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Favorite non-radiant Stormlight Character? [Poll]


Favorite non-radiant Stormlight Character?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favorite non-radiant character from Stormlight?

    • Adolin
    • Lirin
    • Hesina
    • Gawx
    • Fen
    • Elhokar
    • Rushu
    • Eshonai
    • Other

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It's interesting how many people in stormlight are invested. The first few on this list were pretty easy, but the rest were harder. 

I think Adolin is the best Cosmere character, hands down, but I'm interested to see what the general consensus is on non-radiants. (Also, I couldn't put Radiants on here because everyone would choose Kaladin.)

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Adolin, he is still one of my favorite SA characters, though I admit, this list is long. He's always cheerful, caring, befriending everyone, trying to help others no matter their status. And he is interesting to read, a breeze of normality in the world of supermen.

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Adolin's my favorite right now, thanks to RoW he feels like he's the closest thing to a paragon in the stories but is staying on the right side of the believable line thanks to his various showcased flaws.

Axis is probably the most Intriguing non-radiant at this point, he's sitting in the background as such a disconnected mystery that Im desperate for any details. He's right up there with the Black Fisher in that regard.

Im in interested in Ryn's storyline, but I think it's more for what else is involved (Dysians, Dawnshards, ChirChir) than her as a character.




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Wow, I completely forgot to put rysn in this. My thought was "she's invested now", and so she just escaped my mind...

But yeah, her story is very interesting, and I'm very interested to see where it goes, especially with Chiri-Chiri and the Dawnshard. 

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I chose Hesina because I love her with all of my heart. I almost found myself clicking Lirin though (hear me out) even though I kind of hate him. Lirin can be pretty awful to Kaladin sometimes, and I don't really like him as a person. But his conversations with Kaladin are so emotional to me and I love reading them. In rhythm of war I found that both Adolin's conversations with Dalinar and Kaladin's conversations with Lirin were really emotional and realistic (although Adolin should have been angrier at Dalinar) so out of all these characters I like Hesina the most but I love reading the whole Stormblessed family dynamic.

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