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Smedry HG Signups!

Edema Rue

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Hello there, and happy hunger games to all! (Sorry about how long this post is, but please read it all! It's very important information!)

To those who thought this was going to be cosmere, sorry about the confusion there. Here you can sign up for the Smedry Hunger Games! To those who haven’t read Alcatraz vs. The Evil Librarians, the coppermind is your friend…or you can read really really fast. Since each of your characters is essentially young nobility, it’s pretty logical that a lot of them could be distant cousins. So, each character will have a Talent; a silly little magical quirk that can be both annoying and useful; such as the ability to always be late, which could be a problem for most of your life, until you arrive late to an injury, or your own death… (if you haven’t read Alcatraz, this is an example from the books. Don’t use it pretty please). Come up with any Talent you'd like, but we need to approve it. If you'd rather not have a Talent, that's okay too!

To sign up, just fill out the character sheet below and post it here! Only the things in red are required, but the more you develop your characters, the funner it'll be to play them! (Psst-the GM's love conflict. If even one or two characters can facilitate that, it makes our job easier and the games funner!) Note: all tributes must be children from the capitol.



Age (between 8 and 18):Gender:


Favored weapons (if any):


Other info:

Art (of your character):

If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please put them in the chat thread. If you’d like to plan alliances or relationships with other characters, that’s awesome, but please do that in the chat thread or through PM’s. (We’d like to keep this thread from getting too clogged up, so as to not lose anyone’s character sheets).

Signups will close at midnight on February 11th, I assume EST but I’m not sure, so get your characters in before then! The games will startIn the meantime, you can keep roleplaying and developing characters in the district RP’s, though none of your characters will know they’re going to be in the hunger games. You can start using your Talent in the district RP’s ONLY once myself, @SmilingPanda19, or @Invisible have approved it. 

So, your GM’s for this games! Panda will get out a more detailed intro for each of them sometime soon, but for now, your GM's are played by @Edema Rue, @SmilingPanda19, @The Wandering Wizard@InvisibIe, and @Invisible.

One last thing: In the past, the games have moved incredibly quickly for an RP, so a couple things to be aware of: if more than 20 pages pass without you posting, or if you stop responding to mentions, (there's no exact numbers, we have to play it by ear as things progress), we may have to kill off your character. If something comes up and you have to drop out, that's just fine, but we ask that you let us know. As GM's, we try to keep track of everything, but sometimes that can be very hectic. So, if you need to talk to a specific player or GM, please quote or mention them so that your posts don't get lost in the flood! If you die early on but would still like to participate, PM the GM's! As long as you're communicating with us, we're happy to work with you and figure things out. 

As always, thanks so much for playing, and we look forward to watching your characters die in various ways! Happy hunger games, and may the odds be never in your favor.

Edited by Edema Rue
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22 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

Name: Celia

Age (between 8 and 18): 14

Gender: female

Talent: being really bad at gardening (any plant near her wilts and dies) EDIT: this also works on dead plant life, like wood and stuff.

Favored weapons (if any): Sword, Kunai



Essentially a long time ago, in a very far away place, she had to leave behind one of her friends, Azalea (note: not the intern), and chose to remain instead. since then, she roams to world, looking for a sense of belonging. 

Other info: She believes in the Truespirits (which are very complicated)

Art: is not an innovation, but rather an expression.

Will the games be set in libraria or freelands? That will drastically influence stuff

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Name: Aaron

Age (between 8 and 18):Gender: 15

Talent: Not being where people need him?

Favored weapons (if any): axe

Backstory: was on the path to becoming a peacekeeper, so had some training with weapons, then had been in District Bob as a lumberjack, so he is muscular and deadly with an axe.

Other info: (if talent is approved) tends to get in a lot of trouble, then get in worse trouble when people can’t find him.

