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Nesh last won the day on September 7 2012

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About Nesh

  • Birthday 04/29/1992

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  1. Yes, but this is well after Stormlight most likely there's plenty of room for suff to happen, given we're probably somewhere between Mistborn Eras 3 & 4, closer to Era 4.
  2. I think you slightly misread what I was saying. I know that Frost and Hoid's relationship is bad because of Hoid's interference in other worlds, something he was doing well before Stormlight. The letter was in Stormlight yes, but the falling out was before that even. I simply meant that Hoidtaking Starling as an apprentice mighr have been, or led to the event that got Starling banished.
  3. I find it interesting that Starling is Hoid's apprentice. I wonder if Frost's... strained relationship wit Hoid has anything to do with her banishment.
  4. To be fair to the Scadrians, all their gods have been human at one point. They don't really have the context to believe in an island god, well, outside of the Ghostbloods anyway. Granted, that's based on their Era 2 knowledge, so I could be completely wrong.
  5. The fact that there's an Autonomy Avatar on First of the Sun, is probably at least part of the Scadrian interest in the planet, and then the Rosharans are interested because the Scadrians are.
  6. At the rate he works, I could almost swear Brandon is a Slider (Bendalloy Misting).
  7. All a fair assessment. Plus, this is just one Scadrian faction from what Sig's inner monologue was saying, so it's likely that there are many others who wouldn't approve.
  8. I'm not entirely convinced the Scadrians are necessarily as bad as they look. I mean we're seeing them from the outside here. Yes, their actions aren't what I'd call good, but we don't have the context for them. We got a couple hints that the Rosharans aren't exactly nice. The travel book describing them as warlike, the implications from the Scadrians about the Radiants. It's entirely possible that they are on the back foot against an aggressive Roshar. I mean for all we know Taravodium is leading the charge. You're right, they're actions don't paint them well, but I hesitate to jump to conclusions.
  9. Doesn't an Allomancer burning pewter have those same effects, including the desire to move? I think it;s too early to read much into the measurement system.
  10. I have this thought in my head that Zane spent time on the streets like Vin, but I can't remember if it's accurate or not. All the Coppermind says is that he had a rough childhood because Straff kept him hidden. Normally, I'd just check the book, but I don't even know what chapter to start looking in, so I'm hoping someone here will know the answer.
  11. It's cool that he wants to use his clout to create change in the system, truly it is, but I worry that things like this may lead to reprisals from places like Amazon...
  12. Must resist eunuch joke... in all seriousness, no. We know that the vessels have more and more trouble acting against the Intent of their Shard as time goes on, even the Well pushed Rashek to preserve life within the changes he made rather than fixing his mistakes. Sazed has two Shards with opposing Intents pulling him in different directions. So yeah, it's hard for him to act. Now, he could potentially change this by unbalancing himself, but that's another matter.
  13. See, Preservation did know it needed Vin, she was his chosen successor, and obviously knew about Sazed because the Terris prophecies came from somewhere. Yhat whole thing was far more intricate and well planned.
  14. I'm not so sure about that, unless you know, Sazed was lying about Bavadin getting the better of him, reacting too slowly, not knowing he needed Wayne, etc. I think this actually was a close run thing. Kell has also said that Sazed has been acting erratic. I'd say our old friend is very much in trouble.
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