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Era 6 & 7 Character Thread


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4 hours ago, Ookla the Windwhisperer said:

Hmmmmmm. Well, how about this? This character doesn’t look to be particularly problematic in any sense, so all in all, I don’t have much to worry about when it comes to power level. It seems you are persistent, and quite set on this character. My only concern is that if you don’t have a very fleshed out character, you are more likely to give up on it. Which isn’t the worst thing, but it does get awkward if you are RPing with someone, and all of a sudden, you stop using that character. However, you said that you came from Sanderson Elimination RPGs, yeah? If that’s the case, I trust that you have the roleplaying experience to make it work.

Sonyr is approved, with the stipulation that I want to see them be more than just a personality, and actually get some complexity in there when you get down to roleplaying.

This seems a whole heck of a lot more detailed than it was before. However, I still wonder about how they got to bond a spren, and how they seemed to fit the spren’s ideals. What is the spren like? And what happened to their brother? Now, some of these might be an intentional mystery, and I totally get that. However, a bit of detail can go a long way. I just need you to get thinking about this character and what they are like. They seem to be quite a wreck of emotions, and are likely holding on to a whole lot of trauma, about a whole lot of various things. How do you plan on factoring that into playing your character? Will those emotional scars hinder their relationships with others, and to what extent? Does his spren lessen or accentuate those problems?

Once you give me a little bio on their spren, with name, history, personality, and how they met and bonded your character (none of these things need to be particularly long), I will almost certainly approve it.

Thanks. @Ookla the Windwhisperer

On 11/27/2023 at 5:17 PM, OokIa the Believer said:

Name: £yfre

Appearance: Young man, around 20, though he doesn’t give any age. He had black hair, a sharp nose, about 5’11. A scowl is a common feature on his face.

Guild: a cosmere theiving crew. Not Ghostbloods. They are nothing besides a group of six people that make long, elaborate plans to steal form incredibly wealthy people.

 Personality: naturally active, wants power, and is a little proud of his accomplishments, but overall, good natured. He is a little bit ruthless however. He is more focused on himself than others. He has a natural fire within him from his past, and that manifests in anger, though a smouldeting one not a loud one.

Motivation: money. It is in his experience, the lovely thing that is stable happiness. That was taught by his father. His life evolves around it, and so he finds it as his stability.

Merits: Major: Lightweaver of the second ideal

Flaws: bribes. He is supceptable to them.  General look at life, and untrusting in the ways of putting his own well being or safety or moneys safety, in other peoples hands. He also tends to dislike people undeservingly. 

Relationships: not much besides his theiving crew. His father is dead now, killed by £fyre, but he was a harsh man who had raging. He didn’t approve of anything his child did, but Fyr fought him his entire childhood. They hated each other. And Fyr learned many hard lessons from him. Because of this, he is generally untrusting. He tends not to comment to real realationships outside of business. His spren, in seeking for truth, actually fuels his anger. Fyr takes advantage of the spren, and has no intention of progressing.

Home Planet: Roshar, Thaylen

Current Residence: Undecided

Abilities: Lightweaver of the second ideal. He also is an apt deal-maker.

History: intercosmereandrealm theiving crew. He joined after learning about the ghost blood group his father was part of. However, hating his father, he wanted nothing to do with that. So he, and some other world hoppers he found, made this. 

Loose Ends: a brother murdered. He was always the favorite son. That could never go in Fyres mind. Revenge. A father murdered. Revenge. 


Edited by OokIa the Believer
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15 hours ago, Ookla the Glossy said:

What does "bribes" mean here? Does it mean your character bribes people? Or that they're easily susceptible to bribes? The second could count as a flaw, the first would not. I'd also recommend having some other flaw than just "they don't trust people", as I've recommended to others; it's a bit bare-bones. 

+1 to this, with the addition that it's not just your own interest level I'm worried about, I also want to make sure there will be enough for other characters to bounce off of and interact with. More than one dimension, yeah? Just as a general note to everyone (and also why we don't want RP to be like, a single line in every post). 

So more similar to something like Reckoners' RPG; yeah, makes sense.


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14 hours ago, OokIa the Believer said:

Thanks. @Ookla the Windwhisperer


hmmmmm. What role do you want this character to do? What are they doing here in the Alleyverse? What revenge does he seek? Additionally, I feel that you can explore their merits a bit more. Of course they have their main magics as things they are good at, but what else?