Edit: art 




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@The Stormfather @Ravenclawjedi42 @Lightweaver2 @Lord Spirit @The Wandering Wizard @Silver Phantom @Argenti @Master if Magic @Scars of Hathsin @Canada Lover@Experience @SymphonianBookworm @TheRavenHasLanded @Kajsa  @The Honorable One 

General pinging innniw I didn’t didn’t get everyobody. Also, NOOOOOOOO I haven’t read this and that means that I probably won’t do it…. Sad …. Good luck, and let the odds….

Also will the pre rps continue?

oh and

@shortcake @AN020C @jerps @justice magician @Aeoryi

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Name: Bob

Age (between 8 and 18): 16

Gender: Male

Talent: He sometimes thinks that he is an animal of some sort, which grants him some capabilities of said animal (approved)

Favored weapons (if any): Guns. He is a gun nerd.

Backstory: His father was a man from the capital, who was unhappily married to a woman in the capital. On a business trip to district 8, though, he had an affair with a woman from there. Bob was the product of that affair. His father used to send him and his mother money to support them, but the father was killed in the rebellion.

Other info: He’s another of the peaceful Bobs, despite his obsession with guns he hates firing them. He’s also in love with Tough Bob, and will be very sad to leave his boyfriend behind.

Art: None yet, I may edit this if I make any.

Edited by Ravenclawjedi42
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7 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

Will the games be set in libraria or freelands? That will drastically influence stuff

They'll be set in an arena?

Talent approved!

6 minutes ago, Lightweaver2 said:

Name: Aaron

Age (between 8 and 18):Gender: 15

Talent: Not being where people need him?

Favored weapons (if any): axe

Backstory: was on the path to becoming a peacekeeper, so had some training with weapons, then had been in District Bob as a lumberjack, so he is muscular and deadly with an axe.

Other info: (if talent is approved) tends to get in a lot of trouble, then get in worse trouble when people can’t find him.

Your Talent is a little vague, but for now approved!

1 minute ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

Name: Bob

Age (between 8 and 18): 16

Gender: Male

Talent: He sometimes thinks that he is an animal of some sort, which grants him some capabilities of said animal (pending approval)

Favored weapons (if any): Guns. He is a gun nerd.

Backstory: His father was a man from the capital, who was unhappily married to a woman in the capital. On a business trip to district 8, though, he had an affair with a woman from there. Bob was the product of that affair. His father used to send him and his mother money to support them, but the father was killed in the rebellion.

Other info: He’s another of the peaceful Bobs, despite his obsession with guns he hates firing them. He’s also in love with Tough Bob, and will be very sad to leave his boyfriend behind.

Art: None yet, I may edit this if I make any.

Some limitations might be good, like only one animal every day, but as long as you don't go completely crazy and do animals like...a starfish that can regrow limbs, or a frog that can kill people by touching them, it should be good!

4 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:





@The Stormfather @Ravenclawjedi42 @Lightweaver2 @Lord Spirit @The Wandering Wizard @Silver Phantom @Argenti @Master if Magic @Scars of Hathsin @Canada Lover@Experience @SymphonianBookworm @TheRavenHasLanded @Kajsa  @The Honorable One 

General pinging innniw I didn’t didn’t get everyobody. Also, NOOOOOOOO I haven’t read this and that means that I probably won’t do it…. Sad …. Good luck, and let the odds….

Also will the pre rps continue?

oh and

@shortcake @AN020C @jerps @justice magician @Aeoryi

The district RP's will continue for the next 3 weeks, we might temporarily lock them during the actual games, but that's still to be decided!

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Name: Elsa

Age (between 8 and 18) 16 Gender: Female

Talent: Killing conversations- ie; saying things nobody wants to hear. She's really smart. which annoys people even more.

Favored weapons (if any): Knife

Backstory: Her family is one in a long line of smedrys, she has both parents and one older brother. She lives in District 5, helping support her family however she can.

Other info: She is kind of an odd one out, since all her family's talents are "better" than hers. She's not quite all there (can hear voices no one else can) but really quite sane otherwise.


Lemme know if I should change anything :)


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1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

Your Talent is a little vague, but for now approved!

