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13 minutes ago, LopenCousin91 said:

Is it too pedestrian to guess it's the Sixth of the Dusk sequel he's done readings from?

Honestly this makes the most sense logically, but my heart yearns for something else

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While SotD2 fits the criteria, it's not very secret in my opinion. We  know about it, many have read the early chapter, we're waiting for it. I guess it's something that has never been published or mentioned earlier - that excludes books from State of the Sanderson 2023: "The Night Brigade, Dragonsteel, the Silence Divine, the Grand Apparatus, Mythos, the Aether World book series." Nightblood is obviously out of the question (also "no movement" reported in SotS2023).

Looking at previous Secret Projects I think guessing is futile - he will knock our socks off with some totally new story and impossible world. I hope we will get the name of the last Shard in this book. Pretty please Brandon!

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26 minutes ago, alder24 said:

I hope we will get the name of the last Shard in this book. Pretty please Brandon!

Im really hoping for this too. Honestly anything involving one of the shards we havent seen yet would be amazing. I mean come on, theres so many 'missing' right now!


Valor, Mercy, Invention, Whimsy, and Unnamed are all out there somewhere, all alone 😢

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It reminded me of this WOB from some time ago:



In the 2019 and 2020 State of the Sandersons, you talked about a Secret Standalone Cosmere Book. Is this that? Or is that something different?

Brandon Sanderson

That's something different.


Also, in Livestream #22 in November 2020, you were looking through the cloud archive on your phone and you mentioned there was a Secret Project manuscript there. Was this the book you were referring to? Or is this also something else?

Brandon Sanderson

Something else. That one was Kingmaker, which I did a reading of, that didn't work. That's the one I was referencing there. Not one of these, but a different one entirely.

And the other one is still, yet, an unannounced different one that someday I will announce. I will tell you a little bit about this thing. You'll know when it comes. It is projected at 200K-300K words. It is set in the future of the Cosmere. And it's more beastly and epic than, perhaps, a lot of my other side projects are.

Secret Project #2 Reveal and Livestream (March 15, 2022)

But we'll see. I still see Grand Apparatus as a good possiblity, especially since he talked about almost becoming a scientist in the video without much of a reason to do so (I mean, it was about Words of Radiance, but it still seemed kinda random), and Grand Apparatus sounds like something connected to Invention.

4 minutes ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

Im really hoping for this too. Honestly anything involving one of the shards we havent seen yet would be amazing. I mean come on, theres so many 'missing' right now!

Would be cool, but part of me believes that Brandon's not going to let the chance pass by to have exactly half of the 16 Shards canonized in Stormlight books (the three Roshar Shards and the four name-dropped in ROW)

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1 minute ago, Elegy said:

Would be cool, but part of me believes that Brandon's not going to let the chance pass by to have exactly half of the 16 Shards canonized in Stormlight books (the three Roshar Shards and the four name-dropped in ROW)

Dangit. Theres always another level to these things arent there? lol. This makes a lot of sense, though i really hope this is not the case. 


I do have doubts about being able to give those shards the attention that the others have gotten given the timeline of human life (sorry to be grim). Granted the plan could have always been that we dont get mistborn / stormlight levels of focus on those shards, but i was kind of always expecting that we would (just an assumption). 

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1 hour ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

I do have doubts about being able to give those shards the attention that the others have gotten given the timeline of human life (sorry to be grim). Granted the plan could have always been that we dont get mistborn / stormlight levels of focus on those shards, but i was kind of always expecting that we would (just an assumption). 

I don't think that plan was ever to give all the shards that same level of attention (It would be cool though). If this book does introduce Unnamed, they would still get a fair amount of attention, and since this is high Cosmere connectivity apparently, they would probably be fairly important to the future of the Cosmere.

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3 hours ago, Elegy said:

But we'll see. I still see Grand Apparatus as a good possiblity, especially since he talked about almost becoming a scientist in the video without much of a reason to do so (I mean, it was about Words of Radiance, but it still seemed kinda random), and Grand Apparatus sounds like something connected to Invention.

