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Thaidakar's Ba-Ado-Mishram obsession and Stormlight 5 speculation

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Recap of what we know, based on a recent re-read of Rhythm of War:

1. The Ghostbloods are looking for a way to transport Stormlight to other planets. Mraize also explains that the same Connection issues that prevent Stormlight from moving away from Roshar also apply to heavily-Invested people. 


Investiture manifests in many forms, tied to many places and many different gods. It is bound to a specific land—making it very difficult to transport. It resists. Try to carry this too far, and you’d find it increasingly difficult to move, as it became increasingly heavy. The same limitation restrains people who are themselves heavily Invested. Radiants, spren—anyone Connected to Roshar is bound by these laws, and cannot travel farther than Ashyn or Braize. You are imprisoned here, Radiant. -RoW Chapter 13

2. Thaidakar cannot leave Scadrial, likely because he is so heavily Invested and has such strong Connection to that planet. 


Our master, Thaidakar, has an … affliction similar to that of the Heralds. He needs access to a Herald to learn more about his state so he might save himself from the worst of its effects. -RoW Chapter 82

3. Mraize says Kelek is working on a way to escape Roshar. He may have ideas on how a highly-Invested person might be able to move off planet. 


Kelek has become indecisive to the point of madness. And like most of them, he is afraid. He wants to escape his duties. He worked with Gavilar knowing full well that doing so would cause the return of the Fused and the end of our peace, because he hoped to find a way to escape this world. A way to abandon us as he had already abandoned his oaths and his friends. -RoW Chapter 82

 4. The Ghostbloods are obsessed with Ba-Ado-Mishram.


Ialai had discovered that the Ghostbloods were obsessed with a specific spren named Ba-Ado-Mishram. -RoW Chapter 24

5. Kelek believes the Ghostbloods were hunting him to get information about Ba-Ado-Mishram. 


I’ve been speaking to Kelek, the Herald. He seems to think the reason you’re hunting him is because of an Unmade. Ba-Ado-Mishram? The one who Connected to the singers long ago, giving them forms of power? The one who, when trapped, stole the singers’ minds and made them into parshmen? -RoW Chapter 115

 6. Ba-Ado-Mishram was Connected with the Singers, and putting Ba-Ado-Mishram in a gemstone ripped away Identity and Connection from them. 


Ba-Ado-Mishram has somehow Connected with the parsh people, as Odium once did. She provides Voidlight and facilitates forms of power. Our strike team is going to imprison her. -OB Chapter 80 Epigraph


Thousands of years ago, something happened that changed the singers. It hurt me too. [...] That terrible act touched the souls of all who belong to Roshar. Spren too. -RoW 49


Trouble is, spren can get stuck in gemstones, and the humans figured this out. End result: Ba-Ado-Mishram got a really cramped prison, and everyone’s souls got seriously messed up. - RoW 73


“The Everstorm,” Syl said. “Power has filled the holes in their souls, bridging the gaps. They didn’t just wake, Kaladin. They’ve been healed, Connection refounded, Identity restored. There’s more to this than we ever realized. Somehow when you conquered them, you stole their ability to change forms. You literally ripped off a piece of their souls and locked it away.” -OB Chapter 17

7. Ba-Ado-Mishram is trapped in a perfect gemstone. We don't know where Ba-Ado-Mishram's gemstone is, but Shallan is committed to finding it before the Ghostbloods


Either way, I am going to find that gemstone before you do. And if you get in my way … well, it will be a fun hunt. Wouldn’t you say? -RoW Chapter 115

8. Rhythm of War hints that Shallan may soon become a worldhopper


Shallan reached forward and flipped to the next page in her notebook, where she’d done a drawing using Kelek’s descriptions. It showed a pattern of stars in the sky, and listed the many worlds among them. Shallan had kept her head down too long. It was time to soar. -RoW Chapter 115

If Ba-Ado-Mishram's imprisonment somehow affected her Connection with everyone's souls on Roshar, that could help Thaidakar sever his connection with Scadrial and allow him to move off-planet.

