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Stick ISN'T a stick


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11 minutes ago, harambe said:

Guys, guys ... there is only one person that can answer this question : @I_am_a_Stick Give us your wisdom 



P.S. Are you a stick as well?

Oh. Oh my. I shall offer y'all my wisdom. Stick is, indeed, a Stick no matter what anyone else coughShallancough claims. Since the Sharders discovered Stick Stick has been the subject of many memes. But at the end, Stick is Stick. (And maybe a worldhopper stick ) 

[yes, I am a Stick]


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3 hours ago, Shqueeves said:

Could Stick be soulstamped into an even greater Stick? 

Well, we all know that Odium is obviously a splinter of Stick's power, so, I think, if that happened, the Cosmere would be destroyed because of how much power Stick would possess.

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If Stick believes it is, in fact, a Stick, then it must mean that all things in existence have consciousness. Therefore, this world makes no storming sense. Therefore, Stick cannot be certain that he is, in fact, a Stick.

Checkmate Stick.

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i actually have a question, What happens to stick in shadesmar if we broke it into two pieces in physical realm?

there may be two glass beads in shadesmar, but what if be broke it into many pieces?. Ofcourse Stick itself should have been a part of tree,

these glass beads, can they be sprens?

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1 hour ago, I'm_a_Stick said:

i actually have a question, What happens to stick in shadesmar if we broke it into two pieces in physical realm?

there may be two glass beads in shadesmar, but what if be broke it into many pieces?. Ofcourse Stick itself should have been a part of tree,

these glass beads, can they be sprens?

With Stick's level of investiture, breaking it would be nigh impossible. 

Breaking most other items would probably create more beads

The beads (as far as I can tell) are the cognitive parts of the item. Spren are splinters

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