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Windwhisperer said:

hmmmmm. What role do you want this character to do? What are they doing here in the Alleyverse? What revenge does he seek? Additionally, I feel that you can explore their merits a bit more. Of course they have their main magics as things they are good at, but what else?

Ok thanks. To put it out there, they are here to find work. Searching for people to rob

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I would like to submit my character Eza for approval.

Name: Eza
Appearance: A 15-year-old girl with long dark brown hair, a very pale complexion, and dark green eyes. She is short (4’10”) and skinny, making her look younger than she is. She wears old, well-kept clothing that is simple but hides jewelry underneath. She has both costume and regular jewelry. Her coat has a hood, which she normally keeps up to hide a large, poorly healed scar stretching from her chin to her temple. She has several small bags on her person, concealed well.
Guild: None
Personality: Eza genuinely tries her best to be kind, but has a skewed sense of right and wrong (ex. it’s ok to steal something if you want it more). She adores anything shiny and will go out of her way to obtain it. She is skittish around anyone with a higher social standing, which is generally most people. If she is speaking with someone she trusts, she becomes talkative. Eza will try and help people if they seem nice or are younger than her. She aims to have a positive outlook on life, but occasionally slips into paranoia. She hates birds. If startled or angry, she may become violent, but this is very rare.
Concept: A well-meaning thief
Short term goals- She is perpetually trying to collect anything shiny through any means necessary short of violence. She is also trying to find a place to hide from the strangers she thinks are pursuing her.
Long term goal- She is trying to find out what happened to her mother and why.
Minor- Knows magic tricks, has two daggers and a basic ability to use them, is able to prepare Allomantic solutions
Normal- Adept liar and thief
Major- Is a Lurcher
Flaws: A skewed sense of right and wrong that gets her into trouble and alienates others (along with an overwhelming compulsion to steal anything shiny), illiterate
Relationships: She has a beloved mother whose fate is unknown. Father is unknown. She is being pursued by enemy strangers, but hasn’t figured out why.
Home Planet: Scadrial
Current Residence: On the streets of the Mistwarrens
Backstory: When Eza was little, her mother was her best friend. They were very poor, but she did her best to make her daughter happy, often bringing trinkets she could find. Her mother was also a Lurcher, and taught her how to pull metal without anyone noticing to aid in thievery. Sometimes strangers that worried her mother would come near, and they either hid or relocated whenever that happened. Her mother never explained who they were. Because they relocated so often, her mother had trouble finding work, so they survived by thieving. When Eza was six, her mother disappeared. She thinks that the strangers took her, but has no idea why. Eza attempted to search for her, but was spotted by one of the strangers. He attacked her and slashed her face, so she was forced to flee. Ever since then, she has lived on the streets and continued to steal everything she needs/wants, careful not to stay in one place for too long. This recently led her to the Alleycity, which she knows little about.
Loose ends: Eza is unsure what happened to her mother or why the strangers decided to pursue them.


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On 11/27/2023 at 5:17 PM, OokIa the Believer said:

Name: £yfre

Appearance: Young man, around 20, though he doesn’t give any age. He had black hair, a sharp nose, about 5’11. A scowl is a common feature on his face.

Guild: a cosmere theiving crew. Not Ghostbloods. They are nothing besides a group of six people that make long, elaborate plans to steal form incredibly wealthy people.

 Personality: naturally active, wants power, and is a little proud of his accomplishments, but overall, good natured. He is a little bit ruthless however. He is more focused on himself than others. He has a natural fire within him from his past, and that manifests in anger, though a smouldeting one not a loud one.

Motivation: money. It is in his experience, the lovely thing that is stable happiness. That was taught by his father. His life evolves around it, and so he finds it as his stability.

Merits: Major: Lightweaver of the second ideal

Flaws: bribes. He is supceptable to them.  General look at life, and untrusting in the ways of putting his own well being or safety or moneys safety, in other peoples hands. He also tends to dislike people undeservingly. 

Relationships: not much besides his theiving crew. His father is dead now, killed by £fyre, but he was a harsh man who had raging. He didn’t approve of anything his child did, but Fyr fought him his entire childhood. They hated each other. And Fyr learned many hard lessons from him. Because of this, he is generally untrusting. He tends not to comment to real realationships outside of business. His spren, in seeking for truth, actually fuels his anger. Fyr takes advantage of the spren, and has no intention of progressing.

