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Era 7: The Revival


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Itsuki’s flat, New Hallandren
Itsuki awakens. This is not strange, or it should not be anyway. And it isn’t, not really. But Itsuki can’t help searching the room, even after all these years, for Vinette. She would often come, early in the morning before Itsuki awoke, on the nights when she didn’t stay over. And they’d just sit, her in a chair, him in his bed, content. Not needing to speak.

That feeling of not needing to do anything is one of the things that Itsuki misses the most from their relationship.

But now she is gone. He has to remind himself of this every day. It still hurts, her leaving, so suddenly. He would do anything to have her back.

That’s what he tells himself, at least.

But now those days of solace are gone, and Itsuki has a job to do. So he goes through the motions, as much as he doesn’t want to. Getting up is the first challenge, but he manages. His hands push against the bed—T’Telirite in design, with brightly painted wood contrasting with the boring black sheets that Itsuki prefers. He takes his pajamas off and instead puts on a colorful Tinningdar. Itsuki wasn’t Terris, but he managed to get a job at a Terris restaurant, so he’d wear the uniform required by the waiters. Then he brushes his teeth, cooks a mediocre miso broth with a few vegetables floating in it for breakfast, and leaves his flat for another boring day at work. If only something more interesting would happen, something to rival the arrival of Vinette. But nothing that interesting would happen for a while, and hadn’t for far too long.

Still, Itsuki could hope.

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Perses, The Mistwarrens, Pewter Ironworks. The previous night.

The heat of the flames. Cries in the distance. The pounding of feet. Soot entering and exiting the lungs. The slow beating of a heart as it is soon to die. The pulses of the undercity, the crunch of small critters as they are crushed underfoot. The stench of blood, slowly oozing out of its soft prison.

Perses tapped steelsight.

lines shot from his chest, pointing to various objects. He tapped more, with lines wildly bursting all around him. As he pushed, the world became clear to him.

Sight, at last.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Perses burned steel, and pushed the ingot further onto the man’s hip.

”where is he hiding it?”

The stench of sweat was almost unbearable. The constant thrumming of the man’s heartbeat was becoming irritating.

“I-I don’t know where it is! Please believe me!”

Perses felt his face muscles stretch into a smile, ignoring the loudness of the man’s plea.

“The funny thing about having heightened senses” Perses said, “Is that I’m very good at knowing when someone is lying”

Perses flared steel, hearing the satisfying crunch as a bone snapped in the man’s hip.

The man’s scream was cut short as Perses cut off his sense of hearing, wincing. He hated when people screamed.

As the world began to buzz anew, Perses tuned in to the man whimpering pitifully. 

“-viver save me, Survivor save me,-“

“The vault! Where is it?”

The man stopped, their lifeforce wavering. The man took a defeated breath. 

“At Coppercloud Inn. At the bottom of the elevator hatch, there is an aluminum trapdoor.” The man took a liquidy cough, with the smell of bile and blood wafting to Perses. “Open that, and the atium beads will be under the false bottom.”

Clever. A place no one would look, and surrounded by metal, so a coinshot wouldn’t detect a void in their senses. Perses had what he needed.

you are done here. Kill him. 

Perses obliged, dropping a coin onto the man’s throat. With a simple push, the throat ruptured, with the man’s brief cry being stifled by a soft gurgling. As the lackey’s lifeforce died out, Perses listened. In the smoky air of them cool night, he stood in a comfortable silence.

To Coppercloud Inn.

Edited by Ookla the Windwhisperer
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11 hours ago, Ookla the Windwhisperer said:

The heat of the flames. Cries in the distance. The pounding of feet. Soot entering and exiting the lungs. The slow beating of a heart as it is soon to die. The pulses of the undercity, the crunch of small critters as they are crushed underfoot. The stench of blood, slowly oozing out of its soft prison.

