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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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Granted! They appear before you, in the middle of the room, on a sturdy cedar bookshelf that, not being bolted to the wall, topples over, crushing you. Your bane is to haunt that room forever.


Since I am in a Ground Hog day loop, I suppose I should wish the weekend would never end again!! :P

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Granted.  It's Sunday forever now.  All of the religious groups that maintain a Sunday sabbath can never work again without violating their faith.  Millions of faithful die of starvation, and whole faiths and ethnic groups disappear from the face of the world.  You are responsible for the worst genocide in human history.  The name "Hitler" is almost forgotten: from now on, it is "Argel"  that is synonymous with unreasoning evil.



All of that is just a logical consequence of your boon.  Your bane is that you now sneeze whenever you see a bunny.


I wish that for a time-travel vacation in which I can scuba-dive with the pre-Cambrian Ediacarans.

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As you didn't specify what you'd wish to get, the Nightwatcher picks a random thought from your mind and works with this.


Suddenly, a truckload of oysters is dumped on your head. They're fresh, tasty and edible, and will continue to be so for days. However, a moment later you find yourself in the nearest large (larger than a swimming pool, deeper than you're tall) body of water. Clothes-less.


I wish for a pet shoggoth that wouldn't eat me or drive me mad.

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That's two requests. The first one is granted, the second one is not. Your bane? Doctor Strange has a new scriptwriter. The show will henceworth tell the story of Dungeons & Dragons: The Movie non-stop for the next three seasons, with the exception that the main character is called Doctor Strange. And his name will be pronounced in its full form. Every. Single. Time.


I wish to become a rich man. 

You, my friend, are hereby on my list. 


Which is to say, good bane there.

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For me that would be the pacific ocean. Well, okay. I will roll with it since that is a lot of oysters. Thanks nightwatcher.


Anyway, your wish is granted. In exchange you have no recollection whatsoever of how to multiply numbers. You may want to relearn that.


I wish for a paradoxical bane.

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Wanting to meddle with the occult, eh? Taste the rainbow. Your wish is granted. Touching anything smooth will now cause you to become super-glued to the smooth object. Paradoxically, when the smooth object touches you, nothing happens. And your normal bane? Whenever people speak your name, you can only hear them calling you a smartass.


I wish to become a Soother.

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Whenever people speak your name, you can only hear them calling you a smartass.


Oh that was already the case ;)


I wish to become a Soother.


Granted. Good luck getting the right mixes of metals...

Anyway, your bane is that everybody knows about the power. So most people are super suspicious of you because they fear you are trying to use metallic mind control magics on them. Lots of people start wearing tin foil hats and conspiracy theorists enjoy a rise in esteem.


I wish for an identity-less metalmind filled with huge feruchemical bronze reserves.

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I wish for an identity-less metalmind filled with huge feruchemical bronze reserves.

Granted. You now have an identity-less metal piercing DOWN THERE filled with a near endless supply of wakefulness - which arguably makes tapping said reserve VERYVERY AWKWARD since whenever you do so the first place it takes effect with is, er, well you know where...


As for your bane... well, I guess that's bane enough.  :ph34r:


I wish for whatever the next poster's wish is - or at least that or a way to get the cast of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child to play for me in private.

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I wish for whatever the next poster's wish is - or at least that or a way to get the cast of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child to play for me in private.


Nightwatcher was at first confused and gave you two slaves: a hairy potter and a child that is cursed.

She fixed this and now the cast of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child will play ( a game of michim) for you in private.


Your bane is that you must care for the hairy potter and cursed child for the rest of your life. The child comes to be the bane of your existence. :P


I wish to learn from Khriss (the worldhopper).

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Granted. Khriss teaches you how to sew socks. Then leaves on some important task.


Your bane is that all water from now on will taste just slightly like mint. No matter what you put in it or what the water goes in. (pasta, kool-aid, artichokes, those awesome pudding-brownie hybrid things...)


I wish to know which lane will go the fastest whenever I approach an intersection. And be able to get into said lane. 

