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I just saw this (emphasis mine). :P

Also can we stop talking about the Fain thing and talk about something more important? For example, do you guys think that the eliminators have a Channeller? If so, how do we deal with it?

What Fain thing? There's been a decent amount of discussion on that topic in general, but I'm assuming you mean a specific branch and not the entire thing. If, by chance, you're talking about how I said we should elect a new mayor next turn to remove the corruptibility, I see no reason not to discuss it. It seems like the obvious course of action to me, but if it's silenced before anyone responds, it could possibly be forgotten and/or seen as a redundancy later, something the corrupt would likely want. (To be clear, I'm not saying you're Fain, complaining about that is much too obvious a move for him. Still, would like some rationale behind your decision to end discussion on a topic so early)

Oh, and as for the Elims having a channeler, there's not much we can do. We don't know their hypothetical identity or their target, so we can't really protect against them. Chances are, they'll die more quickly than a regular elim though, if only because they have 2 ways to die (their Warder and themselves)

Edited by Bugsy6912
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Long Game 22, Day 2: Al'Cair Ayend (The Golden Dead)

The night came upon the village of Drell's Crossing quickly, the celebrations and rejoicing going well into the night, the villagers spirits on high after such a victory. Torches had been placed around all of the village green, allowing people to mingle and dance and listen to music and revel, almost as if to stave off the growing sense of unease and suspicion. The villagers might have had a small win, but one look at how them showed differently.

Padan Fain knew better. They could see it in how the villagers still held themselves apart from each other, despite standing together in a group. Reading their body language was more than enough for Padan Fain. They had seen it countless times before. Yes, the Light had a triumph over evil and darkness, but Padan Fain was an entirely different force all together. And they wouldn't stop until the village tore itself apart in their hatred and paranoia. Fain raised their hands, the deadly fog of Mashadar slowly drifting up out of the ground around them, pooling around their feet in a shimmering, ghostly shroud. The mist knew where it was to go, and what needed to be done. Fain could feel it as it coiled out, reaching for it's unsuspecting victim. Tai'shar Aridhol, Fain giggled before he felt the sudden snap of pressure that let him know the job was done. One down, many, many more to go, they thought before slinking back into the shadows, hearing the rising howl of wolves crying out into the night.


Locke walked down the darkened alleyway, crouching carefully and trying to avoid as much detection as possible. Such was the job of a warder, when necessary. Locke regretted not being able to wear his cloak, which helped him blend into his surroundings, the magical cloth was the perfect camouflage. He paused for a moment, dwelling on that thought. Light, but I'm supposed to be a Warder, not some slinking child who is helpless and defenseless. He might not have his cloak, but he was still a battle-hardened warder, coming from the Borderlands before being bonded to his channeler. Danger was no stranger to him, and he had the training and skills enough to not be frightened by the night, cloak or no cloak.

He shifted again, moving closer to the wall and a crouching down between a pile of garbage that had been stacked up there and never moved. Locke would need to have a talk with the new, so-called mayor of this backwoods village about such clutter and uncleanliness. But Locke had a few more immediate priorities.

A lone cloud passed out from in front of the moon, a full, shining orb casting it's light down upon the village, making the shadows recede a little bit and giving him better vision. He tried to ignore the sudden chorus of wolves, howling at the unveiled moon. Bloody ashes, but does that sound close. Light burn me if that's natural, he thought to himself, ignoring the sudden shiver that ran up his spine. Protecting his channeler was the only thing he'd let himself be worried about, though.

He thought he heard a noise from down the alleyway behind him, so he spun around, quickly unsheathing his blade in a solid, fluid arc of flashing steel. His blade may of not had a heron mark on it, only one of the five blademasters who oversaw his test had failed him. His channeler liked to joke he was just simply four-fifths a blademaster, and that was good enough for them. They had no idea how much it rankled his pride.

He took a step forward, peering intently down the shadowed alley, trying to pierce the darkness and see what had made the noise. He lamented on the fact he didn't have his warder cloak once again, but he would follow orders and not reveal himself for what he was until absolutely necessary. Locke stood there for a few moments, wishing the moon would come back out from behind the clouds, as he watched and waited for anything else to happen. After a while, he cursed himself for his foolishness, shaking his head and re-sheathing the blade, reminding himself to sharpen it once he got back to the inn, where he had been staying.

So intent was he on the shadows in front of him, he didn't even hear the silently padded footfalls coming from behind him until it was too late, spinning to face his attacked as soon as the jaws closed in around his neck, as he felt the full weight of a wolf fall upon him. His last thoughts were worry and regret for his channeler.

He didn't even see the golden eyes watching him from out of the shadows.


Trafalgar Law had always been a night person. People had always liked to tease him about how he slept during the day and missed all of the excitement and action. They had no idea.

