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In before the end, and I don't really like what I'm seeing.

This might put a target on me, but I'm a bit suspicious of Kurk. Getting everyone to follow and vote in a block sounds like it could be a good strategy for the inquisitor; he'd be inside the block, and almost invisible.

It's pointless, in terms of effect, but I'm voting for Kurk for that reason.

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I'm sorry Dyring but I just can't understand your logic in regards to your suspicions of me in your last post.

You claim that I didn't follow Peng in voting for Eddy was because the majority wasn't.  I didn't vote because as stated Peng didn't give a reason.  And as stated when Peng did give his reason, I did as I said I would and voted with him.

You also stated that I only voted for Eddy because the majority had at that stage voted for eddy as well.  At the time I voted, Eddy's vote had not only hadn't increased but actually had lost a vote.


Feel free to point out what I missed but for some reason I just can't see what you were suspicious about.

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Night 4 (Headaches)


Eddy woke up with the faintest tinges of a headache. That wasn’t good. That meant that he was starting to sober up and if there was one thing Eddy didn’t want to do, it was sober up. If he did, he’d have to face those things he kept hidden away, face those truths he couldn’t accept. So he grabbed a bottle he had set on the floor the night before and started doing his best to drown any thoughts before they surfaced….


Eddy was the first to react upon seeing Lucy strung up the same way Modeft was. Fron wouldn’t have tolerated it, especially since Lucy was little more than a child and since he wasn’t here right now, Eddy acted in his stead.


Poor lass,” He thought. “ya just had to end up with a sorry lot like uz. Should have lived some lomber.


Something about the death itched at him in the back of his mind, so after getting her down and handing the responsibility over to someone else, he headed into the bar for a drink.


Oy, Lord Booze Priest guy!” He bellowed. “Gimme some salvadion, would ya.


Roban scowled a bit, but pulled out a bottle. He didn’t bother with a glass. After the first night, they’d realized that giving Eddy a glass was a surefire way to get them broken.


Eddy just smiled at Roban. It didn’t matter that Roban didn’t like him. Priests weren’t supposed to be a happy bunch, but as long as they did their job, Eddy couldn’t fault them. It had to be all that religion that soured them over time. He picked up the bottle and slumped to the floor while taking a generous gulp. That was better. Now what was it they were supposed to be doing? Oh, right, trying to catch some person with spikes through their eyes. Eddy figured that seemed like a stupid place for spikes, after all, how were you supposed to see the bottle that way? Maybe they were really, really tiny spikes. Eddy would have to keep a close eye on everyone. Close eye, that was pretty good, he chuckled to himself. Fron would like that one. He’d have to remember that one for later.


As Eddy started checking everyone’s eyes, he noticed that quite a few of them had turned his way. It took him a good long minute to realize that they must think that he had spikes in his eyes! He peered into the side of a bottle and checked. Nope, no spikes. Alright then, there was only one way to handle this then.


Zo, lets calm down and getz uz soma drinks! All of ya need booze! We´ll partey I tell ya!


He went to the bar, grabbed a few more bottles and stumbled back to his corner. He’d just pried off the top when someone sat down next to him. Wilson smiled at him and took one of the bottles. Eddy smiled back. She was cute, in her own sort of way. Fron would like her, if he was here. Wait, was there two of them? Twins!


Not long after, Peng showed up with even more bottles.


Ya know guyz, thiz iz gomma be the best drink I had in... well eber.” Eddy exclaimed.


They drank and partied well into the evening. Peng kept on supplying him with drink after drink and they all sang songs and danced and laughed. He thought he caught a hint of something in Wilson’s eye. One of those itty bitty spikes? No, just a little light reflecting off a tear. Eddy grinned at them, feeling more woozy than normal.


If we habben to met up again I hafta introduse ya to mah brother, Fron. Was a goot lad I tell ya, would partey with uz and all of ya would get along great.


With that, Eddy slumped over, unconscious from so much drinking and never woke up.



Night 4 Begins! You guys have 36 hours from now.


Eddy was just a REGULAR CREW MEMBER!