Home Planet: Roshar, Thaylen

Current Residence: Undecided

Abilities: Lightweaver of the second ideal. He also is an apt deal-maker. He has gambled before. Though he recognizes it as a money scam. He has skill with the knife. He also is professional with spieghi of hand.

History: intercosmereandrealm theiving crew. He joined after learning about the ghost blood group his father was part of. However, hating his father, he wanted nothing to do with that. So he, and some other world hoppers he found, made this. 

Loose Ends: a brother murdered. He was always the favorite son. That could never go in Fyres mind. Revenge. A father murdered. Revenge. 

Edited. @Ookla the Windwhisperer & @Ookla the Glossy

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15 hours ago, Lunamor said:

I would like to submit my character Eza for approval.

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Name: Eza
Appearance: A 15-year-old girl with long dark brown hair, a very pale complexion, and dark green eyes. She is short (4’10”) and skinny, making her look younger than she is. She wears old, well-kept clothing that is simple but hides jewelry underneath. She has both costume and regular jewelry. Her coat has a hood, which she normally keeps up to hide a large, poorly healed scar stretching from her chin to her temple. She has several small bags on her person, concealed well.
Guild: None
Personality: Eza genuinely tries her best to be kind, but has a skewed sense of right and wrong (ex. it’s ok to steal something if you want it more). She adores anything shiny and will go out of her way to obtain it. She is skittish around anyone with a higher social standing, which is generally most people. If she is speaking with someone she trusts, she becomes talkative. Eza will try and help people if they seem nice or are younger than her. She aims to have a positive outlook on life, but occasionally slips into paranoia. She hates birds. If startled or angry, she may become violent, but this is very rare.
Concept: A well-meaning thief
Short term goals- She is perpetually trying to collect anything shiny through any means necessary short of violence. She is also trying to find a place to hide from the strangers she thinks are pursuing her.
Long term goal- She is trying to find out what happened to her mother and why.
Minor- Knows magic tricks, has two daggers and a basic ability to use them, is able to prepare Allomantic solutions
Normal- Adept liar and thief
Major- Is a Lurcher
Flaws: A skewed sense of right and wrong that gets her into trouble and alienates others (along with an overwhelming compulsion to steal anything shiny), illiterate
Relationships: She has a beloved mother whose fate is unknown. Father is unknown. She is being pursued by enemy strangers, but hasn’t figured out why.
Home Planet: Scadrial
Current Residence: On the streets of the Mistwarrens
Backstory: When Eza was little, her mother was her best friend. They were very poor, but she did her best to make her daughter happy, often bringing trinkets she could find. Her mother was also a Lurcher, and taught her how to pull metal without anyone noticing to aid in thievery. Sometimes strangers that worried her mother would come near, and they either hid or relocated whenever that happened. Her mother never explained who they were. Because they relocated so often, her mother had trouble finding work, so they survived by thieving. When Eza was six, her mother disappeared. She thinks that the strangers took her, but has no idea why. Eza attempted to search for her, but was spotted by one of the strangers. He attacked her and slashed her face, so she was forced to flee. Ever since then, she has lived on the streets and continued to steal everything she needs/wants, careful not to stay in one place for too long. This recently led her to the Alleycity, which she knows little about.
Loose ends: Eza is unsure what happened to her mother or why the strangers decided to pursue them.


Most certainly approved!

1 hour ago, OokIa the Believer said:

So what are you looking to do with this character? I assume you want another enemy about, but what other than that? I have thoughts, but I first need to know what you’re going for with this character.

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Just now, Ookla the Windwhisperer said:

Most certainly approved!

So what are you looking to do with this character? I assume you want another enemy about, but what other than that? I have thoughts, but I first need to know what you’re going for with this character.

I was thinking he would come into the to pretty open minded. He is going around looking and listening for opportunities for the next job of his thriving crew. The other members are out doing the same.

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Just now, OokIa the Believer said:

I was thinking he would come into the to pretty open minded. He is going around looking and listening for opportunities for the next job of his thriving crew. The other members are out doing the same.

Well, I’m mostly asking what’s your motivations for the character? Why did you make them? What inspired you? I can’t give advice on character direction if I don’t have a clear idea of what you are looking for in a character. 

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47 minutes ago, Ookla the Windwhisperer said:

Well, I’m mostly asking what’s your motivations for the character? Why did you make them? What inspired you? I can’t give advice on character direction if I don’t have a clear idea of what you are looking for in a character. 