Theory time: I wonder if Ba-Ado-Mishram's gemstone has been moved off-planet and somehow the Ghostbloods found out about it happening, hence Thaidakar's obsession with finding her and interrogating Kelek. Given the implication of Shallan being ready to explore other worlds, I wonder if Shallan's mission in Wind and Truth will be a worldhopping adventure to track down Ba-Ado-Mishram before the Ghostbloods can get to her. 

I can't wait for Wind and Truth! With the new Odium wanting to "save them all", El preparing to lead a human legion in a greater war, and Thaidakar aching to get off-world, there are going to be some major Cosmere-wide implications at the end of this Stormlight arc!

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Given the implication of Shallan being ready to explore other worlds, I wonder if Shallan's mission in Wind and Truth will be a worldhopping adventure to track down Ba-Ado-Mishram before the Ghostbloods can get to her. 

I like the idea of Wind and Truth will feature Shallan world hopping.  I think it would be odd if Shallan left them behind, but I also don't think it's likely that she would bring the whole team along. For these reasons, I think that Sallan world hopping won't happen till at least part four in order to wrap up some plot threads with the rest of the group. I could also see it being something that happens towards the end of the book which sets up a stand alone Shallan book( maybe she'll even show up in Era 3 Mistborn).



If Ba-Ado-Mishram's imprisonment somehow affected her Connection with everyone's souls on Roshar, that could help Thaidakar sever his connection with Scadrial and allow him to move off-planet.

Theory time: I wonder if Ba-Ado-Mishram's gemstone has been moved off-planet and somehow the Ghostbloods found out about it happening, hence Thaidakar's obsession with finding her and interrogating Kelek. Given the implication of Shallan being ready to explore other worlds, I wonder if Shallan's mission in Wind and Truth will be a worldhopping adventure to track down Ba-Ado-Mishram before the Ghostbloods can get to her. 

If BAM was somehow moved off world, then Kelsier wouldn't need to know the impacts of BAM's connection to Rosharans because the method used to transport her would likely either work on him, or be similar enough to what he needs to do. Since BAM'S  gem is still full of investiture, you would probably face the same obstacles when you do when trying to transport Stormlight off-world

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Cool ideas! Reading this after TLM, I have a different take on Thaidakar's interest in BAM:



I’ve been speaking to Kelek, the Herald. He seems to think the reason you’re hunting him is because of an Unmade. Ba-Ado-Mishram? The one who Connected to the singers long ago, giving them forms of power? The one who, when trapped, stole the singers’ minds and made them into parshmen? -RoW Chapter 115

This seems very much in line with Thaidakar's goals of democratization of Invested abilities. The opportunity for Mraise to interrogate talk to someone who learned how to do that could be very useful for that objective. If Thaidakar can start roaming the Cosmere as well, sweet, but that that's another matter.

9 hours ago, Stick The Savant said:

If BAM was somehow moved off world, then Kelsier wouldn't need to know the impacts of BAM's connection to Rosharans because the method used to transport her would likely either work on him, or be similar enough to what he needs to do. Since BAM'S  gem is still full of investiture, you would probably face the same obstacles when you do when trying to transport Stormlight off-world

For Thaidakar to talk to Kelek can also be useful because the exact nature of what sustains a Cognitive Shadow is very important. Unmade can get trapped in gemstones just fine, but trapping Jezrien severed his Connection to the Oathpact which made his soul decompose into a regular soul and pass into the beyond. I'm not sure if we know the exact nature of what allows Thaidakar to persist, and the details are likely why Kelek is also having issues getting off world. Kelek needs both to transfer his Connection off world but also have sufficient Investiture to sustain his immortality.

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3 hours ago, MerlinArcane said:

Its because Kel is a Sliver of Preservation 

You're right of course. We know this, but does Kelsier? Does he know what being a Sliver entails?

