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Awesomeness Summoned

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Everything posted by Awesomeness Summoned

  1. That happens sometimes and is a problem Chaos is aware of. If you refresh the page, it goes back to normal and shows that your post is displayed correctly.
  2. If I could upvote you more than once for that I would. Maybe i'll add some to your previous posts. It seems we should start patrolling our borders to make sure there is no creep manifesting anywhere.
  3. Try this: Edit: also, in the future, you can use THIS website if you need to shrink a picture and don't have a program to do it.
  4. Nope, I'm a big fan. Can never go wrong with James Spader and the role he plays on that show is perfect for him.
  5. [Pokedex Entry: 436] The King Swit is the evolved form of a regular swit. This version has brighter colors and more insulting songs. In addition, the King Swit develops a high sense of entitlement and the bones of its skull grow to resemble a crown. An Insult Stone is required for the evolution to be successful. [/Pokedex Entry] Edit: Back in the Top Ten! Take that Windrunner! Edit 2: Who would like to bond with me and become a windrunner? Be forewarned, you must prove your worthiness.
  6. Neither of which works on an iPad I was just kidding though. Don't avoid white text on my account because it does add some fun to posts. It's not your fault iPads aren't designed well for reading white text... Or that I choose to use my iPad to check the forum as much as I do my computer.
  7. Really? Is this quite necessary? I'd prefer to not copy posts to notepad to read them
  8. Caring for horses? Not so much. Surviving attacks though... Awes was happy the Wit currently wasn't paying attention to the proceedings. If he were, Awes would be getting an earful after that mistake. In his defense, it was a large room and Pailan had been far away. Plus, whoever heard of a respectable lighteye woman being a stablemaster? How do you train a horse with one hand? Regardless, Awes felt the fool. He'd already made a blunder on his first attempt to contribute. "My apologies Brightness. I... The room... You were far away... and the stablemaster's uniform isn't exactly flattering to a woman's figure. It was my mistake though and I humbly retract any suspicious I directed your way. Perhaps we can trade tips sometime on how best to care for our respective charges?" With that, Awes quickly retreated back to his corner of the room. He was far too embarrassed to voice anymore suspicions. glad to see that with sphinx's post it looks like everyone is active in the game so far. Hopefully that holds till the end.(though I definitely wouldn't hold it against someone if real life interferes since that is more important than a game)
  9. Blasphemy! Leave this site at once!Joking aside, there are lots of Rothfuss fans on here (myself included). There is a thread discussing the Kingkiller books here: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/412-kingkiller-chronicle/?p=6343 Welcome to the community pancakes!
  10. I'm not gonna lie, that is actually a pretty kick 'A' action figure. Someone really needs to write a 'Murican Eagle comic
  11. And possibly painted a big target on poor Jost's back if you do turn out to be GB since there is no other way you could logically trust someone enough at this point to make them your heir. Though, I don't really think you are GB, just new to the game. A move like that is a bit reckless for them to attempt this early on. Edit: color
  12. Panda, if your browser doesn't let you change the font color with buttons, you can always use tags (like I'm doing now on my iPad). I have copied the three you'd need for this game below. Just remember to remove the asterisks from them to make them work Blue Text Here[/color*] Red Text Here[/color*] Green Text Here[/color*] In addition, you can stylize the text further with these: [i*]Italicized text here[/i*] [b*]Bold text here[/b*] [u*]Underlined text here[/u*] Again, those will only work if you remove all the asterisks
  13. I've come to dislike the idea of players coasting to the end by seeming to be inactive so until Pailan makes some kind of appearance, that's where my vote will go. It seemed the baseless accusations had now progressed into actual threats. These storm blasted brightlords were actually discussing lynching somebody. What madness had Awes been drawn into? It sounded like one of them was even volunteering himself for the sacrifice and a few were willing to take him up on that offer. This wasn't at all how he'd imagined these delegations proceeding but, as the old saying went, When in Alethkar.... "Being a Ryshadium handler myself, I find that other stablemaster's bearing over there to be rather suspicious. Therefore, I say the man called Pailan is likely one of the assassins." After hearing the words come out of his mouth, Awes found them to be far less impressive than he was hoping. He quickly retreated back to his corner, regretting that he'd spoken up at all. Perhaps I should have just followed fnorf's lead?