Player Votes

Eddy - 9 (Gamon, Barty, Wes, Ridge, Vron, Kukri, Herwynbe, Dyring, Peng)

Kukri - 1 (Quillion)

Roban - 0 (Maxill)

Herwynbe - 0 (Roban)

No Vote - 11 (Windrunner, Seran, Aether, Mathieu, Aonar, Cessie, Eddy, Wilson, Shiv, Grayv, Aspren)


Updated Player List


*Oh, and I’m hurt guys. You think I’d be so cruel as to come up with something like that? What do you think I am, some kind of evil Shard, making you kill each other for amusement? Wait- don’t answer that last one. :P

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Alright, so, we have 36 hours until the next day, then another 36 until voting ends. I realise it's premature, but does anyone object to start discussing voting strategy now? The last few days (in game) haven't had as many pages of discussion as the first few had, so maybe being active longer will let us get our thoughts.

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Alright, so, we have 36 hours until the next day, then another 36 until voting ends. I realise it's premature, but does anyone object to start discussing voting strategy now? The last few days (in game) haven't had as many pages of discussion as the first few had, so maybe being active longer will let us get our thoughts.

I'm game. Eddy was my best idea though, and my vote will partially depend on who dies tonight, but i'm up for discussion

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I really don't think we should discuss voting stuff at Night Cycle. We've already made our choices on who to kill for the day, let the Inquisitor make their choice.

Anything we discuss, or any more suspicions we voice during the Night just give the Inquisitors more ammunition to work with.

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I really don't think we should discuss voting stuff at Night Cycle. We've already made our choices on who to kill for the day, let the Inquisitor make their choice.

Anything we discuss, or any more suspicions we voice during the Night just give the Inquisitors more ammunition to work with.

I'll admit that's true. But as it is, our day time discussions have tended to stall to a halt, whether because people not wishing to vote or time zone differences.

As it is, the Inquisitor is having a fairly easy way to win. There's little discussion in the day. We've broken down into voting blocs, without trying to analyse reactions. That means at night, the Inquisitor could just point at a person at random and off them, since none of us have really taken a strong stance.

I get that saying we should discuss voting history or strategy is going to tip the inquisitor off, and prompt them to hide themselves deeper in the game. If you want to discuss who our daytime target should be, so we can see who the Inquisitor offs, that's fine. If you want to talk about the game as a whole and try and find they pattern our little serial killer is using, that's fine too. But I think we need to talk more with each other; if we're going to win, we need to have some groundwork for trust or plan to enact. Right now, sniping people without much idea as to why isn't getting us anywhere.

In short, vote for me and I'll- wait, this isn't an election campaign. Uh... Don't vote for me. A vote for Quillion is a vote against Quiver.

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I agree with Quillion. Peng is the most incorruptible and has the most knowledge so I'm fine with following his lead when we finally vote but I think we need more actual debating and discussion before Peng puts in his vote.


At the moment we aren't really gaining any knowledge because we're not calling each other out and discussing why we suspect each other which is supposed to be a big part of this game. Doing so will also give Peng more information to work with when making his final decision.

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Oh I'm definitely okay with breaking down and discussing things that have already happened. I'm just worried about us already planning on voting somebody for the next day before the night cycle even ends.

We definitely should have more discussion going on, trying to figure out everybody's motives and whatnot up until this point. I just don't want the Inquisitor to basically know beforehand what our next move will be.

Edit: Also, it does suck having to follow Peng's decisions on who to vote for without usually any justification, but as Peng has stated. sometimes, if he explained his actions thoroughly with the public, it would tip the Inquisitor off to what Peng is trying to accomplish. While it does suck that he has basically only targeted Regular villagers (depriving us of potential 'snapped') I don't know how he could go about this any better at the moment, unfortunately.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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I agree with Quillion. Peng is the most incorruptible and has the most knowledge so I'm fine with following his lead when we finally vote but I think we need more actual debating and discussion before Peng puts in his vote.


At the moment we aren't really gaining any knowledge because we're not calling each other out and discussing why we suspect each other which is supposed to be a big part of this game. Doing so will also give Peng more information to work with when making his final decision.

^this. i have felt like there has been no discussion until after i have put in my vote. we need an initial opportunity for some good, unbiased speculation.

