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I think Spook might’ve been in the Wax and Wayne series the whole time in the background and we might’ve just not noticed.


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What if he was allomancer Jak? It’s never said which Noble house Jak is from other than he is just a Noble, and him being a Tineye kinda seems rare (in relation to their appearance in Era 2 in general, not rare as in the world, as pointed out below Ranette makes bullets to take down Tineyes) cause I don’t know any other tineyes to exist in Era 2. The goggles/glasses he wears could be Spooks modern version of his blindfolds and all the mentions of him in era 2 don’t seem to mention him wearing the blindfold anymore at all, he could still look like he’s just in his 30’s if he’s stored up enough atium before he stepped down after his 100 year rule cause it again doesn’t mention him looking old or even dying.

This could explain Jaks choice of fashion to wear a mist cloak and a lawman’s hat like Wax, as he could be influenced by not only Era 1 characters he looked up to who all wore mistcloaks, but also would show that influence of those he looked up to carried over to the Era 2 character who he was inspired by to start a “Gentlemen Adventurer” arc of, Wax.
Him being completely out of the Era 2 books with just the few passing mentions (none of which confirming he died of old n literally saying he actually didn’t age normally) is sitting weird with me and I can only assume as more time passes from my post Last Metal depression that there was more to him going on in this time that isn’t mentioned. Unless Brandon confirmed he died and I missed it (which is entirely possible as it’s been 6 years and I didn’t not keep up with the series updates and focused entirely on Stormlight lol) I’m going to assume that if the is a secret histories 2 than we might see more of spook but tbh it’s like 50/50 gut feeling/ manifesting characters I’m nostalgic for. 
(Say it with me everyone, “There is always another secret”) 

Edited by JosephOfHathsin
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I do love this. The more I think about it the more it fits. Like you point out, he is a Tineye, like Spook (his savantism was healed by Sazed) and wears glasses, which seems kind of useless for a Tineye. Mistcloak is another thing, yet Wax uses it as well. He is also very skilled in using Tin, more than usual Tineye.

But there is more, his behavior is rather eccentric, and it fits Spook as well. After all he had flair for drama, he organized a revolt, placed himself as a new Survivor, jumped out of a burning house, went fully into bringing water back to canals, and to add even more, he stalked and then kidnap his future wife. That's a lot of weirdness.

Then Jak shows he had extensive knowledge about Scadrial, like in his encounter with koloss - for someone who lived for almost 400 years it isn't surprising that he knows a lot.

Jak also appears to be a Survivoris, like Spook.

But powers are what's important. And here I think that it fits even more that Jak isn't full Mistborn. Why? We all theorized that Spook was involved in creating the Band of Mourning. What do they contain? All Allomantic powers. Where would they come from? Here is the answer - from Spook, he gave them all away to create the Bands and was left only with his original power, Tineye. Either Tin was provided to Bands by someone else, or Spook had double the tin or something like this. This could also explain why he was the Last Misbron, while having a lot of offspirngs 

And it fits even better, when you consider his longtime companion is Terrismen - Handerwym. He could be the last Feruchemist that provided all of his feruchemical powers to the Bands. Coppermind states that he might be a duraluminum ferring, so it could work like with Spook and his powers.

For his agelessness, Spook could use the most common method in Cosmere, rather than using Atium, the same that Demoux does. After all, Spook ruled for a century after Catacendre.


Dirigible (paraphrased)

Did Demoux achieve immortality by manipulating his Connection age?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Demoux uses the same method as most of the Seventeenth Shard. That method slows aging by a lot, but doesn't stop it completely.

Arcanum Unbounded Fort Collins signing (Nov. 29, 2016)


And to add more, I like the idea of Spook hiding in a plain sight. Just perfect. Everyone ignores Jak because of how Wax perceives him and his adventures.

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2 hours ago, JosephOfHathsin said:

What if he was allomancer Jak? It’s never said which Noble house Jak is from other than he is just a Noble, and him being a Tineye kinda seems rare cause I don’t know any other tineyes to exist in Era 2. The goggles/glasses he wears could be Spooks modern version of his blindfolds and all the mentions of him in era 2 don’t seem to mention him wearing the blindfold anymore at all, he could still look like he’s just in his 30’s if he’s stored up enough atium before he stepped down after his 100 year rule cause it again doesn’t mention him looking old or even dying.

