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Insanity Clinic For The Moderately Brandofandonitis Afflicted


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Just now, Ookla the Myopic said:

The Clinic

A portal opens under Sedai's feet, dropping her inbetween Insa and Stormy.

Stormy stabs at Insa again, but accidentally hits Sedai. She yelps and pulls back quickly. 

"Oh my gosh! I'm SO sorry!!! I didn't see you there! Also... how did you get here?"


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3 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

storms, I had this big ol' post made up for this and then I pressed "first new post". It moved me to the next page and the thing was lost. *sad noises* it was a chunk of Thaid's backstory.



That's happened to me in SE before. It sucks, happens to most of us a few times.

Forest of Tal'rin

"Ah, there's the third person the forest was chittering about. What's your name?"

@Ookla the Ta'veren

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Flashback: space

Thaidakar rounded the corner in the large, white hallway. Electric lights guided the way. He wore a militaristic, black and white uniform. A pattern moved softly on his left sleeve, buzzing. He smiled, Lerya would be in her room, waiting for him. 

"I just saw something move, a shadow," said Glyph softly in his odd accent. He was from Roshar. "It may have been Shadow, but... it's hard to tell."

"it probably was just Shadow," said Thaidakar, adjusting his glasses. He hoped it was just Shadow. It could have been... the thing. But no, it couldn't be. He'd left the thing behind back in...

No, he had to leave that behind, he was a new person now. He had to leave that behind.

Glyph buzzed again, "in all our three thousand years together, you haven't been nearly as nervous as you've been in our years in this realm."

Thaidakar rolled his eyes, not responding. He rounded another corner, passing a squad of uniformed guards.

"You should have worn a suit like I told you," said Glyph accusingly.

"Fine." Thaidakar moved his fingers across his uniform; an illusion covered it, making it seem as if he wore a dark blue suit with a black tie. "You happy now? Good. Just don't give me anymore lectures tonight."

"Alright, boss man." said Glyph happily, buzzing softly.

Thaidakar stopped by a metal door and rapped loudly on it. 

A woman in her early thirties answered the door. She wore a tight, red uniform with a gold insignia that showed that she was a commander on the ship. Her hair was frazzled and eyes playful. She grinned, "hey, Thaid'. I thought you were coming back in another week!"

"Well," he smiled, "it took faster than I thought. The-" he was cut off as Lerya kissed him, giving him a short hug. He smiled, but it was short lived as he felt something approach from behind. A shadow with red eyes and a dark expression. Glyph's pattern moved faster and faster, "Thaidakar!"

Thaidakar pulled out of the kiss and cursed, Lerya looked confused. The shadow looked like... no. No. No. He couldn't relive those memories. The shadow smiled softly as its features seemed to become clearer. "What is this, Thaid'?" Asked Lerya, hand on a side pistol.

"A nightmare..." whispered Thaidakar. "I thought..."

The shadow stepped forward and whispered. That voice... no... "You are mine, Thaidakar. You have always been mine..."

"No..." Thaidakar summoned his Glyph-blade. It fell into his hand, glitching occasionally. It gleamed darkly; mixed with his soulless powers and radiant powers, the blade was powerful. "Get out of my life!" he yelled suddenly.

The shadow held its place. "Destiny always arrives on time, my friend..." It turned into vapor and seemed to hit Thaidakar in the mouth.

Thaidakar's vision flashed red and he cursed. His muscles moved by themselves, stabbing Lerya in the heart with his sword. Thaidakar paled, "Lerya..." the words wouldn't leave his mouth, however. 

Lerya looked at him, stunned as she fell to the floor, blood leaking from her body. "Th-Thaidakar..."

Thaidakar regained his control and he stood, paralyzed. "Lerya... Lerya. COME BACK TO ME!" Red energy seemed to flow around him, in the hallways. The ship seemed to quake, lights flashing, people screaming. "Come back..." he whispered, falling to his knees and cradling the body.

Glyph didn't say anything, he was back in pattern form on the floor. The very universe seemed to implode on itself. Thaidakar's ears seemed to explode with screams as his body seemed to burn slightly. He... He was destroying everything. He gripped Lerya's body as it started to turn to ashes. His tears evaporated as he made them, the ship being destroyed. Glyph whispered, "oh, Thaidakar..."

Thaidakar clutched what was left of Lerya's body and whispered, "I'll see... I'll see you across the bend... my love... oh my love... I'll see you around the corner... I'll see you someday again..." The air rippled and Thaidakar disappeared suddenly. He screamed. And, suddenly, he was somewhere else as the dimension he'd been in was turned to ashes and void.

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Forest of Tal'rin

Insa thinks for a second. "Emma's teaching us stuff. You should join us." She gestures to the trees, " We're in a newly grown forest on the edge of a village that is now.... " She looks down. "Well the important thing is we're in a magic forest."

 @Ookla the Ta'veren

Edited by InfiniteInsanity
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The Clinic: Library

Bookwyrm walked over to a portion of the library and gestured for Calano, Matra, and Pyro to follow. A large chalkboard appeared on one section of the wall with smaller chalkboards surrounding it. Bookwyrm copied the set of runes onto one of the chalkboards, then the coordinates and some other unfamiliar numbers on another. Then he pulled out the Puzzle stone and copied the rune carved into it onto a third chalkboard.

