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Gah, the only way I see Conq lying about being a Whitecloak is if he's Fain and wants another Corruption. But I remember Aman saying he knows that Conq isn't Fain. Which backs up his claim and implies Jaime is misreading the rules Conq. Rubiks.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
Missed an 'i'
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Conquestor (6): Araris, Jaime, Hellscythe, Elodin, Hael, Rubiks
Hellscythe (1): Aman
Rubiks (5): Meta, Young Bard, Conquestor, Mail, Lopen

Mayor Votes:
Joe (2): Hael, Conquestor
Stink (3): Stink, Jaime, Joe

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Long Game 22, Night 4: Bubbles of Chaos

Night was a long time, coming, the blistering sun frozen, hanging suspended in midair, unyielding and unflinching, refusing to budge from it's nestled position, and broiling the villagers of Drell's Crossing alive. The people stopped in their tracks, dropped whatever it was they were doing or arguing about, and all of the people gathered around the village green, drawn to that single point together, staring into the searing sky, transfixed by the implacable sun.

They didn't know how long they had stood there, looking up into that fierce ball of fire, hypnotized, for when they all eventually came to it was as if it had never happened, the villagers shaking their heads at their own foolishness for being distracted as such. Nobody wanted to meet each others' eyes, not wanting to ask the unanswered questions that lay behind their fear-drawn faces.

It wasn't natural.

"Is it just me, or is it unnaturally bright outside?" Somebody asked, breaking the silence, shattering the perfect serene moment into a thousand scattered shards, blown away by the arid, harsh winds that began to buffet the town and bring the rest of the citizens out of their stupor.

People began to come to, if only to begin hurling more accusations and insults at each other, returning to their normal distractions and recreational habits of lynching one another, for without a Mayor, the villagers felt more lost than ever. It wasn't until they began to look around that they had another shock, jolting them fully aware and alert.

For while everybody had stood and stared at the glaring sun, oblivious to their surroundings and the town around them, everything had changed.

The village green was now placed on the outside of the town, well away from where it had used to be, in the center of town and all the buildings. The Golden Dagger inn had become reduced to a small shack with barely enough room for a table, let alone a bar counter, inhabited by some poor muttering Witless fool that nobody seemed to recognize. All of the buildings had swapped places or vanished completely.

The entire bloody village and gone and been rearranged while everybody had just been standing there!

"It's too flaming bright out!" Another voice cried out, echoing the one before them, trying to find something else to focus on besides the obvious.

Phil Bill walked forward among the crowd, drawing everybody's attention to him. "I've heard of things like this before," they began slowly, still uncertain what to do with all the scrutiny now placed on them, "If only in passing or in books. The Lord of Chaos' touch on the world, while usually weak or not strong enough to have an effect.... I've heard that sometimes there are vapors.... or bubbles, if you want to call them that, that leak through the Pattern and can cause devastating damage...." He trailed off, realizing that people were looking at him expectantly, all of a sudden, wanting more of an explanation from him, or some sort of sign of what to do next. "That's just what I've bloody heard, though," they said a little defensively, taking another look around before shaking his head and walking off before anybody could ask them what to do next.

That was when Lorien peeked his head up, realizing he must be late for his daily patrol, berating himself for getting so distracted. He went to go and excuse himself, glad to get away from all of the action, needing time to recover from such a shock. When he went to go leave; however, he found that everyone was blocking his path, refusing to let him leave.

He didn't need to take a second to know what that look had meant, and what his fate would be next. As a Child of the Light, and as a former Questioner -- a nickname he despised from back in his service -- he knew full well what that look preceded, and just like the Questioners, he knew that there would be no answers sufficient enough for them, no matter how much of a defense he pleaded, or how much evidence was shown.

Lorien hung his head down, breathing a sigh of relief. For at last the madness would end, and he wouldn't have to suffer the dark fate of this poor village. He could see the rot and corruption eating away at the town's foundation, dragging everybody down into the grave with it. No, he'd at least die while his hands were marginally clean. Before he was consumed entirely.

