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What Twinborn would you be?

Wandering Shade

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I'd like everyone to respond to this with what one allomantic and one feruchemic power they would take if they could choose and why? I just wanna see what everyone's thoughts are on the matter since there's 16 powers for each (no God Metals) and thus 256 possible Twinborn combinations.

Now, I know this is a broad question so I'm actually breaking it down even further.

What set of Twinborn powers would you choose for combat purposes, and what set would you choose for normal everyday life?


Personally, I think A-Pewter and F-Gold are a nigh perfect combat pair, since you can get more Health stored up than a normal Bloodmaker (Not as much as a Gold Compounder though, ofc), but also have the added physical combat capabilities of being a Pewterarm. It would also make becoming an A-Pewter Savant far safer.

As for normal everyday life, I think either F-Zinc or F-Bronze personally along with either A-Brass or A-Bendalloy. Probably F-Zinc and A-Brass. Just would make moving through normal life so much easier.

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A-Pewter F-bronze.

Sorry steel lovers but Pewter is just the best allomantic metal. Improved physical strength, advanced healing etc.

And while F-gold is good I struggle with sleeping, and healthcare is advanced enough F-gold isn't neccesary.

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For combat, A-pewter F-gold is really good in general, but there are more specific combos that would be better for less general purpose. A-chromium F-steel would work well to counter allomancers and assassinate targets. Zip up in superspeed, then drain their investiture and stab them. A-steel is obviously very destructive, particularly when paired with F-iron. F-nicrosil, depending on how it actually functions, might be really cool. A-pewter F-steel would work for a more volatile combatant. In the end, for combat, I'd take A-steel and F-gold. Bullets are basically useless against me, and even if I go up against aluminum weapons, I can heal it up.

For everyday life, I'd choose A-pewter and F-iron or gold. Pewter is obvious, better health, I'm stronger, more durable, all that. F-iron keeps me from drowning or falling to my death, and F-gold keeps me alive through basically anything except maybe cancer. I think I'd go with F-gold in the end, just because I like being alive, and F-gold keeps me alive better than F-iron.

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Just now, Doomslug The Destroyer said:

This is all hypothetical, and as such, there is a hypothetical nugget of Lerasium that I find and burn, thus gaining access to all the Allomantic metals.

Also haha instant luck go brrr

But you don't even need to be a Lerasium misting, because everyone can burn it.

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F-Duralumin and A-Zinc.  A good combination for more diplomatic/manipulative people of all sorts.  Seriously, Connection and emotion manipulation combined would likely have rather striking effects.

Edited by Nesh
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Are we talking about Compounding or not? We are talking about our level of technology or earlier period?

If yes, Double Steel all the way, everytime, always.

If not, im not sure. For Allomancy Bendalloy seems to be nice, but is expensive and hard to get. Maybe endeed Pewter would be good, but I think in normal life Zinc or Brass would be even better. For Feruchemy Iron, Gold, Chromium, or Duralumin seems to be the best. So I think 2 combinations:

A-Pewter F-Iron

A-Brass F-Duralumin

BTW, there was somewhere on Forum thread identical to this. Or even few.



Edited by Bzhydack
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For combat, I'd use the combo in my pfp (A-Electrum + F-Zinc) simply due to the fact that it would immediately give me an advantage over anyone else who doesn't have some sort of future-sight. My technique for making A-Electrum good is that I'd have a series of hand gestures that only matter to me in the present, watching my electrum shadows. Depending on how my actions turn out for myself, I make a gesture that's visible to my "past" self, so I can scan the electrum shadows' paths while tapping Zinc and then replicate the one that turned out the best. Sort of like a utility maximizing AI, but... me.

For real life/regular stuff, Pewter Compounding is unrivaled, especially if my theory on Reverse Compounding is correct, but even if that isn't doable, it's still the best option for a broadly useful combination. So many things require endurance or strength. I could be the best at any one of those things with pewter compounding and get rich for it.

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28 minutes ago, Bzhydack said:

Are we talking about Compounding or not? We are talking about our level of technology or earlier period?

If yes, Double Steel all the way, everytime, always.