It wouldn't be a title reveal, if we already knew the title, would it?

3 hours ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

Im really hoping for this too. Honestly anything involving one of the shards we havent seen yet would be amazing. I mean come on, theres so many 'missing' right now!

I am afraid from a tactical, writerly point of view, you want to keep one in reserve, just in case you absolutely need to use one.

4 hours ago, CtrlAltDepressed said:

Any ideas?

Valor, Whimsy or Mercy. Assuming that "The Grand Apparatus" is Invention.

However, if you want a lot of connections, introducing yet another Shard is precisely not what you want. You go to a known, but minor world (as you will tell the stories of the major worlds in future series)

I also note that releasing the novel in 2025 lets Brandon use the end of SA#5. Hence:

  1. Prequel to Sunlit Man
  2. What made U'Tol famous
  3. The fate of the Iriali
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I agree that we will likely see whatever world/location houses The Grand Apparatus.

However, what I am hoping for is to see a Sho-Del world like UTol or some other Sho Del power base. With Dragonsteel Prime coming out, getting some modern Sho Del might match up nicely. It also would make this new secret Project 5 connect to some of the previous Secret Projects as well. 

Edited by teknopathetic
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I don't think it's a book he's talked about on State of the Sanderson or anything, since that wouldn't require a title release.

There's also this WoB that might be referring to this secret project:



In the 2019 and 2020 State of the Sandersons, you talked about a Secret Standalone Cosmere Book. Is this that? Or is that something different?

Brandon Sanderson

That's something different.


Also, in Livestream #22 in November 2020, you were looking through the cloud archive on your phone and you mentioned there was a Secret Project manuscript there. Was this the book you were referring to? Or is this also something else?

Brandon Sanderson

Something else. That one was Kingmaker, which I did a reading of, that didn't work. That's the one I was referencing there. Not one of these, but a different one entirely.

And the other one is still, yet, an unannounced different one that someday I will announce. I will tell you a little bit about this thing. You'll know when it comes. It is projected at 200K-300K words. It is set in the future of the Cosmere. And it's more beastly and epic than, perhaps, a lot of my other side projects are.

Secret Project #2 Reveal and Livestream (March 15, 2022)

Aside from that, I think it's probably something we haven't heard of before. I'm personally hoping for dragons, or the shards Mercy, Whimsy, or Valor. An Iriali story would also be really cool, especially after the Wind and Truth preview, but I doubt this is it.


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Likely IMO: Dragon stuff - Brandon's talked way too much about dragons for them not to be involved.

Possible: The Grand Apparatus - It's come up and I think there's a reason for that. I also think that this isn't mutually exclusive with the dragon stuff. 

Possible: Original Aether World - Brandon's also talked a tad about this and how it's inspired by Indian mythology, and how he thinks that will be the next big mythological trend or whatnot. To me, Sanderson would be pretty silly to notice and/or predict a trend and to not jump on the train before it leaves the track in this case. Still, I think we'll get something set a little closer to the past than the present or future with that book/series. 

Possible: Iriali stuff - We know they'll be important for the future of the Cosmere, and maybe this is where we find out why. Maybe the Grand Apparatus was a place meant to be the perfect home for all of the Iriali or something like that. 

Less Likely: Kite Magic book and Kingmaker. Those seem a little more YA and too fleshed out. Granted, I'd love it to be either one of these, and I truly do think they'll both be published someday, but I think those are Secret Projects for another day. 

Less Likely: That one "Beastly Cosmere" book that Sanderson hinted at in 2022. I could be this, but in the livestream tonight Brandon mentioned that SP5 is roughly 120k words, while the "Beastly Cosmere" book will be 200-300k words. Unless Sanderson managed to condense the outline into half of its original length, then I think these are two spearate things. 

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My guess on the title: "The Conflicts"

While I'm not certain of that- I think that it will be focused on what was referred to in The Sunlit Man, as "the conflicts": the war between the shards with invested beings serving as proxies. The deal between Dalinar and Odium in RoW made clear that Odium is free to send his agents out into the cosmere to "focus on the true war".