"This might take a few hours, but with your help, I should be able to figure out the precise coordinates, plus how to get there. There will be lots of math. And magic...and possibly linguistics. But we should be able to figure it out." Bookwyrm turned to Pyro. He noticed that Pyro was wearing strange gloves. But he pushed the thought out of his mind. Irrelevant right now.

"I know Matra is good at translating runes, but do you have any skills that could help us in these calculations?" he asked Pyro.

"Oh, and Calano? Do you think you could find me an interdimensional atlas of this multiverse somewhere in the library? I need it for part of my calculations."

@Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Shadowed @PyroPhile

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On 12/10/2022 at 8:15 PM, Ookla the Ta'veren said:

“Hi!” Rue says. “What…what’s going on? And where are we?”

Forest of Tal'rin

"My name is Emma, and you appear to have fallen into the forest of Tal'rin. And yes it is a magic forest I suppose, but mostly it keeps boys out. And those that know what they are doing. I've been teaching Insa and Stormy over here about their magic and how to fight."

A double edged black sword falls into Emma's hands.

"After all a girl has got to have a way to defend herself. If you join us I was just going to teach Insa and Stormy here sword forms."

@Ookla the Ta'veren @Ookla the Pencil Taxi @InfiniteInsanity


All just to let you know, we are trying to put the area that you are in or the storyline in bold and underline to help keep the confusion down about different plotlines!

And if you want you can come up with what kind of magic your character can use, or I could teach you the weaves, or I can come up with something new. Generally some input is good.


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1 hour ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

"I know Matra is good at translating runes, but do you have any skills that could help us in these calculations?" he asked Pyro.

Insanity Clinic: Library

”I know some math,” Pyro said. “I could definitely help with the calculations.”

Pyro steps over and begins analyzing the numbers.

@Ookla the Perpetual


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5 hours ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

Forest of Tal'rin

"My name is Emma, and you appear to have fallen into the forest of Tal'rin. And yes it is a magic forest I suppose, but mostly it keeps boys out. And those that know what they are doing. I've been teaching Insa and Stormy over here about their magic and how to fight."

A double edged black sword falls into Emma's hands.

"After all a girl has got to have a way to defend herself. If you join us I was just going to teach Insa and Stormy here sword forms."


Telrao sits up straight from where she had been snoozing under a shady tree in the forest, occasionally watching the two new students spar. She eyes the sword in Emma's hand, then relaxes. She's just burning more of the dark energy. It's fine. She tries to go back to sleep, but feels like she should watch Emma closely.

"Be careful, human." Telrao whispers to herself as she settles down into her next of leaves. Watching, waiting.

@Ookla the Myopic


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Insanity Clinic: Library

Matra glanced at Pyro’s hands and couldn’t help noticing that they were covered by thick hide gloves. Strange fashion choice. But it wasn’t important right now.

6 hours ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

The Clinic: Library

Bookwyrm walked over to a portion of the library and gestured for Calano, Matra, and Pyro to follow. A large chalkboard appeared on one section of the wall with smaller chalkboards surrounding it. Bookwyrm copied the set of runes onto one of the chalkboards, then the coordinates and some other unfamiliar numbers on another. Then he pulled out the Puzzle stone and copied the rune carved into it onto a third chalkboard.

"This might take a few hours, but with your help, I should be able to figure out the precise coordinates, plus how to get there. There will be lots of math. And magic...and possibly linguistics. But we should be able to figure it out." Bookwyrm turned to Pyro. He noticed that Pyro was wearing strange gloves. But he pushed the thought out of his mind. Irrelevant right now.

"I know Matra is good at translating runes, but do you have any skills that could help us in these calculations?" he asked Pyro.

"Oh, and Calano? Do you think you could find me an interdimensional atlas of this multiverse somewhere in the library? I need it for part of my calculations."

@Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Shadowed @PyroPhile

“Ooh, chalkboards! Fun!” She turned to Pyro. “Do you have any magic? I love finding people with interesting powers!”

Edited by Ookla the Shadowed
forgot location
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The Clinic: Library

Calano nodded, snapping his fingers. A transparent warping in the air, in the silhouette of a person, hovered over to him, and made a low humming sound, in an interrogative tone.

"Could you find an interdimensional atlas?" He asked, "Perhaps detailing multiversal worlds and their known locations? We should have a couple different versions, just bring whatever you find."

The warped silhouette hummed again, then hovered away. It soon returned with three rather large tomes.

The Multiverse: Known Boundaries, Worlds, and LandmarksUnderstanding Your Place: A Detailed Account Of Worlds Beyond Worlds and The Multiversal Dictionary: Coordinates and Locations Issue.

Calano nodded to the silhouette, which hummed once more before floating away. "One of our Librarians. These should help," He said, proffering them to Bookwyrm.

@Ookla the Perpetual @PyroPhile @Ookla the Shadowed

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