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Everything posted by SmurfAquamarineBodies

  1. Started playing D&D online. Am a level 2 paladin atm. Wanted to be a warforged but I got to pay for it.
  2. Determination ( and money ) is Batmans superpower.Though if I had to choose then it would be either double zinc or Allomantic pewter and Feruchemical tin.
  3. Who are the people? Are there any criminals? Doctors? If I didn't know any of that then I would choose based purely on who the most amusing was.
  4. I was debating with myself how to include Shardblades and I wasn't sure how to do it without breaking the game. One of my ideas was to have it so each level of an enchantment on a magical item would block a hit. So a +1 enchantment would block it once and a +2 would block it twice etc etc. But its so hard to incorporate them into a game they are so freaking powerful. Especially if they get it at a low level. A friend and I did a small battle with a couple of low level warriors that had Shardplate and a dead Shardblade each. We ended up winning easily every time. it wasn't until I added mature red dragon to the mix that fights became hard, and even then we still beat it. We were level 7 i think, he was a fighter and I was a wizard. I didn't even use spells I just swung at them.
  5. @Voidus. Do you know if an Allomancer Burning Atium can see a live Shardblade?
  6. Given almost unlimited supplies of fuel then Surgebinders win. Yes, Atium is amazing. But Stormlight makes a Surgebinding nigh immortal. Plus Shardblade that can shape change instantaneously and instakills. There is WoB somewhere that states that Burning enough Lerasium would essentially cause an ascension?
  7. So it has been an interesting couple of weeks for the west coast of little old NZ. First there was a couple of flat motel things that were set on fire, could have been a murder attempt ( which failed because the guy, who was the town creep, was out of town for the weekend ). If it was an attempted murder I just want to point out that the person who lit the fire was a complete idiot. The creep was the only person in the flat things so it wouldn't have been hard to look at the windows and see if he was home. *SMH* If this was an attempted murder I can see what Miles Hundred lives was talking about. Amateurs. Not saying I'm an expert because I have currently never killed anyone. But if I had to I would like to think that I would be better than that. Also today someone decided to hold a milk tanker up at gunpoint, which begs the question of 'why?' I mean what could he possibly get from a milk tanker? What a stupid waste of a crime. There was very little gain and enormous risks. So say he succeeds, cool he now has a milk tanker. But if the tanker doesn't return within 5 hours and no-one has heard from it then the authorities are alerted and a search is started. So the guy has 5 hours to hide a tanker and get away with around 40,000 litres of milk. *SMH* In conclusion the west coast is full of idiots.
  8. It wouldn't really matter if Spiking for Tin was non-lethal. If the Inquisitors were to use Mare for her Tin then she would be killed. They wouldn't let Mare live no matter where she would end up. They were effective because no one really knew how they were made. Letting someone who was used in the production of an Inquisitor live would be kinda stupid. Even if the person in question was unaware of what was happening they wouldn't risk it IMO.
  9. No,no.no. Just say 'I like what you did with your lounge, though blood red would be a better wall colour.'
  10. Ok. So at some point Scadrial is gonna be able to travel through space. Let's assume that a very rich Scadrian is going to arrive on Nalthis at some point. If the Scadrian was to acquire enough Breath to Awaken metal and train for a couple of years so that he was a very good Awakener. Would he be able to Awaken a computer? Would that make the computer a true AGI ( Artificial General Intelligence basically AI )? If it did work would it be stuck like Nightblood is or would it be able to change?
  11. I was meaning more him coming back later. Much later than Wax's time. Because apparently Kelsier and Hoid dislike each other. So if Kelsier came back during the space opera... Hero or villain?
  12. Yea. I laughed so hard when I read that. As a continuation of this discussion... We will assume that Kelsier can come back to life somehow ( possible or not is irrelevant ). Do you think he would be a hero or a villain? I personally think that he will come back as a villain. Not sure why just feels right to me.
  13. If a Copper Ferring where to store all of their memories into a Coppermind. Would they be like a baby and become a sponge for new information or would they become a simpleton, unable to retain information.
  14. Do we know if Hoid ever met Rashek or Alendi? Or did his ability to detect interesting times decide that that time was uninteresting?
  15. That was awesome. Dalinar ha always been a top tier character and now he has confirmed his place as my favourite Stormlght character. Charging through a fire to get to a fight... Now that is brutal.
  16. He was a criminal before he was made a Mistborn, though I suppose you could argue that he was a criminal because that was his only real option. So if he was born in Wax's time he would have been a criminal and if he had killed someone which he probably would have eventually, then Wax would have to imprison him. I doubt Kelsier would submit to being imprisoned so they would have fought.
  17. In Mistborn TFE he was the best person for the job but if he had been born in Wax's time then he would be a villain.
  18. I'm assuming that he means Harmony. Because having more than 1 system of Investiture grants a perk and now that Harmony has 2 Shards ( which are kinda just 2 different Investiture systems ), does that mean that Harmony gets a perk?
  19. I fail to see how working out to fit into clothes is a weird priority. Isn't that the whole spiel behind those workout infomercial things? It'll take you a few days to read it? It's because you have one of those evil sinful things people call a social life isn't it? Be careful of social lifes, they are the leading cause of death behind water and a healthy diet.
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