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Night 4 Begins! You guys have 36 hours from now. [/size]

Eddy was just a REGULAR CREW MEMBER![/size]

Player Votes[/size]

Eddy - 9 (Gamon, Barty, Wes, Ridge, Vron, Kukri, Herwynbe, Dyring, Peng)[/size]

Kukri - 1 (Quillion)[/size]

Roban - 0 (Maxill)[/size]

Herwynbe - 0 (Roban)[/size]

No Vote - 11 (Windrunner, Seran, Aether, Mathieu, Aonar, Cessie, Eddy, Wilson, Shiv, Grayv, Aspren)[/size]

Updated Player List[/size]

*Oh, and I’m hurt guys. You think I’d be so cruel as to come up with something like that? What do you think I am, some kind of evil Shard, making you kill each other for amusement? Wait- don’t answer that last one. :P[/size]

To start discussion... someone soothed out the votes for Roban and Herwynbe. Anyone want to speculate on who might have done that?

Given how doggedly he's been chased, it seems too obvious for Hero to soothe a vote off himself especially since the vote had already swing so far against Eddy. Soothing those votes wasn't necessary- so why would snyone do it? Thoughts?

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Honestly? I think Roban is the rioter. I think his vocal campaign against me is a front while he riots other people the way he wants them to go. He was a little too quick to announce that he had been soothed last time.


Of course I could be totally wrong about that.


My biggest suspicion from the beginning of the game was Kukri, and that hasn't changed. I've discussed this, and other people, extensively with Peng in PMs. I hesitated to bring it up too strongly because I turned out to be horribly horribly wrong about Shimble, and that mistake has already painted a big target on my back. I don't suspect him enough to vote for him unless Peng does first, though (that can be said about anyone at this point).


Oh and to all those who think I may be the inquisitor. I'm sorry happy to inform you that I am not. If you don't believe me, ask Peng.

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As I said, I do think Kurk is on a comfortable position right now. He was the one who suggested we follow the Mistborn, and as he said because he got what he wanted, he hadn't had to debate things since.

It's why I voted for him during the last day round. I might be way off base, since... well, I haven't done much to comment either. But the voting blocs were established at Kursk suggestion, and I think they've been a great help to the inquisitor, if only because we've gotten into the habit of just following Pengs recommendation.

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Uh oh. I do not think that having Peng be trusted and followed by all, which I strongly campaigned for, is of any great benefit to the Inquisitor.


I do, however, agree that we should be a bit more active in our discussions each day and so give everyone, but especially Peng, more to work with.

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But isn't that one of the best ways to work? Set up a single prominent person, with great control over everyone's vote, and in doing so ingratiate yourself enough that you won't be suspected by that person. That way you could sit back and relax, knowing that the person that everyone is going to follow will never suspect you.


Really, the Inquisitor doesn't need to constantly work against the crew, s/he has other people to do that for him/her. The Inquisitor just needs to seem above suspicion. The Spiked last game proved this point well enough, Claincy and Aether both seemed to be actively working against the Spiked, even voting against Beetle and with Darnam at one point. I can't say I really think you're the Inquisitor though, I'm just pointing out a potential flaw in your logic.  

Edited by AonarFaileas
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I agree that we should have more discussion outside of just casting our votes.  I know that's part of the reason I've been so quiet (aside from this crazy work schedule I have this week).  I feel like I've run the course of Cessie's role play at this point, and if I were to say something it would be pretty much the same information as before which is simply boring.  Plus, the best way to catch someone is to force a conversation.

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Alright then, so I'm going to start off by airing my suspicions of people. After how heated the last game got, though, I do feel the need to disclaim this by saying it's nothing personal. It's also not exactly comprehensive; I have a fickle aim, and I can be liable to change my views every so often. But I'm hoping that, bringing these people into the firing line, I might at least be able to start a conversation to get our aim in.


(I have a Green Arrow themed name and picture. I'm allowed to abuse archery metaphors every now and again)



I have to say, I find the zeal you have going against Hero to be a bit... well, overzealous. It's the sort of thing that kind of stands out, particularly since the person you've targeted has consistently not been killed, by us or the Inquisitor. In fact, if I recall correctly, I don't think many other people have voted for Hero this entire game, and I think it's one of the few people you've voted for. That could actually be good cover for an Inquisitor; become 'that guy' who is associated with a particularly voting strategy, and work your way into being overlooked.