Beyond that, do we know the exact mechanism that allows a Sliver, Kel in this case, to persist? Is it innate to the soul of the former vessel or is it intrinsically tied to a Connection to the Shard of which they were a Vessel? If it was as simple as climbing into an Aluminum box with the Bands of Mourning to subsist off Feruchemical stores while his team carted him to Roshar through Shadesmar, that seems pretty easily testable.

TSM spoilers


In other words, how many similarities does a Sliver have with a former Dawnshard holder? Replace the Torment restricting Nomad's violence with a Connection that anchors a soul to where the Shard has taken up residence, and it seems similar.

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On 1/5/2024 at 10:50 PM, Gingeriffic! said:

Theory time: I wonder if Ba-Ado-Mishram's gemstone has been moved off-planet and somehow the Ghostbloods found out about it happening, hence Thaidakar's obsession with finding her and interrogating Kelek. Given the implication of Shallan being ready to explore other worlds, I wonder if Shallan's mission in Wind and Truth will be a worldhopping adventure to track down Ba-Ado-Mishram before the Ghostbloods can get to her.

I am sorry, but are you proposing that Shallan become a worldhopper in order to find by worldhopping the secret that would allow her to become a worldhooper in the first place?

She would have to break both her bond.  Consequences for Pattern and Testament unknown.

On 1/7/2024 at 10:46 AM, MerlinArcane said:

Its because Kel is a Sliver of Preservation 

No. He felt the pull as he walked out to the Ire's fortress. That was before he held Preservation.


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8 hours ago, Oltux72 said:

No. He felt the pull as he walked out to the Ire's fortress. That was before he held Preservation.


20 minutes ago, MerlinArcane said:

But he HELD preservation. That’s why he’s a cognitive shadow 

Both of you are right, and both of you are wrong. It's been a while since I've read Secret History, so some of my details are wonky, but Kel ran into the well and got invested there enough to resist the call of the beyond. This is when he became a Cog shadow (Excluding the split second that happens when you die). Because he is now heavily invested (Just like Shallan), he can't leave the Scadrial sub-astral, just as Kelek can't leave the Roshar system. We actually don't know if a living sliver can leave their system of origin, as the only mortal sliver who was around for long enough to try, the lord ruler, never did.

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8 hours ago, Oltux72 said:

I am sorry, but are you proposing that Shallan become a worldhopper in order to find by worldhopping the secret that would allow her to become a worldhooper in the first place?

She would have to break both her bond.  Consequences for Pattern and Testament unknown.

No. He felt the pull as he walked out to the Ire's fortress. That was before he held Preservation.


Oh, that’s a great point. Do we know if a Radiant can worldhop without breaking their bond or injuring their spren, since spren are slivers themselves? Or perhaps they aren’t injured, but start losing themselves the farther their human travels, like how Syl was ok when she got separated from Kaladin in RoW when he dove into the well to get to the sibling’s node, then subsequently fled the tower. When he went back to the marketplace she zipped right back to him and didn’t seem to permanently lose much of herself. Maybe Radiants can worldhop, but they lose their abilities away from Roshar?

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26 minutes ago, Gingeriffic! said:

Oh, that’s a great point. Do we know if a Radiant can worldhop without breaking their bond or injuring their spren, since spren are slivers themselves?

Yes but we don't know how. Hoid does it if you've read Yumi yet but this wouldn't be common knowledge to most people. I believe its stated in Rhythm of War that due to the bonds and the fact that they are highly invested Radiants can't leave the Rosharan system due to their connection to the planet.

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30 minutes ago, Gingeriffic! said:

Oh, that’s a great point. Do we know if a Radiant can worldhop without breaking their bond or injuring their spren, since spren are slivers themselves? Or perhaps they aren’t injured, but start losing themselves the farther their human travels, like how Syl was ok when she got separated from Kaladin in RoW when he dove into the well to get to the sibling’s node, then subsequently fled the tower. When he went back to the marketplace she zipped right back to him and didn’t seem to permanently lose much of herself. Maybe Radiants can worldhop, but they lose their abilities away from Roshar?

