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Everything posted by SmurfAquamarineBodies

  1. Memorised? Lol nope. But then I could, when I was having trouble remembering, reveal it to a fellow sanderfan and bask in the Gloryspren that would appear. Not sure what else to get, perhaps a skyeel on my leg? Or Dalinar as a full Shardbearers on my upper arm?
  2. Mraise? Is a world hopper isn't he? Is it possible he would be able to sense a Spren? If he can sense it would he be able to contain/harm a Spren?
  3. Well if Harmony ever sees the need for more power, if Odium ever comes knocking, then he could reintroduce a Mistborn line. So I think Alomancy should still be fairly strong. If they ever need it.
  4. I would assume that the Bond they share with the Knight would mean that they couldn't act against the Knights 'Intent'. Edit: Rusted ninjas!
  5. I'm thinking that it uses Soulcasting for the material that makes it ( my bet Aluminum ), Progression for healing, Division for bringing it back together, Transportation for long distance healing as in when they leave the gauntlet behind, Tension for the strength, Lightweaving for the helm translucency, Abrasion for the extra grip the boots/gauntlets get and Cohesion so that it can change size/shape.
  6. True but the back is flatter so would look better I think.
  7. I have always assumed that it was a combined effort of all the orders, with one of the powerful Cultivation Spren helping. They seem to make use of several Surges so I don't think that one Order would be able to make it.
  8. Could it possibly be storing the adhesion or Gravitation Surge? What I mean by this is it's not storing anything that has a direct effect on the body but that has an effect on the space around the body. So yes they now weigh more/less but they aren't carrying the weight. This means that though when they land on things they crush it, because they aren't carrying the weight when they get hit they still act normal.
  9. Can't he ubalance his Intent by investing his different powers( Ruin and Preservation ). Thus allowing him to act.
  10. I still reckon that the Squires are the ones that make use of Cultivations Fabrial system. I'm thinking that the Surges granted by the Fabrials are not as powerful because they come from the Spren that cause/are attracted to the Surge, not from a Nahel bond Spren which is, I believe, more powerful.
  11. I was having the same problem with chrome as you signspace13, but now that I'm using firefox everything seems to be working.
  12. Don't dis the Almighty Magicarp and his awesome splash!
  13. It would be remarkably easy for him to get close enough to Jasnah, royal gardens are big secluded places. I really only accused him because it seemed as though through WoR he was being set up as a man who pretends to be honorable but is really quite disgusting, not helping Adolin in his duel is dispicable considering he is trying to be a Knight. It just seemed like that would be the icing on the cake and if the champion thing is correct he could be headed towards being Odiums champion,
  14. i have always thought that Jasnah was raped because her coping mechanism is the same as mine. Or she could have been molested as a little girl by Amaram but when she tried ti tell her father he disregarded what she said because Jasnah was a little girl and 'Amaram wouldn't do that' because he is honorable. then because her father didn't believe her, she turned off her emotions ( it's what i did ) and distanced herself from Amaram in as many ways she could e.g. she became a Heretic. ( pretty sure Amaram is religious? ) and travelled.
  15. I was thinking of putting either the Surgebinding table or the Metallic Arts table on my back when either of them are fully explained. As in I know what each symbol means and what the different powers do.
  16. What would happen if Nightblood Bonded with Szeth? If that is even possible, but I believe I read something that implied that it would be possible.
  17. My vote is that the trolls may grab the advantage in the beginning but the non-berserk Koloss will still be even with the trolls but as soon as they rage out they will dominate. Because the Koloss are somewhat skilled, so will be able to match them at the start and then when they get enraged they will be stronger and faster.
  18. There is a slight difference between Dalinar and Shallan. Dalinar is a Highprince and uncle to the king, he can do things that Shallan wouldn't dare do. I still maintain that Shallan is doing the right thing by forcing them to free themselves, it allows them to take control of their own fate.
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