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Everything posted by Podman

  1. Nice! Anyway, you know you're a Sanderfan when you start making tons of Sanderson related jokes. Regardless of whether the people around you will get them or not. On an unrelated note, how do I get started on SE? I have an irrational (or rational, never know) fear of actually asking at the SE sub-forum.
  2. That's cool. Have you checked out the musician jokes topic? It's awesome.
  3. I don't know. According to this, I might say that Susebron was still a bachelor for a while after Siri arrived, seeing as how he didn't have a say in the treaty or anything. He never desired Vivenna, so she isn't married.
  4. Wait, so... but then... that means... whoah. Whoah. OOKLA HAPPINESS NOW.
  5. Stardew Valley. Not even through my first year, but I love it. A touch of Rocket League. The occasional Super Mario Odyssey or BotW.
  6. I know! I never find WiFi with good enough Connection!
  7. Ookla! I left my signature intact. I changed everything else. Excited for my first Ookla time on the Shard! 

    For the record, I was podman36.

  8. Yeah. He did. I read it as him making it easier to bond the spren.
  9. I think you mean this: I pollsanolly love polls.
  10. @Kingsdaughter613 Probably none of my business, but from what I’ve seen in this thread, I would say give up. It’s not worth the effort to keep arguing this, it’s going nowhere.
  11. Spoilers for length. When Syl got a new hat. Syl. I love you. And Pattern. Just... Pattern. And finally, Shallan. She's insane, but you gotta love'er! Oh, Shallan... what are we going to do with you? Anyway. Long version. Short version. (Just the punchline.)
  12. Man, now I'm wishing I thought of this earlier. I could've asked Brandon at the release. I can imagine it now... Me: So... what's poop? Brandon: Poop? Me: Poop. Brandon: I don't think I understand... Me: Realmatically, what is poop. Brandon: Oh, that question. Well, ****. I will now run away before you all kill me.
  13. I would still put an Oathbringer spoiler tag in the front of your title, just in case. Don't want to get in trouble with @Chaos, am I right? Aside from that, I think this is an awesome idea. It makes sense to me (not that I really know that much). The real question now is this: According to Realmatic Theory, what is poop?
  14. I love your username!

    1. sword_nimi


      Thank you! I’m a long time lurker on 17th shard, but couldn’t resist snagging this as a user name once I read OB 

  15. Holy crap. I just finished last night (well, morning, sue me), and just... wow.
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