Before I answer, I have to ask: 

Is this necessary? I am just trying to join the rp cause I think it would be fun. I like the idea of a thieving crew like mist born that operates on a larger scale.

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33 minutes ago, OokIa the Believer said:

Before I answer, I have to ask: 

Is this necessary? I am just trying to join the rp cause I think it would be fun. I like the idea of a thieving crew like mist born that operates on a larger scale.

So here’s my thoughts. While there’s a lot of words, it still feels two-dimensional. Their motivation is money. Why? They killed people. Why? They want revenge. Against who, and why? What’s their redeeming qualities? Why would someone want to work with them?

A radiant that’s manipulating their spren is interesting, but I need way more details as to why and how. How did they get to that position?

Also, you have a character that is certainly traumatized by many things. How do you plan on addressing that? How do they cope? Perses has trauma, and the way that he deals with that is channeling his anger onto others, but I make sure to address it. He has anger issues, and has auditory hallucinations. He is, in the end, a broken person. Are you interested in roleplaying that, or do plan on just sidelining that? The choice is yours, but it is something to consider.

Also, they’re a lightweaver. What are their strengths? Do they do disguises? Can they soulcast? Do they solely use visual hallucinations? How did they learn to use their powers?

There is a lot of gaps to fill in with such a character, and that’s why I wanted do ask you where you are planning on going with this character. If you have a clear goal in mind, these hundreds of questions can be a lot easier to answer, as you have clear direction. As of now, I have no idea if you do.

TL;DR: this is an interesting character, and I’m excited to see where it goes, but there are many gaps that need to be filled before I can approve it. You’re making a complex character, and that requires complex character building.

If you want any help, my DMs are always open. You can also contact me via discord (TheCosmerian) if that works better for ya. If you are having trouble solidifying personality, I can totally roleplay through DMs to give you a sense of a character!

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10 hours ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

Question: Can the character be from anywhere in time? 

Yes!! The “lore” of the Alleyverse is that there are some sort of gateways (it’s intentionally quite vague) that appear all throughout space and time in all of the Brando Sando worlds that lead to the Alleyverse. So Era 1 Mistborn characters can very much interact with Era 2 Mistborn characters, for example.

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5 hours ago, Ookla the Windwhisperer said:

Yes!! The “lore” of the Alleyverse is that there are some sort of gateways (it’s intentionally quite vague) that appear all throughout space and time in all of the Brando Sando worlds that lead to the Alleyverse. So Era 1 Mistborn characters can very much interact with Era 2 Mistborn characters, for example.

Would having a pre-final empire character work?

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I had wanted to have two characters, and this is an idea that I had for the other one:


Name: Chefson Corbeau
Appearance: Short with dark black curly hair that he keeps neatly styled. They have a few small wrinkles on their face due to being in their early fifties. He has curved black tattoos around his eyes and up his forehead, stopping at his hairline. His piercing dark eyes are matched by his dark formal Scadrian clothing.
Guild (or intended guild): None currently, but he’d like to be involved in the government.
Personality: He loves power. He thinks himself better than everybody else and more fit to lead than them, and that everybody is dumb compared to him. He is also very intelligent. They do not care or love others. He uses he/they pronouns.
Concept: A power-hungry bureaucratic Obligator 
Motivation (Short & long term goal): Short-term: find a place to live, get involved with the government. Long-term: become mayor of Alleycity
Merits: Major: extremely intelligent 
Medium: Good at acting, can speak legalese fluently 
Minor: Looks threatening, is a fast walker, good at not offending people and avoiding conflict
Flaws: has even less innate Investiture than normal and no powers, does not care about others and can be corrupt
Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): Absolutely nobody in Alleycity (they just arrived)
Home Planet: Central Dominance, Scadrial
Current Residence: A hotel in Mistkeep
Backstory: Born in the Central Dominance roughly 70 years before the death of The Lord Ruler, at a young age he displayed an extraordinary affinity for mathematics. This led his parents to sign him up into the Steel Ministry as an Obligator. He worked at the Canton of Finance for many years, until he was transferred to the Canton of Resource and was promoted to a High Prelan around the age of thirty. It was then, on a trip to the Pits of Hathsin, that he found the perpendicularity there and decided to go offworld in search of more power and left Scadrial after about a month. He moved to Obrodai for a short amount of time before relocating to Silverlight. He spent about twenty years in Silverlight, gaining a high position in the government before being arrested on corruption charges, but he managed to escape from prison. He went to Alleycity after that, and arrived on the day of Perses’s attack on Pewter Ironworks.
Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): There’s technically still a warrant for his arrest in Silverlight, but the law enforcement there knows that he won’t come back and don’t really care about him.
Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board): their theme song is Piano Sonata No. 8, Opus 13 in C minor “Pathetique”: Grave - Allegro Di Molto 


