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Heh, so one thing I find quite amusing. True, I do have the Detonator Glass, I have been rather open about that (see return RP), but what's interesting is Wilson's call to lynch me now, after last cycle. If my Detonator Charge has been such a threat and something to worry about, why now all of  sudden, and not any previous cycles after I returned? If you want to lynch me to remove the Detonator from the game, go right on ahead. I'll even help: Grak.


But before you vote with Wilson against me, you should know that she basically already promised my game would end today for 'stabbing her in the back'. Because I didn't vote for Piff last cycle. >.> So it sounds to me like that Detonator is just an excuse for manipulating people into some sort of payback for not going along with what she wants. (See death of 3 Rithmatics in one cycle when Lu and I started actively working towards a Rithmatic win, and not going along with the 'Chaos Alliance' anymore) :P



Edit: Not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with all of that, per se, that is the point of the game, after all. ;)


Edit: Fixed color.

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Hrrnnn... I really want to vote for Piff, but it doesn't look like that's happening soon.  I'll just vote for...  (drum roll) Gamma.  It seems like the most reasonable option to get rid of the detonator but I'm still wondering how she found out and why, if she already knew for a while, she didn't throw that information at us last round.

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Hrrnnn... I really want to vote for Piff, but it doesn't look like that's happening soon.  I'll just vote for...  (drum roll) Gamma.  It seems like the most reasonable option to get rid of the detonator but I'm still wondering how she found out and why, if she already knew for a while, she didn't throw that information at us last round.


She knew about it since the cycle I received it. XD We were "tentatively" working together in a Chaos Faction for most of the game (read: Wilson leaving her faction). And my last post explains why she just now revealed it this cycle instead of last, because I'm no longer going along with what she asks. :P 

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I'm still wondering how she found out and why, if she already knew for a while, she didn't throw that information at us last round.


There's a reason I arranged a lynch on him the first time he died. I knew he had it. He told me and Luckat right after the first lottery, at the same time I told them I'd gotten the syphon (which I then used to kill Bort. And then Sart had to go and hit me as he died, so I lost that extra life :( ). As for why I didn't say it last cycle, I knew it wouldn't save me. You guys were gung-ho on lynching me, so I tried some other things to escape it, like using a Grenade on Tulir, but then Araris had to break our early-game alliance and vote against me.....


As for this lynch, I'm going to assume that the Librarians are with me on lynching Gamma, since right now it's just a Rithmatist and a Cosmere voting for me. Apparently they really, really want to help the Librarians win. However, in case the Librarians aren't sure who to vote for, I know you guys have a shotgun. I even have a fair idea where it's at. I have one life and zero protection. If you really want to kill me, use one of those shots on me. I'd much rather die to a hit than to another lynch. And to be honest, I welcome death, so even if I could arrange protection, I wouldn't. I've got more important things to do in real life, like go to my aunt's wedding tomorrow and spend time with family I haven't seen in years. So really, this couldn't come at a more opportune time. :P So use the lynch to kill someone now you'd already have to kill by lynch later. Far easier and simpler.


Lastly, Gamma, just so you know, I didn't make those plans with Twei to wipe out the Rithmatists because you and Luckat were going for your win. I was doing the same thing, so that would be hypocritical. I would've been perfectly happy continuing our very tentative alliance for a little bit longer. So why did I do it? You guys teamed up with Newan (and apparently Twei as well) to kill me. And the thing is, you knew I knew that. I confronted you guys about it. If you really wanted salvage things, you should've turned the tables on Twei right then and been like, "Wow. Twei said that? Funny, because in our PM with Newan, she was the one who wanted to kill you the most." And then I probably would've happily helped you guys kill her....but you didn't. We had a very tentative alliance that broke when you guys tried to kill me, so I killed you instead. Simple as that. If you'd left me out of it, most of your team would still be alive.


I likely won't be around for the rest of the cycle. I just drove four hours to my parents' and I'll be busy the rest of the night, but keeping track via email notifications. Since I expect to die, I'm going to wish the Librarians luck, not they need it. They've pretty much got the game in the bag since the only way anyone else can win is through a temporary alliance and no one seems to want to do that. :/

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Round Eleven: The Fatal Five

Al Vron here folks, bringing you all the latest action from the arena.  

That Ferrin was on fire.  Wherever he went death and destruction followed.  Of course now he is literally on fire.

Karlin has remained out of the spotlight for the most part but it seems that the shadows are no longer a safe place to hide if that dagger in his side is anything to go by.

I loved that Vya.  He came out swinging and never gave in.  Heck, I bet he’s still trying to take down his opponent.

This round has been a bloodbath.  Literally.  There is someone actually bathing in blood down there.  Who would be so blatant as to bath in the blood of their victims?  Ooh.  Sorry fans, it turns out they weren’t bathing in the blood but rather they drowned in it instead.

With only five left this contest could go to anyone.  First to gain the upper hand will win.

Figgldygrak, Dow, Arall, Count Piffula or Tristal?  Who will be crowned champion of the games?  Stay tuned to find out.

Vote Tally:
Wilson: 4
Gamma: 3

Karlin (Surgebound Rainspren) Rithmatic
Vin Yard Awg/Vya (Vineyarddawg) Epic
Keira (Little Wilson) Epic
Ferrin (Feligon) Librarian

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Figgldygrak wiped the excess grease dripping from his lips, his tongue picking between his teeth, dislodging any trapped chunks of meat. The fire cast a dim glow, it's light flickering and occasionally searing up, the flames tickling the spit roast as fat dripped off of the carcass and into the bed of embers below. Figgldygrak's face was a mask of horror, the flickering light casting wide shadows over his face, one minute showing nothing but his dead, bloody eyes, or next only his maniacal grin as he ripped a chunk of flesh off of the bone.

He hummed a tune as he ate, savoring the taste of triumph, a snippet of a melancholy song that Keria had sang to herself as the tides turned against her and the mob had it's way with her before the bloodbath began in earnest.

"Let him go, let him go Can't hold him back anymore Let him go, let him go Turn away and let him soar!


Figgldygrak found the chorus enrapturing, seeming to resonate a truth about himself. He knew he was a monster, truly and to the core. Why would he try to deny it or hide from the truth? He knew he was alone, and had no cause to fight for that he could call his own. He could only do what he always did best, and sow despair and chaos. As only a monster could.


Figgldygrak grabbed another fresh chunk of meat from off of the fire, it's savory smell filling the air. "Man's best friend, or Monster's best meal? Come. Join me by fire."


He would wait and see who would take him up on his offer. Until then, he would continue to feast on his delicious dinner of dog. He was pretty sure their former owners wouldn't mind. He let out a booming laugh, his gargantuan frame shaking with his endless mirth.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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