If not, im not sure. For Allomancy Bendalloy seems to be nice, but is expensive and hard to get. Maybe endeed Pewter would be good, but I think in normal life Zinc or Brass would be even better. For Feruchemy Iron, Gold, Chromium, or Duralumin seems to be the best. So I think 2 combinations:

A-Pewter F-Iron

A-Brass F-Duralumin

BTW, there was somewhere on Forum thread identical to this. Or even few.

I was unaware, apologies. Still, nothing wrong with making a new one, is there?

And yes, I am considering Compounding. Double Steel is OP lol so I get why you'd take that. But I like the ideas of Pewter and Iron, that's interesting and very cool. Brass and Duralumin could also be super cool as someone else stated above. Emotional manipulation and Connection could lead to some interesting shenanigans.

Edited by Wandering Shade
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4 minutes ago, Halyo_Alex said:

For combat, I'd use the combo in my pfp (A-Electrum + F-Zinc) simply due to the fact that it would immediately give me an advantage over anyone else who doesn't have some sort of future-sight. My technique for making A-Electrum good is that I'd have a series of hand gestures that only matter to me in the present, watching my electrum shadows. Depending on how my actions turn out for myself, I make a gesture that's visible to my "past" self, so I can scan the electrum shadows' paths while tapping Zinc and then replicate the one that turned out the best. Sort of like a utility maximizing AI, but... me.

For real life/regular stuff, Pewter Compounding is unrivaled, especially if my theory on Reverse Compounding is correct, but even if that isn't doable, it's still the best option for a broadly useful combination. So many things require endurance or strength. I could be the best at any one of those things with pewter compounding and get rich for it.

Woah, that's a super smart combination. I'd never have thought of that.

Personally, I see no reason to need to compound Pewter. Being able to use it either A or F-pewter is all you need unless you really need some obscene levels of strength. Also, Reverse Compounding? Could you link me to that theory?

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Just now, Wandering Shade said:

Woah, that's a super smart combination. I'd never have thought of that.

It's effectively the twinborn version of A-Atium.

Just now, Wandering Shade said:

Personally, I see no reason to need to compound Pewter. Being able to use it either A or F-pewter is all you need unless you really need some obscene levels of strength.

Exactly. Forms of employment that come to mind for me are more about the spectacle of someone with obscene levels of strength, rather than the practical benefits, but it's still broadly useful for so many jobs.

Just now, Wandering Shade said:

Also, Reverse Compounding? Could you link me to that theory?

It's actually pretty simple to sum up; the hypothesis is that much like how a twinborn of the same metal can allomantically burn a metalmind for immense gains on feruchemical attributes, a twinborn of the same metal could feruchemically store the allomantic output of a normal metal burn inside the matching metalmind. That metal is already keyed to such an effect as it stands, and with the appropriate feruchemy, the twinborn has the ability to invest that metal, so...

We wouldn't have seen Miles doing it, for the obvious reason of A-Gold not being worth the effort, but for metals that do have an advantageous allomantic power, this would allow you to store your allomantic reserves as feruchemical charge, meaning it would be hard to Leech or nicroburst, there would be no excess to have to burn off at night, and you could tap it at a level of potency beyond flaring, or at a low "burn" without needing to practice controlling your allomantic "throttle", if you will. A fair few benefits, with that last one being the main upside and why someone would likely bother doing it. Imagine being able to tap at the level of a duralumin burst, without needing more than one allomantic power, or anywhere in between.

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3 hours ago, Halyo_Alex said:

It's actually pretty simple to sum up; the hypothesis is that much like how a twinborn of the same metal can allomantically burn a metalmind for immense gains on feruchemical attributes, a twinborn of the same metal could feruchemically store the allomantic output of a normal metal burn inside the matching metalmind. That metal is already keyed to such an effect as it stands, and with the appropriate feruchemy, the twinborn has the ability to invest that metal, so...

Its possible, but if I remember correctly needs something additional to normal Twinborn powers. It was WoB about this...

Wierd to me why noone mentioned Tin. Where is Tin Church? @Koloss17?

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A-pewter is my choice 99% of the time.  Way to useful in everyday life to not use it.  

