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I apologize in advance for this rather large post.


Mailliw was indeed evil. Not surprised there. I know I was one of those who cast votes to keep him alive, but I did this with hopes of delaying him long enough for him to slip up and reveal something that might help us. A couple cycles ago I believe he did.


With polking lynched last cycle and Hero attacked by the Corporates, that leaves eight of us left who remain unconfirmed. Shallan, myself, Joe, Orlok, Alvron, Feligon, Sart and PK. Until recently literally everyone he cast a vote on was killed shortly after. Well, everyone but one.




Interestingly enough, the same cycle that Mailliw voted for him, the Corporates didn’t kill anyone. At first I took that as they all had to be inactive, which in retrospect seems like that’s exactly what they wanted us to think. But Mailliw was active, and if Alvron would kindly share the amount of atium he gained from that kill, I suspect was very rich off those he killed. If the theme persisted, Orlok should be dead right now. Why isn’t he?


I believe he was trying to frame him. Though I mentioned in thread that I thought their objective in “having coffee” was to take some heat off of Mailliw by drawing our attention to the people who didn’t post that day hoping that we might kill another innocent (in which case we did; Dow), I also think they had a secondary goal in mind. To sow more confusion by making us (particularly me) question one of the few players I trust.


I want to draw everyone’s attention to something Hero posted at the end of C7 in regards to the strategic makeup of the Corporates. It reads as follows:


“Based on my previous games as an Eliminator, I find that the eliminators usually use a variety of strategies and activity levels among themselves. Maill's role seems to be that of sowing confusion and trolling us to distract us from the other eliminators (similar to what I did in MR8). If I were to guess as to what we have left, I would say that there are:


0-1 active, very vocal and "helpful" corps.

1-2 semi active corps, trying to stay under the radar.

0-1 inactive corps.”


With that in mind, most people fit into that middle category, the top consisting of myself and Joe while the bottom only applies to Shallan. So with that in mind, I will address those two lesser ranks first for organizational purposes.




Up until now I have publicly expressed suspicions against Joe for two reasons. First  (the lesser of the two) because there was a chance he wasn’t on our side and I was very scared of him being a Corporate. Two (what I believe more) that the Corporates wanted the village to continuously question his alignment to distract us (which admittedly worked on me) from the real threats to the village. At this point I trust Joe, not for anything he’s done but because I am very confident that I have figured out who the last three Corporates are (will reveal at the end of this post).


Unfortunately -  if Joe is a Corporate - I may be responsible for Hero’s assassination as I told him in PM yesterday that I had a contingency plan set up in case something stopped me from getting this information out that involved Hero. If I wasn’t so certain of my other theory I would question this, but my guess is that the Corporates had Hero killed for another reason (likely have us turn on one of the players who voted for him (namely me).


Joe, I have decided to put my faith in you, but please answer me this. Did you tell anyone else about what I said to you in that PM about Hero? Because if so there’s a chance that they may be evil.




Shallan is the only living inactive. I still find it curious how - early on in the game - when we were about to lynch her through the Contribution Crusade - that she suddenly appears just in time to save her life, only to disappear again for many more cycles. Her posts since then have been scarce and unhelpful. Regardless of her alignment she is essentially useless to the village, though whether she is truly inactive or just feigning it, I am certain that she is a Corporate for reasons that I will mention at the end of this post.


Now for the middle ground, beginning with those who I least suspect and ending with the one I absolutely believe we need to lynch this cycle.




Feligon is one of very few players who I have yet to talk to personally. Honestly that makes him the least suspicious of the remaining four players on this list because I fully expect Corporates to fish for information. With that in mind - if Joe is evil - it’s possible that he was designated as the only person allowed to do this intentionally so that only he could take the blame if the Corporates got caught making a shady move. Still, I have made it a point to ask many of the people I have been in communication with who has began conversations with them and who they began conversations with, and used that, along with his lack of suspicious actions and voting patterns, to determine he is most likely innocent. This is, however, mostly under the assumption that Joe is evil. I am about 75% certain that he is among Joe’s “inner circle” so it is possible that if Joe ends up being innocent he might be the odious-entity manipulating him to follow all these poor leads, though I have much less evidence to support an Evil!Feli.




I have not trusted him from the beginning, and he has been setting off a lot of red flags for me lately (will spoiler them in case you care to read them) but as I did with Joe, I am going to put my faith in PK being innocent in light of what I am about to reveal.