Thank you, do I need to make it less vague? (To be clear, this is me stating a fact, not arguing) I believe talents range in how vague they are, the more vague the generally more powerful they are.

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3 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Some limitations might be good, like only one animal every day, but as long as you don't go completely crazy and do animals like...a starfish that can regrow limbs, or a frog that can kill people by touching them, it should be good!

Yeah, it’ll be more mental (thinking like the animal) than physical, but there will be some of both.


4 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

The district RP's will continue for the next 3 weeks, we might temporarily lock them during the actual games, but that's still to be decided!

I personally would prefer if they weren’t locked, so if I wanted I could do stuff with the other Bobs, and have them interact with other unused characters.

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5 minutes ago, Part Of The Narrative said:

Name: Elsa

Age (between 8 and 18) 16 Gender: Female

Talent: Killing conversations- ie; saying things nobody wants to hear. She's really smart. which annoys people even more.

Favored weapons (if any): Knife

Backstory: Her family is one in a long line of smedrys, she has both parents and one older brother. She lives in District 5, helping support her family however she can.

Other info: She is kind of an odd one out, since all her family's talents are "better" than hers. She's not quite all there (can hear voices no one else can) but really quite sane otherwise.


Looks good, love the Talent!

3 minutes ago, Lightweaver2 said:

Thank you, do I need to make it less vague? (To be clear, this is me stating a fact, not arguing) I believe talents range in how vague they are, the more vague the generally more powerful they are.

That's correct, it should be good but we'll see if that changes as things play out :) 

Just now, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

Yeah, it’ll be more mental (thinking like the animal) than physical, but there will be some of both.


I personally would prefer if they weren’t locked, so if I wanted I could do stuff with the other Bobs, and have them interact with other unused characters.

Sounds good! 

So far, we aren't planning on locking them, but we'll see how it goes.

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1 hour ago, Edema Rue said:

They'll be set in an arena?

Talent approved!

Your Talent is a little vague, but for now approved!

Some limitations might be good, like only one animal every day, but as long as you don't go completely crazy and do animals like...a starfish that can regrow limbs, or a frog that can kill people by touching them, it should be good!

The district RP's will continue for the next 3 weeks, we might temporarily lock them during the actual games, but that's still to be decided!

I know it would be a lot to manage for the gms, but it would be nice for me since I am probably not going to be in this games for it to continue. Have fun GMs!

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11 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

Name: Delind

Age (between 8 and 18): 16

Gender: Female

Talent: Being ignored

Favored weapons (if any): a small knife

Backstory: she ended up a servant to Ninddles family in district 6 and has lived quietly since.

Other info: Avoids trouble


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Name: adonis

Age (between 8 and 18): 18

Gender: male

Talent: when he dies he will be reborn in gmhq able to interact with them and cause mischief in the arena. (his real talent is interdimential travel)

Favoured weapons (if any): spear 

Backstory: In District Red, he lives in more of the ex-district 4 and as such he learned how to use spears to fish, skin fish and swim.

Other info: likes to cause mischief and will never be where you expect him to be. he is a strong swimmer and has a fair amount of muscle mass from the near-unlimited food from the fish and the exercise. 

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12 hours ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:





@The Stormfather @Ravenclawjedi42 @Lightweaver2 @Lord Spirit @The Wandering Wizard @Silver Phantom @Argenti @Master if Magic @Scars of Hathsin @Canada Lover@Experience @SymphonianBookworm @TheRavenHasLanded @Kajsa  @The Honorable One 

General pinging innniw I didn’t didn’t get everyobody. Also, NOOOOOOOO I haven’t read this and that means that I probably won’t do it…. Sad …. Good luck, and let the odds….

Also will the pre rps continue?

oh and

@shortcake @AN020C @jerps @justice magician @Aeoryi

thank you lol. 

Name: Kaza Crick

age: 16

gender: Male

Talent: No matter what, he cannot do a single thing correct (yes, this is exploitable on purpose)

weapon: Dagger, like his half brother Ayck. 

Backstory: was placed in the capitol when his father took him to keep him away from the hg.