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2 hours ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

I had wanted to have two characters, and this is an idea that I had for the other one:

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Name: Chefson Corbeau
Appearance: Short with dark black curly hair that he keeps neatly styled. They have a few small wrinkles on their face due to being in their early fifties. He has curved black tattoos around his eyes and up his forehead, stopping at his hairline. His piercing dark eyes are matched by his dark formal Scadrian clothing.
Guild (or intended guild): None currently, but he’d like to be involved in the government.
Personality: He loves power. He thinks himself better than everybody else and more fit to lead than them, and that everybody is dumb compared to him. He is also very intelligent. They do not care or love others. He uses he/they pronouns.
Concept: A power-hungry bureaucratic Obligator 
Motivation (Short & long term goal): Short-term: find a place to live, get involved with the government. Long-term: become mayor of Alleycity
Merits: Major: extremely intelligent 
Medium: Good at acting, can speak legalese fluently 
Minor: Looks threatening, is a fast walker, good at not offending people and avoiding conflict
Flaws: has even less innate Investiture than normal and no powers, does not care about others and can be corrupt
Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): Absolutely nobody in Alleycity (they just arrived)
Home Planet: Central Dominance, Scadrial
Current Residence: A hotel in Mistkeep
Backstory: Born in the Central Dominance roughly 70 years before the death of The Lord Ruler, at a young age he displayed an extraordinary affinity for mathematics. This led his parents to sign him up into the Steel Ministry as an Obligator. He worked at the Canton of Finance for many years, until he was transferred to the Canton of Resource and was promoted to a High Prelan around the age of thirty. It was then, on a trip to the Pits of Hathsin, that he found the perpendicularity there and decided to go offworld in search of more power and left Scadrial after about a month. He moved to Obrodai for a short amount of time before relocating to Silverlight. He spent about twenty years in Silverlight, gaining a high position in the government before being arrested on corruption charges, but he managed to escape from prison. He went to Alleycity after that, and arrived on the day of Perses’s attack on Pewter Ironworks.
Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?): There’s technically still a warrant for his arrest in Silverlight, but the law enforcement there knows that he won’t come back and don’t really care about him.
Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board): their theme song is Piano Sonata No. 8, Opus 13 in C minor “Pathetique”: Grave - Allegro Di Molto 


Well, this sure is interesting! The only thing that I might recommend keeping in the back of your mind is that you are playing a very scholarly character just entering a city with enough lore that I don’t even know most of. So given that it would be in this character’s nature to delve into Alleycity’s past, you would want to get that past right. So by playing this character, you and your character would likely both end up hitting the books on Alleycity’s lore. I’m sure if you have questions that you can ask @Ookla the Glossy, as they would know far more than I.

This is a much more complex character than your other one, which means roleplaying and writing will need to be much more intensive to make the character feel real and fleshed out, especially without any powers.

But so long as you are up to the challenge, this character is approved! I’m excited to see where you can take this!

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11 hours ago, Ookla the Windwhisperer said:

Well, this sure is interesting! The only thing that I might recommend keeping in the back of your mind is that you are playing a very scholarly character just entering a city with enough lore that I don’t even know most of. So given that it would be in this character’s nature to delve into Alleycity’s past, you would want to get that past right. So by playing this character, you and your character would likely both end up hitting the books on Alleycity’s lore. I’m sure if you have questions that you can ask @Ookla the Glossy, as they would know far more than I.

This is a much more complex character than your other one, which means roleplaying and writing will need to be much more intensive to make the character feel real and fleshed out, especially without any powers.

But so long as you are up to the challenge, this character is approved! I’m excited to see where you can take this!

and dont forget im a librarian.

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  • AonEne changed the title to Era 6 & 7 Character Thread
  • 3 weeks later...


Here's a character I made. this is my first character in the allyverse so i don't know if it fits the setting but here it is!