At the point of the Sunlit Man (which I think its fair to believe this novel will take place during that time or after), its clear that Odium (baring some disaster for Odium in upcoming novels, which is quite possible, though I think unlikely- as Tarvangian is being propped up as THE big bad), is embroiled in that war. Autonomy is certainly involved- and Sazed will have become Discord- freeing him to act sporadically and certainly become involved. Scadrians are cosmere aware and world-hopping- conventional space travel (even lightspeed space travel, likely hyperspace jumps) is, if not commonplace, possible to select organizations and peoples, like The Night Brigade.   

I imagine the book will be released after SLA 5- so spoilers for that novel are a non-issue. The setting (or perhaps even settings given the nature of this conflict) is, I have no idea. It's possible Dalinar loses his duel with Odium's champion and (or is somehow subverted and loses in another capacity)- and thus Odiums champion in the conflicts. We could be seeing a Odium serving Dalinar- bound by oaths, waging war with the rest of the cosmere. That is a terrifying possibility, and I think a likely one- remember, TOdium is this big bad- he simply wont suffer a devastating loss right days after ascending, Brandon will make him more frightening than that- and it leaves so many options open for the future of the Cosmere. 

Wit may achieve (some) of the coalition he is looking for, not an entire cosmere united against Odium, but surley some of the shards will band together- Harmony/DIscord will be in this coalition I am certain, though as a unreliable/unpredictable ally. For the other shards- to quote the letters from SLA:


Rayse is contained, and we care not for his prison. Indeed, we admire his initiative. Perhaps if you had approached the correct one of us with your plea, it would have found favorable audience. But we stand in the sea, pleased with our domains. Leave us alone.

This is Autonomy- I believe they will be their own agent- their intent makes that all but assured despite their interesting fondness for Odium's "initiative", an alliance would be impossible between Autonomy and Odium- impossible for Autonomy and anyone.



 Endowment at least responded to my overtures

 Endowment may be an ally in this coalition- impossible to say.



I have not been able to locate Invention again following our initial contact

Invention may stay aloof.



 Whimsy was not terribly useful

Not a chance that dude gets involved unless someone shows up on his door step, even then, give him intent- their hands could be tied even worse than Harmony's.



Mercy worries me

This is a very interesting statement, fascinating even: What could Sazed possibly find disturbing in his correspondence with Mercy? Mercy clashed with Odium, thus implying a willingness to do so again (I think)- so Mercy must have said something further that was off-putting, but what? Bloodthirst seems unlikely given Mercy's intent, pacifism seems possible but hardly disturbing, and a willingness to unite with Odium is flat impossible. I think its likely joins this fight in some capacity, perhaps not as part of the coalition however.



I do think that Valor is reasonable, and suggest you approach her again. It has been too long, in her estimation, since your last conversation. 

Valor is certainly in. 


Virtuosity splintered themselves, so they are out.
Ambition is dead
Dominon is dead
Devotion is dead

That leaves the sides as:

Team 1:
(maybe Endowment)
(maybe Invention)
(maybe, though more likely than Endowment/Invention- Mercy)

Team 2:

Team 3:

Team 4 (The Disengaged):
(maybe Endowment)
(maybe Invention)
(maybe Mercy)

Possible Team 5
Mercy on their own

Then I believe there is another unknown shard out there, perhaps two? Someone please set me straight here- but they are another wild card element.


Anyway, this is all pure speculation, of course (forgive me if I sound too certain). I most likely got something grossly incorrect, but I do think this future book is regarding the conflicts—and even if it's not, I think the conflicts will likely shape out to be something like this.


EDIT: I completely forgot about Cultivation- She will either side with Team 1, (meaning that TOdium will have done something to piss her off- and I think that very, very likely. Tarvangian did say "Oh you wonderful creature, you have no idea what you have done". That's fairly foreboding.) OR (and perhaps even if Tarvangian upsets her)- she will do as she has done for the past thousands of years- stand aside, maneuvering in the shadows. That being said- she did not always to do- before Honor's death she fought Odium, at least, her agents did- which makes me lean towards Team 1 for her.  

