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I would like to announce Part 2


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BYU has no spring break. I'd kind of forgotten that was a thing.

Anyway, I would like to announce that after I take one more final, I will be done with school forever. Forever!

Also, I have a job lined up with a company called i.TV, doing web and iOS development. So, I got that going for me. Which is nice.

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I would like to announce that on this night, and around this time a century ago, the RMS Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean. Hopefully we learned a bit about arrogance from that disaster and won't have to suffer through another such tragedy that could have been adverted. May all those lost souls rest in peace.

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I would like to announce that I finally got a friend of mine to read a Sanderson book! I chose Warbreaker because it matched his humor, and he LOVED IT!

I was so excited, then he asked when book 2 was going to come out. I tried to get him to read Mistborn, but he refuses, saying he reads books by what series he likes, not by what author he likes. :mellow: What?!

Maybe time to tell him about Adonalsium early... that makes ALL the books a series, right? *sigh*

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I was like your friend. I read TWoK and when I found out all the other books were related I was annoyed because I was so sure that they weren't going to be as good. I read them anyway and discovered how very wrong I could be. I agree, you should try tipping him off to the cosmere, that's what convinced me to read Brandon's other works. Also was the style of humor Lightsong's? Because he's so hilarious; one of my favorites by far. His line about the tarachin balls using circular logic cracks me up every time!

Also, I would like to announce that I used the change from cerrobend to bendalloy in Mistborn as a way to explain copyrights to my little sister. Oh Mistborn is there any problem you can't solve?

Edited by Windrunner
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I would like to announce that I finally got a friend of mine to read a Sanderson book! I chose Warbreaker because it matched his humor, and he LOVED IT!

I was so excited, then he asked when book 2 was going to come out. I tried to get him to read Mistborn, but he refuses, saying he reads books by what series he likes, not by what author he likes. :mellow: What?!

Maybe time to tell him about Adonalsium early... that makes ALL the books a series, right? *sigh*

Also, if he likes humor, the joke where Breeze is the Minister of Sanitation is a good one ;)

Also, I would like to announce that I used the change from cerrobend to bendalloy in Mistborn as a way to explain copyrights to my little sister. Oh Mistborn is there any problem you can't solve?

That is so awesome.

I would like to announce that I may need to be extremely scarce online for the next two weeks. I have so much writing to do for my thesis...

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I would like to announce that the VGCs were awesome! I took 20th place out of 90 and went undefeated until the 5th round when I lost to the girl who took 1st, I can't wait to go to it again next year. It's going to be in SLC then and so it should be a lot easier of a trip. :)

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I would like to announce that I just made French Toast with donuts. They are made of win (well, actually, donuts, eggs, and blueberry preserves as syrup. But you get the point). Also, dang I'm a good cook :D

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I would like to announce that I just made French Toast with donuts. They are made of win (well, actually, donuts, eggs, and blueberry preserves as syrup. But you get the point). Also, dang I'm a good cook :D

heh, there's this restaurant near where i live that sells french toast made out of banana nut muffins (they're also a bakery, so its muffins made there), they're awesome.

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I would like to announce that I am sick. Which is kind of annoying... I can only whisper, because if I attempt to utilize my vocal cords then I am filled with a searing pain. *sigh* *ouch* <_<

On the other hand, that means today I don't need to traverse the halls of my inane highschool B)

Edit a few hours later: I would like to announce that I am using my copious spare time to edit the wiki. Also, I should not be doing this- I search for a name on my nook, go to the page the name is on, and read back to get some context. Then I keep reading. And keep reading.


Brandon, why do you have to be such a good author?

Edited by lyssie95
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