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The wave-like nature of investiture and Investiture as a fundamental force


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I have an almost identical headcanon though rather than using colors I tend to imagine it as different polarizations of waves, with the metal, aon, command, fabrial or spren acting as a filter.

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I have an almost identical headcanon though rather than using colors I tend to imagine it as different polarizations of waves, with the metal, aon, command, fabrial or spren acting as a filter.


Oh man I hadn't considered polarization. I like that idea though, perhaps it relates to which magic system the investiture manifests as. Like one polarization gives you Allomancy, another gives Awakening etc. This is assuming the wavelength-amplitude model I described though. 

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It's a theory so good it's already been confirmed by WoB. ;) (He's talked about how Investiture is just an extra force to physics in the cosmere, and that it has its own fundamental particle(s)) Still deserves an upvote for a really elegant explanation though IMO. I especially like your analogy of focusing the investiture from the Mists using will as filtering white light.

Edited by Ari
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It's a theory so good it's already been confirmed by WoB. ;) (He's talked about how Investiture is just an extra force to physics in the cosmere, and that it has its own fundamental particle(s)) Still deserves an upvote for a really elegant explanation though IMO. I especially like your analogy of focusing the investiture from the Mists using will as filtering white light.

Has it really? Darn, probably should have checked first. Thank you though! I appreciate the feedback.

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It's a theory so good it's already been confirmed by WoB. ;) (He's talked about how Investiture is just an extra force to physics in the cosmere, and that it has its own fundamental particle(s)) Still deserves an upvote for a really elegant explanation though IMO. I especially like your analogy of focusing the investiture from the Mists using will as filtering white light.

I think it's mostly that Investiture travels as a wave that is the theoretical part of it.


Oh man I hadn't considered polarization. I like that idea though, perhaps it relates to which magic system the investiture manifests as. Like one polarization gives you Allomancy, another gives Awakening etc. This is assuming the wavelength-amplitude model I described though. 

I think in Awakening that each Command would give a certain polarization to your Breath. In which case I guess the my breath to yours command is just like an unpolarized channel for Investiture to travel through?

For evidence of this being true elsewhere in the cosmere in Elantris the Dor is mentioned as having a pulse or beat. I'll look for exact quotes when I can but there's a few I think.


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The Dor does try to pass through Raoden in bursts rather than continuously, though I'm not sure about a patter.

Stormlight, however, does actually pulse and is incapable of constant illumination even within spheres. It's just more steady than light from flames. How much of it is due to the swirling around in its container though, also not sure.

Then there's the Rhythms, of course. And as seen in WoA (and the overlapping portion of Secret History) Vin detects bronzepulses from cognitive shadows and Shards of Adonalsium (the latter only when their presence is focused on a spot).

Edited by natc
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I think you are largely correct, at least about the basics. A while back I asked Brandon... something that I can no longer remember... but I was trying to confirm that doing magic in the Cosmere produces waves similar to, say, electromagnetic waves, and Seekers detect those (with different Shards, or probably different magic systems, having different wave signatures), and he mostly confirmed it. I wish I remembered the details though...

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I think it's mostly that Investiture travels as a wave that is the theoretical part of it.


I think in Awakening that each Command would give a certain polarization to your Breath. In which case I guess the my breath to yours command is just like an unpolarized channel for Investiture to travel through?

For evidence of this being true elsewhere in the cosmere in Elantris the Dor is mentioned as having a pulse or beat. I'll look for exact quotes when I can but there's a few I think.



Yeah Brandon hasn't talked about wave-particle duality to Investiture at all, so that bit is unconfirmed.

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*hijacking another Allomantic Signature's thread*

So, any ideas how the copper works?

  • it produces a silencing field which silences all Allomantic impulses (including its own). I don't know how to produce a wave complementary to multiple others to perfectly silence them. And I have thought hard. Maybe it's another mechanism.
  • It can be pierced with more bronze power. This is strange, as bronze doesn't actually do anything external, just makes you able to hear the pulses

There was also this topic when we discussed "greater metals" Allomantic pattern.

