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Channelknight Fadran

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Yeah, yeah... I know that roleplays have been kinda dry for a little while. But I was thinking about anime and, unfortunately, that meant I was getting ideas.

I'll cut to the chase because I, too, despise the eighty paragraphs of intro before I can get to the stupid soup recipe. Basically, the premise is that we're all just regular old people living in the same village/neighborhood/apartment building, living normal lives... but "normal lives" sometimes include being attacked by cosmic horrors and eldritch gods, which is fine because everyone is born with phenomenal wizard powers.

So epic sorcery battles for the fate of the universe? Doggonit, not now - I need to catch the bus by 5.

I put a pull for what time period this should take place in. For what I have in mind, I think Victorian, Pre-Modern, or Modern would work best; but, of course, this is an RP, which means we seek the voice of the people.

Here's a blank character sheet to get you started:





Phenomenal Cosmic Powers:

Current Occupation:

Notable Battles:


Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc:


Questions? Ask them. You're probably fine.

Character List!




Name: Abbott Harken, Kneader of Forms.

Sex/Gender/Gayness/Etc: Female 

Age: 25

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: Ability to alter the chemical properties of things, so long as she knows most of physical properties of the end result.

Current Occupation: Cook

Notable Battles: Getting the master's picky child, Sivi, to eat her vegetables. Making a five-course meal in 12 hours.

Education: She stopped around 8th grade to pursue a job; her mom taught her many recipes.

Weapons: Chef's knife

Armor: Apron made from specially flame-resistant cloth.


  • Spice gas: Transforms the Air into a melange of cinnamon, cumin, and pepper. Often causes coughing fits.
  • Bacon slick: Transforms the top layer of the ground or wall into grease, making the surface slick and unsteady.
  • Bread Prision: Transforms clothing into hard bread, effectively immobilizing whoever is caught in it. 

Other: May or may not be subject of a thousand year old prophecy full off bad puns



Name: Retan, Creator of Divine Objects

Sex: Male

Age: 19

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: Can make stuff out of magic energy and can imbue existing objects with this energy

Current Occupation: Unemployed

Notable Battles: Got his arm amputated after being attacked by a rabid dog

Education: Standard for the time

Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc: Uses an arm made of his magic in lieu of the one that got amputated; often makes his cups self-refilling

Other: Looking for a job



Name: Knalya

Gender: Female

Age: early 20s

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: Can turn anything into fabric. Fire fabric, metal fabric, yourmom fabric, etc. can also make anything change color. She has a neon pink cat for that reason.

Current Occupation: Seamstress

Notable Battles: The 3rd Battle of Rosendine Hill; Managed to make the a perfect dress for someone who is notorious for hating all clothing made for her; and the wizarding fight of ulgrit

Education: Apprenticed in sewing, but reads educational books fo’ fun.

Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc: really cool dresses that are pretty much invincible, main weapon is a pin cushion with the pins facing out. And a really heavy broken sewing machine she can chuck at people.

Other: She just wants to make pretty dresses for anyone who asks. Always prices them within your price range. (So like a super rich person would pay $$$$$ but a poor person would pay dirt for the same exact dress)



Name: Kghilis the Destroyer (aka Steve Stevenson)

Sex/Gender/Gayness/Etc: Not human, so doesn’t really identify with any specific gender, but is posing as a man. Asexual/aromantic.

Age: 10,000-ish

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: Secretly an ancient bloodthirsty demon who has the power to kill anyone he touches. Can also shapesift. Posing as a friendly old man.

Current Occupation: Owner of a small bookstore called the “Readin’ Demon.”

Notable Battles: Too many to name. Ruled many different kingdoms at different points of time.

Education: Sometimes attends university to catch up on recent human science developments and learn new skills.

Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc: Is an excellent fighter. No weapons currently, but doesn’t really need them.

Other: Neutral Evil. Enjoys killing, but doesn’t want to scare customers away from its bookstore.



