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So, since the last night there was a lot of talking about talking more, I think we should actually discuss things this evening. I for one, have suspicions to who the Rioter is and a couple guesses for the Seeker. I know that doesn't help much, but it does narrow down the list of suspects.

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Well, crap.

 I'm done; I'm going to give voting a rest for the next time. Maybe I won't help a disaster this way. Sorry, Shiv. If your ghost wants to haunt me, I get where it's coming from.

This is exactly why I didn't cast my vote. I was leaning toward Shiv (bad, bad decision on my part...again), but not enough to vote for him. And I knew one of the two needed to die, so I wasn't about to vote no kill.

However, Barty, you won't be aiding a disaster next time. Next time is tomorrow. And we will be lynching Cessie. Who we know is evil. I'm pretty sure you want to be in on that.

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Herwynbe reeled with shock. Master Shiv was... innocent? It was the same nightmare with Master Shimbles happening all over again. Slowly, he swiveled his head to look at Lady Cessie, who was sitting in her customary seat while he stood nearby. She turned and met his gaze. His gut twisted horribly at what he saw in her eyes.


"My... Lady," He said, falling back on the formal etiquette that was such a huge part of his life, "I must... beg your leave to be excused."


She nodded slowly, but didn't break his gaze. He withdrew, head still spinning. He had served Cessie's family for his whole life, he had never betrayed their trust, but he knew what he had to do now, and he would not shirk his responsibility. He made his way to where the Lord Mistborn stood shaking his head.


"Lord Peng, I am at your disposal."


Tomorrow would likely be the worst day of his life. He almost hoped he didn't live to see it. Almost.

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After Cessie is dead, my opinion is Barty is the next most suspicious character.

His whole "not participating in anymore votes" is very fishy to me. He has been a pretty nondescript player so far, only really jumping on other people's plans and ideas, not contributing much himself.

And the Inquisitor already know he can play a good "not me" defense from the other games, and just his character in general is a good cover, I think.

That, or, if I were the Inquisitor, I probably would have tried converting Kurk or Aether, as they were some of the stronger, more influential characters last game.

Those are my two clippings. :/
(sorry again, Shiv!)

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Shiv was a lot like the mists, incomprehensible and yet a steady constant within the lives of the Crew. So maybe it was destined that the sun would wait longer to rise and that the mists hung around longer. 


Or maybe it was because of the death of the Lord Ruler. No one knew for sure, but the Crew used the time to toast to their fallen comrade. 


"Farewell, you sneaky lout. We may not have understood you, but we won't let your sacrifice be in vain." 


The day has been extended for an additional 12 hours.

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Suspicion on aspren went up a tad there. Cessie needs to die first, but after that.. only the spiked needs time on the night, we cant vote....


Perhaps accidentically making that statement here instead of spiked doc?

Edited by dyring
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If I was the Inquisitor, then Meta would have to be pretty sick, (which is no argument, as we have seen from previous games), but in this case, I am also not

And I guess you're right in that I probably should vote. But this time, I refuse to argue. I'm going to do whatever Ping does and stop there. Non-influential? I was one of the main people arguing against Shiv (then again, I don't know whether or not that convinced people). But now, my vote is just going to be a booster for Ping.


Heh, dyring, good point. Hey, if Aspren is the spiked, that could explain why he needs the Aspren so much! I mean, Spikes in the head can't feel good...

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Nice one, bartbug. :lol: 


Dyring, I'm suspicious seeming because I managed to interfere with the celestial mechanics of Scadrial's solar system so as to allow for an extra 12 hours of night-time? What's so suspicious about that?

Edited by Aspren
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You asked for extra nighttime....


Clearly a mistake. Only question is wether it was a mistake in posting it here instead of elsewhere, wich you attempt to cover up, or if its a true mistake in posting it during the night and not the day.

