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Everything posted by Herowannabe

  1. Whoops, I never made it back to this thread before the countdown ended and it looks like my teammates didn't either. So red team, you're up! @Kidpen
  2. My opponents' all set the bar high, but here's my rap. I may have gotten a bit carried away.... nah! Spoilered for length, but no major spoilers.
  3. The rest of her rap exists only in the cognitive realm. J/k, I'm seeing the same thing. I assume that she's working on fixing it... Working on my rap now, I hope to have it up soon.
  4. That's a better solution, but still flawed in that the Assassin really wants to see all of the cards in front of the players before making a decision. For example, as the Assassin, if you see that a lot of players have cards related to poisons in front of them, then you might want to pick a poison in front of you as your Method of Murder, because then it will be harder to pick you out of the crowd.
  5. Thanks for the feedback! Thanks, yeah that was a case of me knowing what I was talking about but it wasn’t very clear. I have edited that section and explained things a lot better. I also dropped the bit about putting tiles in any order- that was a poor attempt at emulating an aspect of the real life game, but it was just too confusing and not really necessary for forum use. This is how the RL version of the game does it so that’s how I wrote it for the forum version. That being said, it is different from what we’re used to, so I understand your concern. The limiting factor is that the Oracle cannot convey any information, directly or indirectly, to the Investigators other than by marking the Scene Tiles and by answering yes or no to Accusations. They’re not even allowed to comment on things. The Oracle is under just as much obligation to adhere to these rules as all players are under obligation to adhere to other rules, like following PM guidelines and not using 3rd-party code breaking software and etc. As for writeups, there isn’t as much of a need for them in this game as in regular SE games, but let’s face it, we’re going to include them because they’re fun. However, the Oracle would be under obligation to not reveal anything they shouldn’t (and I already have plans on how to do writeups/RP without giving anything away). This is the same as any other GM in any other game. As for dispute between parties, I’m trying to imagine what sorts of disputes might arise in a game like this and I’m drawing a blank, but even if there is something, couldn’t/shouldn’t the Impartial Mod fulfil the role of... moderating disputes... impartially...? (forgive the cheekiness, but it’s still a valid question). Lastly, if the Moderators decide we need to split the the GM and the Oracle into two separate roles we certainly could, but my major concern with that route is this: there isn’t really anything for the GM to do. Unlike regular SE games, there are no votes to count, no actions to log, no player deaths to take care of, etc. Even the writeups, such as they are, are going to be pretty limited because there’s not any behind the scenes activity to report on, just what’s happening in the thread. So like I said, if the IMs want to split the roles like that then I’ll roll with it because at this point I’m committed to seeing the game through, but I’mma be honest I would never run the game again after that. Being a GM without the added roles/responsibilities of being the Oracle sounds dreadfully dull. That would definitely NOT work. The Assassin picking their Key Evidence and Means of Murder is one of the most strategic and important aspects of the game. Replacing that with a randomizer would be a terrible idea. It would be the equivalent of taking away the Eliminators’ kill action in a normal SE game and replacing it with a random death each cycle.
  6. Thanks, I'll go ahead and tag the others just in case. @Aonar Faileas @Amanuensis @STINK @Elbereth
  7. Deception: Murder in the Cosmere rules are finished and awaiting review and approval. You can see all the Methods, Evidences, and Scene Tiles that will be used in the game here. The game will take about 1 week maximum, and can be as short as a couple of days if the Investigators get a lucky guess in early. Because of this, *If and only if* the game ends too soon, I would like to request permission from the Moderators to run this game back to back a second time (using all the same players that signed up for the game). I don't know how much time is normally allotted for Quick Fixes (which this game will be run as), so I will let the Moderators decide whether or not to allow back-to-back games and if so how much time they will be allotted. @little wilson @Orlok Tsubodai @Alvron @Seonid Also, other than the Moderators, I forget who all is part of the review committee (we should really have that info posted somewhere easy to find- I searched the stickied threads and couldn't find it), so if someone wanted to tag them for me that would be great. Thanks.
  8. @Ashspren: remind me please, how long do we have to post our raps? Also, we got a good batch this first round. This is going to be fun.
  9. Yes I assumed we were playing 8-ball. @Scion of the Mists @Rhapsody Would one of you like to take a stab at guessing the assassin?
  10. Well since we’re all agreed: Jasnah Nightwatcher
  11. Sister. Hmm... Jasnah is almost definitely one of them, since she ties in with voidbringers and sister. I don’t see any other sisters, but Vathi and the Nightwatcher are both female. Or well, the Nightwatcher is sort of female, so I guess I’m leaning towards Vathi...
  12. Given my involvement with the contest I don’t know if it would be appropriate for me to do it, but on the other hand they’re keeping it fairly casual, so maybe it will be okay. I’ll ask Crafty and see what they say.
  13. Don’t worry Kidpen, it happens to the best of us!
  14. I’ve been given the green light to run this game, and I’m at the top of the QF list so I’m going to try to get the rules formalized and ready to go so I can post sign ups in the next couple days. Thanks to @Drake Marshall and everyone else (I’m not sure who all helped, since it was all done anonymously in the google sheet, but thanks!) who helped put together the lists of murder methods and pieces of evidence. I have sorted through everything and filled out the lists where necessary and pruned and consolidated where necessary, and I’m pretty happy with where we stand, too. I also filled out all of the scene tiles and I’m happy with them, too. But if anyone wants to look things over and see if anything should be added or changed or deleted, feel free to do so here. The next step is to actually write out the rules and adapt them for forum use, and then to set up the spreadsheet and make it functional so we can randomize the “cards” and deal them to players.
  15. Yeah pretty much. However... I don’t see why this wouldn’t work. I’ll go ask Crafty, just to be sure, but yeah if you know a backer and can convinced them to submit designs on your behalf, that’s one way to get in.
  16. I don’t know I haven’t actually played around with it yet, other than to look at a few cards made by other people. Good luck! Speaking of which, in case anyone hasn’t seen it, Crafty made their announcement official- they’re doing a card creator contest to see who gets the Hoid promo cards left over from the release party. Unfortunately, it’s for backers only because of technical reasons. Details here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/craftygames/mistborn-house-war/posts/2264171#comments
  17. I’m just saying that if Kelsier were in charge of the Ghostbloods then it would all fit together. I know that Iyatil was born in silverlight, but that’s irrelevant. The revering of the Sovereign is tied to culture, not birthplace. Iyatil is southern Scadrian by heritage and by culture. I’m not saying it’s proof, but it is one more piece of evidence.
  18. Absolutely! @Cadmium Compounder Has the right of everything. You are welcome to join this round, even though it may be ending soon, and you will be part of the blue team ( @Kidpen take note). as for our guesses, let’s go with Dalinar and Jasnah.
  19. Ah yes, thank you. And where is @Rhapsody? I’d love to get her opinion on the last few guesses this round.
  20. Just stumbled across this thread. @The Harlem Worldhoppers I think you might be on to something here... By way of further evidence: one of the prominent members of the Ghostbloods is Iyatil, who presumably outranks Mraize. Iyatil is of Southern Scadrian lineage. And who is it that the Southern Scadrians revere and worship?
  21. Um... great minds think alike, I guess.
  22. for future reference, yes you are. Sweet. We have 3 more guesses we can make this round, if we want. I suspect that Vorinism may have been the other deity-related codename, so let's focus on the Voidbringers clue. I think Yeddaw's connection to voidbringers is pretty weak, so I'm leaning towards trying Dalinar and Jasnah. Thoughts? @Scion of the Mists @Rhapsody
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