Name: Chroma

Gender identity gayness etc: female (to differentiate from river if he gets rez'd)

Age: 29

PCP: Inertia control, which includes things like extreme balance and probably potential surface tension manipulation. So that kind of thing, as well as being unaffected by moving stuff. It's hard to explain. 

Job: the person who delivers snail mail, whatever they're called.

Education: Completed the British education system.

Notable battles: none really

Weaponry etc: hand-to-hand combat

More: Idk can't feel bothered to make a backstory don't blame me


Name: Little River the Traitor

Age: 16 

Gender identity: Non-binary

PCP: Can affect the viscousity of water (can make water thicker, thinner...) Can go invisible at the cost of hydration.

Occupation: Unpaid work for shipping products.

Notable battles: Shipping crappy products crapily movement: lost, was for the rights of shipping workers.

Education: Not much in that sense.

Weapons... etc: Not allowed to have weapons

Other: Wishes to explore the ocean one day, but thats off limits.

@Channelknight Fadran



Sex/Gender/Gayness/Etc: She's a she, as you might have guessed. Gives off some gay vibes but idk yet.

Age: 20s-ish - physically, anyways.

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: Telekenetically controls her many blades to create a swarm around her. Also she can fly. And shape-shift. And turn into a swarm of bats (she's a vampire).

Current Occupation: Works as an undertaker at a local Enchanting business called Billy's Magicka.

Notable Battles: Defended the aforementioned Enchanting biz from a half-sleeping eldritch god, which got her promoted from cashier to crafstman.

Education: Majored in Enchanting at the London Academy of the Arts, which sounds prestigous but actually isn't.

Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc: Her moniker is "She who wields on thousand blades" for a reason.

Other: Did I mention that she's a vampire? She has to take meds for it.

@Silver Phantom


Is this is available to join if so here he is

Name: Dave Wilson

age: 30

gender: male

PCP: can see into the 5th dimension and communicate with the creatures there (demons, Cthulhu, Kevin Bacon)

Occupation: works for said creatures as there I.T. support on why there dark rituals aren’t working

Notable Battles: trying to explain to Larry the Demon Lord why using “I can’t believe its not blood” for his spells is a bad idea

Education: knows a lot about dark rituals (don’t ask)

Weapons:  A really cool umbrella that is great for waking sense into clients who think they know better them me

Other: He has a pet Japanese flying dwarf squirrel (look it up, its adorable)



Name: Daniel Stevens. Just call him Danny. Likes to call himself "Weaver of the Eternal Thread" 

Sex/Gender/Gayness/Etc: Male. 

Age: 27

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: He can control invisible threads with precision, move them, stab things with them, use them to swing around, all that. That should be enough but just to keep with the thread theme, he can cut into the "fabric" of reality, which allows him to teleport short distance (think making a hole into reality, getting in, getting out someplace else), but only within sight. By the same logic he can hit people at a distance. He can also use the thread ability to control actual thread-like materials which leads us to...

Current Occupation: Tailor. His shop is called "Fates and Fabric". His title comes from the fact that his clothes are extremely durable, which is a must in a society like this.

Notable Battles: He once had to make Halloween costumes for a class of 40 in a single weekend. Another time he had to deal with a group he thought to be said students, but turned out to be a small army of actual monsters (his costumes are very realistic so it's a reasonable mistake). Also the daily battle of getting to work on time after oversleeping while dodging other people's powers and various Eldritch distractions on the road (powers help).

Education: High School. Read a few books on tailoring at the time, and practiced for a couple years at an actual shop after graduation before opening a place of his own.

Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc: Unlimited Thread Works Walking on thread legs Doc Ock style (he has plenty of better and faster ways to move so this serves literally no purpose beyond looking cool). Making his clothes harder by pushing the fabric together which probably doesn't make sense but does it need to? Stab. Portal stab. Stab after teleporting. Stab from two sides.

Other: Likes ramen and playing Cut the Rope. (I'm gonna grab all the mileage I can get out of the thread theme). 

@The Sibling


Name: Izett Mcallister

Sex : Male

Gender : He/him

Gayness : Lots

Age : 19

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers : The ability to shapeshift into any real animal and make animal sounds. Can also partially transform (As in just the feet or ears) and for this reason usually walks around with golden brown wolf ears.