On 10/9/2022 at 7:40 PM, Voidus said:

Name: Flint Ladrain 
Appearance: A slightly short (5'6") young man of 19? 24? 16? ... nobody really knows, he claims 22 but he could be lying... He has messy blond hair with blue eyes. Often wears ripped jeans, a tight t-shirt and a leather jacket with his favorite rock band logo on the back. Flint's body language is very loud and overconfident, the way he is in just about all things. 
Guild (or intended guild): Unaffiliated. Flint isn't interested in any particular guild... unless someone where to start a motorcycle gang...
Personality: "Are you related to Wax Ladrian?" that is the question everyone asks, and the answer is "no" unless Flint is trying to impress you then he says "yes". Extremely cocky and hard adrenaline junky. He intentionally tries to annoy leadership, wants to impress his pears and avoids those lower than him. He loves meeting new people and makes friends wherever he goes, he just has a hard time keeping those friends. 
Concept: Reckless and stupidly lucky youth
Motivation (Short & long term goal): Short term goals are to have fun, kick a**, (runing from his problems) and to look cool while doing it! Long term: he really just wants attention though he doesn't consciously know it wants to be loved, and maybe even settle down from his wild life.
Merits: Flint is a double chromium twinborn (major Merit, compound fortune). Has many friends around allycity to whom he can ask simple favors, and is a professional stunt driver (normal). Flint has a cool motorcycle that he loves more than anything, has a good poker face, and knows some cool breakdancing moves.
Flaws: Constantly looks to forget about his two younger sisters he abandoned, and suffers intense anxiety when reminded of them. Flint also thinks himself indestructible with his powers and that bleeds into his personality. He is embarrassingly oblivious to people using emotional allowmancy on him. Flint also has received a few warnings from the law enforcement and is ranked on a list of people to keep their eye on. His reputation does precede him... in all the wrong ways.
Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): Has an actor from a film he was a stunt man for as a father figure, and he isn't the greatest influence. (for family, read his flaw and backstory).
Home Planet: Born to Allycity, descended from Scadrial of both terris and noble blood.
Current Residence: Flint rents in a new place nearly every month, though he usually sticks around the Sphere most often as he enjoys hanging around Herdazians. Flint has a career as a stunt driver, but also gets a large amount of cash from betting and just randomly finding the money he needs. 
Backstory: Flint was raised in the slums of Mistwarrens. His father was a kind man, when he was at home, but the second he saw a gambling table he'd risk even his own family's well being. Once after having to live homeless for a week due to his Fathers foolishness Flint snapped. It wasn't long before Flint's Father would start to take him to casinos for his abilities, and though it did let them live well for some months Flint was banned from all the casinos in the Scadrial districts. After that it was back to the same old story. Flint's job was sometimes the only thing that could get the family through, until he couldn't take it anymore. Flint left his family and hit the streets at 17 and hasn't seen his family since.
Loose ends: Flint never forgave his Father for his responsibility and still has a nagging guilt for abandoning his Mother and younger sisters.                                                                                                                                    

Playlist theme

AI art of character that I think match him pretty well






Edited by Brik_head
Added more to the backstory, and added a bit more to his flaws to help balance the character a bit.
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1 hour ago, Brik_head said:


Here's a character I made. this is my first character in the allyverse so i don't know if it fits the setting but here it is!

Playlist theme

AI art of character that I think match him pretty well


Hmmmmmmmmm. Overall, this seems like an interesting character! However, I have two main thoughts:

1. Chromium compounding seems like a dangerously powerful ability. How powerful? I’m not exactly sure. But I worry that it would qualify, if we’re using David’s terminology in the Reckonerverse, as a high epic. However, that can be worked around. At the moment, however, I’m not sure that the flaws of being a beat outweighs near immortality and high likelihood to succeed in whatever he’s looking to do, so long as it doesn’t involve interacting with people’s minds.

2. This is quite close to @Ookla of whimsy’s character, who is operating on luck-based things, but has the downside of them being much more volatile and usable by others that lean into them. However, I think that these are distinct enough characters that have their own niches, so it should be fine.

Basically, I’m open to the idea of a chromium compounder, but I feel that this character needs a bit more flaws to outweigh such a great power. Frankly, if you dig around a bit, there’s a chance that you’ll find a chromium compounder in older Alleyverse characters, and you can compare notes! Although, that is completely optional, and purely if you want to. 

I’m excited to see what you come up with! This looks really promising.