Edited by dyring
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I don't feel asking for more time during the night cycle is necessarily a bad thing. Someone will die at the end of it, so it leaves longer for everybody to make points in case they die and it helps team good figure out the targets for night time abilities. Also, I think we should re-examine he arguments of the late shiv. I think he is pretty clever, and Now that we know he was on team good, his points while he was alive can be trusted.

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Hm. Yeah, that is pretty suspicious, Aspren.

While it's not completely and immediately evil to ask for a time extension, it is fairly suspicious. The people who have the most to gain from extended night times are the Inquisitors. Talking stuff out during night cycle is cool and all that, but we already know who we're hitting on our next vote, I'm pretty sure it's almost unanimous at this point.

(And I still want to go on record, I don't think it's a good idea to always discuss our planned activities for the next day cycle at night. It still gives too much insight into our next actions for the Inquisitor for my taste, and when the morning comes and some of us are dead/converted almost all of our "plans" change anyway to accommodate the new information anyway.)

Tonight wasn't too bad, because like I said, I'm pretty sure we're all voting for Cessie next cycle regardless.

Edit: And apologies, Barty. I read that as you weren't participating in the votes at all anymore. Which totally was a red flag to me. But that  makes more sense to just place your vote with Peng.
(I dunno. I still don't trust you. But I think that's mostly residual feelings from last game)

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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This is all quite funny for me. I really didn't mean that much by my request for a time extension.You guys seem intent on making it seem like extending our time is an act of implicit subversion. 


How does the Inquisitor benefit from extended time more than we do? Inquisitor & Co. is hardly going to use an extra 12 hours to revise who they're going to kill/spike/send prank PMs to based on what happens in those twelve hours unless someone blatantly states their role, or something of the like, in that time, which is unlikely. If they're going to perform any action then they'll most likely have decided on it before then. Another twelve hours really won't have much of an effect on their actions.


On the other hand, the extra time allows us to better form our suspicions (whether we discuss those suspicions is another matter). The fact that the level of suspicion you have for me has increased is testament to that.


Now that I think about it, it's kinda ironic that by my own request for more time, in order to have more discussion, I will be the one that is discussed.

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I think the more important thing is how we were so decieved. I can think of three posibilities:
1. somehow we misread the write-ups and two people snapped.
2. Cessie snapped upon conversion to team evil, and they targeted her in an attempt to get her into trusted circles
3. Cessie is the inquisitor and has a pewter ability and targeted herself for death in an attempt to get her into trusted circles.

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1. somehow we misread the write-ups and two people snapped.

2. Cessie snapped upon conversion to team evil, and they targeted her in an attempt to get her into trusted circles

3. Cessie is the inquisitor and has a pewter ability and targeted herself for death in an attempt to get her into trusted circles.

I think the third option is the most likely, given the circumstances (although it still shocks me that they'd play that kind of a gambit with the Inquisitor of all people). We'll see for certain tomorrow when we kill her.

The first is a chance, but I really kind of doubt it. Meta makes it fairly obvious to the reader (not necessarily a skimmer) when someone Snaps, so I don't think we missed anything.

And I don't think the second option is even possible. At least, not from the way I read the rules about the Unsnapped.


In the chance that a Misting is converted into a Spiked player, you'll finally recognize your true potential and snap into your allomantic powers. You will inherit the abilities of the converted allomancer, although there is a 25% chance of getting a different one.

Granted, there isn't anything in there about the Unsnapped being converted, but I was under the impression that they'd convert just like a regular player with no powers, until they Snap and get a power.

I think the only power a convert can have is the power imbued in the Spike, and even that's just a 50/50 shot.

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Day 6 (Rumors in the Mists)


Dyring had some company during his watch tonight. It was completely unnerving company. Cessie still sat where she had throughout the entire day. It was probably a good idea to keep an eye on her, just in case she really was the Inquisitor somehow, but that didn’t mean Dyring wanted to be the one to do it!