We don't know it, it's likely that what you're saying is true. When TLM takes place only Hoid was able to leave Roshar with his Radiant bond intact. So it's possible but you have to do a lot to achieve that. 



Are the Coinshots that helped Steris with getting people out of the flood zone, and who seemed rather concerned with whether she was following the law, actually Skybreakers?

Brandon Sanderson

Ah, hehehehehe. So, we'll just leave that one. So, how about this. At this point in continuity, a Skybreaker could not easily get off of Roshar. In fact, by this point in continuity, I believe (you can't hold me to this one too much) the only Radiant who's managed to get off of Roshar and maintain powers is Hoid. I believe that's the case. Hoid is weird. He also has lots of knowledge. He used a specific method to get... yeah, anyway.

Don't hold me to that, but I think by this point he is the first to get out of system. Off-world doesn't really count because you can go to Braize or Ashyn. 

YouTube Spoiler Stream 5 (Dec. 2, 2022)


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On 1/5/2024 at 4:50 PM, Gingeriffic! said:

2. Thaidakar cannot leave Scadrial, likely because he is so heavily Invested and has such strong Connection to that planet. 

The quote you list here reads more like Thaidakar's "affliction" is immortality and the insanity the comes with it. He didn't seem ·ike the most sane person to begin with, so I imagine he'd want to avoid getting worse.

If he wanted to get off planet, he should just talk to Vasher, who has actually managed, as opposed to the heralds who haven't got any further than Braize and Ashyn, which are supposedly the distance a Rosharan can go anyway.

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14 hours ago, Lego Mistborn said:

If he wanted to get off planet, he should just talk to Vasher, who has actually managed, as opposed to the heralds who haven't got any further than Braize and Ashyn, which are supposedly the distance a Rosharan can go anyway.

At the risk of repeating myself, Kelsier went to the fortress of the Ire before he picked up Preservation. In doing so he already felt the pull back to Scadrial.

We can rehash the discussion on which Cognitive Shadows can leave their home systems again, but it is quite likely that there are categories of highly invested individuals, some of whom have no issues with worldhopping, while others do.

On 1/11/2024 at 6:56 PM, alder24 said:

We don't know it, it's likely that what you're saying is true. When TLM takes place only Hoid was able to leave Roshar with his Radiant bond intact. So it's possible but you have to do a lot to achieve that. 

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Are the Coinshots that helped Steris with getting people out of the flood zone, and who seemed rather concerned with whether she was following the law, actually Skybreakers?

Brandon Sanderson

Ah, hehehehehe. So, we'll just leave that one. So, how about this. At this point in continuity, a Skybreaker could not easily get off of Roshar. In fact, by this point in continuity, I believe (you can't hold me to this one too much) the only Radiant who's managed to get off of Roshar and maintain powers is Hoid. I believe that's the case. Hoid is weird. He also has lots of knowledge. He used a specific method to get... yeah, anyway.

Don't hold me to that, but I think by this point he is the first to get out of system. Off-world doesn't really count because you can go to Braize or Ashyn. 

YouTube Spoiler Stream 5 (Dec. 2, 2022)


That is so finely formulated


only Radiant who's managed to get off of Roshar and maintain powers is Hoid

In other words, breaking the bond works to become a worldhopper. The speculation whome this applies to is obvious.


a Skybreaker could not easily get off of Roshar

Again, nicely formulated. You do not need to get a Skybreaker off Roshar to have somebody bonded to a Highspren outside the Rosharan system. The spren is enough.

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You missed the mark with my message I'm afraid. That's probably on me, cause I didn't explain very well. For sure, Thaidakar is stuck in the vicinity of Scadrial, and I'm sure he would love to find a way to not be stuck. However, the quote you posted and what we know about the Heralds leads me to believe the affliction referenced there is not being stuck, nor do I believe the Heralds would be any help at all in getting offworld.