A good point that was brought up: if your character was raised in the alleycity, he is likely notorious for his extreme luck. Because of that, I would expect they would be banned from most casinos, and likely have some sort of notoriety or connections within some section of Alleycity. You are free to make that up, or even communicate with Ookla of Whisy, who you are very likely to have already met.

Edited by Koloss17
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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Flint Ladrain 
Appearance: A slightly short (5'6") young man of 19? 24? 16? ... nobody really knows, he claims 22 but he could be lying... He has messy blond hair with blue eyes. Often wears ripped jeans, a tight t-shirt and a leather jacket with his favorite rock band logo on the back. Flint's body language is very loud and overconfident, the way he is in just about all things. 
Guild (or intended guild): Unaffiliated. Flint isn't interested in any particular guild... unless someone where to start a motorcycle gang...
Personality: "Are you related to Wax Ladrian?" that is the question everyone asks, and the answer is "no" unless Flint is trying to impress you then he says "yes". Extremely cocky and hard adrenaline junky. He intentionally tries to annoy leadership, wants to impress his pears and avoids those lower than him. He loves meeting new people and makes friends wherever he goes, he just has a hard time keeping those friends. 
Concept: Reckless and stupidly lucky youth.
Motivation (Short & long term goal): Short term goals are to have fun, kick a**, (running from his problems) and to look cool while doing it! Long term: he really just wants attention though he doesn't consciously know it wants to be loved, and maybe even settle down from his wild life.
Merits: Flint is a double chromium twinborn (major Merit, compound fortune). Is a professional stunt driver, and dare devil (normal merit). Flint has a cool motorcycle that he loves more than anything, has a good poker face, and has a basic knowledge of auto repair (but mostly for motorcycles).
Flaws: Constantly looks to forget about his two younger sisters he abandoned, and suffers severe anxiety while thinking of them. Flint also thinks himself indestructible with his powers and that bleeds into his personality. He is embarrassingly oblivious to people using emotional allowmancy on him. His reputation does precede him... in all the wrong ways as he is band from nearly every gambling hall in town. Flint also has a slight allergy to chromium, so he either has to consume small amounts at a time or burn it off really quickly.
Relationships (Eg. Family and Friends): He avoids his family, and has no close friends. 
Home Planet: Born to Allycity, descended from Scadrial of both terris and allowmantic blood.
Current Residence: Flint rents in a new place nearly every month, though he usually sticks around the Sphere most often as he enjoys hanging around Herdazians. Flint has a career as a stunt driver, but also gets a large amount of cash from betting and just randomly finding the money he needs.
Backstory: Flint was raised in the slums of Mistwarrens. His father was a kind man, when he was at home, but the second he saw a gambling table he'd risk even his own family's well being. Once after having to live homeless for a week due to his Fathers foolishness Flint snapped. It wasn't long before Flint's Father would start to take him to casinos for his abilities, and though it did let them live well for some months Flint was banned from all the casinos in the Scadrial districts. After that it was back to the same old story. Flint's job was sometimes the only thing that could get the family through, until he couldn't take it anymore. Flint left his family and hit the streets at 17 and hasn't seen his family since.
Loose ends: Flint never forgave his Father for his responsibility and still has a nagging guilt for abandoning his Mother and younger sisters.                                             

Made just couple edits to make him more balanced and consistent.  The biggest changes to his flaws is that he has a "slight allergy to chromium, so he either has to consume small amounts at a time or burn it off really quickly." touching chromium has no effect, so wearing a bracer is fine. 

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8 hours ago, Brik_head said:

Made just couple edits to make him more balanced and consistent.  The biggest changes to his flaws is that he has a "slight allergy to chromium, so he either has to consume small amounts at a time or burn it off really quickly." touching chromium has no effect, so wearing a bracer is fine. 

Interesting! So how does the allergy manifest? Is it a histamine response of some sort? Is it magical or just an unfortunate coincidence?

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Unfortunate coincidence. I'm basing it off my own allergies. Very small amounts (some powder mixed in his drink) will only give him a stomach ache and fever, more will cause some swelling and fatigue (half the usual bead), and a large dosage could be lethal (maybe one definitely two full beads).

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8 hours ago, Brik_head said:

Unfortunate coincidence. I'm basing it off my own allergies. Very small amounts (some powder mixed in his drink) will only give him a stomach ache and fever, more will cause some swelling and fatigue (half the usual bead), and a large dosage could be lethal (maybe one definitely two full beads).

Well, so long as you can guesstimate on how much luck that would give your character, it works for me! Character approved!

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