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Posts posted by Haelbarde

  1. *shrugs* how would I know? :P

    I suspect staying awake thinking up stories isn't too uncommon, complicated algorithms.....more so.


    Regarding the conversation about left/right side of obstacles the left side seems the natural side to me. (I am right handed.) But I'd put that down to the fact that we drive on the left hand side in Australia so the left side is the natural side of any path/obstacle/situation to walk on to aid foot-traffic flow. Not everybody does, but quite a lot of people do.

    I forgot you're a fellow Australian.


    Would tend to agree with you on that left tendency based on driving. And I was more referring to the maths/computing problem solving as you lie in bed thing. 

  2. Personally, I find adding "Goat" to all of these quotes...makes them better! 


    "My fellow goats, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." - JFK


    "I am not a goat" - Richard Nixon


    "Sir, my concern is not whether Goat is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on Goat's side, for Goat is always right"

    - A. Lincoln


    "Four score and seven years ago our goats brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all goats are created equal" - A. Lincoln


    "I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be [a] goat" - Winston Churchill


    "One small step for [a] goat, one giant leap for goatkind" - Neil Armstrong


    [Edit: I'm not the first to do Neil Armstrong's. Should've read 'em all first! Props go to Haelbarde for doing this one first]


    But you beat me to the JFK one. I was intending on coming back to add that one. 


    (Edit: Though I was going to go with 'Ask not what your goat can do for you, ask what you can do for your goat.' ) 


    "I am Heavy Weapons Guy... and this is my goat. She weighs one hundred fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollar, custom-tool cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute. It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire the goat... for twelve seconds."

    "Some people think they can outsmart me. Maybe, [sniff] maybe. I've yet to meet one that can outsmart a goat."


    And credit for Burnt Spaghetti for coming up with this one:

    "Well done. Here are the test results: You are a horrible goat. I'm serious, that's what it says: "A horrible goat." We weren't even testing for that. Don't let that horrible-goat thing discourage you. It's just a data point. If it makes you feel any better, science has now validated your birth mother's decision to abandon you on a doorstep."

  3. Lord Edrab's father had worked hard throughout his life, to carve out a place in this new, and final, empire. Now it was his turn to continue to lead House Heatherlocke to greatness. He had worked hard so far, and had made progress, but now he needed to look to the future. There needed to be a future generation to pick up the flag.


    • Who? - Lord Heatherlocke

    • What? - Seeking an heir

    • Where? - His personal residence

    • When? - This is my 3rd Action for the Turn.

    • Why? - Lord Heatherlocke needs an heir to continue his line, and potenially to arrange beneficial alliances with the other Houses. The child will be named Casper if male, and Claudia if female.

  4.   9 17th Shard Discussion

      7 The Coppermind Wiki
    12 General Brandon Discussion
    11 Events and Signings
      0 Interview Database
    12 Cosmere Theories
    17 Stormlight Archive
    13 Mistborn
      8 Elantris and Emperor's Soul
    10 Warbreaker
      5 Cosmere Short Stories
    10 The Reckoners
    12 The Rithmatist
      8 Alcatraz
      5 The Wheel of Time
      9 Writing Excuses
    11 Reading Excuses
    11 General Discussion
    10 Entertainment Discussion
    10 Creator's Corner
    10 Role Playing
      5 Social Groups, Clans, and Guilds

    20 Mistborn: The Inquisition

    20 Sanderson Elimination

  5. "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for goatkind"


    "You've got a goat in me"


    "Don't goat. Don't even goat. Goat, and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't goat. Good luck."


    "Don't make a goat a promise, if you know you can't keep it."


    "You mind telling me what you're doing on that ship?"

    "Sir, finishing this goat."


    "Two things are infinite: the universe and goats: and I'm not sure about the universe."


    "The right goat in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world."


    "I can show you the goat. Shining, shimmering, splendid."


    "I use to be an adventurer like you, until I took a goat to the knee."


    "Hello. Would you like to goat someone today?"


    "Travel the galaxy, Meet facinating goats, and kill them."