Not that that gets Hero off the hook (and, by the by, sorry for not using your characters name; I can't remember the correct spelling without double-checking the vowel and consonant placement). I've been saying he's a tad suspicious because he was a part of that group of seven earlier, but then, six other people were as well. It's just a feeling I have at the moment, and given my feeling last game was to vote off Beetle at first, I'm inclined to listen more closely this time. Besides, how great a double-bluff would it be for the Inquisitor to have an avatar telling everyone who he was? If that was the case, I'd be inclined to let you win just based on sheer audacity.



Right now, my biggest suspicion. As Aonar said, being the Inquisitor doesn't mean throwing everyone the wrong way, it just means not being suspected. You pushed for the mistborn-worship (literally now, I see). I can see how that would be a very dangerous position to be in, since if Peng turned against you then you'd have virtually no way to survive the wave unless the Inquisitor has some sort of Gold Feruchemy power, but you've been quiet and haven't really made yourself a target. I don't know who has been discussing what with whom, but if the Inquisitor got himself "in" as a part of Peng's solid bloc, then he's fairly safe.


Oh, and I suspect this will come up, so I may as well add it now:



So, I concede that I might be sort of suspicious. I was like Kurk, another one of those guys following Peng, which as I just mentioned is a good place for the Inquisitor to hide. I've been quiet for almost the entirety of this game, just signing on for a quick roleplay or to post "I'm following the Mistborn, sorry x. Then, someone is converted, and I'm speaking up a lot more. That, quite frankly, is suspicious behaviour. I could understand everyone turning on me and wondering why I'm directing people in these directions, so I'm going to try and prove I am, in fact, above reproach.


My character is a regular villager. If he's unsnapped and waiting for the opportunity, well, he hasn't rolled it yet.


That, obviously, doesn't really help my credibility much. If there is an uber-smoking power and I was the Inquisitor, I could have covered myself up. I told Peng I'm a villager, so what I'm saying now matches up with that, for whatever that is worth. But, as Meta so helpfully added in the description of the class, not all stories are about the person with the most power.


I'm not asking you guys to martyr me- though if you do, I think I deserve at least a Kelsier-sized cult- and putting myself out like this is sure to draw comparison to Beetle last game, but someone had to start, and I haven't been very active anyway.


EDIT This is the part where I start saying "Oh expletive, oh expletive, oh expletive" until someone replies, confirming I've either done the right thing, or handed you all a knife and taken my shirt off. 

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I'd agree with what you have there, with the exception of Herwynbe. I won't tell why here, but Hero said earlier for people to ask Peng for confirmation that he wasn't the Inquisitor and I'll recommend for people to do that if they really suspect him. 


i'm not sure it's a great idea to openly claim regular though... a regular convert is much more useful to the Inquisitor than a misting. (Unless they're trying to remove an important misting.) 

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I get all of your reasoning, Quiver, except for the one thing: Don't tell us what you are. Tell Ping.


And this is a request to everyone. I don't want you to tell us what you are. Just tell us that you've told Ping. I swear, there are still a significant amount of people holding out info to him. And 'twould be sooo much easier if everyone just went out and told him. So here's what I'm asking:

If you've told Ping, write your name in purple.

Barty Spiked.


EDIT: And please, please, for the love of Harmony - don't say what you are.

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I've told him before; this has been up for 5 hours anyway, so I'll leave it.

Even if it's just to build up my reputation and character for whatever future games I play. This is still recent enough in forum history that I don't think many of us know each other and each other's strategies yet. I'm hoping declaring my intention might pay off somehow- either I'll be targeted, or I'll be deliberately avoided. Both of those would tell you something about the Inquisitor's plans. Now he knows who he can convert, who he can kill with impunity. Same hoes for you guys.

Seeing responses to that might be... enlightening.

EDIT And by him, I mean Peng, since... my whole reveal hinges on his backing me up. I just don't know the code for purple.

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