting there. Who is it he asks Astryn, I don't know, I don't have telepathic communication with everyone do I. She snaps back sassily. before flying up towards the figure.

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7 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

Frisian looks at the hand. He doesn't have time for this. Where would his grand visions go if he was playing the lottery with some petty criminal. He shakes his head.

"Okay," he tells Asylum. He grabs her hand, then instead of shaking it, lashes them into the sky with himself. As they shoot upward, he gets a firmer grip on they're arms so Asylum can't wiggle out. "You are a lot less trouble that I'd assumed," he says.

Asylum smiled as the radiant brought them higher and higher in to the sky. Then they started laughing. “Y’know you almost had me there,” they said, recomposing themself. “But you made a fatal flaw. You said ‘okay’.” They looked toward where they guessed the radiants spren would be. “Radiants that are not lightweavers can not, under any circumstance, break an oath, correct? And so by agreeing to the terms verbally you have accepted that we will solve this nonviolently in the carnival. Now,” they looked back at the radiant. “Shall we go back?”

@Lunamor @Scars of Hathsin

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2 hours ago, Stormlightsong said:

Asylum smiled as the radiant brought them higher and higher in to the sky. Then they started laughing. “Y’know you almost had me there,” they said, recomposing themself. “But you made a fatal flaw. You said ‘okay’.” They looked toward where they guessed the radiants spren would be. “Radiants that are not lightweavers can not, under any circumstance, break an oath, correct? And so by agreeing to the terms verbally you have accepted that we will solve this nonviolently in the carnival. Now,” they looked back at the radiant. “Shall we go back?”

@Lunamor @Scars of Hathsin

Frisian pulls to a sharp halt. He glares at Asylum, who smiles back at him.

"Talamar, is she right?" he asks. the spren forms back into his human shape.

"I'm afraid so, Frisian. I had been planning to warn you once you'd landed, but..."

Frisian looks down at Asylum. "Fine. What deal do you want to make?" He cancels all of his upward lashings except for a one-quarter lashing to slow the fall.

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Perses, New Hallandren, Pygma's Workshop

Perses stood for a moment in shock. What had just happened? After a moment, he gathered his senses. "Did you just try to kill me? As a cheap trick?" He flared steel, approaching Pygma. Luckily, he managed to notice the insufferable smirk on Pygma's face. Perses huffed, striding away from her.

"So, do you like it?" she asked, with the grin bleeding into her words. Despite his blood pumping, he couldn't helped but be impressed. While he was quite the shot, and that he had the advantage at distance, he was not particularly muscular or adept at fighting in close quarters. Hopefully this coat would help in that department. "It'll do," Perses said. Still trying to calm his racing heart, he walked out without thanking Pygma.


14 hours ago, Stormlightsong said:

Keshi, The Corridor, The Silver Dagger.

Keshi checked his own schematics. “I will need a decent amount of aluminum alloy and some small scraps.” He quickly checked over his charts on the economy of the area and did some calculations. With much effort he pulled the coins necessary from the large coin purse on Goto’s back. “I thing this will be enough.” He said, panting. “Can I now get to work?”

Venser accepted the coin, not bothering to count them. Though he always appreciated some coin, he was too focused on the blueprints. Few customers have paid with anything other than money, and never has he received anything as useful as this. The raw potential of this technology..... This could revolutionize his business.

By the time he had looked up, the fox was long gone.

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5 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

Frisian pulls to a sharp halt. He glares at Asylum, who smiles back at him.

"Talamar, is she right?" he asks. the spren forms back into his human shape.

"I'm afraid so, Frisian. I had been planning to warn you once you'd landed, but..."

Frisian looks down at Asylum. "Fine. What deal do you want to make?" He cancels all of his upward lashings except for a one-quarter lashing to slow the fall.

When the glowing guy grabbed Lum and shot them into the air, Eza immediately burned iron. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough metal on their persons to stop them. She’d been right. Those glowing people Lum had angered had come back for them. She didn’t recognize him, but that hardly mattered at this point. Lum was probably done for regardless of who this magic guy was.

She barely managed to see Lum saying something that she couldn’t hear, as they were far out of earshot. The man slowed, then they started falling. Eza was somehow both relieved and oddly frustrated by this. Lum never seemed to face any permanent consequences for their actions. That didn’t mean everyone else didn’t have to deal with them, though. They’d destroyed a bar and with it someone’s livelihood.

Lum had known that could happen yet had pushed their luck anyways. Lum was well past the point where any repercussions could serve as learning experiences, however. There was little point in finding a newfound sense of wisdom if you were stuck in a prison cell or worse.

Eza maneuvered so that she was standing closer to where the two were descending, trying to keep them in sight as the crowd stopped to stare. This was unfortunately quite the spectacle, moving all of the fairgoers’ attention to Lum that they hadn’t already drawn themself.

She noticed a silver hairpin stuck sideways through a woman’s elaborate bun and absentmindedly ironpulled on it, sending the shiny piece of metal rocketing into her hand. The previous owner was too distracted by the glowing figures above to notice that her hairdo had collapsed. Eza haphazardly stuck the pin in her own hair, her newly created “hairdo” far less elegant than the woman’s. She had a love-hate relationship with spectacles.


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Arranis, Smokestack 

"Its Asylum alright" Astryn announces as she heads back down to him, floating along the invisible air currents, that she always seemed to travel on. "Do you know who has got him?" Arranis says casually, drawing a glance somewhat from passers by, but he saw a surge from up ahead. "Looks like they caused a panic" he murmurs. As the stampeding crowd heads towards him, he notices a few people being pushed into the rough brick that formed the houses around Smokestack, he notices a small child fall in front of oncoming feet, and he quickly picks him up, standing him on his feet. Before turning away, and barging through the crowd. Heading for Asylum. 

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