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As for your bane... well, I guess that's bane bone enough.  :ph34r:


Fixed it for you.




I wish to know which lane will go the fastest whenever I approach an intersection. And be able to get into said lane. 


Granted. You become a master of lane-swapping and of reading the flow of the traffic. Unfortunately, to become one without any of the prerequisites, it makes you into a braindead zombie - except when swapping lanes. Then you're a genius. 


I wish to gain the ability to turn invisible (and back to being visible) at will.

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Granted, although it only works on you, and not on your clothes, things you have in your pocket, dirt on your skin or anything else. As your bane, any time your clothes leave your sight, they are somehow misplaced to the most improbable place, albeit not one that would destroy them permanently.


I wish to re-learn how to multiply numbers, and not at the cost of my new pet shoggoth. High school finals are not a good time to forget maths...  :ph34r:

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Granted. You re-learn how to multiply numbers, but spend so much time doing it that you forget every other math topic you supposedly learned this year.


Your bane is that, from now on, you will never be able to guess the age of any person you see, with the exception of children under ten. This means that you will not be able to tell if you should be humble or haughty around a person. (In high school terms, this means you're a junior for eternity - mostly sure that everybody is younger than you but not wanting to guess in case they're actually a senior.)


I wish for the effortlessness of improvising on the piano that comes with decades of practice, without having to wait at all. (Like this awesome person)

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You forget to show up to the exam.

I wish my chairs armrest wasn't broken.

Your chair's armrest is no longer broken thanks to the use of copious amounts of duct tape. I also sprayed lots of WD-40 on it to finish the job. ;)

Bane: Wayne will "trade" for the items in your house.


I wish to learn ketek-writing/ ketek-writing learn to wish I.. Wait that doesn't work.

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Beautiful wish for keteks are keteks for wishing beautifully

Okay... I kind of succeeded.


Anyway, granted. You now know how to write keteks. Your bane is that you had to take a four-year program to do it. (They are difficult to write meaningfully, after all.) This means that you are now four years older, your current job/school/stuff was on hold, and you accomplished basically nothing. Unless you are savvy and learn how to make money from it. Then hey, go you.


I wish to be constantly hydrated without worrying about it. (Without drowning, either.)

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The nightwatcher - despite all logical precedent - provides you the awesome ability to bend the full range of the atmosphere's power to your will. Your anger summons thunderstorms, your sadness brings forth endless downpours or furious blizzards, your happiness stains the entire landscape with rainbows, etc.


However, from now on you will always smell like either a malasalas, a chinese meat bun, or a tangerine. On rare occasions, you will smell like all three. Nothing you take, put on, or wash yourself with will ever stop you from smelling like food - or during those times when all three mix up - from smelling like a newly brewed headache. (This is the Dew talking.)


I wish for the ability to conjure bathrooms out of nowhere. Just because.  :ph34r:

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Granted. They appear when you sit down and replace whatever you sat down on. Example: you sit on chair in room, chair becomes toilet, rooms becomes bathroom.

I wish for the ability to make people happy.

Granted, everyone will be happy but only if you volunteer as a bridgeman


I wish to replace you as the NightWatcher

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I don't think the Nightwatcher appreciates being asked if she could be replaced by a mortal human being. So she bribes you instead with a real Pokeball to drop your wish. Inside resides the most powerful, the most terrible, the most awe-inspiring Pokemon in the entire universe. Congratulations! Your starting Pokemon is...






Your bane is that since you're the only one in the entire world with an actual Pokemon, no Pokemon battles for you!


Now let's see... I think I'll wish for the gift of insight. *cue foreboding music*

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Granted, you get insight into all the inner workings of the universe, but as a natural result, you fall into a catatonic state because the brain can't handle the information.

Your bane is that you will live for ever, to remind people that knowledge can be dangerous.

(The catatonic state was a natural result, you still needed a curse.)


My wish is that I get transported to Roshar and become a Willshaper.

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