He had always been fascinated with his dreams, ever since he was a young child. He would always record and catalogue his dreams, no matter how silly they seemed, no matter how random they appeared, he'd remember every single minute detail and could recall it with perfect clarity. Trafalgar had always known there was something special about those dreams, for he knew them to be true dreams. They meant something. And then, years ago, he had discovered another talent.

At first he thought they were just another dream, if not as disjointed and random. But he kept going back to the same dream every night. He would always wake up in the same place he had gone to bed at. Everything was the same, but it was different though. Items would appear and disappear randomly, changing places or moving somewhere else. His bed would shift from being made, to being unmade. Stuff like that. He could never figure it out, but the whole place would also seem dim, while also being illuminated, some unseen light shining down and not hiding the world in shadows, despite it being night time.

That was when he had heard of the legends of Tel'aran'rhiod, and knew for a fact he was in the World of Dreams, spoken about in stories dating back to the Age of Legends.

He had also learned to be careful, in his studies. It didn't take him long to realize that anything that happened to him in the strange world of dreams would stay with him when he awoke. Cuts, scrapes, bruises and broken bones. He had even been dragged into other people's nightmares before, barely surviving and sustaining serious injuries.

No, he knew how dangerous Tel'aran'rhiod could be. Especially in Drell's Crossing at night. The place had seemed... strange lately. Well, even more strange than usual, at the very least. The place seemed.... darker. As if it had more weight, and would press down on him, as if trying to bury him under some great, unseen pressure. He had tried avoiding the place ever since glimpsing shadows moving out of the corner of his eye.

So he didn't sleep these last few nights, not letting the horrible nightmares that plagued him at night get him in the grips of fear. For these dreams were true dreams. And he kept seeing the same thing these last few nights. Golden eyes, coming out of the shadows, swelling up larger and larger before they overcame him and swallowed him whole. He didn't need to go to Tel'aran'rhiod to be able to interpret that one.

So he slept during the days, staying away from everyone, hiding himself away in his ramshackle shed. And at night... he would just explore. He had gotten so used to walking around the town at night in the world of dreams, that he couldn't break the habit, even if he was still wide awake. And that's how he found himself on the village green, hours after everyone else who was sensible had fallen asleep, the celebrations and reveling going well late into the night.

A bloody forsaken, Trafalgar mused to himself, not being able to believe one of the stories his parents used to use to scare him as a child had come to life right in this very village. He wondered if that was who he had seen in the World of Dreams, stalking around the village and hiding in the shadows? It made as much sense as anything he could think of. A sudden howl, followed by a strangled shout broke him out of his thoughts, and he realized for the first time that he was completely alone, with darkness seeming to press in around him, hiding anything in the night.

A low, drifting fog had started to slowly appear hours ago, blanketing the entire village in the small shroud of mist, making it hard to see anything in front of him. He saw two torches burning brightly through the fog up ahead, and he called out to see if anybody was there. He seemed to have gotten himself turned around and lost in his quick burst of panic. So he started making his way to the two glowing torches, their light seeming to shine golden in the foggy night.

He had the sudden sense of having experienced this before, and another wave of panic took over him again, sweat breaking out on his forehead. He now ran headlong to the two golden points of light ahead of him with reckless abandon, wishing he was in the world of dreams where he could just flash away to wherever he wanted to go. He was so absorbed in reaching his destination that he didn't even stop to think about how the two points of light never moved or wavered or flickered like a steady flame would.

No, he realized too late that they were in fact golden eyes, and then were coming up out of the darkness, coming to swallow him whole. Just like he had dreamed.


Morning had come over Drell's Crossing once again, the sun rising like a gilded ball of light and life. The whitecloak walked over to the cell door, pulling the lock out of their pocket and pulling back the bars. They had blindfolded their victim, of course. One could never trust any potential darkfriends, of course.

"You are no longer being detained. You are free to go," They said, grabbing the prisoner and hauling them up to their feet and cutting them loose from their bonds and removing the blindfold before shoving them out the door.

"Have a good day, and walk in the light"


Deathclutch was killed by Wolves! He was a Villager Dreamwalker!
Orlok was killed by Wolves! He was a Villager Warder!
Somebody was Detained by Whitecloaks!
Mashadar made it's presence known, somebody was Corrupted.

Day 2 will last 48hours, until 11PM EST Tuesday, June 7th!
Remember, No more PMs between players during the Day cycle! You must stop PM'ing as soon as the Night Cycle ends!

[will edit in player list shortly]


Edit: Updates!

Players who are Protected are not notified if they weren't attacked. They'd be told if both attacked and protected. That would also be mentioned in the write-up (but not who and from what)
Players who are detained are notified they were detained, and Whitecloaks are also told who they detained (or not, if nobody).