In C6 he votes for Dowanx but says he will likely vote for Hero next cycle if Dow ends up a Miner. This is the same cycle that Hero convinced me he was innocent, so naturally PK being responsible for the death of one Miner and wanting to rid us of the other option later (once we all discover what he already knows - that Dow was good) catches my attention. Then in C7 he votes for Mailliw, but not until AFTER the latter “confesses” to being a Corporate. If he was evil I would suspect that he was told to hop on the train early on to make him look less evil (as three other people - myself, polking and Alvron - vote after him. Also, in C8 when he suddenly places a vote on polking to separate the potential tie even further to prevent voting shenanigans, it could be because as a Corporate he would rather get two Miner killed rather than one to bring them closer to victory.




Sart’s repeated voting on Dowanx despite many better leads had always caught me as an odd tactic, similar to my initial thoughts on Mailliw’s random voting. If you compare Sart’s recent call for us to investigate / attack those who voted against the person he wanted dead so bad to his earlier insistence on killing a player who had significantly less dirt on him then his alternative (Mailliw, a confirmed Corporate), then you’ll see the hypocrisy of his persona. But that’s just what he’s done in thread that makes me suspect him. It’s what happened after a certain PM with him that truly makes me believe he is the Corporate.




At this point I am almost utterly convinced that Alvron is a Corporate. My serious certainty began when he put that last vote on Mailliw along with the declaration that he claimed to have a med-kit. Maybe I missed it somewhere, but I’ve read the core thread multiple times and I can’t ever recall a time where this was claimed. Point is, how would no one but Alvron know what Mailliw has? And why not share it with the village earlier?


Before Alvron, polking (who is a now known Miner) was the last person to place a vote on Mailliw in C7. I think it makes perfect sense that Alvron - being on the same side as a Corporate who he knows has the ability to delay his death - would swoop in after every other good player already cast their vote on him in order to ensure all the atium Mailliw collected killing innocents stayed in their control. This may seem shaky if you consider that Araris (who we now know is good) posted shortly after Alvron, though for some reason I’m not sure didn’t vote. But remember this. They assassinated Araris that night because “Mailliw forgot” but I think it’s because they expected Araris to vote for Mailliw too and thus covered the biggest flaw in their plan.


Either way Alvron would end up with the atium whenever Mailliw (atium goes to the last living person to vote for a players lynch) died. I suspect that if I am right about this, two of the three players who did not vote that cycle (Orlok, Shallan and Sart ) are the last of the Corporates. I already know Sart is because he was the player I leaked my possessing a medkit to. I believe the Corporates were banking on Orlok not showing up that day as it was already late in the Cycle and the last time Orlok posted (until yesterday) was the 4th. Shallan posted right after Araris and yet did not place a vote despite the one and only time that she has ever voted she did on Venture at the end with the claim that she liked atium. Why not do the same then on a known Corporate? Because the atium would be better used in her ally’s hands.


Yesterday events don’t do anything to clear Alvron, either, since he was responsible for ensuring we lynched ANOTHER innocent instead of securing a tie for us to find out more information and make a better choice while simultaneously gaining even more atium for himself (his crew). By now I’m certain he has a medkit himself, so if we want to win this I think we need to lynch him this cycle and get either Shallan or Sart right after. That way on C10 we should have a total of 3 Corporates dead and thus will be right on the precipice of victory.


EDITED THIS IN: I had forgotten to add this but just remembered. After I had leaked to the Corporates that I possessed a medkit Alvron voted against me saying “It's nothing big that I can put a finger on, just lots of little things that make me think you're evil.” I suspect he was trying to draw attention to me hoping to get the village to lynch me so that they could get rid of me/my medkit while using Corporate kills on unprotected players.




Orlok, Joe, Fel, PK; what do you have to say on these points? Do you have any more evidence that might support this? To Joe in particular, I know that you have claimed several times that you do not have any suspicions about Alvron, but could you be wrong about him? Also, Alvron Sart and Shallan, do you have anything to say in your defense?

Edited by Alvom Halbin
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I apologize in advance for this rather large post.


Mailliw was indeed evil. Not surprised there. I know I was one of those who cast votes to keep him alive, but I did this with hopes of delaying him long enough for him to slip up and reveal something that might help us. A couple cycles ago I believe he did.