He took another breath, fishing into his pocket to pull out his sunburst medallion, polished and burnished to a golden glow underneath the reflecting sun. He would die as he lived, proud and with his head held high.

The noose was slipped over his neck, and the rest faded into darkness.


Conquestor was lynched! He was a Village Whitecloak!
Stink (Phil Bill) was voted Mayor!

Conquestor(6) - Araris, Jaime, Hellscythe, Elodin, Hael, Rubik
Rubik(5) - Meta, Bard, Conquestor, Maw, Lopen
HS - Aman

Mayor Votes:
Stink - Stink, Jaime, Joe
Joe - Hael, Conq.

Night 4 will last for 24 hours, until 3AM EST, Saturday June 18th!

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Quick Links:


> Signups
> Day 1
> Night 1
> Day 2
> Night 2
> Day 3
> Night 3
> Day 4
> Night 4

Player List:


1.Mailliw73 - Amaiya Mavenil
2.Seonid - Cenn al'Idrius Darkfriend Ta'veren
3.Elbereth - Lomion Village Wolfsister
4.Amanuensis - Nikel Fain, Padan's son, on a quest to stop his father
5.TheOnlyNyali - Eryn, a Cairhienin 'Maiden of the Sword', lost from her society on her journey
6.AliasSheep - Llewella Rhysdaughter, an Andoran scholar studying history
7.Conquestor - Lorien, the town guard, likes boring patrols Village Whitecloak
8.Master Elodin - Ba'Alzamon, on the run from Whitecloaks
9.Phattemer - Ana-alline Village Thief-Taker
10.Haelbarde - M'Hael, a False Dragon
11.Little Wilson - Keland, Owner of The Golden Dagger, Witless' half-brother Village Warder
12.The Young Bard - Ruon, 15 year old, wants to be a gleeman and leave the town for adventure
13.Hellscythe - Tazrim Maim
14.ThatTinyStrawMan - Gladium Dei Village Viewer
15.Sart - Sarah Tea, a recent widow Forsaken
16.Metacognition - Mezal Althara, a foul-mouthed, ill tempered blacksmith
17.WinterCloud - Lexa & Heaven
18.Bugsy - The aging town librarian
19.Deathclutch19 - Trafalgar Law Village Dreamwalker
20.TheMightyLopen - Jak (Of the Shadows?)
21.GunshyMink74 - Gunshy, an entrepreneurial dirt salesman Darkfriend Whitecloak
22.ArarisValerian - Alain Stern, a lumberjack
23.RubiksCube - Cubik Rube
24.IrulelikeStink - ???
25.jaimeleecee - Birgitte, serving girl at the Inn, named after the Hero of Legends
26.OrlokTsubodai - Locke, silent stranger Village Warder
27.Twelfthrootoftwo - Douza, with his hammer Village Wisdom



Edited by Haelbarde
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Hmm.... So I'm slightly confused. Motivation-wise, it seemed unlikely that a Darkfriend would do something quite like that, just to get a whitecloak lynched, or to protect their buddy, if Rubiks was also a DF. I mean, unless Rubikscube was Fain. Which isn't impossible, right? 

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I was actually thinking one of the newer players was probably Fain for awhile now, but it wasn't a lot to go on so I didn't mention it. Main reason I thought that was because a convert N1 would help a new player the most, since they'd get someone to help them learn the ropes. Plus, the then-converted player would let them know to save their converts until they knew a valuable role, so that could explain the absence of converts since then. If we're including meta reasoning, it seems like something Gamma would do :ph34r:

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3 minutes ago, Bugsy6912 said:

I was actually thinking one of the newer players was probably Fain for awhile now, but it wasn't a lot to go on so I didn't mention it. Main reason I thought that was because a convert N1 would help a new player the most, since they'd get someone to help them learn the ropes. Plus, the then-converted player would let them know to save their converts until they knew a valuable role, so that could explain the absence of converts since then. If we're including meta reasoning, it seems like something Gamma would do :ph34r:

Wait, aren't you a new player? So, you're incriminating yourself here a little...

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