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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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6 hours ago, Llstml said:

Granted, every time you play it, the temperature in your room will drop to -30000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. I could make it cooler if you want, though.

 your bane is that you will never get a good score on any test, and will never get a job.

That's physically not possible due to the fact that absolute zero (0° Kelvin) stands at -273.15° Celsius or 459.67° Fahrenheit

but eh, details


Since the last player didn't make a wish, let me launch it off again with a wish

I wish for... 


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3 hours ago, Edgedancer_of_spirits said:

I wish for wishing washers and a school of wishiwashi.

The Nightwatcher frowns, perhaps not comprehending or perhaps angry at not being able to comprehend human jokes or perhaps simply thinking that she was being mocked.

"Is that so, little supplicant?", she asks, "If nonsense words attract you so... I think I have just the boon for you and a fitting curse"

You are transported to Hogwarts. You are now Filch. "A school of wishy-washy, if you will", her voice echoed, "now for the other part of the wish, I shall take it literally. By which I mean..."

"Mr Filch" a voice interrupts. You turn to see a hawk-nosed man with greasy hair walking towards you, smiling unpleasantly. "I have a task for you", he said, "a while ago someone stole some of the Felix Felicis I had made and tried to..." his lips curled "mix it with water in a misguided attempt to make more of it"

He looked at you, his curled lip turning from a bad caricature of a smile to something resembling true pleasure.

"The problem is", he continued, "only three people had access to my workshop. Me, Professor Dumbledore and you. I do not appreciate being stolen from, Mr Filch! But perhaps we can come to an agreement"

Yup, that was definitely genuine happiness in Snape's eyes, you thought.

"You will scrub clean the cauldrons of House Slytherin. Recently they tried to make the very same potion that you stole. Do not try to interrupt me! I know it was you! Who else would be so uneducated so as to put water in it! Filthy Squib! And even if it wasn't you who stole it who else could've been so lousy with keeping the keys safe from children? I do surely hope you'll not suggest that me or Professor Dumbledore could ever make that mistake?"

You stare at him. Too much had happened and too fast.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" he snarled at you, "quit gaping, get to it!"

As you still stood there, completely dumbfounded, the Nightwatcher's voice echoed again "your curse is that in this place of magic, you shall be the outcast. You will get to see magic but never cast it"

Numb, you could hear the smile in her voice. No, you thought desperately....


I wish for the standard triad of superpowers (the Superman package): super strength, flight, invulnerability

Edited by Honorless
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Granted, but everytime you try to do anything useful, somebody important to you gets kidnapped, held hostage, and you fail to save them and fail to do said useful thing.

I wish for somebody to tell me how to use a set of points to decide whether it's a squiggly line, a circle, a straight line, or something else using python code.

Edit: Either that, or that I got an 100% grade on my math test I just took

Edited by Mushroom Catalog
Excessively convoluted wish
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4 hours ago, Edgedancer_of_spirits said:

Gurglemurglegurgle (You can’t read them.)  gurglegurgle (I wish to live in slime rancher.

Granted, as boon (you read that right, since what you asked for is definitely curse material) you can take a break between games to come back out into the real world and have free food.

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7 minutes ago, The traveller said:

Granted but then all your teeth fell out and you can not eat anything at all, you are on liquid diet forever. 

I wish to punch odium And break his nose just coz

Granted. You have a permanent nose-bleed. 


I wish for the power to make other people gods by speaking a poem and inserting their name into it.

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Granted, however the poem’s words are twisted in a way that whoever hears them hears, instead of a poem, all their failings. They are ripped to pieces by the pain of the poem, not literally. Everyone who hears your poems now suffers from depression.

I wish for the ability to transfer talent from person to person, not myself.

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20 hours ago, Butt Ad Venture said:

Granted, however the poem’s words are twisted in a way that whoever hears them hears, instead of a poem, all their failings. They are ripped to pieces by the pain of the poem, not literally. Everyone who hears your poems now suffers from depression.

I wish for the ability to transfer talent from person to person, not myself.

Granted, you now have the knowledge necessary to be a Hemalurgist

I wish to be able to completely control my immediate environment (say, within 5 metres of myself)

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13 minutes ago, Honorless said:

Granted, you now have the knowledge necessary to be a Hemalurgist

I wish to be able to completely control my immediate environment (say, within 5 metres of myself)

Granted and you are immediately teleported to the space due to lack of environment and oxygen you freeze to death. 

I wish for a suit made of dragonsteel

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4 minutes ago, The traveller said:

Granted and you are immediately teleported to the space due to lack of environment and oxygen you freeze to death. 

I wish for a suit made of dragonsteel

Granted, it falls on you from a great height

I wish for a wand (Harry Potter, not fake)

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4 minutes ago, The traveller said:

Granted but you get the old wand of Ron Weasley, you try to avada cadavera odium with it and it backfires on you. 

I wish for a chasmfiend pet who I can completely control 

Granted, in fact, you can control all Chasmfiends!!! 

This is because you, yourself are also a Chasmfiend now. The Chasmfiend queen or alpha analogue, in fact

I want my own pocket dimension (that is just my own, that I can freely enter or exit, or enact any physical changes that I see fit, etc)

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6 minutes ago, Honorless said:

This is because you, yourself are also a Chasmfiend now. The Chasmfiend queen or alpha analogue, in fact

Lol I really don’t mind although please keep the alethi s away from me!! 

6 minutes ago, Honorless said:

want my own pocket dimension (that is just my own, that I can freely enter or exit, or enact any physical changes that I see fit, etc)

Granted but every time you enter and exit your pocket realm you age 25 years so u will die very soon 

i wish to be a fullborn with all the metalminds and allomantic metals

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3 minutes ago, The traveller said:

Lol I really don’t mind although please keep the alethi s away from me!! 

Okay but the Parshendi are still there. Oh well, it was nice knowing you! 

3 minutes ago, The traveller said:

Granted but every time you enter and exit your pocket realm you age 25 years so u will die very soon 

i wish to be a fullborn with all the metalminds and allomantic metals

Granted, you are transported into the body of the Lord Ruler just as his Atium Hemalurgic Metalminds were ripped off.

I wish for a better, safer alternative to the Nightwatcher for wishers

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7 minutes ago, Honorless said:

Okay but the Parshendi are still there. Oh well, it was nice knowing you! 

Granted, you are transported into the body of the Lord Ruler just as his Atium Hemalurgic Metalminds were ripped off.

I wish for a better, safer alternative to the Nightwatcher for wishers

The Nightwatcher laughs, then turns you into dust.

I wish for more time to read chapter 37 of a Memory of Light in one sitting.

Edited by Truthless of Shinovar
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1 hour ago, Llstml said:

Granted, you will now be fused with your chair permanently, plenty of time to read before you starve to death.


I wish to be immune to drowning, suffocating, and being strangled.

The Nightwatcher looks at you strangely then says, "why ever did I choose to come here? I should just go back to Roshar, honestly!" then dismissively waves her hand towards you.

Your senses immediately become void...

You see, what happened was that she turned you into seaweed, immune to drowning, suffocation and strangulation.


I wish for... a thicc booty (regards posterior despondently... well not really but bigger is always better... wait) but not Kardashian thicc

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