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Ask Wizard Anything

The Wandering Wizard

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You can as me most questions there are a few that I will reserve the right not to answer but almost every single on will be answered. I will gladly answer any questions about MHR including what it is. This is for my 200th post. I tend to get bored so ask me questions.

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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7 hours ago, Blake Hawklow said:


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Did chaos message you not to ping him or not?

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and WOW YOU ARE GROWING FAST. Almost as much as Thaidakar did when he started. So, congrats!


Not yet but I probably won't do it unless it's necessary. Also thank you. 

9 minutes ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

How do I get rid of the shadow creature in my mirror?

I'm not sure I would have to reread the 13th reality for possible ideas. Have you asked it to leave?

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The universe sent me a message. I came because I found about the shard but didn't join for about 20 days and I read a lot as I like to read and decided I wanted to join a community of people that enjoy books as much as me.

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1 hour ago, Liahona said:

Favorite Book of Mormon figure?

I liked both Alma's, Mosiah, and Captian Moroni to name a few as they are all great!

1 minute ago, Tani said:

What's your opinion on trees?

Trees are great for climbing and most places need to have more trees.

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2 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

No it does not and you might know me if you live in Nebraska. 

Do you like living in Nebraska? I haven't heard anything about it and I haven't ever been there. What's it like?

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One of my favorite things is that we can go to the Omaha Zoo as that is the largest zoo in the U.S. and I really like animals. I also learned what detasseling is and I asked my dad if he did detasseling as I used to think that was a job every one started doing but my dad was born in Utah so he didn't do detasseling.

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It is a job where you go into certain corn fields that have a row of 'male corn' then four rows of 'female corn' and then a row of 'male corn'. Here's a picture.What is That? Corn Detasseling - DeKalb County Farm Bureau Connections Your job in detasseling is to pull out the tassels from the 'female corn' so the 'male corn' will pollinate the 'female corn' and so the 'female corn' won't pollinate each other. The corn produced is mostly used for animal feed I think.

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