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Rouge Inquisitor


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I wonder if any of the Steel Inquisitors realized that they could use Emotional Allomancy to control one another, and if so, if there ever was a case of Steel Inquisitors rebelling against the Lord Ruler.

Also, if a Steel Inquisitor had the mind to, couldn't they have created another Inquisitor on their own (assuming that they could find enough Mistings) and controlled them to do their every whim, and prevent them from controlling their master by not giving them Emotional Allomancy?

Just a thought.

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1 minute ago, MangoBoi101 said:

I think that they have to many spikes in them to resist ruins control. So even if the inquisitors started controling one another ruin could just control them at any time he wants.

I meant more like rebelling against the Lord Ruler, and trying to build their own little personal army while he was alive.

Ruin would squash the will even the most resistant Inquisitor without a care. We saw this with Marsh, actually.

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Vin tried to do it in HoA ch 67 but even with duralumin she couldn't do it - but that was because of Ruin. But regular emotional push would be too little to take control, you would need duralumin, and no Inquisitor had it. Or have multiple Inquisitors to do it. But half of them were in Luthadel, right under TLR, so it would be very unlikely to gather such opposition right under his nose. Remember Vin/Elend were able to control individual Koloss with regular emotional allomancy because they first ignite extreme emotions of fear and anger in them by simply fighting and killing them. Inquisitors have much greater mental capacity and are in control of their mind and emotions, so they could easily resist that.


Brandon Sanderson

The Resolution

TenSoon and the other kandra resist Ruin and are able to pull the spikes from their shoulders. There are a couple of reasons why they can do this.

The power that Allomancers have to take control of them is the same power Ruin has. That control is exerted in the form of mental pressure through emotional Allomancy. As can be seen from Marsh's viewpoint, it is more than simply forcing the body to act as Ruin wishes. The extreme pressure on emotions changes the very way the mind thinks, tricking it into doing exactly what Ruin wants. The flaw in Hemalurgists leaves them open to this kind of manipulation.

Kandra, who only have two spikes, are far more difficult to control than koloss or Inquisitors. Vin is able to control TenSoon with ease in book two, but that's partially because he wanted her to do so. He would have been able to resist her. If she'd continued to push, she could have broken him, but it would have taken time.

Even Ruin's pressure wasn't enough to take control immediately. The kandra had a few moments during which they could overcome him and maintain their free will. Beyond that, they were in a cavern surrounded by metal ore in the walls, making it very difficult for Ruin to see what was going on and interfering with his ability to control them.

The Hero of Ages Annotations (May 13, 2010)


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7 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

I wonder if any of the Steel Inquisitors realized that they could use Emotional Allomancy to control one another, and if so, if there ever was a case of Steel Inquisitors rebelling against the Lord Ruler.

Also, if a Steel Inquisitor had the mind to, couldn't they have created another Inquisitor on their own (assuming that they could find enough Mistings) and controlled them to do their every whim, and prevent them from controlling their master by not giving them Emotional Allomancy?

Just a thought.

Most (all?) inquisitors were immune to control by emotional Allomancy due to their Copperclouds. If an inquisitor made their own "servant", that inquisitor would have to be lacking in Copper as well.

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This would be possible for Inquisitors made from Mistborn, because they would have double zinc and brass. This would cover for not having duralumin. However, they could only break the clouds of Misting inquisitors, who have single copper, and I doubt they’d have enough power to take control then. In other words, a Mistborn inquisitor only takes control when their fellow inquisitor is off guard

It also wouldn’t be a very good idea for an inquisitor to do this under TLR. Once he felt control was gone, he’d know to look for more powerful Soothing and Rioting. It wouldn’t take long to start investigating Inquisitors. Afterwards, there may have been a short period of time where Mistborn inquisitors took control, but then Ruin ran the whole show and it didn’t matter anymore.

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48 minutes ago, Mistchemist16 said:

It also wouldn’t be a very good idea for an inquisitor to do this under TLR. Once he felt control was gone, he’d know to look for more powerful Soothing and Rioting

Inquisitors weren't under allomantic control of TLR, they were just devoted.