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6 hours ago, Oltux72 said:

Again, nicely formulated. You do not need to get a Skybreaker off Roshar to have somebody bonded to a Highspren outside the Rosharan system. The spren is enough.

True, but you still need to remove spren's connection to Roshar. That is not easy. Ghostbloods know this. I like your interpretation.

21 hours ago, Lego Mistborn said:

The quote you list here reads more like Thaidakar's "affliction" is immortality and the insanity the comes with it. He didn't seem ·ike the most sane person to begin with, so I imagine he'd want to avoid getting worse.

Yes, it seems that Mraize refers to "avoiding insanity" but I bet he's hiding a different motive from Shallan - finding out where BAM is. RoW ch 82:


"Our master, Thaidakar, has an … affliction similar to that of the Heralds. He needs access to a Herald to learn more about his state so he might save himself from the worst of its effects.”

They already know what to do to bring Stormlight offworld, and very likely the same can be done to Thaidakar with the same method. However their main goal isn't to free Kelsier from Scadrial, but to move Stormlight out of Roshar. They can't do that because they can't manipulate connections. BAM can do that, that's why they are so interested in her, they want to get her and who's better to question than the man who was there when Mishram was imprisoned? RoW ch 13:


“This power is something we call Investiture,” Mraize said. “Investiture manifests in many forms, tied to many places and many different gods. It is bound to a specific land—making it very difficult to transport. It resists. Try to carry this too far, and you’d find it increasingly difficult to move, as it became increasingly heavy.
“The same limitation restrains people who are themselves heavily Invested. Radiants, spren—anyone Connected to Roshar is bound by these laws, and cannot travel farther than Ashyn or Braize. You are imprisoned here, Radiant.” [...]
Mraize took the broam back. “This gemstone cannot go where it is needed. A more perfect gemstone could contain the Light long enough to go offworld, but there is still the Connection problem. This little flaw has caused untold trouble. And the one who unlocks the secret would have untold power. Literal power, Radiant. The power to change worlds…”
“So you want to unravel the secret,” Radiant said.
“I already have,” Mraize said, making a fist. “Though putting the plan into motion will be difficult. I have a job for you.”

RoW ch 94:


I was there when Ba-Ado-Mishram was captured. I know the truth of the Radiants, the Recreance, and the Nahel spren.

RoW ch 114:


“I’ve been speaking to Kelek, the Herald. He seems to think the reason you’re hunting him is because of an Unmade. Ba-AdoMishram? The one who Connected to the singers long ago, giving them forms of power? The one who, when trapped, stole the singers’ minds and made them into parshmen?
“Why do you want the gemstone that holds Ba-Ado-Mishram, Mraize? What are you intending to do with it? What power do the Ghostbloods seek with a thing that can bind the minds of an entire people?”

Learning how to avoid Heralds’ fade is just a secondary mission, the true one, hidden from Shallan, was  to find Mishram and that's why they needed Kalak and Kalak only. Because he was there and he knew more than other Heralds.

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On 1/12/2024 at 6:25 PM, Lego Mistborn said:

The quote you list here reads more like Thaidakar's "affliction" is immortality and the insanity the comes with it. He didn't seem ·ike the most sane person to begin with, so I imagine he'd want to avoid getting worse.

The Heralds are insane. Asking one of them how to remain sane as an immortal being won't work. They simply don't know. Nor does it explain why they want Kalak specifically. Now, it is possible that they just want somebody to experiment on. But then still you do not need Kalak specifically.

They risked a Seon, their only Lightweaver, who is even in the leadership of the Knights Radiant, and a weapon made from an ultra-rare godmetal on this mission. They want Kalak. Hence they are after something that only Kalak knows.