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3 hours ago, Lord Spirit said:


Looks good!

2 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

Name: adonis

Age (between 8 and 18): 18

Gender: male

Talent: when he dies he will be reborn in gmhq able to interact with them and cause mischief in the arena. (his real talent is interdimential travel)

Favoured weapons (if any): spear 

Backstory: In District Red, he lives in more of the ex-district 4 and as such he learned how to use spears to fish, skin fish and swim.

Other info: likes to cause mischief and will never be where you expect him to be. he is a strong swimmer and has a fair amount of muscle mass from the near-unlimited food from the fish and the exercise. 

I'm a little worried about this talent, what do you have in mind? (It might work, but depends on how you're planning to play it).

1 hour ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

thank you lol. 

Name: Kaza Crick

age: 16

gender: Male

Talent: No matter what, he cannot do a single thing correct (yes, this is exploitable on purpose)

weapon: Dagger, like his half brother Ayck. 

Backstory: was placed in the capitol when his father took him to keep him away from the hg.

This should be good, but no using it to make yourself immune to death xD

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8 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Looks good!

I'm a little worried about this talent, what do you have in mind? (It might work, but depends on how you're planning to play it).

This should be good, but no using it to make yourself immune to death xD

my idea is that he cant kill himself.

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Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:

my idea is that he cant kill himself.

Okay, just as long as you don't say "he can't die right" and then keep him alive, that sort of thing.

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8 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

no, if someone wants him to die a painful death, his death will be painless.

Sounds good! If anything changes in game, we might have to talk, but for now this is approved!

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5 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:


Talent: when he dies he will be reborn in gmhq able to interact with them and cause mischief in the arena. (his real talent is interdimential travel)

Just a tip especially for those who haven't read Alcatraz, smedry talents are meant to be some sort of everyday thing, like always forgetting where your keys are, or never hitting a target with a bow, or being really bad at math, but they benefit the user. Again, it's a bit hard to explain, but I'll just list some examples from the books:

There's a character who always shows up late to everything, which means he nearly always survived things like traps, and for instance, if he gets shot, he'll arrive late to the bullet and whatnot.

There's a character who has the talent of tripping at bad times, and he knows that if he trips, there's probably something important happening nearby.

Those are just some examples, but that's the kind of thing that smedry talents are meant to be.

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7 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

I'm a little worried about this talent, what do you have in mind? (It might work, but depends on how you're planning to play it).

i was thinking that i would have no talent exsept being able to after i die to travel to the GMGQ and start interacting with the game makers.

4 hours ago, Aeoryi said:

Just a tip especially for those who haven't read Alcatraz, smedry talents are meant to be some sort of everyday thing, like always forgetting where your keys are, or never hitting a target with a bow, or being really bad at math, but they benefit the user. Again, it's a bit hard to explain, but I'll just list some examples from the books:

There's a character who always shows up late to everything, which means he nearly always survived things like traps, and for instance, if he gets shot, he'll arrive late to the bullet and whatnot.

There's a character who has the talent of tripping at bad times, and he knows that if he trips, there's probably something important happening nearby.

Those are just some examples, but that's the kind of thing that smedry talents are meant to be.

i hear you aeoryi but i dont realy want a talent that much. all i want is to be able to travel to the GMHQ after i die.

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Name: Jason

Age (between 8 and 18): 9

Gender: Male

Talent: Being too short

Favored weapons (if any): A knife, though he uses it more as a tool than a weapon

Backstory: Jason lives in District Amyra Ay, where he works for the Sage household.

Other info: Jason doesn't understand what is going on.

Art (of your character):



He just looks like a typical nine year old. The AI made him look older.


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1 hour ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

hear you aeoryi but i dont realy want a talent that much. all i want is to be able to travel to the GMHQ after i die.

Hm. Maybe the GMs could have some suggestions for you, but historically tributes visiting the GM HQ before or after their death has not gone well.

Saffron would be a great example (although I discourage you from pursuing similar things) or Ryn would too.

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