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Nightblood and Trellium Question

Immortal Platypus

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Okay, so I haven't read the Tress book so don't use those spoilers please (you can put them in spoiler box if you want) but I don't think it would apply here anyway. My question is: Trellium repels Investiture, right? And Nightblood leaks Ruined Investiture, right? So what would happen if you put Trellium near Nightblood's smoke?

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56 minutes ago, alder24 said:

Nightblood leaks corrupted investiture, not Ruin. So I have no idea how it would behave.

I'm not sure about that. Corrupted investiture is associated with the color red; and we've seen it when the investiture of one shard co-opts the investiture of another. So if the black smoke was because of corruption, then since Nightblood was made with Breaths, there wouldn't be much of a reason for a color change when he consumes Breaths. Ruin, however, is associated with black investiture, and the command used to create nightblood was "Destroy", a very Ruinous intent. (And there is a WOB that nightblood, in some unspecified way more than the background level of association of everything in the cosmere, associated with ruin to a degree). So it is plausible that the black smoke could be ruin investiture, potentially. However, this probably isn't the thread for that discussion.

As for the question OP asked, the answer is probably pretty boring tbh. It would probably just push the smoke away from itself, like if you had a fan blowing toward regular smoke. It might even push Nightblood itself away, since we've seen it repel godmetals, but tbh that's not a battle I see see the trellium winning lol

Edited by Stormtide_Leviathan
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28 minutes ago, Stormtide_Leviathan said:

I'm not sure about that. Corrupted investiture is associated with the color red; and we've seen it when the investiture of one shard co-opts the investiture of another. So if the black smoke was because of corruption, then since Nightblood was made with Breaths, there wouldn't be much of a reason for a color change when he consumes Breaths. Ruin, however, is associated with black investiture, and the command used to create nightblood was "Destroy", a very Ruinous intent. (And there is a WOB that nightblood, in some unspecified way more than the background level of association of everything in the cosmere, associated with ruin to a degree). So it is plausible that the black smoke could be ruin investiture, potentially. However, this probably isn't the thread for that discussion.

As for the question OP asked, the answer is probably pretty boring tbh. It would probably just push the smoke away from itself, like if you had a fan blowing toward regular smoke. It might even push Nightblood itself away, since we've seen it repel godmetals, but tbh that's not a battle I see see the trellium winning lol

It is corrupted breaths


Brandon Sanderson

Anyway, Nightblood is named for the smoke he leaks, and he originally had a different name when he was created. Vasher himself dubbed the sword Nightblood after he had used it to kill the woman he loved. The blackness that leaks out is actually corrupted and consumed Breaths, the ones that Nightblood leeches off anyone who draws him.

Warbreaker Annotations (April 25, 2011)


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25 minutes ago, Frustration said:

It is corrupted breaths

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Brandon Sanderson

Anyway, Nightblood is named for the smoke he leaks, and he originally had a different name when he was created. Vasher himself dubbed the sword Nightblood after he had used it to kill the woman he loved. The blackness that leaks out is actually corrupted and consumed Breaths, the ones that Nightblood leeches off anyone who draws him.

Warbreaker Annotations (April 25, 2011)


And assumedly corrupted Stormlight while szeth is wielding it

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