Current Occupation: Apprentice candlemaker

Notable Battles: Stopped an arsonist from burning down the candle store (Terry's Candle Centre) by transforming into an owl and ripping out their hair.

Education: High school education and in their second year of their apprenticeship.

Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc: Usually has carapace over chest and arms, sometimes shins. Occasionally has goat horns and very often changes eye color in an attempt to confuse/disorient people.

Other: Usually wear long trench coats with purple embroidery.



Name: Chadwick (Goes by Chad)

Gender: Male ("Straight as a very very very straight stick" - my friend)

Age: 32 years and 44 days old

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: He can shapeshift stuff (Most of the time unintentionally) but half the time he doesn't control what they change into

Current Occupation: Part-time Metalsmith 

Notable Battles: He hasn't participated in any battles but he is the reason his parents got divorced if that counts

Education: He has a highschool education and worked most of his free time at "The Guild of Metalsmiths", so he was taught his craft there (An actual place look it up) and still helps there outside of his Metalsmithing career. 

Weapons, Armor, Technique, Etc. : He often times carries around his Old Western Pistol because he likes the weight of it. He spent four years in law enforcement as well. 

Other: Likes sharks, sticks, cheeseburgers, and pickles. He also is 6'2 with a wide shoulder frame and wears the same outfit every single day. (Red and black flannel with tan slim pants and black boots) He has dark brown curly hair and blue eyes. Also his younger brothers names are  Chadler, Chadster, Chadwinny, and Chadfall. 



Name: Penn

Sex/Gender/Gayness/Etc: Male, straight

Age: 20 (????)

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: He has really op healing powers. After a lot of studying and mastering his skill he figured out how to use his healing powers to stop aging. He's not immortal, he's just very difficult to get rid of. It is very unclear how old he really is. 

Current Occupation: Waiter at a trashy restaurant

Notable Battles: One stopped an eldritch being summoned by the void from destroying the fabric of time and space. Real casual stuff.

Education: University probably, he's certainly had plenty of time for it. 

Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc: Fists, ductape, bubblegum, etc.

Other: Extremely good at karaoke. Can cook.



Name: Zarek Malarn 

Sex/Gender/Gayness/Etc: Female

Age: 23

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: The inspirational power I've had since birth lets me change out my legs for mechanical spider legs, giving me the ability to climb walls and bark as a Siberian Husky

Current Occupation: With my amazing skills I am a street entertainer

Notable Battles: When I fought off the Hungarian cows using only the power of my bark. 

Education: I learned from watching other streeties

Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc: I have a magical dog collar that can transport my enemies to the nearest carpet showroom (you would not belive how often that comes in handy)

Other: I need a house! I also make really good frog legs!




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The RP part 2 now starts at page 13 or so.



[These are my quote brackets. deal with it.

Okay. I have two characters planned: Rirrom and the Dark patron. The dark one is more of a filler to Rirrom's backstory. I'll start with Rirrom:

Name: Rirrom Morfemoc

Age: -21 (self identify), 21 [actual]

Gender identity and orientation: Non-binary [so no gender ig]

PCP (powers): The powers to reverse anything. Life, death [okay maybe not], memories, magic, decay, etc... At the cost of his own health (for big things, like life and death), Sanity (for the medium things), or Emotions/memories (all of them all emotions.). 

Occupation: Priest of a self proclaimed religion.

Notable battles: The massacre of the Dale. He killed over 500 people there because they had dark thoughts before getting repressed.

Education: Lost all known education to his own powers

Tools etc: A cloak that protects him from magic 

Beliefs: The dark patron is a being of unfathomable power. Just by thinking about It, you serve the dark one. Thinking dark thoughts causes the prison of the dark patron to weaken. The prison of the dark patron is the fabric of reality itself. If it breaks, then everyone is dead. 

Of course, none of this is real. its all in the head.