This could explain Jaks choice of fashion to wear a mist cloak and a lawman’s hat like Wax, as he could be influenced by not only Era 1 characters he looked up to who all wore mistcloaks, but also would show that influence of those he looked up to carried over to the Era 2 character who he was inspired by to start a “Gentlemen Adventurer” arc of, Wax.
Him being completely out of the Era 2 books with just the few passing mentions (none of which confirming he died of old n literally saying he actually didn’t age normally) is sitting weird with me and I can only assume as more time passes from my post Last Metal depression that there was more to him going on in this time that isn’t mentioned. Unless Brandon confirmed he died and I missed it (which is entirely possible as it’s been 6 years and I didn’t not keep up with the series updates and focused entirely on Stormlight lol) I’m going to assume that if the is a secret histories 2 than we might see more of spook but tbh it’s like 50/50 gut feeling/ manifesting characters I’m nostalgic for. 
(Say it with me everyone, “There is always another secret”) 

It's true that we don't know for certain yet that Spook as passed away, but I don't necessarily think that Allomancer Jak is Spook.

First off, as @Frustration mentions, Tineyes aren't that rare.

Plus, if Spook were actually Allomancer Jak, wouldn't he be using all of his Mistborn powers and not just tin?

Lastly - and admittedly this is more of a personal opinion - but I don't think that Sanderson is the type to pull this kind of stunt either; he has stated that he doesn't like to bring characters back from the dead, so doing something like this doesn't seem to fit his style.

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5 minutes ago, alder24 said:

But powers are what's important. And here I think that it fits even more that Jak isn't full Mistborn. Why? We all theorized that Spook was involved in creating the Band of Mourning. What do they contain? All Allomantic powers. Where would they come from? Here is the answer - from Spook, he gave them all away to create the Bands and was left only with his original power, Tineye. Either Tin was provided to Bands by someone else, or Spook had double the tin or something like this. This could also explain why he was the Last Misbron, while having a lot of offspirngs 

You don't permanently lose powers you store in Nicrosil Feruchemically. You're thinking of Hemalurgy.

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2 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

Lastly - and admittedly this is more of a personal opinion - but I don't think that Sanderson is the type to pull this kind of stunt either; he has stated that he doesn't like to bring characters back from the dead, so doing something like this doesn't seem to fit his style.

But Spook was never even said to be dead. And here is WoB telling that there is more to the Spook story than already told.



Is Spook alive?

Brandon Sanderson

There is more story to Spook. I won't confirm that he's dead or alive... If I write Secret History 2, there will be some Spook stuff. That's all I can say.

Salt Lake City ComicCon 2017 (Sept. 23, 2017)


Just now, Trusk'our said:

You don't permanently lose powers you store in Nicrosil Feruchemically. You're thinking of Hemalurgy.

You do. Tbf we don't know fully how nicrosil Feruchemy works, but from WoB, it works the same as Copperminds. If you store powers in Nicrosilmind and didn't retake them, you won't have those powers anymore. WoB:



When you tap the nicrosil portion of a medallion, will it run out over time? Or is it like a coppermind, where something discrete is taken, used, and returned?

Brandon Sanderson

Good question! Like a coppermind.

General Signed Books 2018 (Oct. 15, 2018)

While I do agree, it wouldn't probably remove his Mistborn powers from his spiritual DNA, and thus it still would be transferable to his offsprings.

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4 minutes ago, alder24 said:

You do. Tbf we don't know fully how nicrosil Feruchemy works, but from WoB, it works the same as Copperminds. If you store powers in Nicrosilmind and didn't retake them, you won't have those powers anymore. WoB:

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When you tap the nicrosil portion of a medallion, will it run out over time? Or is it like a coppermind, where something discrete is taken, used, and returned?

Brandon Sanderson

Good question! Like a coppermind.

General Signed Books 2018 (Oct. 15, 2018)

While I do agree, it wouldn't probably remove his Mistborn powers from his spiritual DNA, and thus it still would be transferable to his offsprings.

Well, not necessarily. Medallions work like copperminds, but they are more limited, whatever that means.



Does the nicrosil portion of the medallions function identitically to how a Soulbearer Ferring would use Nicrosil? 

Brandon Sanderson

Not exactly. The medallion is a little more restrictive, for one thing.





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2 minutes ago, Frustration said:

Well, not necessarily. Medallions work like copperminds, but they are more limited, whatever that means.

So what are the Bands of Mourning? Are they super advanced medallions, or just unkeyed metalminds? We don't know. And Kandra aren’t more reliable, as they told at first that the Bands were made by the Lord Ruler. Malwians believed that they’re a medallion, and that they were made after Kelsier helped them and introduced regular medallions to them. We know nothing about how Bands were made, and if they required to give up someone's powers. 

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20 minutes ago, alder24 said:

But Spook was never even said to be dead. And here is WoB telling that there is more to the Spook story than already told.

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Is Spook alive?

Brandon Sanderson

There is more story to Spook. I won't confirm that he's dead or alive... If I write Secret History 2, there will be some Spook stuff. That's all I can say.

Salt Lake City ComicCon 2017 (Sept. 23, 2017)


You do. Tbf we don't know fully how nicrosil Feruchemy works, but from WoB, it works the same as Copperminds. If you store powers in Nicrosilmind and didn't retake them, you won't have those powers anymore. WoB:

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When you tap the nicrosil portion of a medallion, will it run out over time? Or is it like a coppermind, where something discrete is taken, used, and returned?

