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2 hours ago, Mailliw73 said:

Gamma, do Warders have to have a Channeler and vice versa?

Rules seem to make it fairly clear that Warders will be paired with a Channeler, and Channelers will be paired with a Warder.


Channelers also start the game Bonded to a Warder. 

Warder*: Warders start off the game paired with a Channeler. 

If you were wondering about the Orlok death, appears his Channeler had a second Warder. Gamma said here that Channelers will only die if they have no Warders, and that nothing can stop the Channeler from dying after that. 

14 hours ago, The Young Bard said:

@Araris Valerian Did you target me or Nyali night one?

Also, why would I lie about getting detained? If anything, that would have cleared me of Fain that night.

Doesn't look like he's posted, but he replied to my PM to say he didn't target you or Nyali N1. 

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39 minutes ago, Haelbarde said:

Rules seem to make it fairly clear that Warders will be paired with a Channeler, and Channelers will be paired with a Warder.

If you were wondering about the Orlok death, appears his Channeler had a second Warder. Gamma said here that Channelers will only die if they have no Warders, and that nothing can stop the Channeler from dying after that. 

Doesn't look like he's posted, but he replied to my PM to say he didn't target you or Nyali N1. 

Yes, I know that was the theory. Which is why I asked. I know of one more Warder/Channeler pair. I wouldn't want it to be that Channeler, but it's possible. 

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Night 4 will last for 24 hours, until 3AM EST, Saturday June 18th!

Although it does say the 18th, which is in 24 hours....  But it says it's a 24 hour cycle, which would imply the 17th...

And Gamma had been on, but now isn't, so...

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3 minutes ago, Gamma Fiend said:

So apologies, due to real-life busy-ness, I'm going to extend the cycle for another 24hours! :D (Sorry @Haelbarde, made your countdown invalid again) XD

So it will end at 4AM EST now on the actual 18th. >.>

:'( That's fixed. But I was hoping to see the cycle finish before I leave. Oh well. 

@Everyone: Welcome Aonar to the game - treat him well I'm gone :)

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Eh, screw it. Fickle GM is fickle, but I'm recuperated enough to be able to do a rollover. The cycle is ended now. Just don't expect a write-up right away. XD (So ignore my last post.) :P

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3 minutes ago, Gamma Fiend said:

Eh, screw it. Fickle GM is fickle, but I'm recuperated enough to be able to do a rollover. The cycle is ended now. Just don't expect a write-up right away. XD (So ignore my last post.) :P

Fickle GM is Best GM!

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Long Game 22, Day 5: Threads of the Pattern

The night once again found itself lingering, settling over the village of Drell's Crossing without an end in sight, they darkened, cloud-blotted sky not letting any of the ambient light of the unnaturally still full moon shine down upon the villagers, the curtains of midnight seemingly unrelenting. Time seemed to stretch and squeeze, pulsing in time with an odd, eccentric rhythm, distorting the villagers senses even more, the chaotic forces pulling the town apart seam by seam.

Tazrim Maim found himself prowling the newly disorganized streets of the Drell village, starting to associate it's name with the blood and chaos that seemed to plague it lately, cursing inwardly at Ruon's insistence they stay here and try and fight evil at it's roots before it could spread and destroy the land beyond the town's borders. He tried to tell himself it was just a child's fancy, the young wannabe gleeman with his filled of songs and stories filled of glory and triumphs, not even thinking for a second the deadly undercurrents of death and danger that lurked behind every corner. Maybe that was why he had took pity on the poor child, with their notions of adventure; it reminded Tazrim of times when he was that young and naive. Maybe that was why he had found himself seeking out Tar Valon, the most wonderous city in all of the land, trying to learn from the best and do something similar with his life. That had been why he found himself training to become a fully fledged warder, not that much older than Ruon was now. Of course, Tazrim couldn't channel, and Ruon being able to meant he had a very dangerous road to walk ahead of him -- no matter how brief and fleeting it would be.