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Good job, sprocket! Here's the WoB that I think Ari was referring to:


I’m fascinated by quantum mechanics and I have worked them into the way that-- Remember in my worlds, my books, the magics are a new branch of physics, in these worlds.  And so they interact with our normal physics, it’s not like they are ignoring them, so they obey the laws of thermodynamics, even when they appear to be breaking them, and they interact with quantum and all the stuff.  It’s just very natural that they are going to, to me if that makes sense?  It would be weird if they didn’t interact with them.



That was taken from a Chicago signing last year, which unfortunately has yet to be entered in the Theoryland database.


Also, I asked Brandon once about whether there was a quantum of Investiture (the same way a photon is a quantum of light). Here is what he said:


Yes, there is a quantum of Investiture, though it acts very oddly in the cosmere.


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I like this theory, I might espouse it in a bit :)

Polarization could also explain the pushing vs. pulling metals. Also, perhaps these waves interact with the mists (a form of investiture) to cause them to swirl around allomancers.

Edited by Bugsy6912
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I've actually been thinking about this for a couple months now, but I wanted a brush-up on my Physics before 'publishing'.

At the moment I think the push-pull variance has to do with positive or negative Group Velocity of the wave. (look at the second graphic in the link, it's hypnotic ;) )


But like I said, I need to brush up on Physics, at the moment I can't honestly say that one thing is represented/determined by the 'envelope' or wavelength or modulation or polarization or something else I don't remember or haven't even heard of yet.


edit: It probably doesn't help that I originally learned physics in Dutch.

Edited by EagleOfTheForestPath
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*hijacking another Allomantic Signature's thread*

So, any ideas how the copper works?

  • it produces a silencing field which silences all Allomantic impulses (including its own). I don't know how to produce a wave complementary to multiple others to perfectly silence them. And I have thought hard. Maybe it's another mechanism.
  • It can be pierced with more bronze power. This is strange, as bronze doesn't actually do anything external, just makes you able to hear the pulses

There was also this topic when we discussed "greater metals" Allomantic pattern.

I imagine copper would work by altering the medium through which Investiture-waves travel somehow, like soundproofing a room.

Bronze gives you better hearing so you need more soundproofing to completely block out the noise.

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The strangeness of that model is that I don't think the area-of-effect actually stops emotional allomancy for anyone but yourself.

Perhaps it just has very extreme fall-off over distance and emotional allomancy is rather "loud"? We know from TLR that it can definitely just punch straight through with enough strength, but is weakened.

Why does an internal metal produce a field like that anyway? Copper is strange . . .

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*hijacking another Allomantic Signature's thread*

So, any ideas how the copper works?

  • it produces a silencing field which silences all Allomantic impulses (including its own). I don't know how to produce a wave complementary to multiple others to perfectly silence them. And I have thought hard. Maybe it's another mechanism.
  • It can be pierced with more bronze power. This is strange, as bronze doesn't actually do anything external, just makes you able to hear the pulses

There was also this topic when we discussed "greater metals" Allomantic pattern.


Perhaps the wave of a coppercloud is on a wavelength that is not detectable?


What I mean is maybe it disrupts the detection of other Allomantic abilities by scrambling the resulting after effects of using Allomancy.


Dib your finger in some water. Then, as the wave is travelling, stick your hand in and stir it up. 

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So Seeker would get a lot of noise. But instead they hear nothing. And with multiple bronze/duralumin they can pierce the cloud and hear normally.

Maybe it mimics the natural "background Investiture" they would normally hear, which is why it sounds silent. It'd be like static over a radio, which would be the equivalent of silence in that scenario.


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Maybe it mimics the natural "background Investiture" they would normally hear, which is why it sounds silent. It'd be like static over a radio, which would be the equivalent of silence in that scenario.


Oooh, I had this theory some time ago. Upvote for you.

I still don't get how stronger bronze let's "pierce" Copperclouds. If there is nothing to be heard, then it doesn't matter how good is your hearing.

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Oooh, I had this theory some time ago. Upvote for you.

I still don't get how stronger bronze let's "pierce" Copperclouds. If there is nothing to be heard, then it doesn't matter how good is your hearing.

If it's like the static, maybe they can hear the sounds that would be masked by the static to a less sensitive ear. I can sometimes make out a bit of a radio station that's close on the dial when someone else would only hear static. It could be something like that (I'm no scientist, so I'm not sure the mechanisms behind that kind of approach).


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