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FeatherWriter gets to keep her arm!


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I just now was recalled to this by hoser's new thread, but it may be of interest to you guys to know that I have picked up the habit of bookmarking whenever someone (else) makes a foolish oath predicting something.  :ph34r: 
I'd been hoping to be able to post a "now you have to eat your hat" (the usual oath) message, but sadly the first oath has been fulfilled.


6. Shash - Creative/Honest (I'd bet my right arm that this is Shallan's. "Truthspren")


Since we now know that Shalash has the powers of order #Shash (Lightweavers), Feather can rest easy knowing that her arm is off the market.

Edited by Kurkistan
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*powerslides into this thread in her socks* yyyyeeeeeeaaaaaAAAAAHHHH! CALLED IT!


Oh and I would like to know if you had plans for that arm, Kurk.... You've been keeping tabs on it for a year only to lament losing your chance to claim it? What do you want with my arm, creeper!? 

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I didn't have any specific plans, it'd just be nice to have a spare...




How about I give some background to un-creepify myself?


Once upon a time, I made a mistake (I know, shocking!  :o).


In the course of this mistake, I said that I'd eat my hat if X were not the case. I was wrong, but no angels of vengeance descended upon me to demand that I eat my hat.


Glad to be spared this humiliation, I immediately turned around and decided to make sure that no one else ever got off that easy ( ;)).


So, in short, people have a habit of making these grand oaths and then everyone forgets about them months or years down the line when they are actually proven/disproven. I ran across one of these oaths on the site one day and decided it would be funny if I started bookmarking them so that I could make fun of people when they turned out to be wrong. :P


But, sadly, Feather was actually right, so no making mock to be had just yet...




Some fun to look forward to, though: :D

Riddlesinthedark will "eat [his] numbered first edition if Shallan did not kill her father."


Windy "I'll eat my hat if [the blades carried by the Heralds] aren't called Honorblades."


Scott will "eat [his] hat if Dalinar became a radiant and his spren was a cultivationspren," to the extent that "I don't have a hat, so I'd buy a hat and THEN eat it."


And Jaaaaaade's signiature says that "I swear to never utter another word on FTL until the third trilogy is out."




Oh, then there was the matter of the bet, but that's already been settled.  B)

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See, I'm totally disappointed. Here I was picturing Kurkistans trophy room filled with stasis capsule display cases with various body parts collected over the centuries from those who lost bets which included said body part. This would have been so much more interesting.


....then again, do we really know this isn't the case?

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I found some too: Kurk will eat his hat if Awakening is end-negative or of Baxil's boss isn't Shallash, but I find those unlikely. I can't remember what he was wrong about, but


Once upon a time, I made a mistake (I know, shocking!  :o).


In the course of this mistake, I said that I'd eat my hat if X were not the case. I was wrong, but no angels of vengeance descended upon me to demand that I eat my hat.



Since he had confirmed it himself, he should now proceed to eat his hat... Wait, I know Kurk is a devil cat, but is he also a devil Cat in the Hat?

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Ok, I admitit. In my senility, I no longer remember all of your posts on this topic, and you probably hid it well anyway :(

But enough about bets (which I invariably lose)! Let's talk about you Kurk. How did you come to be a talking devil terminator cat with interest in collecting extra human limbs anyway? In detail, please.

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No comment.  :mellow:


Also, to torment you: I did not in any way hide, edit, or otherwise obscure the post in question at any point after having first made it.

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I'm amused that this thread is still active.


In the future I would hesitate to suggest anyone bet anything grander than a pinky toe though. We don't want to put a strain on Kurkistans storage capacity for forfeited body parts.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It is a real Riot just how easily these threads can digress, isn't it? You think they're dead, and someone Pulls them back up - they just Surge back into existence, Awakened from the dead. And the worst part? They degenerate into Lifeless puns so fast it's not even funny!

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It can be quite Obnoxious how some of these threads just don't want to Die. My notification box Keeps getting Flooded By Long Dead threads being Resuscitated.


EDIT: Wait... I seem to have thoroughly misunderstood something.........

Edited by Aether
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It is a real Riot just how easily these threads can digress, isn't it? You think they're dead, and someone Pulls them back up - they just Surge back into existence, Awakened from the dead. And the worst part? They degenerate into Lifeless puns so fast it's not even funny!

Actually, it was funny. Very much so. Made me laugh hard enough that more than a few heads on the train to work were turned my way. So thanks for embarassing me in public....

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