That's what he kept telling himself; that's how he had found himself stuck here, in this isolated village in the seeming middle of nowhere, as it slowly tore itself apart. He had traveled the land after his former bondmate had died, an Aes Sedai of the White Tower, together they had roamed the land and done the bidding of the greatest force the world had known. And for all the troubles it had caused him and her, despite all the times he should have died years prior, he found himself alone, their link severed when she had met a gruesome death when he hadn't been there. He had felt the shock and terror pouring through the bond, of course, and that had hurt even worse, knowing where, when and how she had died, and not being able to do a bloody thing about it. He wouldn't let the same thing happen to Ruon, no matter how crazy and dangerous he might possibly become. For he knew that he could've been the same person, in a different life.

And things were wrong here, in this bleak little village, he admitted to himself. Perhaps that was why he had stayed, too. Not sure what to do to stop the evil and corruption consuming the town, but unable to stop himself from doing something. Besides, what else could he do, as a lethally trained warder?

So he placed his hand down on the hilt of his sword as he strolled through the darkness of the town, cursing again at the night that seemed to not vanish, wondering how many hours ago it had been that he left Ruon, albeit reluctantly. The young channeler had even had the gall and audacity to order Tazrim to go roam the streets. Order him. Like he was a full-fledged Aes Sedai, and was in control of the bond. There was still so much the young gleeman had to learn, and those lessons would be that things never worked out in life like they did in the stories.

Still, he found himself obeying his channeler, regardless. Old habits seemed to die hard for an old warder like himself. Despite the feelings of foreboding he had to shake off when leaving. It felt like the pattern was warping and twisting around this light-cursed town, fraying the fabric of the pattern and pulling their threads out one-by-one, until there was nothing left but a dark void where light used to thrive. He shook his head, dispelling the ominous thoughts from his head, telling himself to stay focused. He couldn't let himself be distracted. A moment's hesitation could cost him his life, and ultimately Ruon's life as well.

He decided to finish one more circuit of the village, making sure nothing was amiss and everything was as it should be -- quiet and peaceful. If the wheel wills it, at least, he added grimly to himself. He walked across the newly located village green, still uncertain what to think of such an unraveling of the pattern, ignoring the darker patches of the blood stains from previous nights' grizzly encounters. The moon passed out from behind the clouds suddenly, washing the village green once again in surreal moonlight, illuminating everything.

Tazrim Maim pulled up short, noticing for the first time the sets of eyes watching him from all around him. Golden eyes. Waiting for this perfect moment to strike. He knew instantly this was one battle he couldn't win, instead turning to flee, hoping and wishing Ruon had disobeyed him for a change, and decided to follow him into the night.

The sudden rush of padded feet and snarling growl right behind him was all he had time to hear before death launched itself upon, the horrible, flashing pain of teeth sinking into the back of his neck as he was tackled to the ground. He managed to rollover onto his back, flailing with his arms and legs to protect his vitals.

All he could see was the full moon, shining and shimmering above him, it's calming light seeming to mock him, as the shadows snapped forward once again and blotted out the light one last time.

Cubik Rube stopped dead in his tracks, mesmerized by the sudden chorus of wolves howling out to the moon, singing their song of triumph. The savage roar signaling what had to have been another successful hunt, if the proximity of the howls were any indication. He decided to not go that way, instead wanting to turn around and flee in the other direction. Unless that's where they want me to go, he told himself, trying to shake the unsettling fear of paranoia that had buried itself deep within him.

He could feel the chaos and fear that had permeated the village gnawing away at him, wearing down his sanity. He wasn't sure how much longer he could go on like this.

The fireball almost came as a sweet relief when it's light and heat came barreling towards him, blinding him in the instant flash of light and pain, knocking him to the ground and blotting out all other senses.

He was almost disappointed when he awoke hours later, injured, but still miraculously alive.


Ruon felt the bond get severed as soon as it happened. Could feel the pain of the tearing and rending of flesh that had killed his warder. Poor old Tazrim, was all he had time to think before the grief and anger consumer and overcame him.