Brandon Sanderson

Good question! Like a coppermind.

General Signed Books 2018 (Oct. 15, 2018)


By this reasoning the medallions used by Wax and the gang should have granted Feruchemical brass and iron to the whole group without the need to continue using the medallions, since the powers would have been permanently granted - but we see it doesn't work that way; the gang doesn't still have those powers after they stop tapping the medallions, so storing should also be a temporary thing, as most Feruchemy is.

Yes, it's supposed to be like a Coppermind in some ways (apparently), but when Wax used the Bands of Mourning, he mentions that they would have run out of Investiture stores (the actual ability to use the Invested powers) if nobody compounded the nicrosil stores.

I think that maybe Brandon meant that they were like Copperminds in that you have different powers you can choose to store, rather than needing to store everything you have? The quote is rather confusing to me, I'll admit.

Edited by Trusk'our
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Jak was very surprised to find out that Koloss are people with hemulargy and seemd to not know about hemulargy at all.

Spook knew a lot about hemulargy (both spiked himself and worked with Kelsier later).

So unless he intensionally acted as if he didn`t know about it when he wrote about his adventures Jak can`t be Spook.

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6 hours ago, alder24 said:

But Spook was never even said to be dead. And here is WoB telling that there is more to the Spook story than already told.

I apologize for not being clearer: I don't believe that Brandon Sanderson is fond of situations where he pulls a twist, such as bringing a character back from the dead, unless he has a compelling reason to do so, and so long as it can be somewhat predicted by smart readers. 

Having Spook turn out to be an already established character doesn't feel like something he would do, though admittedly this is more of an opinion than concrete proof.

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On 2/17/2023 at 2:38 AM, JosephOfHathsin said:

What if he was allomancer Jak? It’s never said which Noble house Jak is from other than he is just a Noble, and him being a Tineye kinda seems rare (in relation to their appearance in Era 2 in general, not rare as in the world, as pointed out below Ranette makes bullets to take down Tineyes) cause I don’t know any other tineyes to exist in Era 2. The goggles/glasses he wears could be Spooks modern version of his blindfolds and all the mentions of him in era 2 don’t seem to mention him wearing the blindfold anymore at all, he could still look like he’s just in his 30’s if he’s stored up enough atium before he stepped down after his 100 year rule cause it again doesn’t mention him looking old or even dying.

This could explain Jaks choice of fashion to wear a mist cloak and a lawman’s hat like Wax, as he could be influenced by not only Era 1 characters he looked up to who all wore mistcloaks, but also would show that influence of those he looked up to carried over to the Era 2 character who he was inspired by to start a “Gentlemen Adventurer” arc of, Wax.
Him being completely out of the Era 2 books with just the few passing mentions (none of which confirming he died of old n literally saying he actually didn’t age normally) is sitting weird with me and I can only assume as more time passes from my post Last Metal depression that there was more to him going on in this time that isn’t mentioned. Unless Brandon confirmed he died and I missed it (which is entirely possible as it’s been 6 years and I didn’t not keep up with the series updates and focused entirely on Stormlight lol) I’m going to assume that if the is a secret histories 2 than we might see more of spook but tbh it’s like 50/50 gut feeling/ manifesting characters I’m nostalgic for. 
(Say it with me everyone, “There is always another secret”) 

I don't have anything add to the discussion. All I wanna say is this is such a cool theory and I want it to be true really bad

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8 minutes ago, offer said:

Can you explain this theory? I never heard it before.

That’s probably because I’m the only one who believes it. Basically, I noticed that a lot of the stuff that Jaks claims to have done could be explained by feruchemy, in particular how he claimed to have licked a vein of tin in order to burn it. That would be highly unlikely to work with allomancy as impure metals would make him sick, but with feruchemy impure metals only lowers efficiency.

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4 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

That’s probably because I’m the only one who believes it. Basically, I noticed that a lot of the stuff that Jaks claims to have done could be explained by feruchemy, in particular how he claimed to have licked a vein of tin in order to burn it. That would be highly unlikely to work with allomancy as impure metals would make him sick, but with feruchemy impure metals only lowers efficiency.

That would explain the glasses. But I don't see that connection, or remember the stuff he did. Why would he hide that?

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Just now, alder24 said:

That would explain the glasses. But I don't see that connection, or remember the stuff he did. Why would he hide that?

It’s been a while since I looked at the stuff he did, but he claimed to do stuff like surviving a leap off a cliff into a river and causing a relatively large metal box to float with a single breath of air. He’d hide it because as far as we know a full feruchemist hasn’t existed since Sazed, and keeping his powers secret gives him an advantage.

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