But Mailliw was active, and if Alvron would kindly share the amount of atium he gained from that kill, I suspect was very rich off those he killed.






At this point I am almost utterly convinced that Alvron is a Corporate. My serious certainty began when he put that last vote on Mailliw along with the declaration that he claimed to have a med-kit. Maybe I missed it somewhere, but I’ve read the core thread multiple times and I can’t ever recall a time where this was claimed. Point is, how would no one but Alvron know what Mailliw has? And why not share it with the village earlier?


Before Alvron, polking (who is a now known Miner) was the last person to place a vote on Mailliw in C7. I think it makes perfect sense that Alvron - being on the same side as a Corporate who he knows has the ability to delay his death - would swoop in after every other good player already cast their vote on him in order to ensure all the atium Mailliw collected killing innocents stayed in their control. This may seem shaky if you consider that Araris (who we now know is good) posted shortly after Alvron, though for some reason I’m not sure didn’t vote. But remember this. They assassinated Araris that night because “Mailliw forgot” but I think it’s because they expected Araris to vote for Mailliw too and thus covered the biggest flaw in their plan.


Either way Alvron would end up with the atium whenever Mailliw (atium goes to the last living person to vote for a players lynch) died. I suspect that if I am right about this, two of the three players who did not vote that cycle (Orlok, Shallan and Sart ) are the last of the Corporates. I already know Sart is because he was the player I leaked my possessing a medkit to. I believe the Corporates were banking on Orlok not showing up that day as it was already late in the Cycle and the last time Orlok posted (until yesterday) was the 4th. Shallan posted right after Araris and yet did not place a vote despite the one and only time that she has ever voted she did on Venture at the end with the claim that she liked atium. Why not do the same then on a known Corporate? Because the atium would be better used in her ally’s hands.


Yesterday events don’t do anything to clear Alvron, either, since he was responsible for ensuring we lynched ANOTHER innocent instead of securing a tie for us to find out more information and make a better choice while simultaneously gaining even more atium for himself (his crew). By now I’m certain he has a medkit himself, so if we want to win this I think we need to lynch him this cycle and get either Shallan or Sart right after. That way on C10 we should have a total of 3 Corporates dead and thus will be right on the precipice of victory.



Orlok, Joe, Fel, PK; what do you have to say on these points? Do you have any more evidence that might support this? To Joe in particular, I know that you have claimed several times that you do not have any suspicions about Alvron, but could you be wrong about him? Also, Alvron Sart and Shallan, do you have anything to say in your defense?


Maill claimed he had four Atium last time I spoke to him.  I have not yet heard how much I got from his death or that of Polking.  I have asked Winter and am waiting for a reply.  As soon as I know, I shall post in thread.


I knew Maill had a med kit as he claimed it in a four way PM with Joe, Hero, Maill and myself.  I would've shared earlier but I haven't really been paying attention to the game.


You lynched another innocent not me.  Polking was the first innocent to be lynched that I had voted on.  If I was an eliminator then being the final vote is just stupid as it draws attention to me.  It would be much simpler to just kill the last person who votes the next day so the Corps get both the Atium and remain in hiding.  Also I would've suggested to Mail that he spend his atium on something, like a thief, to insure that it couldn't be used against us.

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I knew Maill had a med kit as he claimed it in a four way PM with Joe, Hero, Maill and myself.  I would've shared earlier but I haven't really been paying attention to the game.


Joe, can you please confirm this happened? Also, Alvron, why haven't you been paying attention to the game? What made you pay enough attention last cycle to place a vote on a player who had done nothing suspicious the entire game? Because of you doing that the Corporates got exactly what they wanted - two more innocents killed - bringing them that much closer to victory.


You lynched another innocent not me.  Polking was the first innocent to be lynched that I had voted on.  If I was an eliminator then being the final vote is just stupid as it draws attention to me.  It would be much simpler to just kill the last person who votes the next day so the Corps get both the Atium and remain in hiding.  Also I would've suggested to Mail that he spend his atium on something, like a thief, to insure that it couldn't be used against us.


Your first sentence confuses me. Please clarify? I asked for people to instigate a tie, as I believed Sart was bluffing about trying to start one for the benefit of the village knowing full well he had a friend to break it in case it was going to go through in order to take some suspicion off of him. You fit that niche perfectly.


