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Where would you rather go?

The Sibling

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If tomorrow you woke up somewhere in the Cosmere at the time when the most recent story in that place just ended, where would you go?

You could wake up in the Purelake tomorrow but you'd be in the middle of the the final ten days, or you could wake up in Hallendren right after all the craziness of Warbreaker.

What would you do when you got there? Which main characters would you look for/avoid.

If the question was instead that you could choose any place and any time, when would you go?

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I guess that all depends on if I get any powers from that place and have the knowledge of how to use them. If I was just a total random person being dropped into a world with no powers I would probably choose Scadrial. Elendel has been saved from Autonomy and it seems there will be some peace for now. I imagine they have indoor plumbing and some really bomb resturaunts to eat at (thinking A and F tin using chefs should do a bangup job with their flavor profiles). Plus there is so much wonder to explore. 

If I could enter with a single breath I would choose Hallendren. Because I really want breath. In fact the idea of waking up somewhere random at the end of a book... hows this: 

I wake up in Hallendren, I remember nothing because I was murdered by lifeless an hour ago but now I am brought back as a returned. Done and Done. 

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20 minutes ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

I guess that all depends on if I get any powers from that place and have the knowledge of how to use them.

What I was thinking was that when you get somewhere you would have the same powers as an average person on that planet, so like, you would have a breath if you got to Nalthis, but not be an allomancer if you went to Scadrial.

I think that I would go to the Reshi Isles, because they seem chill and I want to go to Roshar so that I can bond a spren. Maybe once I was a Radiant I would go try to get to Shadesmar though because Shadesmar is awesome and I really want to see all of the insanity there. (Especially lasting integrity).

My one problem though is that Roshar is super dangerous, so maybe instead I would go to Scadrial because it seems pretty safe and they would have more modern amenities and healthcare. Maybe I could even use some of my knowledge of modern technology to help Scadrian engineers make cool stuff.

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2 hours ago, The Sibling said:

If tomorrow you woke up somewhere in the Cosmere at the time when the most recent story in that place just ended, where would you go?

You could wake up in the Purelake tomorrow but you'd be in the middle of the the final ten days, or you could wake up in Hallendren right after all the craziness of Warbreaker.

What would you do when you got there? Which main characters would you look for/avoid.

If the question was instead that you could choose any place and any time, when would you go?

For the first question, I would wake up in Hallendren right after the Warbreaker craziness. Plenty of opportunity to advance in the chaos and start building a store of breaths

If I could wake up in any place and any time? Ugh.. that'd be hard

Probably Roshar in the far future, so I could know how the story ends :D 

... I also (like everyone) think I could probably attract a spren, so post SA10 hopefully that would be easier/safer than other times? 

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Probably Scadrial in the Elendel Basin because I think it's the most safe and the place with the most creature comforts. Correct me if I'm wrong. But, I'm a wimp, and I don't want to be anywhere dangerous or where life is too hard.

What would I do first? I don't know. Look for a job, maybe? Figure out how I'm going to support myself. I would avoid all main characters because that's where the danger is (see above: wimp).

If I could go anywhere anytime, it would probably still be Scadrial but between era 3 and era 4. I'd like to avoid the world-wide cataclysms if I could but also have good technology and medicine.

(Sorry, I know my answer's pretty boring.)

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4 hours ago, The Sibling said:
  1. If tomorrow you woke up somewhere in the Cosmere at the time when the most recent story in that place just ended, where would you go?
  2. What would you do when you got there?
    • Which main characters would you look for/avoid?
  3. If the question was instead that you could choose any place and any time, when would you go?
  1. Lumar. Sprouters need not be invested, just skill and guts.
  2. Learn to Sprout - start experimenting (a la Khriss in WS Omnibus)
    • Seek: Fort (want to check out his tablet)
    • Avoid: Cpt Crow (or other Spore eaters)
  3. Difficult. Either Yolen (pre-shattering) or Sel (pre-splintering of Aona and Skai)
    • Microkinesis and other yolen Magics vs
    • Non region-locked AonDor. . . and maybe learn how Elantris was made
Edited by Treamayne
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