Asylum Smedry waded through the bodies with a grimace. Some of that grimace was because of the bloodied bodies but most of it was because of the slim chance some of that might get on their suit. They weren’t insensitive or desensitized to death (though, quite frankly, this was probably the worst scene they had ever witnessed). it was just because of the simple fact that they were dead, and Asylum couldn’t do anything about, but their suit was still intact. 



Perses obliged, dropping a coin onto the man’s throat.With a simple push, the throat ruptured, with the man’s brief cry being stifled by a soft gurgling. As the lackey’s lifeforce died out, Perses listened. In the smoky air of them cool night, he stood in a comfortable silence.

Asylum winced as their boss thrust a coin through the man’s throat. 

What a waste of good coin, they thought as they walked up to Perses, knocking on a collapsing wooden beam for good luck. 

Asylum spoke directly to Perses, making sure to avoid his spiked eyes, “heya boss, I was wondering if you could spare some coin for a, um, Business Investment” they looked down to see the dead man with a coin stuck in his throat “Doesn’t look like you’re using it for much anyway”


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sonyr held a burnt book in his hand, not caring for the destruction around him. he cried for the lost knowledge. 



Sonyr awoke, his hands trembling, himself in a cold sweat. "oh- good" he mutters. His metalminds were full, that should last him another couple of years until he refills.

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Perses sighed.

"How?-- you know what? Don't worry about it."

Asylum had the reputation of appearing out of nowhere. Perses barely even saw them coming. They smelled distinctly of garlic and salt, and had what appeared to be a small horseshoe in their back pocket. They were strange, but for good reason. As Asylum explained, they were superstitious, and any omen they witness becomes manifest. They were a valuable person to have around, but Perses gave them quite a bit of leeway, as he frankly wanted to deal with Smedry as little as possible.

"Well, I'm certain these folk won't be using their money any time soon. I have no use for the coins they possess."

Previously, Perses might have checked their pockets. However, with iron, acquiring coins has hardly been an issue. And given that he was about to get quite the windfall, he wouldn't be needing the change.

"and if you're lucky, there might even be a...horseshoe or two around this place."

Perses came to his senses, the adrenaline dying down. What a mess.

"Or...what's left of it, I guess."

@Ookla of whimsy


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1 hour ago, Ookla the Windwhisperer said:

Perses sighed.

"How?-- you know what? Don't worry about it."

Asylum had the reputation of appearing out of nowhere. Perses barely even saw them coming. They smelled distinctly of garlic and salt, and had what appeared to be a small horseshoe in their back pocket. They were strange, but for good reason. As Asylum explained, they were superstitious, and any omen they witness becomes manifest. They were a valuable person to have around, but Perses gave them quite a bit of leeway, as he frankly wanted to deal with Smedry as little as possible.

"Well, I'm certain these folk won't be using their money any time soon. I have no use for the coins they possess."

Previously, Perses might have checked their pockets. However, with iron, acquiring coins has hardly been an issue. And given that he was about to get quite the windfall, he wouldn't be needing the change.

"and if you're lucky, there might even be a...horseshoe or two around this place."

Perses came to his senses, the adrenaline dying down. What a mess.

"Or...what's left of it, I guess."

@Ookla of whimsy



So... are people just making up places? Or is there a map somewhere?


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Lei's Apartment, The Dominion, Selish District

Lei sat quietly in his apartment, reading a broadsheet he had swiped from a stand in the Scadrian district. DISASTER IN THE MISTWARRENS! The title read. Someone had destroyed the Pewter Ironworks, killing many people. Lei shook his head. This was bad. This was very bad.

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6 hours ago, Ookla of Ravens said:

sonyr held a burnt book in his hand, not caring for the destruction around him. he cried for the lost knowledge. 



Sonyr awoke, his hands trembling, himself in a cold sweat. "oh- good" he mutters. His metalminds were full, that should last him another couple of years until he refills.


Hey! Sorry, but you do need to wait to RP your character until they've been approved. I'm working on that in the character thread right now :)


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5 hours ago, Ookla the Windwhisperer said:

"Well, I'm certain these folk won't be using their money any time soon. I have no use for the coins they possess."

