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Round Eight: Double Trouble

This is Al Vron bringing you all the action live from this packed arena.  We are down to the final ten contenders and everyone is on their feet cheering for their team to win.  The Rithmatics were dealt a major blow last round when three of them were taken out in one swoop, but they still have their die-hard fans cheering them on.

Woah!  Is that who I think it is?  It is!  And if the noise is any indicator then the crowd is loving this surprise.  I can’t wait to see the chaos this will cause.  It just goes to show that you can’t count anyone out of this game.  They all want the victory.

Round eight is brought to you by Lazarus and Frankenstein Pharmacy.  If you're sick or worse, we’ll get you back on your feet; one way or another.

Looks like Cleo and Kae are surrounded.  They put up a brave and bold fight but one little mistake has spelled disaster for the deadly duo.  But wait, the mob is opening up.  The dastardly duo are making a break for it, they’ve cleared the mob and have made it to an underground parking structure.  The mob is close behind but what’s this?  The mob isn’t following the Disaster Duo into the building.  They must think that it will collapse soon.  Understandable given how many other buildings have fallen, but are they really going to let Cleo and Kae escape?

Don’t worry though fans.  We here at SGC are dedicated to bringing you all the action as it happens.  We’ll just switch some cameras to infrared and send them after the fleeing fiends.

There they are.  Looks like they aren't alone either.  Did the others catch up to them?  They couldn’t have.  Yep, I’m right, the mob is still milling around out front.  Looks like Keira is trying to whip them into a frenzy.  So who is with the retreating rascals?  Lets flip on a couple of spotlights and see.

Turn them off!  Turn them off!  I apologise Sennti fans.  In all my years of commentating I have never seen a sight as gruesome as that.  Who could have done something like that?!  What manner of evil inhabits those that could mutilate with such ease?!

It appears we shall soon find out.  They are heading for the entrance way.  Looks like the screams were enough to drive away most of the mob.  Only Keira is still there, pacing back and forth, waiting for those that stole her kill to show themselves.

And here they are.  Wait!  I know them.  Yes, that’s Ratel coming out first; a cultist from Sel who ritualistically sacrifices his victims for some obscure purpose.  
Alv is next; a devilishly cunning soldier from Roshar who wields a halberd in one hand with ease.  
NaVorl follows; a mysterious fellow who is a master of disguise.  No one is sure where he comes from but it is believed to be Scadrial.  
Second of the Sky is fourth from the tunnel.  A master of  ambushing his prey and was trained by Hoid before striking out on his own.  
And finally Ron Lav.  The rookie of the group.  Most rumours are that Ron Lav is nothing more than a fable used to frighten children who don’t clean up after themselves but going by the blood on those butcher knives, it appears that this fairy tale has some truth to it.

Keira is still there, looking very pale but refusing to retreat.  Ratel is handing something to Keira.  Alv has pulled something from his pocket.  There is a brief flash of light and they’re gone; leaving a bemused Keira holding the heads of Cleo and Kae.

Beware!  A player has returned from the grave.  They must post this cycle or be killed.

Vote Tally:
Winter: 5

Cleo and Kae (Winter Cloud) Cosmere

Another even numbered round means another lottery.
Lottery has three items up for grabs.

Double-barrel Shotgun:  This handy shotgun can be used to either attack two players at once or to attack one player twice.
Double-barrel Shotgun:  This handy shotgun can be used to either attack two players at once or to attack one player twice.
Flash Bang Grenade:  This one use grenade can be used to cancel the vote and action of one player.

No, that is not a mistake.  Two shotguns are available via the lottery.
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Vin Yard Awg/Vya (Vineyarddawg)
Tristal (Tuilr)
Dow (Dowanx)
Keira (Little Wilson)
Arall (Araris Valerian)
Karlin (Surgebound Rainspren)
Count Piffula (Lord Pifferdoo)
Todd Smith (Twelfthrootoftwo)
Ferrin (Feligon)

Figgldygrak (Gamma Fiend)


Jain (Lightsworn Panda)
Atreides Agamemnon (Ostrichofevil)
Lil' Meester Fafa (Splinter)
Keldre (KalaDellexe)
Malcom (Mailliw73)
Eol (Eolhondras)
New One the Toddler (Newan)
Samhain (Seonid)
Joe (The Only Joe)
Ash (Ashiok)
Naran (Aonar Faileas)
The Shard (ShardbearerFanatic2014)

Cleo and Kae (Winter Cloud)
Ank (Clanky)
Bortholemew (Bort)
Honorable Sir Maestro Dr. Brightlord Seixa (Phattemer)

Figgldygrak (Gamma Fiend)

Lu (Luckat)

Tammy Kingswright (A Smart Guy)
Restless (Renegade)


I will update this when we see who came back

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The roaring chant of the crowd whipped into a deafening frenzy, as the spectators cheered, clapped and stomped, repeating a name over and over. A single syllable thrummed continuously, pairing with the chorus of the crowd. 