  14. I debated between a flag and an explosion for the one I made but ultimately thought the explosion worked better for the black and white Norris I had already chosen. Edit: though I think the atk: infinite def: infinite is more accurate on mine
  15. Swimmingly is a Wit Killer? I'd like to see him try.
  16. Yes, they are all pretty clever, but swimming-Lee is by far the funniest.
  17. But just to be clear, there is no UberTin right?
  18. Loved the idea so much Tempus that I had to make one for myself. The design isn't completely ideal for shrinking to icon size but it was the best idea I could come up with. Chaos, you could always just use a picture of butters' alternate ego
  19. This same discussion comes up every game on the first day. While I don't think we should definitely lynch someone today, I also think its a waste of a day if we just decide to wait until after tonight to do anything productive. There is plenty of time to retract votes, switch to no vote, or tie the votes (like the first day in the 4th game) if we decide no one is suspicious enough to get lynched. In the meantime, we should still voice suspicions and maybe even throw a few votes out there. Yes, that does leave some risk that an innocent will die today but it's worth gaining some leads to go on for our night actions. If nothing else, voting for a few people who haven't posted at all yet, might encourage them to make a contribution. If they end up being inactive, I don't mind if they accidentally get lynched because inactives just add extra confusion when trying to identify the GB. Not sure I'd agree. Information is the key to this game and a big part of that is comparing what people say they are doing to what they are actually doing. PM's are the best way to accomplish that. With a limited number of people who can organize PM's I feel like it's important to start building networks early. We'd be half way through the game if people waited to start pm's with people who they had absolute trust in. I actually find it a little suspicious that you would be encouraging people not to start private discussions. If a GB makes it into one, yes they can cause some chaos so there is that risk. On the flip side, though, the GB's job is much easier when everything is discussed in public since they have their own private doc to coordinate in.
  20. Just for proving me right, I won't vote for you
  21. That's gotta be up there on the list of most frustrating FWP's (First World Problems).
  22. If you're going to use that reasoning for voting for someone, I'm not sure why you wouldn't have included Wurum. He posted one minute before Maili announced the roles had been sent out. It likely took Maili an hour or so to get all those PM's sent out. I would guess Wurum already had his role when he posted as well and that would make his the first post after roles were released. Edit: Hm, on second thought there was only about 20 minutes between the write up and the post about roles being released so didn't take that long to send them. Questionable then on if Wurum was just posting after the writeup or if he had his role yet.
  23. No, they just have a really good excuse to get girls to do their homework for them.... and pray for oral exams.
  24. Awes had no idea what he was supposed to be doing here. Years of following the commands of brightlords told him to just agree with everything men like Tion were saying but he didn’t think that would best be serving Sebarial’s interests. Besides, just because they were of higher dahn than Awes, that didn’t mean they were automatically above reproach. Anyone here could have been part of the conspiracy. Awes was relieved upon arriving at the gathering when he actually recognized a few faces from Sebarial’s own camps. He wasn’t completely alone. If he was going to trust someone, at least it would be one of his own people. For now, he would avoid the Shin. Not because he was Shin, but because something about the man just seemed off. Perhaps it was that strange animal figurine he was always carrying around and stroking? It didn’t look like something that would survive an encounter with a chull, much less a whitespine. Definitely not the kind of beast Awes would look to for inspiration but he’d heard the wildlife was strange in Shinovar. Awes instead sidled through the crowd over to the sergeant, he believed he recalled the man’s name was Ffnorf. As Awes drew near, the sergeant noticed his presence and gave him an obligatory nod. “Good to see a familiar face here. How’s the wine?” Ffnorf gave a non committal shrug then went back to surveying the crowd. He didn’t seem to be any more excited about being here than Awes himself was. It wasn’t the most promising starts to a partnership but he decided to forge ahead anyway. “So, you got any ideas about who could have done it?” Edit: Spelling
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