Edited by rywall182
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4 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

Likely IMO: Dragon stuff - Brandon's talked way too much about dragons for them not to be involved.

Then why future Cosmere with many connections? That is most trouble in terms of spoilers and getting things coordinated.

Now, it is possible that Brandon just wanted to write some SF. But it seems to me that future and highly connected would be complications he'd seek only if necessary for the story, respectively are inherent to the topic.

4 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

Possible: Original Aether World - Brandon's also talked a tad about this and how it's inspired by Indian mythology, and how he thinks that will be the next big mythological trend or whatnot. To me, Sanderson would be pretty silly to notice and/or predict a trend and to not jump on the train before it leaves the track in this case. Still, I think we'll get something set a little closer to the past than the present or future with that book/series.

Aethers are preshattering and interesting stuff had already happened to them in Lost Metal. Why future?

5 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

Possible: Iriali stuff - We know they'll be important for the future of the Cosmere, and maybe this is where we find out why. Maybe the Grand Apparatus was a place meant to be the perfect home for all of the Iriali or something like that.

That at least explains why the book is future Cosmere.

2 hours ago, rywall182 said:

This is a very interesting statement, fascinating even: What could Sazed possibly find disturbing in his correspondence with Mercy? Mercy clashed with Odium, thus implying a willingness to do so again (I think)- so Mercy must have said something further that was off-putting, but what? Bloodthirst seems unlikely given Mercy's intent, pacifism seems possible but hardly disturbing, and a willingness to unite with Odium is flat impossible. I think its likely joins this fight in some capacity, perhaps not as part of the coalition however.

At the risk of repeating myself: The information we have is that three Shards were present at the battle: Odium, Ambition and Mercy.

The idea that Mercy was on Ambition's side is derived from assumptions about Shardic intent, not known facts.
It seems to me that Odium had a point when he concluded that Ambition was dangerous. And Mercy may have shared his view and done the Cosmere a mercy taking Ambition out.

2 hours ago, rywall182 said:

Virtuosity splintered themselves, so they are out.

Not necessarily by that time. That depends on how far in the future YatNP is. In fact, technically we might get the reason for Virtuosity's selfsplintering.

2 hours ago, rywall182 said:

EDIT: I completely forgot about Cultivation- She will either side with Team 1, (meaning that TOdium will have done something to piss her off- and I think that very, very likely. Tarvangian did say "Oh you wonderful creature, you have no idea what you have done". That's fairly foreboding.) OR (and perhaps even if Tarvangian upsets her)- she will do as she has done for the past thousands of years- stand aside, maneuvering in the shadows. That being said- she did not always to do- before Honor's death she fought Odium, at least, her agents did- which makes me lean towards Team 1 for her.  

It seems to me that Cultivation is thoroughly fed up with the rest of the Shards. Her attitude seems like that if the rest think that Odium needs to be stopped, well, then they ought to fight him themselves and she is not going to risk herself and sacrifice her world to contain him. That was Honor's thing, but Honor is dead.

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5 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

At the risk of repeating myself: The information we have is that three Shards were present at the battle: Odium, Ambition and Mercy.

The idea that Mercy was on Ambition's side is derived from assumptions about Shardic intent, not known facts.
It seems to me that Odium had a point when he concluded that Ambition was dangerous. And Mercy may have shared his view and done the Cosmere a mercy taking Ambition out.

For Mercy to voluntarily join this battle, and consciously fight alongside Odium, Mercy would have had to believe that Ambition was an even larger threat to the cosmere than Odium. That it was an even larger mercy to the cosmere to take out Ambition, rather than Odium, that seems highly unlikely:

1. Odium already splintered Dominion and Devotion by this point

2. Odium is constantly referred to as the most dangerous of the 16

So either we had a three-way battle (which would be a bit strange, so that seems unlikely) or Mercy fought alongside Ambition. 