Other: Actually a nice person when his religious side is unprovoked. Recently escaped the magical prison he was in. 


so that was extensive. Anything wrong with my character @Channelknight Fadran? is he good? ]

Edited by Aeoliae
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[So the 72 transformations and a third eye that shoots lasers is a no?

Although I think you should post your character sheet. Normal is subjective after all :D

Also, someones gotta make the plot. So I decided to sacrifice myself in the name of progression. :D

Also, what needs to be normal-er? that might help tweek the character a bit. ty!


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  • 72 transformations? Third eye? Heck yeah. Go for it.
  • I'm waiting for more people to vote on the time period.
  • I think you for your sacrifice, but plot will come in due time. :ph34r:
  • To clarify, I like the character. The only issue is that they'd be great in a standard fantasy setting, with edgy people and dragons and stuff - but this is basically just a Scott Pilgrim fanfic. Whatever era we pick will be exactly as it was historically, just with the addition of people having phenomenal cosmic power. How does this work in the worldbuilding? It doesn't, but who cares.


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Name: Abbott Harken, Kneader of Forms.

Sex/Gender/Gayness/Etc: Female 

Age: 25

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: Ability to alter the chemical properties of things, so long as she knows most of physical properties of the end result.

Current Occupation: Cook

Notable Battles: Getting the master's picky child, Sivi, to eat her vegetables. Making a five-course meal in 12 hours.

Education: She stopped around 8th grade to pursue a job; her mom taught her many recipes.

Weapons: Chief's knife

Armor: Apron made from specially flame-resistant cloth.

Spice gas: Transforms the Air into a melange of cinnamon, cumin, and pepper. Often causes coughing fits.

Bacon slick: Transforms the top layer of the ground or wall into grease, making the surface slick and unsteady.
Bread Prision: Transforms clothing into hard bread, effectively immobilizing whoever is caught in it. 
Other: May or may not be subject of a thousand year old prophecy full off bad puns



How does this sound? 


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Name: Retan, Creator of Divine Objects

Sex: Male

Age: 19

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: Can make stuff out of magic energy and can imbue existing objects with this energy

Current Occupation: Unemployed

Notable Battles: Got his arm amputated after being attacked by a rabid dog

Education: Standard for the time

Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc: Uses an arm made of his magic in lieu of the one that got amputated; often makes his cups self-refilling

Other: Looking for a job


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Name: Knalya

Gender: Female

Age: early 20s

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: Can turn anything into fabric. Fire fabric, metal fabric, yourmom fabric, etc. can also make anything change color. She has a neon pink cat for that reason.

Current Occupation: Seamstress

Notable Battles: The 3rd Battle of Rosendine Hill; Managed to make the a perfect dress for someone who is notorious for hating all clothing made for her; and the wizarding fight of ulgrit

Education: Apprenticed in sewing, but reads educational books fo’ fun.

Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc: really cool dresses that are pretty much invincible, main weapon is a pin cushion with the pins facing out. And a really heavy broken sewing machine she can chuck at people.

Other: She just wants to make pretty dresses for anyone who asks. Always prices them within your price range. (So like a super rich person would pay $$$$$ but a poor person would pay dirt for the same exact dress)


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Why is everyone bolding their character sheets? I only did that because I couldn't do spoiler boxes.


Like this

What does the industrial era entail? Is that like mistborn 1-3 setting?






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Do I have time for this? No. Will I still join? Yes.


Name: Kghilis the Destroyer (aka Steve Stevenson)

Sex/Gender/Gayness/Etc: Not human, so doesn’t really identify with any specific gender, but is posing as a man. Asexual/aromantic.

Age: 10,000-ish

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: Secretly an ancient bloodthirsty demon who has the power to kill anyone he touches. Can also shapesift. Posing as a friendly old man.

Current Occupation: Owner of a small bookstore called the “Readin’ Demon.”

Notable Battles: Too many to name. Ruled many different kingdoms at different points of time.

Education: Sometimes attends university to catch up on recent human science developments and learn new skills.

Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc: Is an excellent fighter. No weapons currently, but doesn’t really need them.

