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20 hours ago, Sequence said:


You're District 12 female right now.

If anyone else wants to join, speak now.

"Now" being Right This Minute. (or within these ten minutes works too.)

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2 minutes ago, Zephrun's Imperium said:

You didn't tag me! I'm District 7 female.

Sorry! Do you want me to go back and add the tag, or just leave it at this point? (You ARE in the simulator.)

1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Is kinda your job to describe everything, Tan :P

Ya I know. Jussa minit.

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Napollo grabs a shield from the ground.

Red Shirt 1 clutches a first aid kit and runs away.

Enter takes a couple explosives from near the cornucopia.

EmLee snatches a bottle of alcohol and a blade.

Fadran grabs the supplies furthest away from the cornucopia and quickly escapes.

Queen takes a couple explosives from near the cornucopia.

Nameless takes a couple explosives from near the cornucopia.

Tani breaks Void's nose for a basket of bread.

Red Shirt 2 finds a backpack full of camping equipment.

Experience finds a backpack full of camping equipment.

Morningtide runs away with a sword and some rope.

Xino kills Star with a hatchet.

Eluviani runs away with a sword and some rope.

Szeth's Facepalm grabs the supplies furthest away from the cornucopia and quickly escapes.

TalnFan breaks Syn's nose for a basket of bread.

Mat stays at the cornucopia for resources.

Vapor grabs a sword.

Thaidakar and Robin dash for the same bag of food and supplies. Robin gets scared and retreats.

Dannex stays at the cornucopia for resources.

Sequence grabs a sword.


Star, which Empty slot do you want? District 1 or District 5?

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The toll. The toll! Tani sprinted for the bread she'd picked out before. Competition went for her bread too. Plan. What's my plan? Can I kick his head? Maybe, maybe not. Better to punch. Strong stance, solid form. His nose crunched under her fist. Hoping he'd be to busy with his nose to kill her, Tani grabbed the bread, turned her back, and ran for the treeline.

In her head, her mentor yelled never, never! turn your back to an enemy.

On 5/2/2022 at 10:10 AM, Matrim's Dice said:

So are you suddenly the GM and EmLee is taking your spot? Are you sending her the results of the simulation?


She was already playing when she was GM. We're both tributes.


Ay peeps, how long should I wait between updates on what's happening in the simulator?

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12 minutes ago, Tani said:

Ay peeps, how long should I wait between updates on what's happening in the simulator?


Give everyone/most of everyone time to play out the current update, I'd say. However long that takes. It'll probably be shorter than the time to get this going :P 

That sound. Mat had been warned about that, but it still startled him. That means go. The most dangerous part was now, survive now and you had a good chance...

A better chance, at least. Every second alive improved the chance of winning.

Mat ran forward, knowing he had to grab something. He'd had a shortlist of items that he thought would be the best to have, but in the terror of the moment he had completely forgotten what those were. He'd take anything. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Vapor grab a sword. Good. She was from his District, and while he figured they had an alliance he honestly wasn't sure. The Hunger Games were known to split allegiances, despite the 'purpose' the Capitol perpetrated. Everyone knew it wasn't about bringing the Districts together, it was about intimidation.

To drive the point home, he witnessed the first death. District Seven killing District Seven. He hadn't known either of the tributes very well, but the sight was awful to see. That couldn't be the only death, surely.

Mat looked around frantically, but somehow couldn't seem to find anything worth grabbing. Why am I here? I should be running. Far away. I should run far away. Hide. Hiding means winning. But what had his mentor taught? Get something at the cornucopia.

So Mat waited.

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44 minutes ago, Zephrun's Imperium said:

.... Wha... Xino... How could you? 

I'll take District 5.

I'mma get Xino for this...


Sooo I found this thing where I can kill off tributes and bring them back to life...

Do you want me to bring Star back to life or do you want to name Extra2 something?


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53 minutes ago, Tani said:

Sequence grabs a sword.

As the starting (cannon? bell? gong? i dont remember) sounded, Sequence sprinted for the cornucopia. Eyes wide and heart racing, she managed to get there in time to grab a sword, which was propped up against a box. A sword? Why did I grab a sword?! I don't know how to fight! She thought as she sprinted off into the forest.

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