He had slipped out of the safehouse him and Tazrim had established, refusing to be left behind while his old warder had all of the fun and excitement. He regretted those feelings now, as he bolted out into the night, the sudden rush of adrenaline and blurry anger overcoming him, blotting out all other senses and rationale. He knew the old man was already dead, could feel the last of his life drain away. Another thread pulled from the pattern. It's light forever extinguished.

Ruon would make those that were responsible pay.

He no longer held onto the childish fancies of adventures and songs filling his mind. He had more than enough, and with Tazrim's guidance, was going to grow up much faster than he anticipated. He reached out to Saidin, letting the horrible, magnificent torrent of energy and power fill his veins. Molten lava pouring through him, burning his blood within his body. The icy, arctic cold of winter freezing him to the bone. The flood of the one power threatening to sweep him away in it's blazing ocean of chaos and power, scouring him away til he was nothing but a pile of ashes. That was the battle he fought everytime he seized the source, when he filled himself with saidin. But now he drew in more and more of the power, more than he knew was smart too. It was too much too handle safely, more than what he knew what to do with. But still he drew more, the burning river of power fanning his anger, like a heavy wind to a fire, stoking it up higher and higher.

He screamed in a furious rage, knowing he had to do something with all of the power before it overcame him and wiped him -- and probably this village -- away completely. With a anguished effort, he willed all of the power into the sky above him, throwing his hands out and forcing the threads of spirit, fire, and water up into the night. The wind rushed in, like a flood of water filling in a sudden void, the rolling clouds darkening even further, twisting and turning in sinuous lines above the city, hiding the moon and light once again.

A single lightning bolt struck down out of the heavens, it's light piercing the night like a dagger with a painful, tumultuous  roar, blinding him instantly, the thunder deafening. His whole body hurt all over.

Especially his side, where he reached down and was surprised to find blood flowing freely between his fingers.

Like a dagger, was all he had time to think before the blade was driven into his back this time, the icy hot pain shocking him once again, as he lost his old on saidin, the shock of that driving home the pain even further as he crumpled to his knees and fell down into the dirt.

He knew now that life was, in fact, not like the songs or stories. Because in the stories, the heroes never died.


Alain Stern hefted the axe back out of the tree, digging it out of the trunk before re-positioning and swinging once again, putting all of his might into the blow. He grunted with the effort, exhaling with a rush, wiping the sweat from his forehead before digging the axe out of the bark once again.

Swing. Chop. Dig out. Repeat.

Those were the motions he kept repeating in his head. The mantra he gave himself to keep up his rhythm, not letting himself rest for a moment, giving himself time to think. Or time to mourn, he thought grimly, before cursing savagely at himself and attacking the tree once again. The pain had receded to a dull ache, a tight pressure built around his chest, weighing him down with the burden of his warder's death. He had known what he was getting into when he had gotten himself a warder, laughing again at the irony of a male channeler finding somebody loyal and insane enough to be bonded to a madman. But despite working with saidin for years, he knew the taint was catching up to him. He knew it was only a matter of time before the madness took him completely, leaving him a crazy husk of his former self before he lashed out at those he loved, and any poor fools still around him. That was what Keland had been there for, to help calm him in his rages, to remind him of who we was and how to struggle through the taint.

Thinking of his former warder brought another fit of rage, so he expelled it the best way he knew how. He chopped at the tree once again, reverting back to his former skill set, preferring the exhaustion the manual labor brought him. And the clarity of mind, once he had driven everything else out of his mind. He knew it was the only way.

With a loud snap, the tree finally bent to his will, the cracking sound, like thunder, driving the thoughts from his head again.In a rush, he seized saidin, letting the icy, hot flow of it into him, filling his body. He coughed and gagged on the taint, the thin layer of evil floating at the top of the pool of power. Like a film of oil on top of a well, one could never dig a bucket into the water without taking a small portion of the oil. He was familiar with the fetid feeling of the taint seeping into him, but he wasn't ready for his vision to swim, seeing two images as one as the tree started falling the wrong way and almost on top of him.

