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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


....might want to read back a little


I wouldn't really call that a proper reaction to the current situation


I have a crazy idea, and Mercury isn't sure that Kaeni or the metal arm person could survive being so close.

It was crazy what she had done, but she had to protect Kaeni and the one who had protected her.

Raising her palms upwards she began draining her own lifeforce at an alarming rate. Crackling lightning danced around her palms as her strength flew from her.

Mercury slammed down onto one knee as she lost the ability to stand. Her lightning began crackling into a small circular disk above them, slowly her heart beat slowed, and slowly the lightning set down. 

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"Mercury!" Kaeni shrieked. "Don't--!"

One last blast of energy rippled out from the wyvern, time squeezing and warping so tight that it seemed to tear the very fabric of reality to shreds. Suddenly, the entire mountain had become like elastic, bending and warping. It was as though for a moment the wyvern had become the center of the universe, and even every inch closer to it was twice as taught as the last. Anything that moved was ripped into a putty - stretched beyond recognitio - and vaporized.

The only thing that kept them alive was the magical energy coursing through each of them, acting as an automatic barrier to the attack.

@NerdyAarakocra @Tani @PyroPhile @The Wandering Wizard @Frustration @The Bookwyrm

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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With energy flooding through her veins, and a connection to a goddess of the stars, Avi could feel the horrible rending of space and time around her in a way that could only come from her ancestry.

She screamed as the wave washed over her. It took both an instant and an eternity. Space and time around her were ripped to shreds. She desperately called upon her Starmother, and somehow, somehow, the squeezing of reality lessened around her because of her magic.

Thank you, she thought.

Of course, my daughter. But there is still challenge ahead of you yet.

Ast'Avi stood up, determined, and called on a power she didn't realize she had.

Stars...the keep their worlds close. Warm. Safe. But by what power?

The same power that keeps us falling towards the ground. The same power that holds our worlds together.

And if I can access that...

For a split second, down became the direction of the Wyvern. And down also became many times stronger than normal.

Avi was launched into the air. She flew in an arch as the normal downward direction of this plane reasserted itself, but it was enough. She drew her dagger, and a crystalline sword of glittering solid Starlight formed around it. She drew close to the wyvern, grabbed onto it's side, and slashed a huge gash in it's wing.

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9 minutes ago, Frustration said:





5 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

With energy flooding through her veins, and a connection to a goddess of the stars, Avi could feel the horrible rending of space and time around her in a way that could only come from her ancestry.

She screamed as the wave washed over her. It took both an instant and an eternity. Space and time around her were ripped to shreds. She desperately called upon her Starmother, and somehow, somehow, the squeezing of reality lessened around her because of her magic.

Thank you, she thought.

Of course, my daughter. But there is still challenge ahead of you yet.

Ast'Avi stood up, determined, and called on a power she didn't realize she had.

Stars...the keep their worlds close. Warm. Safe. But by what power?

The same power that keeps us falling towards the ground. The same power that holds our worlds together.

And if I can access that...

For a split second, down became the direction of the Wyvern. And down also became many times stronger than normal.

Avi was launched into the air. She flew in an arch as the normal downward direction of this plane reasserted itself, but it was enough. She drew her dagger, and a crystalline sword of glittering solid Starlight formed around it. She drew close to the wyvern, grabbed onto it's side, and slashed a huge gash in it's wing.


The attack is just a couple seconds long.

And I do not recommend that you drop into the temporary black hole.


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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

The attack is just a couple seconds long.

And I do not recommend that you drop into the temporary black hole.


I wasn't trying to imply that the attack was any longer. That was just my mistake in the writing. Whoops.

Also, black hole?

Oh, black hole. I see.

Let's just say...Avi is very confident in her abilities right now, and also has the will of a Space Goddess on her side, so...

She's just not going to have a fun time once this is all over.


