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Posts posted by Haelbarde

  1. I feel invisible, like no one is reading the last few posts I've made here... :/


    Fine, I'll take matters into my own hands and put the votes back on track with my own turn.


      8 Metronome
    10 Soulcaster
      9 Bone
      8 Savannah 
      5 Brighthead
    17 Inhuman
      9 Deathskull 
    12 Substance


    If you think it looks oddly different to the previous version, check the last couple posts I made in this thread.

  2. Though I get the impression how much work depends on the game. If your game doesn't make use of PM groups or google docs, and if it only requires a small number of action PM's, it will have a lot less work to run than a game that does. But there are usually spectators (and at least one mod who won't be playing) who can offer advice. You can also get someone to co-GM stuff, so they can help share the load.

  3. 10 Metronome

    10 Soulcaster

      9 Bone

      9 Savannah 

      4 Brighthead

    18 Inhuman

      9 Deathskull 

    11 Substance

    There has seemingly been some confusion with the votes over the last few people. I edited Winter's list to correct it as much as is possible. I have ignored Blackhoof's post, as he voted for an already dead Epic. Winter's mostly reflected Phattemers, except it looked like she took 3 of Substance, not 2, and she listed Brighthead has having 8 health, not 4. Also, I added Savannah back in, who got dropped near the start of the previous page somehow.

  4. Metronome 12

    Soulcaster 10

    Bone 10

    Savannah 9

    Brighthead 10

    Inhuman 11

    Deathskull 11

    Moldbreaker 7

    Substance 11 



    Mouldbreaker can pay for threatening Lady Deathskull! And Savannah can pay for being rude to her in the bar :P




    that power confuses me, time is an illusion and completely a relative and arbitrary human construct :P

    I fear you copied a previous point in the game. I slew Moldbreaker half a dozen posts ago.


    EDIT: Though it was useful, because Savannah got dropped from the list at the top of the page, somehow. I edited my previous post to add them back in.

  5. We aren't sure yet, but a few ideas have been tossed around. Whatever happens, it will almost certainly involve ponies.  :P

    So 'Epics of Equestria'/'What happened in Equestria' with a whole bunch of numbered equestion threads?

  6. I'm not afraid of the ground.  The ground is my friend.  When it is close, my equilibrium is normal.  Things only get wonky when it gets far away.

    Very true (and I'll just not that I am really not at all fond of heights. Standing too near the hand rail of a lookout that's high up makes me super anxious). The issue is the ground is no longer a friend when you're at height. 

  7. Haelberde, leftinspace, dowanx, could all of you vote for Neo please?

    I am Train. Train want to SMASH puny humans, but can't. Can only kill everyone by smashing into things, but tracks won't let me.



    I just want to be super clear. I am a spectator. This was a once off post, meant to be an amusing response. 

  8. 10 Introduce yourself!

    10 17th Shard Discussion

      9 Tech Support                                  

      9 The Coppermind Wiki

    10 General Brandon Discussion

    10 Events and Signings

    10 Interview Database

    10 Cosmere Theories

    10 Stormlight Archive

    10 Mistborn

    10 Elantris and Emperor's Soul

    10 Warbreaker

    10 Cosmere Short Stories

    10 The Reckoners                      (includes both Firefight and Calamity boards)

    10 The Rithmatist

    10 Alcatraz

    10 Other Stories                          (includes Skin Deep board)

    10 The Wheel of Time 

    10 Writing Excuses

    10 Reading Excuses

     8 TWG Archive

    10 General Discussion

    10 AMAs

    10 Entertainment Discussion

    10 Tech Discussion

    10 Creator's Corner

    10 Role Playing

    10 Mistborn: The Inquisition

    12 Sanderson Elimination

      7 Reckoners RPG

    10 Social Groups, Clans, and Guilds

  9. 10 Introduce yourself!

    10 17th Shard Discussion

    10 Tech Support

      9 The Coppermind Wiki

    10 General Brandon Discussion

    10 Events and Signings

    10 Interview Database

    10 Cosmere Theories

    10 Stormlight Archive

    11 Mistborn

    10 Elantris and Emperor's Soul

    10 Warbreaker

    10 Cosmere Short Stories

    10 The Reckoners                      (includes both Firefight and Calamity boards)

    10 The Rithmatist

    10 Alcatraz

    10 Other Stories                          (includes Skin Deep board)

    10 The Wheel of Time 

    10 Writing Excuses

    10 Reading Excuses

    10 TWG Archive

    10 General Discussion

      8 AMAs

    10 Entertainment Discussion

    10 Tech Discussion

    10 Creator's Corner

    10 Role Playing

    10 Mistborn: The Inquisition

    11 Sanderson Elimination

      8 Reckoners RPG

    10 Social Groups, Clans, and Guilds


    Yup, I did just do that.

  10. @ Haelbarde


    I was thinking vector. But either could work. You could split the circle (line of warding) into segements and give them it's own HP like you suggest, but i'll be honest and say I'm not exactly sure on how to code that. If you know how to code it, them that is indeed the best method of doing it.


    Premade circles would be by far the easiest, and lets be honest, who here can draw a perfect circle on an iPad?


    Personally, i'd use GameMaker as I find it the most accessible and offers the best network of support (when I inevitably run into trouble). Plus you can create character models in 3ds max and import them, so you are not tied to 2d graphics, just limited. But for a Rithmatist game, you wouldn't need much 3d.



    I should be working on my book but i'm tempted to boot up my old software and give this idea a go.

    I might also give it a try (see if I can get that line division thing working), but I've got exams over the next fortnight, so it wouldn't be till afterwards I'd have time.

    If we were potentially to collaborate on something, what version of game maker do you have?

  11. I... don't.


    Should I start getting my stream of apologies ready?

    Naw, that's okay. Just thought I'd throw you a hard question.


    (We chatted about the favoured weapons on the ninja, and then what magic system would best suit a archer. Then autocorrect and the Catquidition)


    EDIT: To be fair, this event happened 16 months ago. (I still have the PM - haven't had enough to need to delete stuff. Also, I hoard things...)

  12. Honestly, it took me a second to notice the difference, but I'd say the one on the right.

    My sister agreed with you that that was the better, but suggested I move the right eye another pixel over (to make it symmetrical), so have a third variant: XD-2p.png.

    If you wanted to use these, you could copy the link, and use when you post (or you could save the file, then attach it to a post, then it'd appear under 'My Media' as an attachment). Otherwise, I'll try convince Chaos to add these for everyone.

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