In a panic, Alain weaved a thread of air, yanking the falling tree out of midair and heaving it over onto the pile of trees he had created in his manic fury these last few nights. It was the only thing keeping him going. Dozens of the fallen trees lay in a misshapen  mound, a teetering, unbalanced cairn. That was how Alain felt, as if any step would be the last step, and he would fall headfirst into insanity, and eventually death.

The limber settled with a loud crash, shaking the ground as it's weight crashed down onto the other fallen trees. He just had to keep chopping. To keep himself occupied.

He grunted once more, lifting the axe up over his shoulder, ready to move onto the next tree. He couldn't let himself be distracted for even a second. A part of him realized he still held onto saidin, and he found he didn't want to let go. The struggle to not let the power overwhelm and wear him down was a familiar fight, like an old friend that he was used to. And he couldn't afford to be alone with his thoughts. So he kept fighting, unsure of what he would do if he ever succumbed to it's powers. Or started thinking of what he would do after the trees were all gone.

And suddenly, there was a blinding flash of light, a tremendous roar of sound, and a concussive blast of air as he was tossed off of his feet and thrown back a few yards, landing hard on his side and knocking the wind out of him. The clouds poured in overhead, as he realized he could now see the night sky. Not because the moon had peeked out behind the shrouding clouds. He realized the light was coming from below. Near him.

Oh, he slowly thought, piecing everything together, the pile of trees.... he felt the bolt of saidin as it ripped through the air, tearing the sky asunder as the brilliant bolt of lightning blasted down near him, igniting the fallen timber in a giant explosion. If only he hadn't kept himself so distracted, he would have felt it before it happened.

Laying on the ground, his body bruised and aching, he realized he just didn't have the will to get back up. He could hear the shouts and screams as people began to wake and see the conflagration of trees as they ignited, the tongues of flame reaching high into the sky and illuminating everything around him. He knew he could do something. Use a weave of air or water to put the fire out, to displace the heat somewhere else and spare the town of the impending threat of spreading fire.

But.... why even bother? He told himself, finally letting the flood of emotions he had been blocking come rushing in. The sadness and the regret taking hold of him. He closed his eyes, letting a single tear leak out. It's pointless anyway, he thought. The shadow seems to have already won. At least for him. So he didn't move, and didn't feel the desire to save himself, as the flames spread and washed over him, burning away his fears and sorrows.

Another thread in the pattern snuffed out. It's light extinguished. And probably for the better, Alain told himself one last time, as he closed his eyes and let the pain burn away.


Mashadar flooded the village, it's misty fogs shrouding the streets, it's smoky tendrils seeking another target, another victim to bring to the perfection of the Waiting Shadows. Slowly pouring through the streets of Drell's Crossing, like poison coursing through veins before the morning sun burned away the mist. But not before another person was brought into it's own grip of corruption and evil.

The whitecloak didn't even try to suppress the yawn, as the never-ending night finally seemed to abate, the morning sun burning away the terror of the night as they saw another sunrise. They didn't even speak as they hauled the prisoner to their feet, pushing them out into the light and slamming the door on their backs.

It was time for another day in Drell's Crossing. And with it, more blood.


Somebody was detained!
Hellscythe was killed by Wolves! He was a Village Warder!
Bard was killed by Darkfriends! He was a Village Channeler!
Araris died by lack of Warder! He was a Village Channeler!
Rubik was attacked by a Fireball! He survived.
Somebody was Corrupted by Mashadar during the night.

Day 5 will be extended and last until 12AM (MIDNIGHT) EST on MONDAY June 20th. (I know, extending it to a weird time again, but this will make the rollover easier for me that night!)

(Refer to Hael's handy countdown below for proper timing. He can math better than the GM.) :P


Edited by Gamma Fiend
write-up! Yay!
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Quick Links:


> Signups
> Day 1
> Night 1
> Day 2
> Night 2
> Day 3
> Night 3
> Day 4
> Night 4
> Day 5

Player List:


