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Wow. Yes, yes it is. I love drama. (I always have 1 or 2 Shakespears monologues memorized, usually for no reason, and I know all the obscure musicals. Long story short, I’m a theatre kid.)

In hindsight, I dunno why I spoilered that. 

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

I don't have a third day of finals and I only have two finals on monday this year!


2 minutes ago, Ookla the Debonair said:

I mean there are also snack breaks in the SAT and ACT so it's not too unusual.

Still funny though :P


I guess but it was just very random to me.

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On 11/25/2022 at 7:19 PM, Ookla the Ta'veren said:

Absorb every detail. Memorize the first paragraph of every book:

Ha, this is also me. 

Sorry to be quoting something so far back, but I too have memorized the first section of my favorite book. The whole first page of The Name of the Wind to be exact. I don't know if I could still quote it perfectly, but I still know it very well. I just keep it in my back pocket in case I need to monologue.

I guess this is the thing I am sharing? I don't know. I just saw what Ase said I remembered this fun fact.

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I love the name of the wind too 

My birthday is tomorrow 

I'm kinda anxious and that's giving me insomnia 

I'm attending spectrum for the first time which is basically the talent show that my school hosts and it's supposed to be this huge thing

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30 minutes ago, Ookla the Ta'veren said:

I tell myself very dark stories that I make up every night. Usually they involve torture, battles, magic, and heartbreak. Imagining the pain of characters I created helps me fall asleep. Is that normal?

I do that too. Especially the torture part.

I hate toucans. They're creepy.

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This World Cup has completely screwed my sleep patterns. I used to try and go to bed by 11, now I regularly stay up past 5 AM listening to the radio. It's a good thing I'm homeschooled.


In the interest of randomness... *wins*

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hmm what can i say that's random

oh i'm gluten free and lactose intolerant. can't eat a lot. thankfully, it's 2022, and every day that goes by more and more subsitutes for gluten and dairy appear. also my mother and brother have already been gluten free, and my mother also lactose intolerant, for years, so food at home and abroad is not really an issue. my gf's mom is also celiac like BAD, and my gf might also be gluten intolerant (minor celiac like me)

so that's fun but it also works out.

me eating gluten was also the reason i was in pain every night for 4 years :')

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On 11/26/2022 at 6:43 PM, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:
  Reveal hidden contents

I’m hiding from BlowUpper. 


Thanks for listening :) 


Yes I also enjoy roleplaying very much. And apparently, I like putting my characters through physical and emotional trauma.

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I woke up with a cold today. It had to happen on the day I had a formal presentation to finish a subject. And I had to present my final project for my front-end class. And I had an appointment with a company to pretend I do an audit with them for my Audit class. And I still have to record a video for that same subject with my now raspy voice. The universe is punishing me for procrastinating. 

So anyway, how was your day? 

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