Something whistled through the air outside and crashed into the ground. Dyring turned towards the sound for only a second before glancing back at Cessie. She was gone.




Maxill had stayed to the edges of the Crew during all of this, trying not to attract too much attention. He hadn’t been in the Crew for long at all. In fact, this was his first Crew ever. Modeft had found him and recruited him because he said he saw something in Maxill. Perhaps this is how Crews like this were supposed to act?


Somehow, even young Maxill couldn’t convince himself that Crew leaders being murdered by Inquisitors was a common thing in the underground, but that didn’t mean that he knew what to do about it. So he waited; hiding and listening. Tonight he had hidden somewhere that he didn’t think anyone would suspect him to be; out in the open. He had found a broken lock on one of the windows in Dyring’s Inn and he used that opening to climb up onto the rooftop. There wasn’t any other way up there, so Maxill felt confident that he was safe.

He continued to feel that way right up to the point that he was picked up and thrown off the roof. He didn’t even have time to scream before crashing into the ground.


Surprisingly, Maxill was still alive. Broken and in pain, but still alive. That was, of course, part of the plan. A spiked needed to be the thing to kill you if it were to stand the chance of stealing a Mistings powers. A figure stepped out of the shadows in a nearby alleyway, holding a spike in one hand. The figure looked up to the top of the roof, nodded and crossed to Maxill.


Maxill tried to sooth the figure. “Remove your hatred, remove your bloodlust, remove your distain. Oh gods, please say they still have a shred of compassion that is now being revealed to them!” Maxill thought.


It was all in vain. The figure didn’t even falter for a second. They resolutely walked up to Maxill’s broken form and drove the spike into his chest.




The Inquisitor moved on silent feet. It was somewhere it shouldn’t be, so the Inquisitor needed to rely on its stealth. Not that the Inquisitor planned to be there long. It was only there to bring another person under its control.


The Inquisitor’s target slept fitfully. That didn’t surprise the Inquisitor, considering how nightmarish the last few days had been. Most of it caused by the Inquisitor itself, which made the Inquisitor smile.

Of course all of its victims thrashing about would make it very difficult to place the spike correctly. The Inquisitor moved up to the side of the bed, as quiet as a breath on the wind and waited. If you were patient, the right opportunity always presented itself. Indeed, one did. The Inquisitor’s victim stopped thrashing around, as the froze in terror from something only they could see. It had a beautiful sense of symmetry to it, that is, if one found beauty in death as the Inquisitor did. The Inquisitor drove the spike down into his victim and thought to itself, “and now you will become the nightmare you fear.”




There were rumors going around that the Mists were starting to kill people. Some people reverted to the old ways of hiding inside when the mists were out. Many people considered it foolish superstition. After all, as a new preacher called Quellion claimed, the Survivor was supposed to be the Lord of the Mists.

Evidently, the mists gave little heed to the words of just one man, as it dropped multiple people into mind numbing agony. Some of them wouldn’t ever rise again, the pain too great for them. A handful of them did though and some of those were in the Harrows….




Peng flew through the air, patrolling through the night. That and he needed time to think. Somehow he had been fooled. Another innocent dead by his hands. Why was it always the job of the Mistborn to be the executioner? Luckily, this death was not in vain. They were getting closer to finding the Inquisitor and finishing it off. The job wouldn’t be done until they had found the rest of its minions of course, but if they could cut off the head of that evil faction, they would all sleep better at night.


Peng passed an intersect while contemplating this when he noticed something odd. He pushed against a window latch and fell down to the street. He made his way back to the intersection and after confirming that no one was hiding in the shadows, he ventured out into the street. There, in the middle of the street were three coins, spaced equal distance apart from each other to form a triangle.


“That is not a natural occurrence,” Peng thought as he stooped to pick one up. “So why go through the trouble of setting something like this up? What purpose does it have?” The only thing he could think of was the few times that he’d used coins in a similar manner to keep himself suspended into the sky. By using three coins, you could give yourself a fairly strong base. “Uh oh,” Peng thought, burning pewter and trying to spring away.