18 hours ago, alder24 said:

They already know what to do to bring Stormlight offworld, and very likely the same can be done to Thaidakar with the same method. However their main goal isn't to free Kelsier from Scadrial, but to move Stormlight out of Roshar. They can't do that because they can't manipulate connections. BAM can do that, that's why they are so interested in her, they want to get her and who's better to question than the man who was there when Mishram was imprisoned? RoW ch 13:

Two things make me wonder about that, although it is quite logical.

First, the Ghostbloods are quite good with Connection. They routinely pick up languages. They can fool AonDor into working on Scadrial. They have duraluminium feruchemists and compounders.

Second, Kalak has been knowing where Ba-Ado-Mishram has been stored for millenia. He did nothing with that knowledge for all that time. Why?

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1 hour ago, Oltux72 said:

The Heralds are insane. Asking one of them how to remain sane as an immortal being won't work. They simply don't know. Nor does it explain why they want Kalak specifically. Now, it is possible that they just want somebody to experiment on. But then still you do not need Kalak specifically.

Sure they won't expect to know Kalak how to remain sane, but he still knows what can be helpful. They can at least observe him, see how his insanity is manifested and how his soul looks like and that will help draw useful data. RoW ch 84:


"Midius once told me … told me we could use Investiture … to enhance our minds, our memories, so we wouldn’t forget so much."


1 hour ago, Oltux72 said:

First, the Ghostbloods are quite good with Connection. They routinely pick up languages. They can fool AonDor into working on Scadrial. They have duraluminium feruchemists and compounders.

That's not Ghostbloods specific. Most or almost all worldhoppers can do the same, at least when it comes to speaking native languages and looking like natives. But they still lack sufficient investiture reserves. They have only a few jars of Dor, and Shai turning into an Elantrian is, while it's very powerful and helpful, is permanent and she doesn't consider herself to be a part of Ghostbloods - they can't use Elantrian-Shai except for very critical situations. 

What's your source on duralumin Feruchemists and compounders?

1 hour ago, Oltux72 said:

Second, Kalak has been knowing where Ba-Ado-Mishram has been stored for millenia. He did nothing with that knowledge for all that time. Why?

Either he doesn't know her precise location but has some very important clues to where and how to find her, or it's his insanity, which makes him indecisive, that prevents him from doing anything with that knowledge. 

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I feel like some of the info in the Sunlit Man would help this conversation…


Wasn’t Sigzil a radiant (twice), and a dawnshard, and a world hopper? Though, his bond was partially destroyed…


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1 hour ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

For the memes.

I have an obsession with Ba Ado Mishram?

(Yes, you were supposed to read that as if it was Eric/Chaos saying it sarcastically. You're completely normal-)

That’s what I first thought when I saw this!

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On 1/6/2024 at 12:28 PM, Duxredux said:

Cool ideas! Reading this after TLM, I have a different take on Thaidakar's interest in BAM:

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I’ve been speaking to Kelek, the Herald. He seems to think the reason you’re hunting him is because of an Unmade. Ba-Ado-Mishram? The one who Connected to the singers long ago, giving them forms of power? The one who, when trapped, stole the singers’ minds and made them into parshmen? -RoW Chapter 115

This seems very much in line with Thaidakar's goals of democratization of Invested abilities. The opportunity for Mraise to interrogate talk to someone who learned how to do that could be very useful for that objective. If Thaidakar can start roaming the Cosmere as well, sweet, but that that's another matter.

For Thaidakar to talk to Kelek can also be useful because the exact nature of what sustains a Cognitive Shadow is very important. Unmade can get trapped in gemstones just fine, but trapping Jezrien severed his Connection to the Oathpact which made his soul decompose into a regular soul and pass into the beyond. I'm not sure if we know the exact nature of what allows Thaidakar to persist, and the details are likely why Kelek is also having issues getting off world. Kelek needs both to transfer his Connection off world but also have sufficient Investiture to sustain his immortality.

IIRC Thaidakar is explicitly interested in democratizing Invested abilities among Scadrians so that they can keep up in the arms race. So perhaps what he’s looking into is to be a Scadrian Unmade. 

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