It will not specify if the Warder was attacked themselves, or if they died protecting their Channeler. It just says how they died.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Quick Links:


Day 1

> Night 1

> Day 2

Player List:

1.Mailliw73 - Amaiya Mavenil
2.Seonid - Cenn al'Idrius
3.Elbereth - Lomion
4.Amanuensis - Nikel Fain, Padan's son, on a quest to stop his father
5.Nyali - Eryn, a Cairhienin 'Maiden of the Sword', lost from her society on her journey
6.AliasSheep - Llewella Rhysdaughter, an Andoran scholar studying history
7.Conquestor - Lorien, the town guard, likes boring patrols
8.Master Elodin - Ba'Alzamon, on the run from Whitecloaks
9.Phattemer - Ana-alline
10.Haelbarde - M'Hael, a False Dragon
11.Little Wilson - Keland, Owner of The Golden Dagger, Witless' half-brother
12.The Young Bard - Ruon, 15 year old, wants to be a gleeman and leave the town for adventure
13.Hellscythe - Tazrim Maim
14.ThatTinyStrawMan - Gladium Dei
15.Sart - Sarah Tea, a recent widow Forsaken
16.Metacognition - Mezal Althara, a foul-mouthed, ill tempered blacksmith
17.WinterCloud - Lexa & Heaven
18.Bugsy - The aging town librarian
19.Deathclutch19 - Trafalgar Law Village Dreamwalker
20.TheMightyLopen - Jak (Of the Shadows?)
21.GunshyMink74 - Gunshy, an entrepreneurial dirt salesman
22.ArarisValerian - Alain Stern, a lumberjack
23.RubiksCube - Cubik Rube
24.IrulelikeStink - ???
25.jaimeleecee - Birgitte, serving girl at the Inn, named after the Hero of Legends
26.OrlokTsubodai - Locke, silent stranger Village Warder
27.Twelfthrootoftwo - Douza, with his hammer

Edited by Haelbarde
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Karma, we had a awesome lynch, but then have a terrible night. Also, why wasn't there a Darkfriend kill?

Roleblock or protection most likely. Hopefully the first, because then we would have caught someone.

Edited by Master Elodin
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Ouch. That's going to hurt. :(


I suspect that the Darkfriend kill was either roleblocked by the channeler or Detained by the Whitecloak. I assign a higher likelihood to the Whitecloak, unless the Channeler had a suspicion strong enough to use one of their one-use only Weaves to roleblock a player on the first night.


I was going to suggest that whoever blocked the attack not reveal in-thread - for various safety reasons, but I realized that we have no guarantee that there will be PMs in this upcoming Night Cycle. I hope that there's a second Dreamwalker, but there's no way to know for sure.


Since I'm going to bed right now, I won't be around for a great deal of discussion for a few hours. So, until I get back: Elodin, what was up with all of those vote changes?

Edited by Seonid
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If someone is killed by two sources, like wolves and Darkfriends, how would the write-up read? Would it show both, one chosen at random, or is there a precedence order (like, always wolves if wolves were one of the killers)?

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Ouch. That's going to hurt. :(

I suspect that the Darkfriend kill was either roleblocked by the channeler or Detained by the Whitecloak. I assign a higher likelihood to the Whitecloak, unless the Channeler had a suspicion strong enough to use one of their one-use only Weaves to roleblock a player on the first night.

I was going to suggest that whoever blocked the attack not reveal in-thread - for various safety reasons, but I realized that we have no guarantee that there will be PMs in this upcoming Night Cycle. I hope that there's a second Dreamwalker, but there's no way to know for sure.

Since I'm going to bed right now, I won't be around for a great deal of discussion for a few hours. So, until I get back: Elodin, what was up with all of those vote changes?

I believe that I explained myself already, Seonid. There was no real reason for any of the candidates, so I jumped at the slightest suspicion-inducing thing.

EDIT: Also, I trust Meta, for any of you who would like to know.

Edited by Master Elodin
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If a Wisdom protects someone and that someone was attacked, do they find out? Does the Wisdom?

What about the Whitecloak? I assume they don't get told anything, since no actions were taken on them. Do detained players get notified?

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I'm back! For good! :D Hopefully I'll be more active from now on.

Right, so two deaths and a corruption. Not great news, but let's see what we can make of this.

Kill on DC - Inactivity kill, obviously, since as far as I remember he didn't post a single time. Unless he talked in PMs? I didn't PM him, so I wouldn't know, but an inactivity kill does seem more likely (well, or someone was feeling kindly towards Wilson. Or both, I suppose.). (Which does narrow the possibilities of who could be a Wolfbrother, but best not to discuss that in thread.) That's a bit unfortunate, in my opinion, given that it was only the first cycle in a LG, so already killing inactives seems a bit harsh. And he even had a valid excuse for his inactivity, I think, although I'm not sure that was actually brought up here.