1.Mailliw73 - Amaiya Mavenil
2.Seonid - Cenn al'Idrius Darkfriend Ta'veren
3.Elbereth - Lomion Village Wolfsister
4.Amanuensis - Nikel Fain, Padan's son, on a quest to stop his father
5.TheOnlyNyali - Eryn, a Cairhienin 'Maiden of the Sword', lost from her society on her journey
6.AliasSheep - Llewella Rhysdaughter, an Andoran scholar studying history
7.Conquestor - Lorien, the town guard, likes boring patrols Village Whitecloak 
8.Master Elodin - Ba'Alzamon, on the run from Whitecloaks
9.Phattemer - Ana-alline Village Thief-Taker
10.Haelbarde - M'Hael, a False Dragon
11.Little Wilson - Keland, Owner of The Golden Dagger, Witless' half-brother Village Warder
12.The Young Bard - Ruon, 15 year old, wants to be a gleeman and leave the town for adventure Village Channeler
13.Hellscythe - Tazrim Maim Village Warder
14.ThatTinyStrawMan - Gladium Dei Village Viewer
15.Sart - Sarah Tea, a recent widow Forsaken
16.Metacognition - Mezal Althara, a foul-mouthed, ill tempered blacksmith
17.WinterCloud - Lexa & Heaven
18.Bugsy - The aging town librarian
19.Deathclutch19 - Trafalgar Law Village Dreamwalker
20.TheMightyLopen - Jak (Of the Shadows?)
21.GunshyMink74 - Gunshy, an entrepreneurial dirt salesman Darkfriend Whitecloak
22.ArarisValerian - Alain Stern, a lumberjack Village Channeler
23.RubiksCube - Cubik Rube
24.IrulelikeStink - ???
25.jaimeleecee - Birgitte, serving girl at the Inn, named after the Hero of Legends
26.OrlokTsubodai - Locke, silent stranger Village Warder
27.Twelfthrootoftwo - Douza, with his hammer Village Wisdom


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Darn it. Well, at least I won't be pushing to lynch Hellscythe now... :/

What I find interesting is that I think we can narrow down on who made the Darkfriend kill a bit. Winter wasn't online and so couldn't have made the kill and I know of some players Actions I think. Sheep detained someone I guess, so we know they didn't do it. Aman was last online about 17 hours ago, so it's a bit more unlikely he'd send in the kill, unless they'd decided really early, which, I guess is possible. Joe is almost definitely a villager(or at least started as such), IMO, so he's off the suspect list.

At the moment, Haelbarde, Aman and Rubiks are my top suspects for having sent in a DF kill or Corrupting someone. Although, if Rubiks is Aiel-Blooded, I guess he wouldn't be a suspect for Fain?

Jaime and Joe, did you learn anything by using your powers?

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2 hours ago, Bugsy6912 said:

Hmmm. I was redirected last night, so there's at least 1 living Ta'veren. @jaimeleecee, was that you?

Edit: Oh, and I'm assuming Maill was corrupted because he's in contact with the wolfbrother 

Aye Bugsy twas me 

I learned that you did not put in the DF kill because I did not redirect you to Bard, so that's somewhat helpful.. sorta clears you as DF to me if there is only one left.

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Oh, so that's what you meant by that Mail. I guess I would have been on board with that. 

@The Only Joe I have a question for you - was Nyali detained N1?

Edit: @TheMightyLopen My action was redirected to someone other than Bard. If Jaime redirected Bugsy, I then assume that Joe should be able to confirm that fact. 


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3 hours ago, Bugsy6912 said:

Hmmm. I was redirected last night, so there's at least 1 living Ta'veren. @jaimeleecee, was that you?

Edit: Oh, and I'm assuming Maill was corrupted because he's in contact with the wolfbrother 

No, I wasn't corrupted. There's plenty of better corruption targets, like the Wolfbrother himself, an Aiel-Blooded, or a Channeler  

34 minutes ago, Haelbarde said:

Oh, so that's what you meant by that Mail. I guess I would have been on board with that. 

@The Only Joe I have a question for you - was Nyali detained N1?

Edit: @TheMightyLopen My action was redirected to someone other than Bard. If Jaime redirected Bugsy, I then assume that Joe should be able to confirm that fact. 


Yeah, I meant Bard. This was a lot of death though and not good. 

Aman is also one of my top suspects right now. 

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