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Everything posted by Herowannabe

  1. I would rank Dalinar and Jasnah a little lower on that list, because they are opposed to the voidbringers. But The Everstorm, Shattered Plains, Kholinar, and Vorinism all seem pretty likely so lets go ahead and make those official and see what happens.
  2. I’ve really been hoping that someone with the default profile picture would come along and spin an elaborate/amusing tale about why they chose to have a blue crystal with “17th” emblazoned across it as their profile pic.
  3. *cue a Nightblood quote about how you are terrible at being stealthy and you should just kill them all instead because they’re evil*
  4. Woo, got a bit of time with some WiFi! I agree with my teammates above, so I’ll go ahead and guess Patji Nightwatcher Ambition in that order.
  5. FYI I’m heading on a camping trip and probably won’t have service until Sunday sometime. It shouldn’t affect anything, but if the competition starts early then @Ashspren please slot me in for one of the later rounds. Thanks!
  6. Technically your team had one more guess if they wish to use it. If two or more of them pass then blue team can take their turn. Also, as a general heads up, I am heading out on a camping trip tomorrow. I don’t know if I’ll have service or not, but if I do I’ll check in from time to time. Either way, I’ll be back sometime Sunday.
  7. The countdown timer ended a while ago so it’s red team’s turn now.
  8. I think it should be allowed, though of course it’s @Ashspren’s call. It would certainly make the rap battle more interesting and entertaining, and isn’t that the point?
  9. @Ashspren one suggestion for next game (and future games): you should open up a few slots for people to sign up as pinch hitters- people to step in and take someone’s place if they find they can’t continue. As we saw during the first game that happens from time to time, and having a pinch hitter step in is more fun than an automatic forfeit.
  10. Lightsong was one of the characters I was considering doing. Best of luck to you!
  11. Thanks @Ashspren for running this! It was so much fun to follow! and congrats to @Zath on the win! I’d just like to point out that I called it before the competition even began. Now, to pick my character. This is tough. I have 3 that I’d really like to do, and even started writing some lines for one of them, but I think I’ll go ahead and call Stick before anyone else does.
  12. Really? Oh, I figured it out. I forgot set the link sharing access to be able to edit. Whoops. There you go, anybody should be able to view and edit it now with just the link.
  13. Well since nobody else seems to want to make the second guess, I’ll guess Beldre.
  14. FYI for anyone interested, they just sent me a PM in response to some questions I asked about the Stormlight expansion. So if you’re interested in the Kickstarter exclusive cards for the base game then you’ll probably want to hop on this campaign before it ends.
  15. Well we’re all agreed on marewill flowers so let’s make that guess. We have plenty of time so I’ll let one else make the next guess (assuming the flowers are right).
  16. Which is ironic, if you think about it. Maybe if we knew their true name we could summon them and make them start writing faster.
  17. It takes me straight to the Round 6 tab. Alright blue team, Catacendre 2... hmm... I see 4 possible names that could relate to the Catecendre. Demoux and Beldre both lived through the Catecendre, the marewill flowers were in the field after the Catecendre, and Innate lived years after the Catecendre. I’m not sure which of these are correct. Thoughts?
  18. Of course! Edited you into the player list (several hours ago, but it never posted this reply for some reason)
  19. It’s okay for there to be the occasional repeated codename, just so long as the grid as a whole is different. Even then, if we played the exact same grid twice in a row it wouldn’t matter too much because the key-cards are different every time.
  20. A few years back I made a bunch of Mistborn themed Valentines Day cards, and this was a picture I made for one of them. I took a picture of Frank Sinatra and traced and colored it, adding the eye spikes and tattoos. This was not long after I joined the Shard, so I made it my profile picture. I've considered changing it a couple times, but never have, mostly because its the profile picture that people recognize me by. On a few other sites I use this one: Partially because I like Snoopy and partially because little Woodstock there fits my username so well. If/when I ever do change my profile pic, it will probably be to the picture of me as a shardbearer that I ordered through the Kaladin soundtrack kickstarter:
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