Not voting for any innocents to be lynched most of the game seems like a great strategy for a Corporate to me. You yourself have said that you are not good at being good, but people fear you because you're exceptionally good at being bad, and many people have remarked on the fact that you have lasted this long and have been playing rather differently then they are used to. 9 times out of 10 something is very wrong with someone when there are remarkable changes in their behavior. Confusion seems to be a reoccurring theme in this game and I think you have done this intentionally the entire game to throw those who are familiar with you off.


In most games I might agree with the excuse that putting a last vote on someone is suspicious, but in this one - where the last player who votes received the lynchee's atium - this is not so true. Since D2 we have recognized that players will flock onto bandwagons for the resource gain. I had expected you to use this excuse, but it really isn't valid at all. Up until now you have been floating under the radar and within Joe's trusted few; exactly where a Corporate would want to be. I suspect that with how close the Corporates are to winning you were willing to take that risk to get yourselves further ahead after losing one of your members.


So far everyone the Corporates have attacked have not had a means to survive it. At this point in the game players have had plenty of time to pan for atium and buy themselves a Mercenary or a medkit. The strategy you just stated might seem valid earlier on but that's a pretty big risk to take with so few players left. Also, suggesting that Mail waste his atium on something that could not benefit anyone makes no sense to me. Why would you waste a resource when you could keep it among your group?

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I can confirm literally everything Alvron said. And no, I didn't tell anyone about your upcoming post. Also, I sent a pm to alv late in the cycle expressong my worries about the lynch on polk. I think that was what reminded him to get on and vote.

I still trust Alv. Could I be wrong about him? Yes. But I don't think so.

One thing I do think is that there are 2 coprs left. This game has no cop roles. 4 out of 21 players is a little high, especially when one atatted with a med kit. Ao I think Sary and Shallan are the only ones left. Smart Guy,

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shallan seems to be active, but not on this thread.  That always seems suspicious.


Anyway, Sart.


I've also been suspicious of PK.  Alvom makes some good points, but there's also some good defense going on, so I'm interested to see where this leads.

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Maill had 9 Atium and Polking had 2.


In most games I might agree with the excuse that putting a last vote on someone is suspicious, but in this one - where the last player who votes received the lynchee's atium - this is not so true. Since D2 we have recognized that players will flock onto bandwagons for the resource gain. I had expected you to use this excuse, but it really isn't valid at all. Up until now you have been floating under the radar and within Joe's trusted few; exactly where a Corporate would want to be. I suspect that with how close the Corporates are to winning you were willing to take that risk to get yourselves further ahead after losing one of your members.

D2 was the only time anyone went after Atium from the lynch, at least as far as I know.  Afterwards everyone seemed to forget about gaining atium from the lynch and kept their votes where they placed them.  I voted for Maill for the purpose of getting his atium.  Polking was to insure a lynch.  If it was tied then Maill could break it in the eliminators favor, if I left it as it was then Maill could tie it up, either way we would've learnt little to nothing.  The fact that they killed Hero as well only helps us as several had raised questions about him.  Odds are Hero would've collected more votes this round as well slowing discussion.  Now however we have a clean plate and can look at others instead of chewing over old suspicions.


I wouldn't say I've been under the radar.  I have been called out by several players, Maill, Stink, Lopen, for my change in playstyle.  In fact I even said that if I lived past cycle four then they should start looking closely at me.

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Sart’s repeated voting on Dowanx despite many better leads had always caught me as an odd tactic, similar to my initial thoughts on Mailliw’s random voting. If you compare Sart’s recent call for us to investigate / attack those who voted against the person he wanted dead so bad to his earlier insistence on killing a player who had significantly less dirt on him then his alternative (Mailliw, a confirmed Corporate), then you’ll see the hypocrisy of his persona. But that’s just what he’s done in thread that makes me suspect him. It’s what happened after a certain PM with him that truly makes me believe he is the Corporate


Look, I'll admit that lynching Dowanx was a mistake. I tend to get laser-focused in these games, and focus on one specific suspect. I had been voting for him for so many cycles, I wanted to know if I had spent that time wasted. Yes, I could have voted for Mailliw, but at that point, I just wanted to know if I had wasted those cycles. In the end that was foolish, and it looks like it's going to cost us the game.


Furthermore, on the subject of my PM with you, how is that suspicious? I only posted once to that thing. You asked me my suspicions, and I answered with "Dowanx, Mailliw, and maybe Orlok". What in that is suspicious? This was before Dowanx's lynch, and that was an accurate summary of my suspicions at that time.


