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About Omniforce

  • Birthday 12/09/1998

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  • Member Title
    Bleak Ranger
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  • Location
    Alola Region
  • Interests
    Anime, Video Games, anything by Brandon Sanderson

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  1. I know that it's become a pretty popular theory recently that Shallan's mother was one of the Heralds. While I'm still on the fence with it a thought occurred that might add weight to the theory. It's known that changes to the spiritweb can be inheritable. I'll try to comeback later with references, but I remember reading a WoB that states that Inquisitors could have children and the Hemalurgy could cause weird things to happen to their kids. Alongside that, the Lighteyes on Roshar are inherited traits from Radiants who's eye colors were changed by their nahel bonds. I wonder if the same applies to Heralds. If they can still have children, then would the damage to their spiritwebs (like what is described with Nale) also be inheritable? The Davar family has a lot of reasons to be pretty messed up. Growing up with such an abusive father, and in Shallan's case killing both parents, could certainly cause severe trauma to almost any child. However, if their Mother was a Herald, with her soul worn down by millenia of trauma and whatever affliction Heralds and other cognitive shadows get, could she have passed that down? More importantly would that contribute to just how badly her children are dealing with their trauma. If trauma manifest as damage on a normal person's spiritweb in the Cosmere, what happens if someone is born with a partially weakened one to start?
  2. According to the Coppermind, Harmonium reacts with water like a "super-cesium" and forms Harmonium oxide. My question is since a large amount of Harmonium underwent that chemical process in the basin, how much of it will end up in the drinking water? And what will it's effects be. If any amount of it is in the drinking water, then when ingested it's possible that stomach acid could breakdown the oxide, leaving free Harmonium in the system, and in such small amounts it won't be immediately dangerous. Considering that according WoB anyone can burn God metals, and it's been shown to happen unconsciously in both Elend and Wax's case with lerasium, what happens if people in the Basin start burning Harmonium?
  3. I know what you're talking about, but I'm thinking about how the metals and their effects might relate to the shardic intents, trying to find if there is some sort of common pattern between them. I know that shard's intents don't have a huge affect on what their systems can do, but Leras had a lot of power over allomancy. Maybe it isn't just there being 16 metals that is important. Maybe he designed the system to fit the same pattern that the shards follow. At this point it's mostly conjecture, and maybe the premise is flawed, but you never make progress without going down a few wrong paths. As for your comment RShara, I know it isn't a perfect 1-to-1. It's less about saying shard=metal, but more about finding a common pattern between the two, if there is one. And in all honest, it's entirely possible that we wouldn't be able to make the right connections at this point. We know so little about the shards after all.
  4. Key words, not all. Ruin and Preservation are opposed, with Cultivation making it a trio. I know what you mean though. I'm just trying to make connections. It should be noted that pushing and pulling aren't the only classifications that matter in this. The 4 quadrants and external and internal classifications also play a part I would bet. I just can't figure it out yet. Any number of metals could in my mind. Steel or Iron for the ability to manipulate external objects (Autonomy seems to be very active). Duralumin fits most in my head though. An ability that increase it's users other abilities to unimaginable heights, allowing them to single-handedly accomplish feats that not even larges group working together could...sounds like something any autonomous person would want.
  5. I'm a bit late to this party, but I'd like to put in my 2 cents on the subject of the human to stone problem. I think there is a very simple explanation. With the windbreak, the ardents wanted it to be dense, so the air compressed and changed. With the boulder, gas naturally wanted to expand. With the human statue, Jasnah just wanted him to turn to stone. You guys keep focusing on the density, but if when she changed the guy to stone all of the atoms converted, it's entirely possible they kept the same or similar configuration. Maybe it did shrink a little because of the mass to energy to mass conversion, but if the atoms stayed spread out, then conversion of mass is kept while still having the statue be roughly the same size. Of course this would bring up the problem of the crystal being weak and cloudy probably. Eh, just some food for thought
  6. I think it's the other way around. Wayne is very self aware. He knows who he is, he recognizes the the things he's done, and the mistakes he's made. He does have the blue-orange morality thing going on, so I can understand where your coming from.
  7. Oh boy, don't even get me started on Wayne as a lightweaver. It would just be too perfect. Shallan would be out of the job
  8. I was just reading through Leyrann's theory on how the surges relate to the shards and their Intents. One of his arguments about Odium and Devotion got me to thinking. He argues that Odium pushes emotions to extremes, often leading to negative consequences, while Devotion has a more calming and soothing effect. You guys can see where I'm going here. According to WoB, there is a pattern to both the shards and the metallic arts. While the connection between the shards and metals might not all be as clear cut as Odium=Rioting and Devotion=Soothing, I'm sure we can figure out the rest. So far the only other connection I've made is with Cadmium, Bendalloy, and a slightly shaky one with Nicrosil. Cadmium, with it's time slowing effect, would slow down the entropic decay of those inside the bubble. This fits quite well with Preservation. On the other hand, Bendalloy speeds up the entropic decay of those inside the bubble. This fits Ruin. Nicrosil enhances the allomantic abilities of others. This could fit with Endowment her granting power to others. That's all I can think of for right now. Of course most of this totally off the cuff, so feel free to disagree. And if you can make any other connections please do share. In Summary; Odium=Zinc, Devotion=Brass, Preservation=Cadmium, Ruin=Bendalloy, and Endowment=Nicrosil
  9. A fullborn could heal any damage done to their body by gas exchange. Also I'd imagine that they could burn pewter and reinforce their body.
  10. Yeah, you're right. I was just thinking of how nightblood doesn't actively kill good people on his own.
  11. Don't worry about it. The reason we don't know about Nakomi is that the original author of WoT specifically wanted the series to be open ended. He never intended to explain everything, he left it up to the fans to figure it out for themselves. Your original idea is still mostly right. We might not get every answer, but we'll certainly get enough to figure out the rest.
  12. Nightblood doesn't hurt people who are pure of heart right? If anyone is pure of heart, wouldn't it be Link. Honestly though, wasn't really thinking about a fight between the two, just how they compared.
  13. This just popped into my head randomly. Both are swords made with the distinct purpose of destroying evil, both are sentient, and let's be honest, they both annoy the crap out of their wielders. What do you guys think. How do you think they'd matchup?
  14. I'm trying to write a novel, but I'm having a lot of problems when it comes to descriptions and such. I got the idea to try and just write the first draft like a screenplay and mostly focus on dialogue, but inserting basic descriptions of scenes that I can elaborate on when I feel like I've got the story sorted out. Anyone else do it this way, or have any feedback on the idea.
  15. In the case of revering stone, it's theorized this may have something to do with the mountains that stop the highstorms from affecting them. Personally though, I think that in the past they had strong connections to the Knights Radiant and the Heralds. Nale mentions to Szeth that the Shin worshiped the Heralds as gods. Not to mention the fact that the majority of the honorblades are held by the Shin. Their current beliefs reflect this; their reverence for stormlight and spren could stem from the respect towards the heralds and radiants.
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