Feruchemy is where I struggle.  Tin is brilliant for anything spy related.   Zinc is fantastic for dueling or just about anything you know even a little about (zinc compounding is basically an endless supply of limitless pills).  Steel would compliment A pewter so well for so much but doesn't really offer a whole lot that is new, instead I feel like it would just enhance the pewter speed and make for a nice spidey sense/ bullet time effect for when A pewter needs an extra hand.  Iron is fantastic and pewter fueled jumps with iron could straight up allow me to hop around like John Carter of Mars so I think that would have to be my go to.  Coin shots can keep their flying.  

Allomantic bendalloy would be my go to over pewter if... and really only if I was a Kandra.   I would use it to put on a quick change act that blows the socks off Penn and Teller.   I picture carrying in a "bag of tricks" with some animal bones and going through various sized humans with a few random big cats thrown in (anything that I can duplicate bones but change fur patters or even fat distribution with).   I want to land that trophy and convince those dudes that real magic has to be the only explanation.   (Honestly if it isn't too small for a kandra to use I would end it all as a shoebill stork making its prehistoric call and then a quick fly around the room only to land behind a curtain throw up my speed bubble swap back to the original body and look and then drop the speed bubble as my curtain falls to my feet leaving just me and my bag of tricks standing there.)

But since being a monster isn't part of the discussion I will just stick to A pewter and F iron to make those dope John Carter leaps.  

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A-steel and F-gold for combat A-pewter would also be a good choice, but requires getting up close; in Era 2 with guns, A-steel's probably better.

For practical use in my actual life, probably A-tin/F-zinc. F-zinc is the obvious Feruchemy choice (store during boring things so they seem to go faster, tap for apparent super-intelligence). No Allomantic power fits really well: zinc or brass would be the most useful, but I find them ethically iffy. A-pewter is another option, more for the grace/agility and health than raw strength.

What I'd actually want is A-gold/F-zinc... I'd really like to explore A-gold's alternate selves/timelines ...but can't justify that as "practical use".

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A-Gold, F-Copper.

Why?  I'm not much of a fighter, I don't like heights, and frankly I don't care much about time skipping or emotional manipulation.  At heart I am a historian and philosopher, and these two just seem to fit my mindset the best.  A Coppermind to be able to store and remember things I've studied, and A-gold for personal reflection, growth, and possible life correction.

You could even call the Twinborn a "Stoic" which would fit me even better.

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For combat, I'd have to go with a-pewter, f-iron. I've thought for a while that the greatest limit when it comes to super-strength in general is that you need enough mass to really ground yourself to have the right leverage to take full advantage of it. That's one place that f-iron would be extremely helpful. But then on the other side of things, being able to drop your weight super low while retaining the additional strength of a-pewter means that your mobility would be through the roof. We're talking leaping tall buildings in a single bound and insane bursts of super speed.

For every day, I have to choose between some form of tin, simply due to the fact that I am fascinated by the idea that there's so much of the world I can't know about because my sense just aren't good enough. In the end, I'd probably go a-steel, f-tin. Though now I'm wondering if you can store steelsight in a tin-mind. That way you could potentially have inquisitor level steelsight by tapping on top of normal burning. It would be quite interesting if that was the case.

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6 hours ago, HSuperLee said:

In the end, I'd probably go a-steel, f-tin. Though now I'm wondering if you can store steelsight in a tin-mind. That way you could potentially have inquisitor level steelsight by tapping on top of normal burning. It would be quite interesting if that was the case.

Woah. That sounds very plausible to me. Steelsight is a sense and tinminds store senses independently, so being able to store steelsight seems logical to me.

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1 hour ago, Wandering Shade said:

Woah. That sounds very plausible to me. Steelsight is a sense and tinminds store senses independently, so being able to store steelsight seems logical to me.

I do believe all allomantic senses can be stored... you could theoretically store the spiritual sight granted by any of the spiritual metals as well as the ability to hear pulses from bronze.  In the "tin master metal" world of thinking there is an argument for even pewters sense of balance or even the sense of proprioception which is basically spidey senses.  

If being John Carter from Mars wasn't as simple as Allomantic pewter and Feruchemical iron and I couldn't choose the kandra life... I would have to run tin compounder because you just stack all of those benefits forever and can store whatever you need to negate the negative effects of savantism (potentially).  

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