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I'm not sure, there is a line about Allomantic control explaining why Inquisitors were way more loyal than regular obligators. TLR might not have actively controlled them, but with his super Soothing he could, and the knowledge that it was possible would have kept them from rebelling (some Inquisitors controlled koloss under TLR, I think*, so they knew about Allomantic control of Hemalurgic creatures).

I think Inquisitors would generally be super hard to control. They have more spikes than a koloss, but have full intelligence/will and presumably the ability to burn copper.

*Since the Inquisitors didn't have duralumin (except possibly some former Mistborn), those probably would have been either former Mistborn Inquisitors or those with a double spike for one of the emotional powers. A default former-Seeker Inquisitor would have slightly weaker than base power level in zinc or brass due to Hemalurgic decay, so probably couldn't control koloss.

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8 hours ago, cometaryorbit said:

(some Inquisitors controlled koloss under TLR, I think*, so they knew about Allomantic control of Hemalurgic creatures).

Yes, Inquisitors controlled koloss . But they didn't have to control thousands of koloss, even a few hundred of them would be a formidable force. And they could assess control in a similar way that Vin/Elend did at the beginning of any battle with koloss - just few at once until they controlled the whole army. Or they could use several Inquisitors at once. Afterall the Lord Ruler was in control all the time.


Brandon Sanderson

Human's Origin

Human is a very special koloss. He's quite a bit older than most, his creation running all the way back to before the Lord Ruler's death. He was originally the leader of a rebellion out in the southeast—the same area where Clubs spent his youth fighting. Human, then known as Vershad, was one of the more successful leaders of the wasted men—those who live out in the desert outside the borders of the Final Empire, but come in to raid and steal supplies from outlying villages.

Charismatic and intelligent, he managed to keep his band alive even once the Lord Ruler turned his attention on them. Rather than ravaging villages, Vershad would convert them—quietly, carefully—to his side and get them to give him supplies. In turn, he would "raid" them and destroy the lords' mansions, causing chaos and letting the people get a sideways revenge against their masters. In the chaos, it would be assumed that the raiders got away with the skaa food, and it would be replenished.

The Lord Ruler tired of such games and eventually sent his koloss against Vershad and his men. As clever as they were, they weren't able to stand against a well-laid betrayal and ambush set by an Inquisitor—one who controlled a troop of koloss. The raiders were slaughtered, and Vershad himself was turned into a koloss for his crimes.

He retained enough of his determination and his intelligence, however, to make a remarkably clever koloss. (There is some variety to koloss, based on who they were before the transformation.)

The Hero of Ages Annotations (Nov. 10, 2009)


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Yeah, they probably didn't control HoA level huge numbers of them. Against bandits and "wasted men" tribes a few hundred koloss operating under central control would be pretty overwhelming.

I wonder how many koloss there actually were in TLR's time? Ruin apparently increased their numbers a lot, so I don't think it was as much as the 300k (is that correct?) at end of HoA. But Jastes already has 20k in WoA, and while they were already replenishing their numbers with reused spikes I don't think they were increasing them (without Ruin free they probably couldn't make more spikes). And I doubt that Jastes had a majority of all the koloss in existence. So maybe something like 60-120k?

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25 minutes ago, cometaryorbit said:

I wonder how many koloss there actually were in TLR's time? Ruin apparently increased their numbers a lot, so I don't think it was as much as the 300k (is that correct?) at end of HoA. But Jastes already has 20k in WoA, and while they were already replenishing their numbers with reused spikes I don't think they were increasing them (without Ruin free they probably couldn't make more spikes). And I doubt that Jastes had a majority of all the koloss in existence. So maybe something like 60-120k?

I'm sure of the number 300k at the end of HoA. But during FE I have no idea. I remember someone saying about small outposts of hundreds of koloss, or what hundreds of koloss can do (Clubs?) etc, but I don't know how much in total they had. I think Jestes took them all from a garrison near his hometown.Your numbers seem reasonable.

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