Yes, Odium would need to face down two shards- splinter one- and have the other retreat. Considering though, that he did this exact thing, not only on Roshar with Honor/Cultivation, but quite possibly took on Dominion and Devotion simultaneously (though we dont know the precise details there either)- thats not at all far fetched.

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12 minutes ago, rywall182 said:

For Mercy to voluntarily join this battle, and consciously fight alongside Odium, Mercy would have had to believe that Ambition was an even larger threat to the cosmere than Odium. That it was an even larger mercy to the cosmere to take out Ambition, rather than Odium, that seems highly unlikely:

1. Odium already splintered Dominion and Devotion by this point

2. Odium is constantly referred to as the most dangerous of the 16

So either we had a three-way battle (which would be a bit strange, so that seems unlikely) or Mercy fought alongside Ambition. 

Yes, Odium would need to face down two shards- splinter one- and have the other retreat. Considering though, that he did this exact thing, not only on Roshar with Honor/Cultivation, but quite possibly took on Dominion and Devotion simultaneously (though we dont know the precise details there either)- thats not at all far fetched.

Let me quote Endowment:

As for Uli Da, it was obvious from the outset that she was going to be a problem. Good riddance.

Considering it better for everybody for her to be dead seems to be the likelier attitude to me. As for Mercy's choice, if you have two problems, will you refuse to take out the one you can take out, just because the other one may be even worse?

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1 hour ago, Oltux72 said:

Let me quote Endowment:

As for Uli Da, it was obvious from the outset that she was going to be a problem. Good riddance.

Considering it better for everybody for her to be dead seems to be the likelier attitude to me. As for Mercy's choice, if you have two problems, will you refuse to take out the one you can take out, just because the other one may be even worse?

That quote doesn’t indicate anything other than it was a good thing she died- just as it would also be a good thing if Odium died. It does not at all imply Ambitions death would be better than Odium’s.

Further, you’re creating a false dichotomy- that it was either destroy Ambition, or nothing- there’s zero evidence for that claim. Slaying Odium could have been an option, we don’t know for sure, but why are you certain it wasn’t an option? 

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Brandon confirmed in the livestream yesterday that he had started writing it some time before (he didn't specify when), so the WOB I quoted above might actually refer to it - although he also said that it's about 120,000 words, while he talked about 200,000 to 300,000 in that WOB. And we all know that Brandon books never turn out shorter than planned. So I'm on the fence but believe that it isn't what he was talking about there for that reason.

Further information from the stream: It's not narrated by Hoid, it's the farthest in the Cosmere we've seen canonically, and it's something he'd wanted to write for a while.

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In the recent livestream Brandon said that SP5 has around 120k words and takes place the furthest into the future of any books known to us. He also said he wanted to write it for a while, but started when he needed a break from SA5. That excludes a few things.

I don't think it's The Grand Apparatus, or Kingmaker because we wouldn't really need a title reveal. I don't think it would be focused on Iriali, they will be a major player in the Space Era, I wouldn't expect Brandon to reveal too much about them that early.

UTol is hard to say - theoretically speaking the system was already famous when Hoid was telling Yumi's story, one might argue that the time when Hoid is telling his story counts in the timeline and because SP5 is the furthest into the future, then it won't be about UTol as this event would be in the past relative to SP5. But whatever happened on UTol to make it famous happened most likely after Yumi's story and likely after TSM, so it's still on the table in my opinion. 

Because the Backerkit describes it as "a mythic worldhopper adventure," I think it will introduce us to several new places and visit some old ones. Silverlight is a big candidate in my opinion, Dragons might appear too, maybe something 17th Shard related? I don't expect it to be about any major Cosmere conflict because that's something for Mistborn Era 4, not for a small novella. But the major conflict might be a background to the story rather than focus. 

I think Mythos is a solid candidate. Not only the Backerkit description suggests that ("a mythic worldhopper adventure"), but I've also found a WoB about the name being a nickname and another one where Brandon said he wanted to write about it for a while now, which is the same thing he said about SP5 in the livestream. Both WoBs are from December 2022 and that's around when he started to write KoWT - so it would fit that Mythos appeared in WoBs when he started to develop it as a break from SA5. But other than that Mythos is a place/planet we know nothing about it, there are no WoBs about it. 