    "The goat is a lie."


    "When life gives you goats, don't make goatade! Make life take the goats back! <snip>  I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down... with the goats! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible goat that burns your house down!"



    A piece of cake if you can name the origin of all those quotes.

  6. I have a single deferred exam remaining to complete my Bachelor's degree. It's a bachelor of Computer Science with a minor in games dev (because there wasn't a major in games dev available for my course :( ).


    It's been great, but honestly I'm quite happy to be finished and moving into the workforce (as an indie dev  :D ).

    Awesome, and sounds like fun! Programming is something I wish I could do more of at uni, but it's sorta hard 'cos while it's a fun hobby, it's not something I'd want to do as a job.


    So, is studying Physics (with a bit of maths) with Teaching.

  7. ...


    I sometimes type in time to a piece of music.


    I think humming is the human form of purring, and can make you feel better :)


    I don't listen to a ton of music, I generally prefer singing/playing/humming it myself.


    I've been known to stay awake for hours after going to bed thinking about algorithms (and game mechanics, stories etc but I think that's more normal).


    I have been known to harmonise with the fridge.

    You mean to say these things aren't normal?


    I can't so much do freaky things with my hands, but when I put my elbow behind my head, I can keep going so the top of my elbow is level with the opposite ear. I can also grasp my forearms when doing that (as in, left arm behind my head, right arm coming up my back)

  8. Yeah, seeing the collapsed buildings was like 'whaaaa... I don't remember these being there!', though that they were isn't suprising based on what we now know of the origins. I hadn't noticed any of it in the books (apart from Antrax, which is quite obvious). Thinking I might have to reread the books now. Been way too long since I read that first series. 

  9. Just getting my public action in before I forget to. Will hopefully add RP later. Need to work out how to go about.


    • Who? - Lord Heatherlocke is performing this action, in his capacity as House Lord.

    • What? - Investing money in local businesses 

    • Where? - Lansing City.

    • When? - Generation 2, Turn 1, Action 3 

    • Why? - To gain support in Lansing City, and reduce future development costs.


    Edit: Changed location from Austrex to Lansing City.

  10. I've heard it's quite good. I should see if I can borrow it from the library. Is it similar to Frozen?

    I believe its an inspiration for frozen, it has quite a different feel, though it still shares some of the major plot points (it'll be clear which from the first few paragraphs, I think).

  11. I don't know this for a fact, but I believe the original phrase (in old Hebrew?) is "six ages," not "six days." Then translation happened. 

    Yeah, the word translated day can be used to refer to an age, this is true. 


    The first place "six days" is used in reference to the creation is in Exodus 20:11. In Genesis 1, only talks about each day individually. The same word for day is used however. 


    Assuming that was trying to point out that it allows for each day to be an extended period of time. My response to that is that on 'day' 4 (Genesis 1:16-18), it says that the sun and moon are set to divide day from night. A day night cycle for us today is 24 hours. I don't think there is any reason to suggested that the length of the day would have changed in any meaningful way. The word day is the same word that could mean age. Implies that at least for days 4-7 are 24 hour days, and so then it'd suggest the first 3 days are too. 



    It is not my intention to start any argument, and so if people want to continue this particular discussion but feel it has the potential to get heated, feel free to PM me to continue the discussion.

  12. The problem with old-earth creationism is that it makes the Bible untrue. If you believe in evolution, that's fine. If you believe in creation, that's fine. But it can't be any kind of blending of the two. It has to be one or the other. There are several reasons why they can't coexist.


    It only has to be one or the other if you believe the words of Genesis to be literal and exact truth. Since there are significant portions of the Bible, and the teachings of Christ, that are not, i absolutely believe the two are not incompatible.


    Is presuming these were both in response to me.

    Old earth creation is not synonymous with theistic evolution. To be clear on what I mean by old-earth creation - that the earth (as in the rock floating in space) had already been there a very long time prior to the 6 days of creation, but at the point at which the 6 days began, it was basically a rock with a whole bunch of water and cloud cover with nothing at all living on it. So I believe in that there were 6 consecutive days (so a week) of creation, that transformed the earth and the solar system into a habitable planet and creating all life  as fully formed things. The only difference is if you say the earth was created moments before God started the 6 days of creation, or if the planet had been there for some extended period of time. 