It was too late. A figure plummeted from the sky above him. They didn’t have any metal on them and they struck with an obsidian dagger, like a bird of prey diving out of the sky. The dagger hit him in the shoulder. A few inches to the left and it would have cut open his jugular vein. His attacker flipped over him and took off running. They knew better than to endure a prolonged fight with a Mistborn, even an injured one. Peng didn’t have the strength to give chase. It was all he could do to keep his pewter flared and make it somewhere so he could be bandaged up.




With Cessie disappearing like that, Dyring didn’t feel very comfortable leaving his back exposed. As much as he wanted to catch whomever was defiling his Inn, even he had to admit it wasn’t worth his life to do so. That’s why he went into the back to get a shield that had been left. He could strap it to his back and then continue his vigil.


When he got back to the main room, he grabbed his cudgel that he kept underneath the bar to help deal with fights and other assorted rowdiness. He caught a reflection of himself in one of the bottles behind the bar and he felt a bit like he was a soldier, ready for battle. He stood a little straighter and smiled.


There was a glimpse of movement coming from behind him in the reflection. He cursed as he spun, raising the cudgel. There was a figure standing right beside the door. It was carrying a paintbrush and an assortment of paints. It turned towards Dyring, but the lighting was too bad for him to make anything out. The figure raised a finger to its lips and shhh-ed at Dyring before stepping out into the night.


Dyring stood there puzzled as his heart started to slow back down. If that was the Inquisitor, then that was the oddest Inquisitor he had ever met. That’s when he noticed that something had been written on the floor, in between the tables:



|                                      |

| .:.:˙.˙. .: ˙. :˙:.˙..˙ :: :˙..˙..˙  |

| .˙ :˙:.˙ ˙::..˙ :˙..: ˙..˙. ˙:.˙.  |

| .: ˙:˙.. ˙...˙ :˙..˙ ˙:˙˙. .˙.:: ˙.  |





Day 6 begins! You have 36 hours from this post.


Maxill turned out to be a Soother! Peng turned out to be a Thug!


The power that the Inquisitor gave up was:


  • UberSteel - Without this ability, the Inquisitor cannot kill. The Inquisitor will have to rely on the converts for kills if this ability is lost. This ability counts towards the team kill that the Spiked have. 


Updated Player List

Edited by Metacognition
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Good thing you drew pewter Peng.

Three attacks. Does that mean the converts can kill reguardless of abilitys gained from spikes?

Looks like there are several new snapped as well.

In the slim chance the Cessie isn't the inquisitor. Then giving up ubersteel should make the inquisitor a secondary target.

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Ok. Now the tineye is just getting a little out of control. Still hilarious, though. I'm loving the growing relationship between Dyring and him. Excellent confrontation.

Good thing on Peng having Pewter. And it appears a few snappings occurred.

So, um.....

Gamon strolls into the bar, and looks at the extremely cryptic message left by the Tineye. He just shook his head and grabbed himself a glass of the Antidote Water, Dyring had just started leaving a row of glasses ready to go for everybody as they poured in throughout the morning and afternoon.
"To Maxill," he quietly toasted.
But hopefully today they would start making progress. Gamon wasn't sure how many people Cessie had managed to convert to Ruin so far -- for he was sure she had to be the Inquisitor -- but today at least justice would be met.

"Let's hang her, then chop her head off.
Maybe throw in a drawn-and-quartering at one point, if possible. I want to make sure this witch stays dead."

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Peng stumbles into the bar, and grabs a mug, pours pewter flakes into it and downs the whole mixture. He had almost run out, flaring it as he had been, and he refused to take his flakes without alcohol. He closes his eyes and groans. "whoever snapped, please tell me. in the meantime, can anyone present a good reason as to why we should not kill cessie?"

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