Other: Neutral Evil. Enjoys killing, but doesn’t want to scare customers away from its bookstore.

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[When does it start @Channelknight Fadran? also, here's my character for This time:

Name: Little River the Traitor

Age: 16 

Gender identity: Non-binary

PCP: Can affect the viscousity of water (can make water thicker, thinner...) Can go invisible at the cost of hydration.

 Occupation: Unpaid work for shipping products.

Notable battles: Shipping crappy products crapily movement: lost, was for the rights of shipping workers.

Education: Not much in that sense.

Weapons... etc: Not allowed to have weapons

Other: Wishes to explore the ocean one day, but thats off limits.

is that good?]

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But whatever. Okay. Whatever. Anyways - I made a tiebreaker vote between Victorian and Modern. Once there're enough votes we'll get this road on the show.



Sex/Gender/Gayness/Etc: She's a she, as you might have guessed. Gives off some gay vibes but idk yet.

Age: 20s-ish - physically, anyways.

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: Telekenetically controls her many blades to create a swarm around her. Also she can fly. And shape-shift. And turn into a swarm of bats (she's a vampire).

Current Occupation: Works as an undertaker at a local Enchanting business called Billy's Magicka.

Notable Battles: Defended the aforementioned Enchanting biz from a half-sleeping eldritch god, which got her promoted from cashier to crafstman.

Education: Majored in Enchanting at the London Academy of the Arts, which sounds prestigous but actually isn't.

Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc: Her moniker is "She who wields on thousand blades" for a reason.

Other: Did I mention that she's a vampire? She has to take meds for it.



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Is this is available to join if so here he is

Name: Dave Wilson

age: 30

gender: male

PCP: can see into the 5th dimension and communicate with the creatures there (demons, Cthulhu, Kevin Bacon)

Occupation: works for said creatures as there I.T. support on why there dark rituals aren’t working

Notable Battles: trying to explain to Larry the Demon Lord why using “I can’t believe its not blood” for his spells is a bad idea

Education: knows a lot about dark rituals (don’t ask)

Weapons, technique:  A really cool umbrella that is great for waking sense into clients who think they know better them me. He will summon lesser demons who owe him favors to help fight 

Other: He has a pet Japanese flying dwarf squirrel (look it up, its adorable)

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Ok, this looks like a really fun idea. Mind if I join? 


Name: Daniel Stevens. Just call him Danny. Likes to call himself "Weaver of the Eternal Thread" 

Sex/Gender/Gayness/Etc: Male. 

Age: 23

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers: He can control invisible threads with precision, move them, stab things with them, use them to swing around, all that. That should be enough but just to keep with the thread theme, he can cut into the "fabric" of reality, which allows him to teleport short distance (think making a hole into reality, getting in, getting out someplace else), but only within sight. By the same logic he can hit people at a distance. He can also use the thread ability to control actual thread-like materials which leads us to...

Current Occupation: Tailor. His shop is called "Fates and Fabric". His title comes from the fact that his clothes are extremely durable, which is a must in a society like this.

Notable Battles: He once had to make Halloween costumes for a class of 40 in a single weekend. Another time he had to deal with a group he thought to be said students, but turned out to be a small army of actual monsters (his costumes are very realistic so it's a reasonable mistake). Also the daily battle of getting to work on time after oversleeping while dodging other people's powers and various Eldritch distractions on the road (powers help).

Education: High School. Read a few books on tailoring at the time, and practiced for a couple years at an actual shop after graduation before opening a place of his own.

Weapons, Armor, Techniques, etc: Unlimited Thread Works Walking on thread legs Doc Ock style (he has plenty of better and faster ways to move so this serves literally no purpose beyond looking cool). Making his clothes harder by pushing the fabric together which probably doesn't make sense but does it need to? Stab. Portal stab. Stab after teleporting. Stab from two sides.

Other: Likes ramen and playing Cut the Rope. (I'm gonna grab all the mileage I can get out of the thread theme). 

Edit: I just noticed I stole someone else's occupation. Want me to change it or can it just be like, city is big, there's more than one shop? 


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