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Posts posted by Haelbarde

  1. What about suspicions from within Heritage?


    So far as I can tell, Seonid has at least partially cleared Dowanx and Zephrer. At least, you seemed to imply they could be trusted. Am I right?


    This leaves Phattemer and Alvron as the Discovery members of Heritage. How does this sound to the people in Heritage?

    Hmm.. Sound fairly reasonable. Not convinced though...

  2. Discovery doc :P Edit 2: you keep using 'we'. I do not think that word means what you think it means.


    look guys!! I'm an arbiter now  :D


    Edit: oh yeah, my scans.

    Cycle 1: Joe. Result: Moderation

    Cycle 2: Seonid. Result: Discovery

    Cycle 3: Araris. Result: none (roleblocked I guess)

    Cycle 4: Araris. Result: Glory

    So, what do you think it means. It means my Moderation Faction friends to me.

  3. As for what would happen if someone were to prove they were Brandon. This could go one of two ways, I think. Or possibly both ways. He'd either not die in the next couple hundred games, as Ren suggests, or he'd become a prime target to the troll players because they think it would be hilarious to poke the author and see what happens. 

    You think people wouldn't troll him to death in hopes of getting murdered in one of his books?

  4. Wow, a lot of posts I feel the need to respond to :/


    Haha, I will confirm what Eowyn said.  Hael and Clanky are no longer a part of our doc.  I sent a kill order on him last cycle, so I am assuming that he has one life left.  Would everyone like him or Clanky to be the target of our lynch this round?  

    Looks like I roleblocked the right person...do you still suspect me, Bort?

    Btw, Haelbarde and Clanky are NOT in the Moderation Doc, and I believe that Neo and another player can confirm that.

    Edit: I would prefer to be bribed rather than obliterated...just sayin'

    Seriously, both of you too? Notice they don't deny that everyone else is there, and I listed them all before the player confirmed they'd gone. Are you guys implying I just guessed the player list. Current working theory is that bribing Eowyn, and previouly Kipper, was a mistake. Obviously Moderation has a critical mass of Discovery, enough that they feel they can get the rest (or at least one) of us lynched :/


    My lynch vote is for Hael  :)  The more discoverers we can get rid of the better!  

    Really, your vote should be on Bort. You guys do realize that the side which has the last kill action is going to win this, right? That means Heritage and Glory, you guys should spend some time considering what you're going to do when the other side decides to take out your Striker or faction role while you're doing the whole 'kill Discovery' thing. 


    "Haha, nice try, Hael.

    I'm willing to share my scans, but I don't want to just because a Disco asked me to. I'm almost certain there's no harm in sharing them, but I do want to double check with everyone else first."

    No, in all seriousness (if I'm discovery or no), if you're Svordish, and you presumably have a good reason to believe that, then your scans are genuninely useless. In which case, I'm actually just curious to see what people scanned.


    Long Live Moderation!!!!!!!

    Amen to this!


    In the interests of not giving Kas an excuse to provide Discovery with a kill ability, how about we all murderize Moderation? :P


    Seriously, though, even if Kas wasn't against the idea, Moderation is suffering because of the alliance. Everyone, literally everyone, is targeting them. Moderation is getting every Arbiter, Striker and Bribe apart from exposed Discovery members.

    Correction. Moderation is suffering awfully because people assumed there was an alliance, and then Glory made a big deal about it as an excuse to go all murdery on other factions.


    That... isn't what prompted Kas to make that post. THERE IS NOT AN ALLIANCE. If there was, we wouldn't have called out Hael.

    I can certainly confirm that is no way that there would be a Moderation-Discovery alliance.


    To reiterate one of the things I said, everyone needs to make sure that last kill action is theirs, or is dead. Having the last kill action in the game lets you start picking off your opponents when everyone else is forced to lynch. And if your faction is the biggest, has the kill action, and everyone else is just voting...


    Heritage, have you worked out Glory's Striker and Faction role yet? 



  5. Well I know Kipper wanted to have Bort roleblocked, so if he was targetting one of us, that might explain something. We also have a resealer, plus a Forger who has yet to use their essence mark. So there's two more potential protects. How many kills did you throw at moderation?


    Edit: Aww, come on Eowyn. You're really going to play it like that after I so nicely welcomed you to the Moderation doc? Seems to be quite the sudden change in play style there.


    Maybe any bonus diplomats we have might find it worth their time scanning Eowyn. Though I am curious, who did you scan, and as what, Eowyn?


    But this is me signing off. Need sleep D:

  6. Apologies but I'm probably never gonna join. I've kinda grown out of enjoying forum games and forums in general ish kinda.

    Awww... not even if it was a custom-designed shallowly-disguised Coppermind Recruitment advertisement?

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