Brandon Sanderson

Part Five: Updates on Minor Projects


Things I’m Tinkering On

Mostly in the back of my head, here are future novels that you might be able to expect in the Cosmere. Night Brigade (Threnody novel). Dragonsteel (Hoid backstory series.) Silence Divine (Ashyn novel). Aether World series. Mythos series (new planet, though this is the off-world nickname right now). 

We’ll see if/when any of these appear!

State of the Sanderson 2022 (Dec. 22, 2022)




Will we ever see a story from Mythos?

Brandon Sanderson

I would sure like to write one for Mythos, but we'll see. There's a lot of stuff I want to write.

Mythos is a place. That's the colloquial term for the place.

YouTube Spoiler Stream 5 (Dec. 2, 2022)




7 hours ago, rywall182 said:

My guess on the title: "The Conflicts" TSM spoilers:


While I'm not certain of that- I think that it will be focused on what was referred to in The Sunlit Man, as "the conflicts": the war between the shards with invested beings serving as proxies.


TSM is still in the Spoiler Zone, please respect it. TSM spoiler:


The Conflicts are about Scadrial vs Roshar. That's it, we don't know if Shards are involved at all. It's clear from TSM and information we know from WoBs and early readings that it's about them fighting with each other. That's too big and too major for SP5 to be focused on, that's Mistborn Era 4 stuff. And it started in the past relative to TSM and SP5 is even more in the future. But this is something that is the background for a lot of stuff happening in the future, we have a big chance hearing about this in SP5, but I don't expect it to be something major in the book. 


4 hours ago, rywall182 said:

For Mercy to voluntarily join this battle, and consciously fight alongside Odium, Mercy would have had to believe that Ambition was an even larger threat to the cosmere than Odium. That it was an even larger mercy to the cosmere to take out Ambition, rather than Odium, that seems highly unlikely:

1. Odium already splintered Dominion and Devotion by this point

2. Odium is constantly referred to as the most dangerous of the 16

So either we had a three-way battle (which would be a bit strange, so that seems unlikely) or Mercy fought alongside Ambition. 

Yes, Odium would need to face down two shards- splinter one- and have the other retreat. Considering though, that he did this exact thing, not only on Roshar with Honor/Cultivation, but quite possibly took on Dominion and Devotion simultaneously (though we dont know the precise details there either)- thats not at all far fetched.

We know Autonomy was Team Odium, she helped him in some way with Splintering of Dominion and Devotion (WoB) so why can't some other Shard join him for one fight? Ambition was nr 1 on Odium's hit list (WoB - at the end Brandon said "we're taking down Ambition," that's suspicious), she was the most dangerous according to him, Endowment is glad she is gone and is not worried about Odium at all - I see no reasons why Mercy couldn't have thought like that as well. And we know it's very dangerous for a Shard to go alone against two other Shards (WoB), so it would be odd for Odium to try to battle them both alone, with no support. Mercy is worrying in Sazed's opinion, maybe because they're still on Team Odium? And in my opinion it fits for Mercy to have this twisted intent (as ending suffering by death is Mercy thing) and joined to kill Ambition as an act of mercy.

But on the other hand Odium was targeting Shards who settled with others because he can use their broken agreement as justification (WoB). It also makes sense if Mercy settled with Ambition together on Threnody and Odium attacked them both, killed Ambition and wounded Mercy (and that's they are worrying). Ultimately we still know too little, there are solid arguments for both cases. I personally think Mercy helped Odium, it's more fun to consider that.

But this is not the topic to argue about this. 

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6 hours ago, Oltux72 said:

Now, it is possible that Brandon just wanted to write some SF. But it seems to me that future and highly connected would be complications he'd seek only if necessary for the story, respectively are inherent to the topic.

*cough* TLM *cough*

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