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Suvudu Cage Match 2012


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I'd say that if Kylar went up against Rake he'd stand a fair chance, he's got the fans as well as a fair plausability of winning.

I dunno, i always though that brent weeks wasnt that big, fans wise. Though i could be wrong (i personally have never read his stuff).

If i had to put money on it, i would say that the finalist for the right side is likely to be granny weatherwax. She's always been a huge fan favorite, and Terry Prachett's disc world is VERY popular.

For left, i'm convinced it's either going to be Rake or Moraine, and i think that whichever of the two dominates there is likely going to be the overall victor.

[/Eero guessing]

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I don't know, Kylar got almost 1000 more votes last round than granny weatherwax. I think that he'll probably win that side. Just going off of actual abilities I think he pretty much has to take the prize, immortality, invincibility and invisibility are a hard combination to beat. He has a decent fan base as well, or at least he's been getting similar amounts of votes as the others

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I don't know, Kylar got almost 1000 more votes last round than granny weatherwax. I think that he'll probably win that side. Just going off of actual abilities I think he pretty much has to take the prize, immortality, invincibility and invisibility are a hard combination to beat. He has a decent fan base as well, or at least he's been getting similar amounts of votes as the others

well, if we go PURELY off of votes in the last round, zaphod and rake got well over double of Kylar :P

And from a powers perspective, we all know this is just a popularity contest, and will play out as such :P

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Yeah well, Zaphod was in a really really close race. As in 10 minutes before the end there was 9,960 votes. By the end there was 10,238. Pretty sure an hour before there was only like 8000ish votes.

Yeah, i was watching it throughout the day earlier. It shot up hard in the last couple of hours, and shifted hands a few times.

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Well, i'm pretty sure that if Moraine/Kel doesn't beat Rake (i'm like 99% sure Moraine will beat Kel, so most likely Moraine), then i'm fairly sure Rake is probably going to win it. I don't think anyone on the other side of the brackets has the fan power to stand up to him....

I wouldn't underestimate Granny.

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I don't know if anyone has read Brandon't Tweets this morning, but he revealed that his write-up of M and K's fight is more tongue and cheek and contains many in-world jokes. The best part is that there's going to be spoilers for both series!!!! :D

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One of the things that may help Kelsier is that he could disarm Morianne of her tools (angreal, terangael, etc(not sure exactly which ones she has on her but I do remember a metal charm she wears)) so that would help him remove some of her power but he would really have struggles fighting her since he can't sense her actions using atium. So only option in my opinion is to throw her off emotionally but I sense that would be extremely difficult.

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Kelsier could also, you know, kill her. Aes Sedai die like anyone else when a metal object is shoved through their bodies at high speed, something that is responsible for quite a number of arrow-related fatalities or severe wounds throughout the series.

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Kelsier could also, you know, kill her. Aes Sedai die like anyone else when a metal object is shoved through their bodies at high speed, something that is responsible for quite a number of arrow-related fatalities or severe wounds throughout the series.

It's not that easy to kill and Aes Sedai. Shields, flows of Air... there are thousands of applications of the power that can prevent them from getting hit. And once Kelsier tries to kill her, she has free reign to kill him.

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It's not that easy to kill and Aes Sedai. Shields, flows of Air... there are thousands of applications of the power that can prevent them from getting hit. And once Kelsier tries to kill her, she has free reign to kill him.

^ This ^

For all the tricks and skill required to use allomancy to make it a deadly killing machine, the one power just has so much more innately built into it, that it can, when used by someone effectively, trump basically anything an allomancer can throw at them. As i've been saying, it's a question of scope. The one power can basically deal with anything an allomancer can pull off simply because the limit of what it can do is so ill defined.

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^ This ^

For all the tricks and skill required to use allomancy to make it a deadly killing machine, the one power just has so much more innately built into it, that it can, when used by someone effectively, trump basically anything an allomancer can throw at them. As i've been saying, it's a question of scope. The one power can basically deal with anything an allomancer can pull off simply because the limit of what it can do is so ill defined.

I wouldn't say it's ill-defined, just open. The One Power is honestly my favorite type of magic system - firm rules, but with enough openness that there is still discovery of what can be done, and the characters don't know everything.

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Moraine wears a metal ring at all times, which means she won't exactly have much time to react. As most Aes Sedai deaths, and there are quite a lot, demonstrate, the vast number of things the One Power can do is completely meaningless if you get killed before you actually do them.

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I wouldn't say it's ill-defined, just open. The One Power is honestly my favorite type of magic system - firm rules, but with enough openness that there is still discovery of what can be done, and the characters don't know everything.

I meant "ill-defined" as in it's very open in what can do, not in any bad sense. It probably was a poor choice of words, though :P

Moraine wears a metal ring at all times, which means she won't exactly have much time to react. As most Aes Sedai deaths, and there are quite a lot, demonstrate, the vast number of things the One Power can do is completely meaningless if you get killed before you actually do them.

Right, but the one power is basically as instant as thought, so she doesn't NEED a lot of time to react. Barring some sort of unfair circumstances (Kel gets a the drop on her and can attack from complete stealth), she will be able to react to whatever he does with some sort of counter measure using the power.

Most Aes sedai deaths are either A) by user of the power who is more powerful, B) during some giant battle, in which case defending yourself from everything at all times is hard for anyone, or C) done from complete surprise/stealth (or poisoning or something). Head-to-head and one-on-one, a mundane person (one who can't wield the power) stands little to no chance in killing an Aes sedai.

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I'd say that the biggest advantage that Kelsier has is Rioting and Soothing. Using the One Power requires a specific mental state, and using it without violating the Oaths requires another mental state. Now, Moraine is very good at controlling herself, and Kelsier isn't as skilled with these metals as others, but if Moraine isn't prepared for emotion manipulation, she could easily find herself helpless.

I'd say Soothe her trust in saidin, and make her afraid to surrender herself to it. If Kelsier's successful, then Moraine is dead.

Alternatively, just shock Moraine with as many emotion changes as you can.

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I'd say that the biggest advantage that Kelsier has is Rioting and Soothing. Using the One Power requires a specific mental state, and using it without violating the Oaths requires another mental state. Now, Moraine is very good at controlling herself, and Kelsier isn't as skilled with these metals as others, but if Moraine isn't prepared for emotion manipulation, she could easily find herself helpless.

I'd say Soothe her trust in saidin, and make her afraid to surrender herself to it. If Kelsier's successful, then Moraine is dead.

Alternatively, just shock Moraine with as many emotion changes as you can.

I still contend that such a thing will be far more difficult than you think. Moraine has had decades of practice in controlling her emotions, and Kelsier isn't as skilled with emotional allomancy as he is with other forms. Moraine would feel a shift that didn't make sense, and would suspect her opponent of doing it.

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That would also require an intimate knowledge about how the one power works, something Kel doesn't have :P

Plus, as stated above, Aes sedai are masters of controlling their emotions. How this interacts with allomancy is anyone's guess.

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You rang?

Unless you declare, vehemently, that Malazan is the best series ever and that if you don't like it, you just "don't get it, and should go back to children's books", then I don't put you in that camp.

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