A pulsing heartbeat.

A resounding crashing sound echoed out, causing the ground to tremble and cutting through the din of the arena and abruptly silencing the crowd.



The end of the declaration was was drowned out in the calamitous cry of triumphant revival, full of menacing savagery and striking fear and trepidation into all those that bore witness.

A gargantuan shadow loomed forth, the reanimated corpse of Figgldygrak, towering over all the other contestant even more standing at twice the size he was before. Twice as monstrous. To compensate for his increased mass, he borrowed chunks of flesh and sinew from the other corpses, as writhing masses of chalkings oozed forth from his leaking acidic wounds, crawling around at the seams of skin sloppily stitched together. Strewn about his deformed figure were random chunks of dynamite and detonators, rigged to explode, the green light pulsing with Figgldygrak's artificial heartbeat.


FIggldygrak's eyes were burning a dim, smoldering red color, like a coal sparked to life and harnessing a destructive force of nature at the center of it's core. His eyes a fiery tempest, ignited by the Odious drive of vengeance.


He let out one more triumphant bellow, seeking the blood of the one who deserved death the most.



Edit: Part 1 of 2. ;)


Edit 2: Color

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Figgldygrak reared his head back and laughed, it had an unnatural, eerie shrill pitch accompanied with a low and heavy deep rumbling bass.

He looked at Wilson. "Trolling......is such.... a bother." He wheezed between deep, rattling breaths.

Pt 2 of 3 now apparently. XD I just don't have enough blasted time to sit down and actually work up the RP I always had planned for when I revived yet. (And yes, that was part of what I had planned -- or at least very highly expected, me getting lynched last minute like that.) ;)

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Alright, fine.  I guess Piff wont be mad if I push my vote on him next turn...  Twei seems to be suspicious though.  Something happened in a chat with some other people before they mysteriously died...

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Twei. She manipulated me into helping her kill Newan and Luckat, and I know that either she or Piff is the Mistborn, because one of them cancelled Luckat's protection action, which led to Sart and Luckat both dying when only one of them should've died.


Fair warning though: there's a good chance Twei won't die from the lynch today. Either she's a Lifeless and will attempt to enter the lottery, but will stop to keep her second life so she doesn't die to the lynch (which is good, because then Cosmere can't get a shotgun), or she's the Mistborn and has the Spike and won't die because of that. She'll also likely still enter the lottery, because she's entered every single lottery. I'm not sure if this is because she's actually Lifeless, or if she's the Mistborn pretending to be Lifeless, and to be honest I keep going back and forth on which one I think she is so I've rather given up on guessing at this point.

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But why? 


You wouldn't believe me if I told you, sonny.  Back I my day when things cost 10 cents a gallon... (old man rant for about 10 minutes)...  We wasn't crazy like you folks and that's why we respected the decisions of our elders (in this case, me) and never talked back, no sir... (more old man rant for an hour) ... Eventually came to this beautiful cliff-side with a waterfall and everything... (old man rant continues for a few more hours) ... It really was the biggest raspberry I'd ever seem ... (even more old man rant for many hours) ... And that's why wolves don't have 10 legs.  What was it ye were askin' again? Everyone is asleep.. Oh, well...  what a shame.


EDIT: Really, though it's about timing.  I think we're more likely to get someone else off my hit-list this round.

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Round Nine: The Enviable Eight

Al Vron here folks, reporting from a near silent arena.  Everyone is breathlessly waiting for the action to erupt.  Figgldygraks return seems to have cowed the remaining contestants.

That Dow was on fire.  He lasted longer than anyone thought he would.  Of course now he really is on fire, literally.

Todd Smith has taken his own life rather than give the satisfaction of killing him to the mob.  A move that may well force everyone to question just who they are.

With just eight competitors remaining it shouldn’t be long until a champion is crowned.  Will there be just the one champion or shall a group emerge victorious?  Stay tuned for more action live from the arena.

Vote Tally:
Twelfth: 7

Dow (Dowanx) Epic
Todd Smith (twelfthrootoftwo) Cosmere

Edit:  Opps.  I goofed again.
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