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Only a second or two actually passed from the beginning of the blow to the end, but the incredible stretching and diluting it caused made it seem like an eternity. With her eyes squeezed shut, pain flaring across her entire body, and every other sense seeming just to ring in shock, the only way Kaeni could tell that it had stopped in the first place was by the harsh burning away of her power suddenly dulling down.

The wave of dilation faded, leaving the wind to flow as it always had and the rocks to sit back still. The wyvern was once again unprotected, and now - energy drained - stumbeld about in a daze. Its head and wings drooped, covered in blood.

Kaeni's hands shook. Without even thinking she'd cut off Burning Veins, and now her entire body trembled. The pain across her arm began to flare out again. It occurred to her right at that momen, too, that one more attack from that monster would almost definitely kill everyone here.

But then one second passed; and then two.

The wyvern stumbled backwards and missed a step -

And tumbled down off the cliff into the fog below.

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Avi fell.

As the wyvern had collapsed off the side of the cliff, she'd lost her grip and plummeted.

She felt the energy in her veins fading. Yes, it was still incredibly powerful, but...whatever gift her Starmother had given her was close to gone.

She spared a glance at the falling wyvern. Then, concentrating the last of her energy, begged for one last burst of power.

Up became down for a split second.

Avi was launched into the air, shielded from whiplash by magic she barely understood. She managed to clear the peak of the mountain again, and arced over the heads of the other Acolytes. She managed to land without hurting herself, pulling into a roll and standing up at the end. She put on a breif smile as she looked around.

I hope...I hope it's over now.

Then the glow in her eyes faded, and she collapsed.

@Frustration @NerdyAarakocra @PyroPhile @The Wandering Wizard @Tani


AaaAaarrgh I was looking forward to this RP don't let it die!


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Kaeni took in a breath, still completely in shock.

Then it occurred to her that her entire body burned with agony.

She collapsed onto her hands and knees with a crash, gasping in and out rapidly - each was shaky, uncontrolled, desperate, and broken. Dry and raspy. Not a hint of moisture in her burning skin, the back of her throat cracking and shifting like dense sandpaper. As her arms began trembling and burning under the weight she dropped to her elbows, but the pain from the scrape earlier flared up in response. Instead Kaeni dropped to her side, curling into a fetal clump and trying not to scream.

@The Wandering Wizard


I know you're there - I have a lil' plan for Kaeni but it requires Mercury to exist.


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Il'anque looked at the wyvern falling into the night. She nodded in salute.

Farewell. You were a worthy opponent.

Il'anque turned from the cliff face. She took a step away, striding with purpose towards the gate of eternity.

And then stumbled.

Il'anque felt something - whatever had been giving her strength - leave. She collapsed to the ground, unconscious.


Anyone who was watching Il'anque would have noticed an indistinct green spirit thing depart from Il'anque.


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12 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

I know you're there - I have a lil' plan for Kaeni but it requires Mercury to exist.


12 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Kaeni took in a breath, still completely in shock.

Then it occurred to her that her entire body burned with agony.

She collapsed onto her hands and knees with a crash, gasping in and out rapidly - each was shaky, uncontrolled, desperate, and broken. Dry and raspy. Not a hint of moisture in her burning skin, the back of her throat cracking and shifting like dense sandpaper. As her arms began trembling and burning under the weight she dropped to her elbows, but the pain from the scrape earlier flared up in response. Instead Kaeni dropped to her side, curling into a fetal clump and trying not to scream.

@The Wandering Wizard


The energy cut off, shield dropping, and Mercury with it.

All the exhaustion of the day caught up with her and without the energy zipping through her veins as before. She lapsed into unconciousness.

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Help... them...?

"Co-come..." Kaeni shoved herself up onto her good arm, gasping from the pain of how strenuous it was. "Come on... Mercury..."

How much time until morning? Probably several hours still, but if they all passed out here... just a few steps away...

"We're gonna..." She grit her teeth and scooted over to Mercuy, wrapping an arm around her waist and heaving. "Become. ReapersTogether."

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