Kill on Orlok - I'm a bit more confused by this one. Orlok certainly wasn't inactive, and I had him down as only very slightly below neutral. I'm not sure what anyone saw in him that made them suspicious enough to kill him already.

The nice thing about tonight's Wolfbrother kills is that we know for a fact they weren't eliminator kills. They could have been corrupted now, but those two kills at least were village kills.

No Darkfriend kill - This is quite interesting. There are a couple possibilities that I can see: 1. The eliminators have a whitecloak or are in contact with one, and deliberately didn't kill in order to increase suspicion on whoever was blocked. (Rather unlikely, particularly after just losing the Forsaken D1.) 2. The Darkfriends attacked someone made untargetable by Mask of Mirrors. 3. The Darkfriends were blocked by a Spirit weave or by the Whitecloak.

It can't have been protection, because that would have been revealed in the writeup. So those are the only options, I think. And #1 is very unlikely. So there's a good chance that we've caught an eliminator, which is great news for us. (If so, the Darkfriends are suffering a terrible run of luck right now.) I agree that it'd be better to wait and tell someone tonight so they can be your contact to the thread, if you are a Whitecloak or a channeller who used Water/Spirit.

Just to confirm - Gamma, if a kill is roleblocked, it would not show up in the writeup at all, correct?

Couple things from the night:

Also, to counter El's worry about me being converted, there a really good reason why I'm a very bad candidate for conversion: I will certainly die early in this game. Padan Fain only has a limited number of conversions. Converting me would give him *maybe* a bit of info, but I would die shortly after and that conversion will be wasted. His converts living for longer is more important than a bit of info he may or may not get.

Excellent point, and one which I probably should have thought of. That does decrease the potential for you to be converted a great deal.

As a eliminator from a conversion game I have a bit to say about this.

1. A good tactic is to convert someone early in the game and convert another person when they are certain to be lynched the next turn so it will look like they have been evil the whole game.

2. Another tactic is to convert these people: Role hoarders (lots of info for Fain!), strategists (can help Fain make plans.), leaders (Fain can fake inactive and use these people to manipulate the masses.), trusted players (Fain can use them to create lynch trains.), and wall of text posters (easy to slip in lies.)

3. The last tactic is to split the village into factions. This can be done with anything (controversial lynches, strategies, distribution of roles, ect.)

Be on the watch for things like this happening!

Um. #1 is a terrible idea for Padan Fain, because he needs every Corrupted to stay alive as long as possible given that his win con is to outnumber everyone and (unless he manages to convert a Wolfbrother) the Corrupted don't even have a team kill to achieve that win con.

#2 is valid.

#3... I mean. It's a tactic for any eliminator. Not sure why you'd limit it to only conversion mechanics. And really, it's not such a terrible thing for the village, because that kind of thing generates lots of discussion. I know Meta's used that tactic deliberately more than once.

Okay, I'll probably be around for a while more (yay), but for the moment that's all I have to say.

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Well, dang it. :/ That's 3 villagers down.

I was leaning towards Orlok being village, so that's disappointing that he was killed. Ah well. Sad to see you gone so early Orlok. :(

I feel the same about Orlok. DC, I'm not surprised he died. If Phatt's killed by wolves next, that'd be what I'd expect.

We do have two village(for now) kills though, which is good. As long as they don't decimate the village for the dark friends.

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Write-up finally in! Hope you all enjoy! (Apologies if my Old Tongue is a little rusty!) :P


Also, you will be told if you can create more PMs or not when the Night Cycle hits again!


Edit: Updates in OP! :D

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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If a Wisdom protects someone and that someone was attacked, do they find out? Does the Wisdom?

What about the Whitecloak? I assume they don't get told anything, since no actions were taken on them. Do detained players get notified?


Edit: The other possibility for no kill was a Dreamwalker entering the Dream Realn.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Oh, just thought of a possibility for Orlok's death - someone might have targeted his Channeller? Gamma, would we be able to tell the difference between a Warder being attacked and a Channeller being attacked but a Warder taking their place?

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Of course. :P

Good point. I hope not, because goodbye communications after tomorrow night. Unless there are more than two Dreamwalkers. Which there might be, but I don't want to count on it.

EDIT: Also, awesome writeup, Gamma!

Edited by Elbereth (Lomion)
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Of course. :P

Good point. I hope not, because goodbye communications after tomorrow night. Unless there are more than two Dreamwalkers. Which there might be, but I don't want to count on it.

EDIT: Also, awesome writeup, Gamma!

Only if the Darkfriends have a roleblock/whitecloak.

Gamma, if we don't get a PM saying our actions were roleblocked, do we assume they went through?

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