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Channelknight Fadran

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[You all are running shops. Little river is too busy with unpaid child labor cause you know, why not. Fadren's vampire character and Silver Phantom's demon who runs a demon bookstore does seem like the cool ship... 

 @Channelknight Fadran is going to have a hard time coming up with a good plot starter that fits all characters. Most likely it'll be everyone meeting at someone's shop or something... I ELECT DEMON DAVE'S BOOKSTORE!]

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7 hours ago, Aeoliae said:

[You all are running shops. Little river is too busy with unpaid child labor cause you know, why not. Fadren's vampire character and Silver Phantom's demon who runs a demon bookstore does seem like the cool ship... 

 @Channelknight Fadran is going to have a hard time coming up with a good plot starter that fits all characters. Most likely it'll be everyone meeting at someone's shop or something... I ELECT DEMON DAVE'S BOOKSTORE!]


We all gotta get money somehow 


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8 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

Edit: I just noticed I stole someone else's occupation. Want me to change it or can it just be like, city is big, there's more than one shop? 


Oh that’s totally fine- maybe we could’ve gone to high school together and were competitive friends or something and we look to each other for business advice or to trade fabrics, if you’re good with that 


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Just now, Silver Phantom said:

I actually never said he ran a book store but I really like that Idea so lets go with it and say he does his I.T. work in the back. 

Ideas for the name of the daemon book store anyone?


If I had to guess, they've got you confused with Pancake Boi's Readin' Demon.


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Is it too late to join? Here's my character if not 

Name: Izett Mcallister

Sex : Male

Gender : He/him

Gayness : Lots

Age : 19

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers : The ability to shapeshift into any real animal and make animal sounds. Can also partially transform (As in just the feet or ears) and for this reason usually walks around with golden brown wolf ears.

Current Occupation: Apprentice candlemaker

Notable Battles: Stopped an arsonist from burning down the candle store (Terry's Candle Centre) by transforming into an owl and ripping out their hair.

Education: High school education and in their second year of their apprenticeship.

Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc: Usually has carapace over chest and arms, sometimes shins. Occasionally has goat horns and very often changes eye color in an attempt to confuse/disorient people.

Other: Usually wear long trench coats with purple embroidery.


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Sorry if I'm a little late . . 

Name: Chadwick (Goes by Chad)

Gender: Male ("Straight as a very very very straight stick" - my friend)

Age: 32 years and 44 days old

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: He can shapeshift stuff (Most of the time unintentionally) but half the time he doesn't control what they change into

Current Occupation: Part-time Metalsmith 

Notable Battles: He hasn't participated in any battles but he is the reason his parents got divorced if that counts

Education: He has a highschool education and worked most of his free time at "The Guild of Metalsmiths", so he was taught his craft there (An actual place look it up) and still helps there outside of his Metalsmithing career. 

Weapons, Armor, Technique, Etc. : He often times carries around his Old Western Pistol because he likes the weight of it. He spent four years in law enforcement as well. 

Other: Likes sharks, sticks, cheeseburgers, and pickles. He also is 6'2 with a wide shoulder frame and wears the same outfit every single day. (Red and black flannel with tan slim pants and black boots) He has dark brown curly hair and blue eyes. Also his younger brothers names are  Chadler, Chadster, Chadwinny, and Chadfall. 

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3 hours ago, 2EmLee2 said:

Oh that’s totally fine- maybe we could’ve gone to high school together and were competitive friends or something and we look to each other for business advice or to trade fabrics, if you’re good with that 


That sounds cool actually. In that case just let me change the age so it matches.


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4 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:
1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:



How bold of you to drop the Ar and i off Argenti


The shop sounds fine, it's Abbott's day off.


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I want to join but I'm going camping all next week sooooo

I guess I'll drop this here, feel free to use him as an npc until I can return


Name: Penn

Sex/Gender/Gayness/Etc: Male, straight

Age: 20 (????)

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: He has really op healing powers. After a lot of studying and mastering his skill he figured out how to use his healing powers to stop aging. He's not immortal, he's just very difficult to get rid of. It is very unclear how old he really is. 

Current Occupation: Waiter at a trashy restaurant

Notable Battles: One stopped an eldritch being summoned by the void from destroying the fabric of time and space. Real casual stuff.

Education: University probably, he's certainly had plenty of time for it. 

Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc: Fists, ductape, bubblegum, etc.

Other: Extremely good at karaoke. Can cook.


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Name: Zarek Malarn 

Sex/Gender/Gayness/Etc: Female

Age: 23

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: The inspirational power I've had since birth lets me change out my legs for mechanical spider legs, giving me the ability to climb walls and bark as a Siberian Husky

Current Occupation: With my amazing skills I am a street entertainer

Notable Battles: When I fought off the Hungarian cows using only the power of my bark. 

Education: I learned from watching other streeties

Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc: I have a magical dog collar that can transport my enemies to the nearest carpet showroom (you would not belive how often that comes in handy)

Other: I need a house! I also make really good frog legs!

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Falchion was looking for a copy of the Silmarillion, and had been ever since someone had told her that Sauron - of all people - turned into a blasted vampire in the middle of it. How cool was that? It was imperative that she validated their claims.


She's friendly. Feel free to say hello.


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3 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


[There ain't anything I can do about the quote box problem.]

Little River the Traitor liked to hide. 

When you didn't get paid to work, you tried to do as little as possible. It was simple, logic sense. 

The book store was ran by a demon or something. So it was the cool place to hide. 

It wasn't long before Little River needed to come out again. Life felt like a massive game of hide and sink. 

Little River needed to get some money each day. Food wasn't free. Living wasn't free. And the only way to get money was to ask.

So Little River HAD to ask the secret demon librarian.

"Uh... Hi. My name is Little River... Uh... Who are you?" Little River asked the other, non-librarian person.

@Channelknight Fadran @Silver Phantom

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