Asylum winced again. They had never looted dead bodies before. Ok, maybe once, but it wasn’t as gruesome as this and they didn’t think it would just wash out. Asylum knew that this work was going to get dirty and they could excuse murde-

wait, since when can they excuse murder? Their mom who’d be so…

wait not mom, never mom, she is not their mother. Unless they wanted to give that woman another spine injury they could never call her mother.

but just in case they should probably avoid cracks today. Anyway what was the boss talking about?

6 hours ago, Ookla the Windwhisperer said:

"and if you're lucky, there might even be a...horseshoe or two around this place."

Asylum rolled their eyes. “Ha ha, and there’s a penny on the ground huh?” A bronze shine flickered in their peripherals, “ooh a penny!” 
they picked it up and flipped it a few times. Heads, heads, and heads. seemed today would be lucky.

”so boss, I don’t have much to do today got any plans?”

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24 minutes ago, Ookla of whimsy said:


Asylum rolled their eyes. “Ha ha, and there’s a penny on the ground huh?” A bronze shine flickered in their peripherals, “ooh a penny!” 
they picked it up and flipped it a few times. Heads, heads, and heads. seemed today would be lucky.

”so boss, I don’t have much to do today got any plans?”

This person truly was peculiar. Then again, Perses was the one with spikes in their eyes. 

“I have recently made some, in fact. Unfortunately, it is a one man job. With any luck, I’ll find what I’ve been looking for.”

Perses, finally coming to himself, began to think. He has likely been causing quite a ruckus recently, but hadn’t spent the time to find out. 

“Actually,” Perses said to Asylum,” I have a job for you. Could you see if I have made waves in the city yet? And report back on who’s tracking my actions.”

Though that was his goal, Perses needed to be cautious. He wanted attention, but not from the wrong people. 

There were forces in this city that Perses did not want to anger.


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New Hallandren, Alleycity

Itsuki left the building that he had to call home for the time being, and began to walk to the restaurant he called Work. He did not get far, though, before he heard screaming.

Why were people screaming?

Itsuki had never liked screaming, it was always so distracting and annoying. But if this many people were screaming, then there had to be a reason for it. 

He tapped a random person on the back. “Excuse me,” he asked, “but do you know what happened? Why everybody’s yelling?”

“Attack in the Mistwarrens! Death! Destruction! Evil!” The person ran away from Itsuki, towards the edge of the city, perhaps trying to leave.

An attack…, Itsuki thinks to himself. Perhaps this meant that he didn’t have to do work today. Perhaps he could just go back home and nap. But no. Boss wouldn’t like it. And unfortunately Itsuki had to walk through the Mistwarrens to get to the restaurant in Mistkeep. Lucky him.

Lucky him.

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The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistkeep

Lei sat at a table eating a head-free head munching burger. He sipped from a bottle of carbonated water he had brought with him, as he read more into the broadsheet. They were lost on the case, no idea who did the horrible acts and why. Lei shook his head. They needed someone who could recognize what had happened, make connection, someone like… but no, Lei couldn’t work with them…

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Believer said:

The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistkeep

Ela walked into the diner, looking around for an empty seat.

The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistkeep

Lei saw a person near the entry to the diner. He had an empty seat at his table, so he waved her over.

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33 minutes ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistkeep

Lei saw a person near the entry to the diner. He had an empty seat at his table, so he waved her over.

The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistkeep

Ela moved over gratefully. “Hey, thanks!” she said.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistkeep

"Of course." Lei says. "I am Lei. And you are...?"

The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistkeep

”Ela,” Ela said, leaning back in her chair. “Nice to meet you.”

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6 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistkeep

”Ela,” Ela said, leaning back in her chair. “Nice to meet you.”

The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistkeep

"You too." Lei responds. "Have you heard about this?" He says, gesturing to the newspaper article. 

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