At this point, I'm up on the chopping block, and there's no one defending me. Doesn't that strike you as a little bit odd? It's almost as if the Eliminators want me to get lynched. Do you really think that they would just do that lying down?


I suppose Joe does. After all, he thinks that Shallan and I are the only ones left, and that this village is perfectly in tact. I don't believe that.  Let's assume Joe's theory is correct. Mailliw didn't affect the votes. He was always voting for the person who the Eliminators were going to kill, in order to troll us. I didn't affect the votes. I was always trying to get Dowanx killed. Shallan didn't affect the votes. She was too busy with real life. Do you really believe that we had six straight cycles of bad lynches without a single Eliminator messing with the votes? Joe, that's what you're saying you believe. Honestly, how would that even be possible? Could a village really be that incompetent? I doubt it.


At this point, I truly believe that Paranoid King is our best lead. I know you guys don't believe me at this point, and by the next cycle it might not even matter. I'm sorry that I campaigned for Dowanx too hard.

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"Ten people times two once stood
Halved and now only ten
They all fell down

Ten times each
It's ten
Ten twice
Ten thrice
Ten ten times over again."

Sung Surtile. He sung the song again and again. People got annoyed at him- what did he even mean by ten? But Harmony had told him to sing it. So he sung it. Again and again. Until he hit ten. Then he sung it ten times again. 

"DOUBLE TEN!" He shouted once it was done. Someone swung a bat at his head and he ducked. Someone punched him and he doubled over into the river. He tried to swim up, but he was drowning. 

Then he remembered his Medkit! He pulled himself out of the river with his faithful Medkit. Unfortunately, he had gotten the water in his lungs. He knew he was going to die tomorrow.

If he didn't get back to Elendel in time.

Cation Vinid frowned. 

"Why didn't he drown?" Someone asked.

"Good riddance." Cation said and wandered off. Suddenly, Cation looked up into the sky. There was a giant ten and it was falling down from the sky. It crushed him. The Corporate who shoved it off the cliff walked away. Neat work. Now, what now? Lami had been unmasked. Probably dead. Either that, or pulling pranks on-

Suddenly, everyone got the same song stuck in their heads. It was really, really, annoying. 

Shallan was a Miner with a Larger Pan!
A Smart Guy was saved by a Medkit! He shall die tomorrow and his role shall be revealed!


1. Shallan, Cation Vinid Miner with a Larger Pan
2. Alvom, the Wanderer (guy who wants a Shard)
3. Phattmer, Exisa (a guy who claims he's a "coinshot" with a gun) Miner
4. STINK (a guy) Miner
5. Nabs (a guy with a complicated backstory) Miner with Two Spraypaint and a Larger Pan
6. The Pooh with a name (a guy, I think) Miner with a Larger Pan
7. Doctor McNinja (a guy with a history of multiple quick fixes) Miner with a Larger Pan
8. Joe, Joel Tormander (a mistborn guy)
9. Lami Willen Corporate
10. Orlok, Locke 
11. Ripple, Lady Abigail (a lady) Miner
12. Venture, Maximus (a guy) Miner
13. Bridgeboy. Slade (a guy who's a mercenary) Miner
14. Downax, Dow (a guyMiner
15. Alvron, Swift (a Steelrunner guy)
16. Feligon, Nifergo (a scoundrel guy, I think)
17. Kipper, Kipper (a guy in the band, Kipper and the Cryptics) Miner with a Mercenary
18. a smart guy, Surtile (a guy who follows the path and is also very smart) Dying...
20. Lopen, Lopen (a guy who's a fan of THE Lopen) Miner with Metal Detector
21. polking horn, Rel'Dan (guy who's a poacher)  Miner with a Larger Pan
22. Paranoid King, Tommy (a guy who wants another guy dead)

10 atium in the pool! 

Vote Tally: 
Shallan: A Smart Guy
A Smart Guy: Paranoid King, Feligon, Joe 

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the only person I have any suspicions about right now is Orlok, and that's mostly because I don't trust him.  I would vote right now and try to get him lynched fast, but we need more discussion, so I'm calling for an extension.

