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NaNoWriMo 2023 thread

The Sibling

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I thought I'd make a thread for all the people doing NaNoWriMo this year who want to chat about how it's going or ask for advice. We can also share excerpts if anyone is not making a dedicated thread for their's. 

I'm going to try and write something new this month, so that's exciting! I've never really successfully completed NaNoWriMo but I'm hoping this year I'll manage to set a realistic goal and achieve it. I'm planning on starting the story plan tonight, and last week I spent a lot of time world building and figuring out the history of the planet that my story will be set on.

I'm excited to hear if anyone else is doing this!

Edited by The Sibling
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  • The Sibling changed the title to NaNoWriMo 2023 thread
1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

I'm also trying for my first time this year! Hoping to be able to actually do all of it though it may not all be on the same story. 


2 hours ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

I’m going to do it! It’ll be my first year, and I cheated by already starting it (though I will work at an accelerated rate in November). You can see what I have so far in the writing thread in my signature.

Yeah, I haven't started the story but I've already done a ton of work and prep. I'll check out your writing.

5 hours ago, Experience said:

I'm going to try a different approach on it this year, my brother and I are going to be writing the script for a series we'll then try to film. It'll be fun to see how it turns out.

Oooh! That sounds really cool! 

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I put a spin on my Nano journey this year by not letting myself decide on the project and instead posting it up for a vote. And also by not letting myself start in any way (except document prep) until November itself hits, so no worldbuilding, no character creation, and no brainstorming.
urrently the timeloop story is winning the vote, but if anyone here wants to vote on it too, I'll shove the options into a spoiler box for size.


Divine Necromancer (💀):
 The first draft of the isekai-style litRPG that I swore to myself I would never write and am for some reason still putting on this list. Tl;dr is that Jay Carter has died but been shunted off to another world as a divine apology for him dying before his time.
The Lost Sea (🌊):
 Tl;dr: Thalassophobic cosmic horror story about a group of deep-sea marine biologists studying a cave-surrounded lost sea around the bottom of the Abyssopelagic Zone of the ocean.
Again (⏳)
 Tl;dr:  A team of superheroes has never lost a battle. Their success rests entirely on a single member, whose power is to reverse himself through time and who uses that to prevent catastrophic defeat. But recently, everything they've been doing has been lifelessly rote, as though they've done this dozens of times.
Broken Crown (👑):
 This is just a vote for me to continue focusing on my Patreon story
Inventory Specialist (📜):
 Draft 3 of a litRPG where the main character gets the lame power of being able to access a dimensional space instead of a cool power like Kinetomancy or any of the various Pyromancers running around.


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On 10/27/2023 at 12:29 PM, PrestoTheMagnificent said:

I think I'm gonna be doing a story idea on the world that I made here 


Yep, I'm doing that! Here's the link if anyone wants to read it. 


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Probably too busy but still going to give it a shot. I haven't been as good about completing NaNo as I used to be, but on the other hand, nothing can ever beat the year I cleared it in one week and everything got borderline trippy because I was existing off caffeine and half-hallucinating paragraphs I didn't write. Might've been somewhere between GCE A levels and undergrad, so I didn't have enough time except for the one week.

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1 hour ago, Lord Gregorio said:

Oh hey. I'm writing right now. Listening to the Halloween Lofi Radio. What's everyone's method of music for grinding some writing out?

I'm usually not listening to music, even if I'm surrounded by people. I'm good at shutting out exterior noise, and I only listen to music when I'm doing something I don't like (like math) and needing to get through it. In that case, I'm usually listening to energetic mariokart music. If I was going to do something while writing, it'd probably be like "calm botw music" or something like that.

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I just finished day one, today's word count is 2131

My word count goal is between 50,000-65,000, so I'm on track to hit that, but I might not.

65,000 would finish my most recent book, which I'll do either way eventually but It'd be nice to have a bit of a breather come december. We'll see how it goes, that's like two and a half hours per day which is quite some, but I could always just forget to care about sleep.

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On 11/2/2023 at 1:33 AM, Lord Gregorio said:

Oh hey. I'm writing right now. Listening to the Halloween Lofi Radio. What's everyone's method of music for grinding some writing out?

Not music per se as I tune it out when writing and in the zone. But sometimes I have a certain mood I want to capture and I have a playlist for those scenes/ideas. I have done some GMing to the Batman soundtrack before when trying to build scenes. Currently using the Dark OST for this NaNo.

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On 11/1/2023 at 1:33 PM, Lord Gregorio said:

Oh hey. I'm writing right now. Listening to the Halloween Lofi Radio. What's everyone's method of music for grinding some writing out?

Game of thrones soundtrack or lotr soundtrack, with the occasional hobbit song and a bit of heavy metal.

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On 11/1/2023 at 1:33 PM, Lord Gregorio said:

Oh hey. I'm writing right now. Listening to the Halloween Lofi Radio. What's everyone's method of music for grinding some writing out?

I can't listen to music while writing.  And I don't know if I belong here, even though I am working on a novel, becausemit was a completed draft before.  

Oh hooray!  Font size is back, but I noticed too late.

On 10/31/2023 at 10:02 PM, Kasimir said:

Probably too busy but still going to give it a shot. I haven't been as good about completing NaNo as I used to be, but on the other hand, nothing can ever beat the year I cleared it in one week and everything got borderline trippy because I was existing off caffeine and half-hallucinating paragraphs I didn't write. Might've been somewhere between GCE A levels and undergrad, so I didn't have enough time except for the one week.

😄 I often hallucinate writing entire stories.  🤣

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6 minutes ago, Coolmint said:

I can't listen to music while writing.  And I don't know if I belong here, even though I am working on a novel, becausemit was a completed draft before.  

Just call yourself a NaNo rebel, I believe it's traditional :P 

6 minutes ago, Coolmint said:

😄 I often hallucinate writing entire stories.  🤣

Imagine completing entire stories! 

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