    Why I said Gen 1 easily allows this comes from the first two verses. Take Gen 1:1 as the creation of the universe. At the start of verse 2, the earth exists in some matter. There is no time frame set for how long there is between the verse 1, and the second half of verse 2 (moving on the face of the waters).


    I would agree that you can't blend evolution into the creation story, but that's not what Old Earth Creation is, or at least not what I mean with it. 


    Might throw some thoughts on old-earth creation, creation of man, the angels, and fossils into a spoiler box:

    A reason why old-earth creation makes sense to me stems from the existence of the angels, and how God created man. God created mankind with freewill so that they could, out of that freewill, choose to love/serve him willingly. He wants willing servants, not robots who have been designed to serve. I would then ask the question, 'then how about the angels?' If we were created with freewill so we could choose to serve God, then why should it have been any different for the angels? Another angle you can consider is the concept of the knowledge of good and evil. I understand that in this way: using biblical definitions, good is obeying God, and evil is disobeying God. So gaining the knowledge of good and evil was gaining an understanding of the difference between obeying God, and disobeying him. The act of disobedience in eating of a tree he had commanded them not to gave them the experience of sin. The serpent, while a liar, tells us that the angels knew good and evil, and Eve doesn't deny that statement.


    To me, these two things support the idea that before the creation we see around us, there were prior creations, and it was the righteous from these previous creations that became what we know as angels.


    One last thought. If we say there were previous creations, then where were they? The universe is massive, so anywhere could do, but is there any reason why there couldn't have previously been creations on our planet? If we suggest that there were, then shouldn't we expect to see evidence of previous creations? Well, maybe we do. We have the fossil record. 


    Veering off for the moment. If the angels were the righteous of prior creations, and they then were involved in the six days of creation and then everything since, what do you think happens when this creation is finished (I believe in a 1000 year kingdom of God on the earth that will be ruled over by Jesus Christ, after which Christ returns the thrown to God, and there is no longer any mortality on the earth). Once everything is done with this world, would to be too out there to think that there could be another creation somewhere? Lets just assume that there will be, for a moment, and that you are involved. Your job is to help design an animal. My question would be this. In designing this animal, how likely is it that you will design it to be reminiscent of something you've seen before, but with a few changes. 


    So, it's built on a whole bunch of supposition, but at least in my understanding, it fits with how I understand creation, God, and his plan with mankind. It also affords me an explanation that is personally satisifying for the evidence used as 'proof' of evolution.

  13. Yes, I have many times. :D It's funny, especially when Grand Pabbie starts arguing with Elsa and Anna's parents :D

    I haven't read The Snow Queen but I really should.....I'll get to that some day.

    It's worth a read. It's quite a bittersweet story, and it was very strking for little me. I remember listening to an audio book version of the story. It stuck with me, 'cos unlike most story tales, had a lot of sadness in it. 

  14. Seeing it as been brought up a bit, addressing the religious among us, I'm curious about Old-Earth vs New-Earth Creation. The way I've viewed things is that Genesis 1 quite easily allows for an Old-Earth creation, along with things like the existence of angels almost seeming to necessitate an old-earth creation. AFAIK, my religion largely holds to Old-earth, as opposed to young-earth, but I was curious as to if other religions have hard opinions on that.

  15. Seeing as it's highly probably this will become public knowledge in the next hour, might as well come out with it...








    I'm part of the Reform Faction. Yup. This is now (and has truly always been) a five faction game. My objective was to see Kwai dead, Kwai using the identities of one of the players as a cover to sow mistrust and bring the empire down. My thing I got to do was scan for Kwai, as I need him dead to win. Finally found them, but too late, cos now I'm dying this round, and y'all think I'm discovery. So well done hiding, Pixie. 


    See y'all on the other side now. o/

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