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Do you care to explain your suspicions of Orlok, Fel? After everything that's happened, the only people that could be the remaining Corporate are him or Alvron, and I'd rather end this game sooner rather than later, so if you have solid reasoning for why Alvron is good or Orlok is bad, please tell. Otherwise I will be voting for Alvron for the reasoning I mentioned yesterday, as I personally find him suspicious one of the two.

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I will second the call for an extension. Whilst I will try to get a post up later, I have been seriously unwell for the last few days, and haven't been able to do serious analysis recently.

That being said, I do have suspicions - and shall try to put them coherently as soon as I can

Edit: Added OOC blue

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Do you care to explain your suspicions of Orlok, Fel? After everything that's happened, the only people that could be the remaining Corporate are him or Alvron, and I'd rather end this game sooner rather than later, so if you have solid reasoning for why Alvron is good or Orlok is bad, please tell...


Most of my suspicions is based on lack of evidence, or anything that would suggest he was an ally.  I realize that I don't have much to go on for alvron at the moment, but I would agree that he and Orlok are the most likely to be eliminators.  I didn't vote at first because I want a discussion to make sure we lynch the right person.

Edited by Feligon
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Well my clocks about to strike 1900 and I have to wake up for work at 0300, so I really hope to see your thoughts when I awaken, Orlok. I have invested a considerable amount of faith in you this game and have defended you on several occasions, but with everything that's happened I can't help but believe the last Corporate is Alvron or you, and a lot of players seem to be leaning in your direction. I hope you'll have something to say that might exonerate you or strengthen my claims against Al (or even suspicions of someone else), but otherwise I'm afraid that you might be dead this time tomorrow.


Anyway; goodnight ladies, gents.

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Paraphrased Transcripts of my PM's with the two players under suspicion.


My PM with Orlok:

Me: generic Opener

Orlok: Asked how info-trading would help

Me: I'm not saying it was Statistics, but. . . Statistics.

Orlok: Decided not to trust me yet.

Me: Mentioned I started with an Item.

Orlok: I'm tots going to vote for you. People need to talk.

Me: Do it Boy!

Orlok:  Has anyone given you info?

Me: Yup.

Orlok: Revealed starting Item. Decides to trust me.

Joe: Redoes Expected Statistics.

Orlok: Asks what I started with.

Joe: Blatantly lies.

Orlok: That sounds true. Also, you should give me your info in case you die.

Joe: Reveals general Info.

Joe: Reveals blatant lies from earlier.

Winter Cloud:  Troll comment



My PM with Alvron:

Me: Propses alliance, share info and not target eachother

Alvron: agrees

Alvron: claims to have info to trade.

Me: Asks what type of Info.

Alvron: Claims our agreement means I need to share everything.

Me: Regrets agreement, didn't expect to get all the info I did. Gives Alv all info.

Alvorn: Reveals Lopen's starting items.

Alvron: Reveals he lied about what item he started with and why. Claims he trusts me now that I revealed all my info.

Me: Stated I trusted him because he lied.

Alvron: is Confused.

Me: Reveals I lied about my starting Item for the same reasons he did.

Alvron: jokes that Hero is the only honest one.

Me: Mention I'm second guessing my Trust of him.

Alvron: Swears on our Kandra bond that he's a miner.

Me: Trusts him. Complete Info Dump.

Me: mentions I tricked Winter into believing I had a Mercenary.

Next several posts are just Alv, Winter and I trolling eachother and arguing about what constitutes Copy/Paste.

Alvron: Expresses Suspicion of Mailliw and Orlok. Says that Orlok tried to remove attention from mailliw.

Me: Told him how I viewed Swears. gave him a chance to retract his oath.

Alvron: stuck with his oath.

Me: Asked his thoughts on Stink.

Alvron: Thought Stink was trying to hard to look natural.

Me: Asked Alv to explain to people why I lied about my items if I died.

Alvron: Lopen claimed that mail started with atium as well as a medkit. asked if Mail told me.

Me: replied to the Negative.

Alvron: Revealed he knew that Lopen had a Metal Detector. (Why wasn't I told this?)

Me: said that Hero trusts Fel and I.

Alvron: Suspicious of Halbin

Me: asked if Halbin told him about his medkit.

Alvron: Mentioned his Merc would protect him tonight.

Me: Mentioned I'm no longer suspicious of Polk, but need to lynch him anyway to prevent late cycle confusion.

Alvron: Asks why Hero trusted Fel and I.

Me: Explained why.


I'm going to hold off on voting for a while.

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